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For Your Life To Change You Must Change


Academic year: 2017

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For Your Life To Change You Must Change! Word Count:

646 Summary:

We’ve all heard it so many times, whether it’s coming from us or somebody we associate with; "I need a change in my life." But then nobody ever does anything about it, they just continue to complain!

Let me ask you this: What has your complaining gotten you so far; probably not much if anything. So instead of continuing to complain, why not start taking some positive action towards changing your situation?


change,success,personal development,self,self imrpovement,self-improvement,wealth,learn,train,teach

Article Body:

We’ve all heard it so many times, whether it’s coming from us or somebody we associate with; "I need a change in my life." But then nobody ever does anything about it, they just continue to complain!

Let me ask you this: What has your complaining gotten you so far; probably not much if anything. So instead of continuing to complain, why not start taking some positive action towards changing your situation?

It’s a safe bet that if you continue to do the same things, you will continue to receive the same results. Some call this the definition of insanity; performing the same tasks over and over and expecting different results! It just doesn’t happen that way! Jim Rohn says that in order for things to change, you must change. "Your income can increase, but you must grow out to where it is, or it will quickly come back to where you are."

The best way to picture this is by grabbing a rubber band. Now, stretch it out as far as you can without breaking it. What happens when you let it go? It goes right back to where it was!

Now let’s take this a step further: Stretch out the rubber band and before letting it go this time, insert a glass inside the rubber band’s open area. What happens now? This time is only retracts as far as the glass lets it go! See, you can stretch out the rubber band (your income) and make it larger, but unless you insert something in there to keep it that size (your personal growth), as soon as you let go it comes right back to its original size.

So how do you grow personally? You must grow personally through the consistent use of personal development tools and resources. Every single day you should be setting time aside first thing in the morning to work on yourself. Whatever it is that you do first thing in the morning is going to set your course for the rest of your day.

Personal Development and growth is not something that is going to occur overnight, so don’t expect that. Actually, others will notice changes in you before you even know that they have occurred. They will notice changes in your attitude, how you handle different situations, etc. And you will notice that you are feeling different somehow ... maybe ... successful, or that you really CAN do the things you want and that they ARE actually possible? I noticed this change all of a sudden. It didn’t creep up on me; it was just there one day. But before I noticed it, I had other people telling me that my attitude had changed and that I was different somehow. I didn’t pay attention to the comments at first but then, once I was able to see it, I started taking notice to a whole lot of change in myself ... and my income!

I do personal development every single day. First thing in the morning I read for at least 30 minutes, and then I go thorough training emails from newsletters I receive. When I am finished with that I take my daily lesson that is delivered through our company. The entire process takes me about 60 minutes for everything. It is the most eye-opening, fascinating 60 minutes of my work day! And my attitude, posture, and income are all showing the signs that I take the time to expand my personal knowledge each day. My mentor says that "A mind once expanded can never contract." He couldn’t be more on target!

So take the time to develop your mind and grow yourself. Read, listen to audio CDs, and watch Personal Development video sessions. Do a couple of these or do them all, but do them every single day without fail! The changes in yourself, your income, and in your life will be phenomenal!

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