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Ion exchange resin±soil mixtures as a tool in net nitrogen

mineralisation studies

JuÈrgen K. Friedel


*, Anke Herrmann


, Markus Kleber

c a

University of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Organic Farming, Gregor-Mendel-Street 33, A-1180 Vienna, Austria


Department of Soil Sciences, Division of Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden


Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Weidenplan 14, D-06108 Halle, Germany

Accepted 29 February 2000


Mixed-bed ion exchange resins (IER) were mixed with intact soil aggregates and incubated at 60% water ®lled pore space in closed polyethylene bags for 12 weeks. To test IER e€ects on N losses, nitri®cation and net N mineralisation, an arable soil and a grassland soil, di€ering in organic matter content, were chosen and two crop residues (wheat straw, sugar-beet leaves) with di€erent C-to-N ratios were added to the arable soil. It was proposed that IER might exert an in¯uence on N cycling similar to that of plant roots. Nitri®cation was inhibited by adsorption of NH4in the +IER treatments. Net N mineralisation was greater

in the grassland soil than in the arable soil which had less soil organic matter. Without incorporation of additional organic substrates, net N mineralisation was not a€ected by IER in both soils. Straw addition to the arable soil caused immediate N immobilisation in theÿIER treatment, whereas N mineralisation continued in the +IER treatment. Incorporation of sugar-beet leaves into the arable soil highly increased net N mineralisation and microbial biomass N in theÿIER treatment. In the +IER treatment, the enhancement of both N mineralisation and microbial biomass N was less pronounced. Thus, IER mixed into soil samples can exert either a stimulating (wheat straw) or dampening (sugar-beet leaves) e€ect on N mineralisation. Soil±IER mixtures can prevent losses and re-immobilisation of mineralised N and mimic nutrient exchange properties of plant roots. It is concluded that in incubation experiments they can better re¯ect conditions in the vicinity of roots than incubations without IER or with incorporation of IER in con®ned resin bags as long as water and aeration conditions are not largely changed. Soil±IER mixtures may also be a useful tool for studying root-induced changes in net N mineralisation.72000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Ion exchange resins; Soil±resin mixtures; Soil nitrogen cycling; Nitrogen mineralisation; Nitri®cation

1. Introduction

Quanti®cation of the relationships between soil N mineralisation and other ecosystem processes has been restricted by the lack of suitable methods to measure N mineralisation under ®eld conditions. Methods used to measure or estimate patterns of N mineralisation under ®eld conditions include: (i) exposure of

dis-turbed soil in plastic bags buried in the ®eld, (ii) ex-posure of relatively undisturbed soil columns under ®eld conditions, and (iii) measurement of mineral N collected by ion exchange resins placed in the ®eld for extended periods (Raison et al., 1987).

All methods of containment developed to date alter the soil environment through (i) cessation of the car-bon (C) input from decomposing litter and from ®ne root turnover, (ii) increased C inputs from severed roots, (iii) modi®cation of the moisture and tempera-ture regimes relative to bulk soil, and (iv) accumu-lation of inorganic N (Adams et al., 1989). An

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* Corresponding author. Fax: +43-1-47654-3792.


additional source of error is the inability to prevent

mineralised N (Nmin) from being either re-immobilised

into microbial biomass or denitri®ed within the con-tainment period. As assay conditions alter the C and N availability within the containers, none of the methods may be considered to measure mineralisation rates accurately.

The use of intact soil cores (Nordmeyer and Richter, 1985; Raison et al., 1987) may reduce the sources of error due to disturbance of the soil and modi®cations of the moisture and temperature regimes. The central problem however, the absence of living root functions, remains.

In undisturbed soil inhabited by living plants, root N uptake reduces or even inhibits denitri®cation or re-immobilisation of mineralised N and limits microbial N availability. Simultaneously occurring rhizodeposi-tion leads to an increase in the amount of substrate available to soil micro-organisms, enabling them to mineralise ``surplus'' amounts of organic N. Consecu-tive predation by soil fauna may release part of this

extra N as NH4(Clarholm, 1985).

Any attempt to advance the methodology for study-ing ¯uxes of soil mineral-N in situ must therefore seek to ®nd a means which takes root functions into account. Such a procedure should immobilise inor-ganic N throughout the incubation, thus preventing it from being nitri®ed, denitri®ed or re-immobilised into microbial biomass.

If this process occurs with the same magnitude as is performed by living roots, it should eliminate the most prominent source of error.

IER were shown to adsorb NH4and NO3e€ectively

in soils (Binkley, 1984). Only few attempts (e.g. HuÈb-ner et al., 1991; Binkley et al., 1986; DiStefano and Gholz, 1986) to establish the use of IER as a pro-cedure to measure net N mineralisation were known when growing concern about the reliability of the bur-ied bag method (Eno, 1960) led Zeller et al. (1997) and Bhogal et al. (1999) to investigate further into the sub-ject. In all previous attempts to employ IER as a tool in net nitrogen mineralisation studies, these were applied in ``resin bags'' to the soil. Such design may

prevent Nmin from being leached out of cores as well

as from being washed into them. Due to the low

mobi-lity of NH4in soil, however, nitri®cation and

re-immo-bilisation of NH4 cannot be prevented. Thus, with

resin bags of traditional design, Nmin may continue to

accumulate in soil samples during the incubation. We assumed that by mixing IER thoroughly into soil samples, the accumulation of microbially-available mineralised N in soil samples can be prevented and one of the most important e€ects of living roots on

soil N transformations (i.e. the removal of Nmin) may

be simulated. Conditions in soil samples containing

IER can therefore be expected to be closer to con- Ta


ditions in the vicinity of roots than conditions in samples without IER. For this reason, N mineralis-ation rates measured in soil samples containing IER should be a more realistic measure for N mineralis-ation rates under ®eld conditions.

To achieve this, we tested (i) if mixing IER into soil

samples can reduce losses of Nmin either by

denitri®ca-tion or immobilisadenitri®ca-tion, (ii) whether nitri®cadenitri®ca-tion can be reduced or even prevented by IER in soil samples, and (iii) if net N mineralisation rates are enhanced in the presence of both IER and microbially-available sub-strate.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Soil sampling

Soil samples were taken from the A horizons of an arable soil (Stagnic Luvisol; ``Arable soil'') and a humus-rich grassland soil (Cumulic Anthrosol; ``Grass-land soil''). Basic soil properties are given in Table 1.

In both cases, a surface area of 1 m2 was cleared of

plant materials and the soil subsequently sampled down to the horizon boundary. The soil was then freed from root residues and homogenised. This was done with maximum care to preserve crumbs and aggregates. As the material was stone-free, no further sieving was necessary until preparation of individual incubates.

2.2. Ion exchange resin (IER)

When both cations and anions are included as target ions, the various species can be accumulated by the resin if a mixture of cation- and anion-resins are placed into the medium (Skogley and Dobermann,

1996). Consequently, a mixed-bed resin (Amberlite1

MB-3) from CWG GmbH, Mannheim, Germany, was

used. Amberlite1 MB-3 is a mixture of the strong

cat-ion exchange resin Amberlite1

IR-120 and the strong

anion exchange resin Amberlite1

IRA-420 Type 1. Grain size of the moist resin was determined to be in the range 0.3±1.2 mm, with most of the grains within

0.5 and 1.0 mm. The speci®c weight was 0.7 g cmÿ3.

Prior to the experiment, IER was washed once with deionised water. By this treatment, the N content extractable with 2 M KCl (soil : extractant ratio=1 : 20) was reduced to about 50% (data not shown).

2.3. Incubation experiment

To test the in¯uence of IER on N mineralisation rates under di€erent conditions, soils di€ering in or-ganic matter content and an addition of rich and N-poor substrates were chosen. The treatments were:

``Arable soil ÿ IER'' (low organic matter), ``Arable

soil + IER'', ``Grassland soil ÿ IER'' (high organic

matter), ``Grassland soil + IER'', ``Arable soil +

wheat straw ÿ IER'', ``Arable soil + wheat straw +

IER'', ``Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves ÿ IER'',

``Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves + IER''.

2.4. Preparation of organic additives

Wheat straw and sugar-beet leaves were dried at

508C for 72 h and ground to pass a 1 mm sieve. After

this, wheat straw had a water content of 7.7% and sugar-beet leaves of 16.2%. Wheat straw had a C

con-tent of 409 mg gÿ1 and an N content of 7 mg gÿ1,

yielding a C-to-N ratio of 58. C and N contents in

sugar-beet leaves were 397 and 28.3 mg gÿ1; which

resulted in a C-to-N ratio of 14. Organic additives were added to soil at a 1:30 ratio by weight.

2.5. Preparation of individual incubates

Polyethylene freezer bags manufactured by Fa. Haaf, 85716 Lohhof, Germany, were used as contain-ers for the soil. Bags had an average standard

thick-ness of 50 mm. Polyethylene ®lm is only slightly

permeable to water vapour, while its O2 and CO2

transmission rates are relatively high. Soil structure in the samples was not disturbed, i.e. complete aggregates were incubated. Soil sample size was 300 g. The same amount of resin was added in the treatments with IER addition. As the density of quartz is about double the density of the resin selected, 600 g of quartz sand of a grain size similar to that of the resin were added to treatments without IER in order to maintain identical grain size distribution and soil physical conditions.

For each treatment, 21 replicate samples were

pre-pared and incubated at 158C and at 60% water ®lled

pore space. Three samples per treatment were selected

the next day (t0 = 16 h) at random and analysed to

determine starting values. Every 2 weeks, another three samples per treatment were selected at random from the incubator and analysed in the same manner

to represent a total of 7 (t0...t6) data points spanning

incubation periods from 0 to 12 weeks in 2-week

incre-ments …tn‡1ÿtnˆ2 weeks). Microbial biomass N

(Nmic) was determined att0andt6(in the beginning of

the experiment and after 12 weeks).

2.6. Determination of inorganic N and microbial N

Inorganic N was extracted by 2 M KCl solution (extractant : soil ratio = 40:1) and measured by means

of a Skalar autoanalyser. NH4 was determined

colori-metrically by a modi®ed Berthelot reaction according

to Krom (1980) and NO3 after reduction to NO2 by


-naphthylamine-para-diazoben-zene-parasulphuric acid at 540 nm in an automated analyser (Houba et al., 1987).

Microbial biomass N was measured with the slightly

modi®ed standard fumigation-extraction method

(Brookes et al., 1985). Brie¯y, soil samples (20 g for IER±soil incubates and 30 g for quartz±soil incubates, equivalent to 10 g of wet soil each) were fumigated

with CHCl3for 24 h at 258C. For analysis att6, 250ml

liquid CHCl3 was added to each portion of the soil

samples before fumigation, according to the method recommended by Mueller et al. (1992) for soil samples with a high moisture content. After removal of the

CHCl3, soluble N was extracted from fumigated and

unfumigated samples with 2 M KCl (extractant:soil ratio = 40:1) for 2 h. N in ®ltrated solution was deter-mined by the Griess reaction colorimetrically after an

automatic UV peroxide digestion to NO3 and

re-duction to NO2 by means of a Skalar autoanalyser

(Houba et al., 1987). Nmic was calculated using a kEN

factor of 0.54.

3. Results

3.1. IER e€ects on nitri®cation

In ÿIER samples, mineralised N was readily

nitri-®ed (Figs. 1 and 2). At the end of the incubation (12

weeks) all Nmin was nitri®ed to NO3 (Table 2). In

+IER samples, NO3 concentrations found at t0

remained constant throughout the incubation (Fig. 2, Table 2). Mineralisation occurring during the

incu-bation merely increased the NH4pool.

3.2. IER e€ects on net N-mineralisation

In the ``Arable soil'' without substrate addition,

Nmin accumulated gradually at a low rate during the

incubation (Fig. 3). No signi®cant di€erences in Nmin

Fig. 2. Amount of NO3±N in the soil samples during the incubation

experiment. Bars indicate one standard deviation.r= Treatments

without IER, R= treatments with soil±IER mixtures. n= 3 for

each treatment.: treatments di€er (Mann and WhitneyU-test,P<


Table 2

Inorganic N and soil microbial biomass N (mg gÿ1) in the di€erent

soil treatments with or without IER (standard deviation in

parenth-eses) after 16 h (t0) and 12 weeks (t6)

NO3±N NH4+±N Inorganic N Microbial N

t0 t6 t0 t6 t0 t6 t0 t6

Arable soil

ÿIER 8.5 38.6 0.4 0 8.9 38.6 67 113

(0.7) (7.1) (0.6) (0) (0.4) (7.1) (13) (18)

+ IER 7.9 9.7a 3.3a 24.3a 11.1 34.0 ±b 70a

(1.2) (2.5) (2.1) (3.1) (1.8) (5.5) (17)

Arable soil + wheat straw

ÿIER 2.8 0 3.7 0 6.5 0 123 73

(0.7) (0) (3.8) (0) (3.1) (0) (2) (24)

+ IER 9.5a 11.4a 14.4a 35.3a 23.9a 46.6a ±b 40a

(0.5) (3.7) (1.6) (4.7) (1.3) (7.0) (5)

Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves

ÿIER 1.8 528.0 28.6 0 30.3 528 280 654

(1.4) (14.9) (11.7) (0) (10.5) (14.9) (46) (69)

+ IER 29.6a 27.9a 42.3 232.0a 71.9a 260a ±b 167a

(5.9) (10.2) (8.3) (44.6) (5.6) (34.8) (90)

Grassland soil

ÿIER 28.4 124.0 15.1 0 43.5 124 166 133

(2.5) (30.1) (2.8) (0) (5.1) (30.1) (12) (15)

+ IER 22.8 23.7a 23.3a 74.1a 46.1 97.8 ±b 141

(1.6) (1.6) (2.6) (0.9) (1.5) (1.9) (9)


Di€ers signi®cantly from the respective treatment without IER

(Mann and WhitneyU-test,P< 0.05).


± data missing due to equipment failure.

n= 3 for each treatment.

Fig. 1. Amount of NH4±N in the soil samples during the incubation

experiment. Bars indicate one standard deviation.r= Treatments

without IER;R= treatments with soil±IER mixtures. n = 3 for

each treatment;: treatments di€er (Mann and WhitneyU-test,P<


concentrations occurred between the two treatments

(+IER orÿIER).

In samples of the ``Grassland soil'', Nmin

concen-trations and N mineralisation rate were greater com-pared with ``Arable soil''. Signi®cant di€erences in

Nmin concentrations occurred between the two

treat-ments (ÿIER or +IER) only at 4 and 8 weeks of


In ``Arable soil + wheat straw'', the amount of

Nmin also was generally small in both +IER and

ÿIER treatments. Nmin values were signi®cantly higher

in +IER compared with ÿIER. In this treatment,

values decreased to zero during the incubation.

``Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves'' showed high

min-eralisation activity in both +IER and ÿIER

treat-ments. The Nmin values were signi®cantly lower from 4

weeks until the end of the incubation in the +IER

compared with theÿIER treatment.

3.3. IER e€ects on soil microbial biomass N

Nmic contents were unrealistically low for +IER

samples at t0, although in a preliminary experiment

results of the chloroform fumigation extraction

method were not a€ected by mixing of IER into soil samples (data not shown). Therefore, at 12 weeks 250

ml CHCl3 was added to each portion of soil sample

before fumigation to ensure complete fumigation. Results of the chloroform fumigation method still showed a high variability in both the soil + IER and the soil + quartz mixtures and must be considered as

estimates and not exact values for Nmic contents.

Nmic contents at the beginning of the incubation (16

h) were smaller in ``Arable soil ÿ IER'' than in

``Grassland soil ÿ IER'' (Table 2). At the end of the

incubation (12 weeks), Nmiccontents were increased in

``Arable soil ÿIER'' and slightly decreased in

``Grass-land soil ÿIER''. Addition of wheat straw and

sugar-beet leaves immediately (16 h) increased Nmic contents

in ÿIER samples by a factor of approximately 2 and

4, respectively. Whereas in ``Arable soil + wheat straw

ÿ IER'', Nmic contents at 12 weeks had decreased to

the original concentrations found in ``Arable soil ÿ

IER'' at 16 h, in ``Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves

ÿIER'' values had further increased.

At the end of the incubation, in ``Arable soil +

IER'' and ``Grassland soil + IER'', Nmic values were

similar to the initial values of the soils (ÿIER) at 16 h.

In both, ``Arable soil + wheat straw + IER'' and

``Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves + IER'', Nmic

con-tents were signi®cantly lower than in the respective ÿ

IER treatments.

4. Discussion

4.1. IER e€ect on losses of mineralised N and nitri®cation

A prerequisite for preventing losses of mineralised N either due to denitri®cation or immobilisation during the incubation of con®ned soil samples is to prevent

NH4 and NO3 from being transformed by soil

micro-organisms. No indication of removal or

transform-ation of NH4was found in pot incubation experiments

by Binkley (1984), who investigated NH4 adsorbed to

IER in resin bags at di€erent rates of cellulose

ad-dition. NO3 adsorbed to IER contained in resin bags

was not transformed during 4 weeks exposure in the ®eld (HuÈbner et al., 1991). Over long deployment

times in the ®eld (up to 44 weeks), NO3but not NH4,

was desorbed from preloaded IER (Giblin et al., 1994).

In our experimental approach, IER and soil were not separated before analysis. Thus, it cannot be

deter-mined directly, if NH4 or NO3once adsorbed to IER

was removed or transformed during the further incu-bation period. However, the lack of nitri®cation in all +IER treatments (Fig. 2) clearly indicates, that in

these treatments, in contrast to the ÿIER variants,

NH4 was not accessible to nitri®ers. The amounts of

NH4 in the +IER treatments either increased or

remained constant throughout the incubation in

con-trast to decreases in NH4 concentrations occurring in

the ÿIER variants (Fig. 1). This also indicates that no

transformation of NH4occurred once it was adsorbed

to the IER. NO3concentrations in the +IER samples

present at the beginning of the incubation were also conserved until the end of the incubation (Table 2). Therefore, we conclude that the mixture of strongly acidic cation exchange resins and strongly basic anion

Fig. 3. Amount of Nminin the soil samples during the incubation

ex-periment. Bars indicate one standard deviation. r = Treatments

without IER;R= treatments with soil±IER mixtures. n = 3 for

each treatment;: treatments di€er (Mann and WhitneyU-test,P<


exchange resins mixed into the soil samples in our ex-periment can e€ectively adsorb mineralised N and pre-vent it from being further transformed by either immobilisation, nitri®cation or denitri®cation. By sep-arating IER from soil samples, e.g. by density

fraction-ation (Thien and Myers, 1991), amounts of Nmin

adsorbed to the IER may be determined separately. This separation procedure might also reduce the

varia-bility in determination of Nmic contents by the

chloro-form fumigation extraction method.

4.2. IER e€ects on net N mineralisation rates and microbial biomass N

To test the e€ect of IER on net N mineralisation rates, two soils di€ering in organic matter contents and two organic substrates di€ering in C-to-N ratio were chosen. Higher values of mineralised N in the ``Grassland soil'' than in the ``Arable soil'' (Fig. 3) can be explained by higher organic matter contents of the grassland topsoil (Table 1). Without substrate ad-dition, IER had no e€ect on N mineralisation in both

soils (Fig. 3). Nmic contents slightly decreased in the

``Grassland soil'' (both ÿIER and +IER) during the

incubation (Table 2), indicating no e€ect of IER on N

in soil micro-organisms. The increase in Nmic contents

from 16 h to 12 weeks in the ``Arable soil ÿ IER''

treatment cannot be explained since no substrate con-taining easily available organic matter was added here. We assume that this value may be overestimated due

to the heterogeneity of the samples. Nmic contents

remained unchanged in the ``Arable soil +IER''

treat-ment at 12 weeks compared with ``Arable soilÿIER''

at 16 h, also indicating a non-existing IER e€ect on N in soil microorganisms.

IER e€ects on N mineralisation or Nmic contents

reported in most of the other studies (e.g. Binkley et al., 1986; Zeller et al., 1997; Bhogal et al., 1999) are not comparable with our experiments, because in such investigations IER were used in resin bags and not mixed into the soil. Only Saeed et al. (1994) used

mix-tures of soil with K+ saturated IER in anaerobic

incu-bation experiments with lowland rice soils. Nitrogen mineralisation was higher in IER±soil mixtures than in control soil samples and the e€ect was greater in

strongly NH4-®xing soils. The authors concluded that

N mineralisation is underestimated by standard an-aerobic incubations due to ®xation of mineralised

NH4. The contrasting e€ects of IER (without any

sub-strate addition) on N mineralisation in our study is probably due to the di€erent experimental conditions

(NH4-®xing capacity of the soils, anaerobic versus

aerobic incubations).

Addition of wheat straw with a wide C-to-N ratio of

58 at a high rate (33 mg gÿ1) led to immobilisation of

inorganic N at the beginning of the incubation in the

``Arable soil + wheat straw ÿIER'' treatment (Fig. 3,

Table 2). Throughout the incubation period, no

remi-neralisation of N occurred. Nmic values at t0ˆ16 h

were almost doubled compared with ``Arable soil ÿ

IER'' without addition of organic substrate (Table 2), also indicating immediate N immobilisation. Addition of straw to soil samples also resulted in N immobilis-ation for several weeks in incubimmobilis-ation experiments of Aoyama and Nozawa (1993) and Jensen (1997).

In the ``Arable Soil + wheat straw + IER'' treat-ment, however, IER prevented microbial transform-ation of mineralised N due to immobilistransform-ation (Fig. 3). Throughout the incubation period, in ``Arable soil'' N mineralisation after wheat straw addition was slightly greater than in the treatment without substrate ad-dition (Fig. 3, Table 2). Thus, in this soil sample, N mineralisation from the soil organic matter was obviously little a€ected by straw addition when N im-mobilisation was excluded by IER. This ®nding is in accordance with the concept of di€erent microbial groups, living independently on di€erent substrates in soil (Cochran et al., 1988). Results also indicate that,

in the ``Arable soil + wheat straw ÿ IER'' treatment,

gross N mineralisation continued, but was overcom-pensated by a greater N immobilisation, leading to net N immobilisation. In accordance with this assumption, N mineralisation and N immobilisation have been shown to occur simultaneously in soil by gross N min-eralisation measurements (Sparling et al., 1995).

In ``Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves ÿ IER'',

ad-dition of sugar-beet leaves with a narrow C-to-N ratio

of 14 at a high rate (33 mg gÿ1) strongly enhanced N

mineralisation rates during the ®rst 6 weeks (Fig. 3)

and increased Nmic contents at 16 h and 12 weeks

(Table 2). In other studies, increases in N mineralis-ation (Aoyama and Nozawa, 1993; Aulakh et al.,

1995) and Nmic contents (Aoyana and Nozawa, 1993),

mostly after a short lag period, have been described after addition of crop residues with a narrow C-to-N ratio.

In the ``Arable soil + sugar-beet leaves + IER'' treatment, N mineralisation rates were dampened in the presence of IER from week 4 until the end of the

incubation (Fig. 3). Signi®cantly reduced Nmiccontents

at the end of the incubation (Table 2) indicate that IER mixed into the soil prevented or strongly reduced microbial N immobilisation after incorporation of sugar-beet leaves, as in the variants with straw

ad-dition. The e€ect of IER on Nmin concentrations


re-used by the micro-¯ora in the ``Arable soil +

sugar-beet leaves ÿ IER'' treatment. In the +IER

treatment, this reduced N availability obviously limited

microbial growth (Nmic contents) and activity (N

min-eralisation rates). This e€ect of IER on N release, to our knowledge, has not been described before.

Due to this, we have to modify our initial hypothesis that net N mineralisation rates would be enhanced in the presence of both IER and microbially-available substrate. This increasing e€ect of IER in the presence of available substrate was only found for substrate with a wide C-to-N ratio (wheat straw, N-limited con-ditions), in accordance with the positive e€ect of

grow-ing roots (through NH4 uptake and deposition of

C-rich exudates) on net N mineralisation described by Clarholm (1985). IER in the presence of substrate with a low C-to-N ratio (sugar-beet leaves, conditions of high N availability) diminished net N mineralisation

rates due to their limiting e€ect on Nmin availability

and consecutive microbial growth and activity.

4.3. Use of IER to approximate conditions in the rhizosphere

Mixing IER into soil may alter soil physical con-ditions with respect to micro-sites of di€ering water and aeration potential and change net N mineralis-ation rates in this way. First, conditions and N miner-alisation rates in the disturbed samples may di€er from undisturbed conditions and N mineralisation rates in situ. We tried to reduce this disturbing e€ect by preserving natural soil aggregation. Secondly, we assume that we could reduce artefacts due to mixing IER into the soil to a minimum by mixing sand of a grain size equivalent to that of the moistened resin into the control soil samples (see Section 2.5).

IER mixed into the soil accumulate nutrients that di€use through water ®lled pore spaces. Hence, they may be used to assess plant-available nutrient quantity as a function of di€usion (Yang et al., 1991). IER also mimic exchange properties of plant roots (Yavitt and Wright, 1996). Consequently, we conclude that

adsorp-tion of Nmin to IER with a suciently high sorption

capacity can be regarded as a functional analogy to the N uptake by roots.

IER used in our experiment had a speci®c surface

area in the range of 30±60 cm2cmÿ3(calculated from a

mean diameter of 0.5±1.0 mm, assuming a spherical shape, see Section 2.2). The speci®c surface area of IER in the IER±soil mixture (1:1 by weight) therefore

is about 18±36 cm2 cmÿ3 (assuming a bulk density of

0.7 g cmÿ3for IER, see Section 2.2 and 1.0 g cmÿ3for

the soil). This is many times higher than the active

root area of herbaceous crop plants in soil (11 cm2

cmÿ3; Larcher, 1994, 21). Regarding the speci®c

sur-face area and the sorption capacity of IER, they were

added in surplus compared with the conditions in the rhizosphere. We regard this useful because in soil±IER mixtures there is no water ¯ow due to transpiration di-rected to the sink as in the rhizosphere. No depletion of the sorption capacity of the IER was visible in our experiment.

Our results indicate, depending on microbial N availability, either positive (straw addition) or negative (sugar-beet leaves addition) IER e€ects on net N min-eralisation. Assuming a functional analogy of IER and plant roots, this suggests that, by the combined e€ects of N uptake and rhizodeposition, plant roots may either enhance (under N-limited conditions) or dimin-ish (under conditions of high N availability) net N mineralisation.

4.4. Conclusions

In IER±soil mixtures, NH4mineralised from organic

compounds is readily adsorbed by the IER due to its intimate contact with the soil and short di€usion ways. Nitri®cation, accumulation and subsequent losses of

Nmin are prevented. Therefore, we suggest net N

min-eralisation rates may be quanti®ed more precisely by IER±soil mixtures than by traditional methods (buried bags, soil cores, resin cores).

IER may mimic sink functions of plant roots, and nutrient sorption can be regarded as a functional ana-logy to nutrient uptake by roots. From this, we assume that net N mineralisation rates of soil±IER mixtures approximate conditions in the rhizosphere better than results of traditional approaches, as long as soil water and aeration conditions are not largely changed.

Due to this assumed functional analogy, soil±IER mixtures may also be a useful model system to study root-induced N mineralisation e€ects.


We would like to thank Corinna Kuûmaul, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, and Irma Schu-macher, University of Hohenheim, for their technical assistance. We are indebted to Martin Kaupenjohann, University of Hohenheim, for his contributions to the experimental set-up and the interpretation of the results, and Karl Stahr, University of Hohenheim, for his readiness to ®nancially support the experiment.



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