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Academic year: 2023



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Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat untuk Memperoleh Gelar Sarjana Komputer pada

Program Studi Sistem Informasi


HANIFA HUZAIMA 11850320867






Tugas Akhir yang tidak diterbitkan ini terdaftar dan tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau adalah terbuka untuk umum, de- ngan ketentuan bahwa hak cipta ada pada peneliti. Referensi kepustakaan diperke- nankan dicatat, tetapi pengutipan atau ringkasan hanya dapat dilakukan atas izin peneliti dan harus dilakukan mengikuti kaedah dan kebiasaan ilmiah serta menye- butkan sumbernya.

Penggandaan atau penerbitan sebagian atau seluruh Tugas Akhir ini harus memperoleh izin tertulis dari Dekan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Is- lam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Perpustakaan dapat meminjamkan Tugas Akhir ini untuk anggotanya dengan mengisi nama, tanda peminjaman dan tanggal pinjam pada form peminjaman.




Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa dalam Tugas Akhir ini tidak terdapat karya yang pernah diajukan untuk memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan di suatu Perguru- an Tinggi, dan sepanjang pengetahuan saya juga tidak terdapat karya atau pendapat yang pernah ditulis atau diterbitkan oleh orang lain kecuali yang secara tertulis di- acu dalam naskah ini dan disebutkan di dalam daftar pustaka.

Pekanbaru, 11 Januari 2023 Yang membuat pernyataan,





Assalammu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil ’alamin segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah me- limpahkan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan laporan Tugas Akhir. Saya persembahkan Tugas Akhir saya ini kepada kedua orang tua saya yang paling saya cintai dunia dan akhirat. Ribuan terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada dua panutan hidup saya yang telah membesarkan saya dengan kasih sayang dan cinta sampai hidup saya saat ini. Kepada Ayahanda Chairul St. Rajo Endah yang telah membesarkan, melindungi, dan memberikan harapan tentang kehidupan agar menjadi manusia yang bermanfaat dan lebih baik. Kepada Ibunda Elfira, ter- imakasih telah melahirkan saya tidak pernah sekalipun lelah dalam mendengarkan keluh kesah saya setiap hari, tangisan disetiap do’a yang ibu berikan untuk saya agar menjadi anak yang sholeha dan sukses dunia akhirat. Ibu yang selalu memberikan semangat, nasihat yang tidak ada hentinya, dan terimakasih atas pelukan ternyaman didunia yang selalu ibu berikan.

Terimakasih atas cinta dan kasih sayang yang telah kehidupan ini berikan untuk saya, sehingga hidup saya menjadi berwarna dan punya cerita cinta tentang kehidupan, semoga cinta dan kasih sayang yang diterima dari orang orang baik yang hadir dalam kehidupan saya dapat dibalas oleh Allah SWT semoga kelak kita dapat berkumpul bersama di surga-Nya Allah SWT.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.




Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya milik Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat, dan karunia-Nya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan laporan Tugas Akhir dengan topik “Analysis Acceptance of Academic System Using Tam and De- lone Mclean ”. Shalawat beserta salam tidak lupa penulis ucapkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW, Allahumma Shaliala Muhammad Waala ali Muhammad. Se- moga kita mendapkan syafa’at beliau di akhirat kelak.

Tidak lupa penulis mengucapkan terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dalam proses pengerjaan Tugas Akhir ini. Ucapan terimakasih tersebut penulis ucapkan kepada:

1. Bapak Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag sebagai Rektor Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

2. Bapak Dr. Hartono, M.Pd sebagai Dekan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi.

3. Bapak Eki Saputra, S.Kom., M.Kom sebagai Ketua Program Studi Sistem Informasi.

4. Ibu Siti Monalisa, ST., M.Kom sebagai Sekretaris Program Studi Sistem Informasi

5. Ibu Idria Maita, S.Kom., M.Sc sebagai Penasihat Akademik yang telah memberikan ajaran serta nasihat kepada penulis selama masa perkuliahan berlangsung.

6. Bapak Dr. Muhammad Luthfi Hamzah, B.IT., M.Kom sebagai Dosen Pem- bimbing Tugas Akhir yang telah memberikan pencerahan untuk saya agar melanjutkan pendidikan untuk memperoleh ilmu dan wawasan yang lebih luas. Terimakasih yang tak terhingga saya ucapkan kepada bapak semoga selalu dilindungi, diberikan kesehatan, sukses selau didunia dan akhirat.

7. Terimakasih kepada Bapak dan Ibu Dosen atas semua ilmu yang diberikan kepada penulis selama penulis menempuh pendidikan di Program Studi Sis- tem Informasi.

8. Teruntuk orang tua tercinta dunia akhirat penulis Ayahanda Chairul St. Ra- jo Endah dan Ibu Elfira semoga selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT yang memberikan motivasi, memberikan dukungan moril, dan dukungan materil selama ini. Terimaksih atas perjuangan untuk membesarkan penulis. Se- moga Allah SWT membalas semua yang telah diberikan.

9. Terimakasih untuk Abang dan Adik penulis yang selalu memberikan dukun- gan, semoga menjadi anak yang selalu berbakti kepada orang tua dan men-



jadi anak yang suskes dunia dan akhirat.

10. Terimakasih untuk Mharoy Official, Ghani Store, dan Aksa Kids untuk sup- port sistem keuangan saya sehingga dapat membantu kelancaran penulis dalam menyelesaiakan pendidikan ini.

11. Terimakasih kepada Refli Novika untuk saran, motivasi, dan pemikiran posi- tif yang selalu diberikan. Sukses selalu untuk karirnya, dan semoga Refli Hijab semakin besar.

12. Terimakasih untuk tetangga sekaligus sahabat terbaik saya Alya Saniya, Ulfi Febriani, Bunga Yulia Nazra, terimakasih atas dukunganya semoga diberikan kesuksesan.

13. Terimakasih kepada sahabat terbaik saya Bunga Nur lathifah, Wan Reza- lina, Khairul Robani, Sulastri, Cahya, Rahmah Khairani, Nadia Nauroh, Fyna Febrianti, Mega Kumalasari, dan teman-teman yang namanya tidak dapat penulis sebutkan satu per satu. Terimakasih atas bantuan, waktu, dan pengalaman berharga.

14. Terimakasih kepada semua keluarga besar Sistem Informasi 2018 yang tidak dapat penulis sebutkan satu per satu namanya.

15. Terimakasih untuk pihak yang tidak dapat penulis sebutkan satu per satu yang terlibat didalam penyelesaian pendidikan Strata 1 (S1) serta banyak memberikan bantuan untuk penulis dalam pengumpulan data serta dalam menyusun laporan Tugas Akhir ini.

Penulis menyadari bahwa masih terdapat kekurangan selama penulisan laporan Tu- gas Akhir ini. Penulis menerima kritik dan saran yang membangun dari semua pi- hak untuk menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir. Semoga Tugas Akhir ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pembaca terkhusus di bidang Sistem Informasi.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.

Pekanbaru, 13 Januari 2023 Penulis,





Jl. Rajawali No.14 Palembang, 0711-376400

Email: jatisi@mdp.ac.id || website: jurnal.mdp.ac.id


Kepada Yth :

Hanifa Huzaima, Muhammad Luthfi Hamzah, Megawati, Febi Nur Salish

Di Tempat Dengan Hormat,

Melalui surat ini kami sampaikan bahwa makalah Saudara dengan judul :

“Analysis Acceptance of Academic System Using TAM and DeLone & McLean (D&M ISSM)”

Dinyatakan dapat DITERIMA untuk publikasikan pada Jurnal JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) Volume 10 Nomor 2. Jurnal JATISI Volume 10 Nomor 2 akan dipublikasikan pada tanggal 20 Juni 2023 secara digital yang dapat diakses pada website https://jurnal.mdp.ac.id/index.php/jatisi/index yang berbasis Open Journal Systems (OJS).

Terima kasih atas partisipasi dan kontribusinya pada Jurnal JATISI. Demikian kami sampaikan.

Salam hangat,

M. Rizky Pribadi, M.Kom

Editor in Chief JATISI


◼1 Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi ISSN 2407-4322

Volume 10, Nomor 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Received June1st,2012; Revised June25th, 2012; Accepted July 10th, 2012

Analysis Acceptance of Academic System Using TAM and DeLone & McLean (D&M ISSM)

Hanifa Huzaima1*, Muhammad Luthfi Hamzah2, Megawati3, Febi Nur Salisah4, Zarnelly5 State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, HR. Soebrantas Street, No.155 Tuah

Madani Tampan, Pekanbaru 589026

1,2,3,4Department of Information System, Faculty of Sains and Technology.

e-mail: 1*1185320867@students.uin-suska.ac.id, 2muhammad.luthfi@uin-suska.ac.id,

3megawati@uin-suska.ac.id, 4febinursalisah@uin-suska.ac.id, 5zarnelly@uin-suska.ac.id Abstract

SIAK is an academic information system that has been implemented since 2018. Users of the SIAK system are active students, while in its implementation SIAK experiences several obstacles such as some menus available there are SIAK services in its application are considered ineffective, such as the forgot password menu that cannot be used, but the system is not user- friendly. The obstacles experienced will affect the acceptance of SIAK users. The main objective of the study is to ascertain how SIAK consumers feel about the service. The modified TAM model includes, perceived usability, ease and acceptance, information quality variables, system quality, and service quality of Delone and Mclean ISSM models. Using the Slovin formula and sampling techniques using Simple Random Sampling, this research obtained one hundred students as research samples. SmartPLS V 3.0 for PLS-SEM data processing. Of the 8 hypotheses given, 7 were approved, and 1 was the rejected variable is Service Quality which does not show a positive relationship with the Perceived Ease of Use.

Keywords—SIAK, TAM, Delone and Mclean ISSM, Simple Random Sampling, SmartPLS.


Analysis of the reception of information systems explains how users may perceive a system as well as how users act and feel about it [1][2]. An information system is successful if it can take in data, process that data to forward corporate goals, and produce useful outputs. To improve user acceptance and pinpoint the system's flaws, an acceptability analysis of the information system is essential [3]. A system is a collection of components that are arranged, communicate with one another, and cooperate to accomplish a particular objective [4]. An information system can be defined as a system that supports the operations, transactional and management activities of an organization and that generates information as a result. Information systems are essential to an organization because they enable decision-making, operating models, and processes [5][6]. User acceptability has a significant impact on how successfully technology is implemented, so the factor that determines user acceptance also determines the success of implementation. According to Davis, the implementation of a system can be accepted or rejected based on two factors: the user perceived benefits and ease of use[7].

The Academic Information System is a system created to manage all student administrative tasks and academic data, providing online access to users of academic administration tasks on campus [8]. The many benefits of information systems in an organization, sometimes due to poor user acceptance, can cause the system to be unable to be implemented.

Furthermore, a thorough analysis is needed to identify the variables influencing the organization's acceptance of the implementation of information technologies [9]. The University of


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Volume 10, No 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

IJCCS Vol. x, No. x, July201x : first_page–end_page


Muhammadiyah West Sumatra (UMSB) has used an information system to assist the organization's operational activities. UMSB uses the Academic Information System (SIAK) to carry out academic processes in the campus environment The services contained in SIAK UMSB are filling out KRS, study result cards (KHS), student grades, downloading lecture materials, collecting assignments, seeing details of tuition payments, submitting final project proposals, and graduation registration.

Positive effects on the adoption of SIAK, such as improved student administration services through greater centralization and automation, can be observed as a result of the use of this academic information system. However, in the implementation of SIAK, it is also known that there are complaints or obstacles experienced by users while using SIAK. The SIAK system has problems, according to observations and interactions with UMSB system operators and active students, such as some menu features contained in SIAK are still ineffective when used, for example the forgot password feature is available but cannot be used, errors in the system make users feel uncomfortable, system display that is considered less user friendly, and other errors.

Studies on the AIS UIN Jakarta Mobile application, such as that conducted by Nur Aeni Hidayah 2020, have utilized TAM and Delone and Mclean ISSM methodologies to identify system receiving factors. Based on the study, 7 out of 8 hypotheses were accepted, as the relationship between the services provided had no effect on the user's youthfulness was rejected (the relationship hypothesis did not exist because the T-Test value for the variable was less than 1.96. One of the seven hypotheses approved by both PU and AI has a big effect size, whereas the other six have lesser effect sizes. In addition, Herlina and Ninik Sri Lestari's research[10], used the TAM and Delone and Mclean methods on the academic information system of the Indonesian Institute of Cultural Arts Bandung, with the findings indicating that the variables of ease of using the Information system and the variables of information system quality have a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of users of the Academic information system. In 2020, Yakubu did research in which he concluded that Information Quality and System Quality had the greatest influence on student behavior intentions out of a total of nine hypotheses provided.

Previous research conducted by Al-Fraihat 2018 [11] E-Learning analysis using the TAM and Delone and Mclean models in the analysis results there were 26 hypotheses submitted 19 hypotheses accepted and 7 hypotheses rejected. According to the four research components, the quality of the educational system, the support systems, the students, and the perceived advantages of e-learning all had a role in the 34.1% adoption rate. Then in 2022, Emil Robert Kaburuan [12]

conducted a study using the TAM and Delone and Mclean models to determine the approval factor of the DAPURQ application; The findings include 9 hypotheses, of which 2 are rejected, that the information provided has no positive effect on the user's usability and ease.

From the presentation of previous research above, basically the research has similarities in both the research model and the results obtained. However, this study has differences from previous studies, where in terms of data processing previous research using SPSS with data analysis using AMOS as passed by researchers Herlina and Ninik Sri Lestari, 2020[10], research conducted by Yakub at the stage of data analysis of the study and in this study using data analysis with SEM and data processing using AMOS. However, in other studies conducted by their data processing techniques using SmartPLS and data analysis with SEM-PLS, the difference with this research is in the sampling technique, in the research [11] the research used Purposive Sampling, while for this study it used Simple Random Sampling. The research aims to provide an overview of the organization to help them improve their academic system's (SIAK) acceptance by combining variable from the TAM and Delone and Mclean ISSM models.



◼3 Jatisi ISSN2407-4322

Volume 10, No 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author) 3

The research methodology that will be carried out in this study in order to solve the problem with several stages can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Research Methodology

2.1 Problem Identification

This study's first stage was identifying the issue. The issues were then modified as a result of observations and interviews with users and operators of the SIAK system, which were based on variables obtained from models that emphasized user acceptance, namely the TAM model and Delone and Mclean ISSM

2.2 Literature Studi

For the purpose of this study, a selection of the prior scholarly work associated with the investigation currently being carried out was investigated. In the body of work known as the literature, several references to articles, books, and studies done in the past are cited in order to explain the object of study that will be utilized in order to determine the admission factor of the academic system through the utilization of the TAM and Delone & Mclean variables. These references come from a variety of sources, including journals, books, and studies [11][13].

2.3. Population and Sample

Respondent in this analysis, which employed the Simple Random Sampling technique, consisted of students at the University of Muhammadiyah West Sumatra Campus III Aur Kuning, where there were 2,232 active SIAK users among the students. In order to calculate the appropriate number of sample sizes, the author uses the Slovin formula and sets the error tolerance threshold at 10%. The conclusion drawn from the calculation is that there are one hundred samples


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Volume 10, No 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

IJCCS Vol. x, No. x, July201x : first_page–end_page


in total.

2.4 Quistonare preparation

The preparation of questionnaires in this study is by adapting from the model indicators Technology Acceptance Model, from Davis.F research [14], and using the Delone and Mclean ISSM model from Delone and Mclean research [15]. The questionnaire asks questions regarding the SIAK system with the goal of gauging user acceptability.

2.5 Data Anlysis

With the help of the application SmartPLS V 3.0, we analyzed the Outer Model and the Inner Model based on the findings of the data collection stage, which involved the distribution of questionnaires and the running of hypothesis tests. This stage was very similar to the stage where we analyzed the data. The final step is to derive conclusions from the findings of the testing of the hypothesis that has already been carried out


For this research, we used a SEM strategy built on the PLS method for analyzing the data.

There are two kinds of models used in SEM-PLS analysis, structural models, and measurement models. The PLS algorithm is used to provide a descriptive account of the route analysis that approximates the relationship specified by the system's structural equations in the path diagram [16].

Figure 2. Path Diagram

3.1 Measurement Model Evaluation (Outer Model) 3.1.1 Validity Test

However, there is a loading factor value that is less than 0.7, but the indicator is still used, as shown in Table 1. Even if this value is lower than 0.7, the unit value of the score indication can be acceptable if it is greater than 0.7.

Table 1. Outer Loading Value

Variable Indicator Outer Loading Description

SQ1 0,844


◼5 Jatisi ISSN2407-4322

Volume 10, No 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author) 5

System Quality SQ2 0,795

Validity Value Fulfilled

SQ3 0,758

SQ4 0,748

Service Quality SEQ1 0,747

SEQ2 0,785

SEQ3 0,771

Information Quality IQ1 0,818

IQ2 0,665

IQ3 0,756

IQ4 0,613

IQ5 0,704

Perceived Usefulness PU1 0,724

PU2 0,783

PU3 0,660

PU4 0,782

PU5 0,757

Perceived Ease of Use PEOU1 0,828 PEOU2 0,695 PEOU3 0,845 PEOU4 0,743

Acceptance of IT AIT1 0,823

AIT2 0,792

AIT3 0,833

3.1.2 Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

When the variable's value exceeds 0.5 [17], it may be claimed that the AVE value is valid and that it satisfies the standards, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. AVE Score

Variable AVE

SQ 0,605

SEQ 0,590

IQ 0,511

PU 0,551

PEOU 0,609

AIT 0,666

3.2 Internal Consistency Reliability

When it comes to the Cronbach Alpha and Composite Reliability tests, a score that is greater than 0.7 is excellent, while a value of 0.6 is still considered to be adequate. The results of the calculations for the Composite Reliability Analysis are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Consistencu Reability Value

Variabel CA CR Description

SQ 0,782 0,860 Reliable


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Volume 10, No 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

IJCCS Vol. x, No. x, July201x : first_page–end_page


SEQ 0,652 0,812 Reliable

IQ 0,758 0,838 Reliable

PU 0,796 0,860 Reliable

PEOU 0,786 0,861 Reliable AIT 0,750 0,857 Reliable

3.3 Structural Model Evaluation (Inner Model) 3.3.1 Path Coefficient (β)

The path coefficients value >0.1 then the path influences the model.

Table 4. Path Diagram

Path Coefficients (β)

SQ - PU 0,324

SQ - PEOU 0,338

SEQ - PU 0,325

SEQ - PEOU 0,101

IQ - PU 0,340

IQ - PEOU 0,462

PU- AIT 0,463

PEOU - AIT 0,379

This study has eight research paths, the Path Coefficient Score which is obtained by all variables above 0.1, then all variables then the path affects the model and the ability to predict the dependent structure is stronger

3.3.2 R-Square

The research model is thought to be better when the R-Square score is higher. The value of 0.67 in the r-square can be classified as moderate, the value of 0.33 as medium, and the value of 0.19 as weak.

Table 5.R-Square Score

Variable R-Square

AIT 0,604

PEOU 0,669

PU 0,648

The findings indicate that the measure of IT Acceptance has a substantial correlation with both the Perceived Usefulness and the Perceived Ease of Use variables (R-Square = 0.604, which is a correlation coefficient of 60.4%). The medium or middle range is where this value should be placed. The R-Square value of "perceived ease of use" (PEOU) is 0.669, or 66.9%, placing it in the "strong" category, showing that it can be influenced by "system quality," "quality of service,"

and "quality of information." The Perceived Usefulness measure is moderately significant (R- Square = 0.648, or 64.8%).

3.4 T-Test

The T-Statistical test is presented in Table 6


◼7 Jatisi ISSN2407-4322

Volume 10, No 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author) 7

Table 6. T-Test Value

Variable Original Sample T-Statistic P-Values Description

SQ - PU 0,324 3,323 0,001 Accepted

SQ - PEOU 0,338 2,985 0,003 Accepted

SEQ - PU 0,235 2,401 0,017 Accepted

SEQ - PEOU 0,101 0,918 0,359 Rejected

IQ - PU 0,340 3,555 0,000 Accepted

IQ - PEOU 0,462 3,993 0,000 Accepted

PU - AIT 0,463 4,226 0,000 Accepted

PEOU - AIT 0,397 3,416 0,001 Accepted

Hypothesis 1: The inner model findings and T-Test scores of the eight submitted hypothesis models showed that seven of the hypotheses were accepted and one was rejected.

Using a T-statistic of 3.323, Hypothesis 1 demonstrates the relationship between the System Quality Variable and the Perceived Usefulness Variable. Hypothesis 1 is supported since the T- Statistical value exceeds the T-Table value (1.96). This is consistent with prior research [17][12], the data supports the first hypothesis variable's significant association with and positive impact.

Hypothesis 2: It is determined that there is a correlation between System Quality and Perceived Usefulness using a T-Statistic 2.985, supporting acceptance of the second hypothesis.

This research is inversely proportional to research [17], where the variable has no positive effect, this is consistent with previous research [11], which found that high-quality systems have a beneficial effect on users on how easy they use them. When the interface is intuitive and the learning process is easy. This connection mentioned that the quality of the system can make it easier for users to utilize the system, and that a good quality system produces an environment in which it is easier for students to use the system.

Hypothesis 3: The T-statistic of 2.401 indicates that the third hypothesis, that Service Quality affects Perceived Usefulness, is supported. This accords with earlier studies that found a favorable correlation between service quality and perceived usefulness. Results indicate service quality, such as the availability of user guides presented in an easily navigable format, and explanations are concise and straightforward. The impact of this variable has the effect of making the services offered more aware of the user, which in turn brings advantages to their utilization of the system.

Hypothesis 4: the T-statistical value of the variable (H4) was 0.918, a number lower than the cutoff of 1.96 indicating that an increase in service quality did not lead to an increase in how easy it was to use. This means that there is no correlation between those variables and user reports on how simple the interface is being used. Similar findings found in previous studies [13][14], this study assume that Variable 4 does not contribute positively to the Hypothesis. Studies have shown that people's impressions of how easy services are to use are favorably influenced by the quality of the services they use, therefore this seems to go against those findings. According to the results of the research, the quality of service had no effect on users' levels of satisfaction with the system, even though certain menus on the system were excellent at creating that impression.

Hypothesis 5: The test results support hypothesis five (H5) where the variable has a positive effect with a T-Statistical value of 3.555. An example where the user is confident that all relevant data has been provided by the system and that the data displayed is accurate and trustworthy. This is consistent with previous studies showing that this variable increase has a beneficial effect on Perceived Usability.

Hypothesis 6: With a T-statistical value of 3.993, the findings of the experiment that tested the


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Volume 10, No 2, 20 Juni 2023 E-ISSN 2503-2933

IJCCS Vol. x, No. x, July201x : first_page–end_page


sixth hypothesis demonstrated that the hypothesis variable in question had a substantial and favorable influence; hence, the sixth hypothesis was validated. The results of this research are consistent with the findings of earlier studies, which found that a good influence on system users can be attributed to the students' perception that the information provided is accurate and not difficult to acquire.

Hypothesis 7: the results derived from hypothesis 7 showed that, the hypothesis variable had a significant and positive effect with a T-statistical value of 4.226, so H7 was accepted. This is in accordance with previous studies[18], where participants reported that the presence of the system made their work easier and faster. This result not only makes the usability of the system a key factor towards the acceptance of the system, but it also makes the perceived usability of the system offer benefits for the user, so that it can affect how well the system is accepted.

Hypothesis 8: Testing hypothesis eight yielded a T-Statistic of 3,416, which indicates that the variable has a positive effect, so hypothesis 7 is accepted, this confirms the findings of previous research [18], in which the hypothesis suggests that this system is easy to understand and is very much liked by its end user. In addition to this, it makes it simple for users to operate the system, which is helpful regardless of whether the system is accepted. This is also backed by the TAM theory, which suggests that the ease of user aspects in utilizing the system should determine whether the system is acceptable


According to the findings of the research that has been conducted, it is possible to state that out of the eight hypotheses that were proposed, seven of them are accepted and have a significant effect, and one of them is rejected because the T-Test value is lower than 1.96, specifically the SEQ-PEOU variable, which has a value of 0.359. With a T-Statistical score of 4,226, the PU variable exerts a preponderant amount of control on the admissions decisions made by the SIAK academic system. The R-Square value of the AIT variable or endogenous variable is 0.604, the PEOU variable with a score of 0.669, and the PU variable with a score of 0.648, based on this value the exogenous variable SQ SEQ IQ accurately explains. The research gives colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning with a model and set of instruments that are valid, reliable, and comprehensive in nature, allowing for the evaluation of user acceptability of their academic system.


The suggestion of this study is the need to analyze user acceptance of academic information systems, using the analytical methods that have been presented. While the author of this study hopes that future researchers will develop the same research using other methods to measure the level of user acceptance.


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Hanifa Huzaima dilahirkan Bukittinggi, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, pada 05 Oktober 1999. Penulis bertempat tinggal Sun- gai Pua, Kabupaten Agam, Provinsi Sumatra Barat. Pengala- man pendidikan formal yang dilalui Hanifa Huzaima dimulai dari 2006 sampai 2012 Sekolah Dasar Negeri 12 Limo Suku, Kabupaten Agam Sumatra Barat dan dilanjutkan pendidikan menengah pertama di SMPN 2 Sungai Pua 2012 sampai 2015, pendidikan menengah atas 2015-2018 di SMAN 1 Sungai Pua dengan jurusan IPA. Kemudian melanjutkan perguruan tinggi pada tahun 2018 di program studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknolo- gi di UIN Suska Riau. Menjalin komunikasi dengan penulis di luar atau di dalam kampus dapat menghubungi e-mail: 11850320867@students.uin-suska.ac.id.


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