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Pharmacokinetics Interaction of Glucocorticoids with 99mTc-MDP Radiopharmaceuticals for Bone Imaging Agents and its Biodistribution Pattern | Daruwati | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineeri


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Pharmacokinetics Interaction of Glucocorticoids with 99mTc-MDP Radiopharmaceuticals for Bone Imaging Agents and its Biodistribution Pattern | Daruwati | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineeri"


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Ph a r m a cok ine t ics I n t e r a ct ion of Glu cocor t icoids w it h

pr event ing phospholipid r elease and decreasing eosinophil act ion. To achieve an opt im um diagnost ic out com e, t his resear ch w as focused on phar m acokinet ics int er act ion and biodist r ibut ion vivo t han P- O- P bond of phosphat es. P- O- P bond can be easily broken down by phosphat ase enzym es, but t he P- C- P bond in diphosphonat e of 99mTc- MDP is not affect ed ( Khalil, 2011) . This com plexes were used for m et ast at ic bone cancer because t heir high sensit ivit y can det ect m et ast ases before occurrence of anat om ical changes ( Ogawa & I shizaki, 2015) ( Goyal & Ant onarakis, 2012) .

Radiopharm aceut icals are used for t wo purposes. The first is t heir use as a t raced com pound adm inist ered t o a pat ient for observing physiological alt erat ions or abnorm al dist ribut ion t hroughout of t he body and t he second is t heir use as a t racer for biochem ical or physiological st udies ( Sant os-Oliveira, 2008) . The pharm acokinet ics or biodist ribut ion of radiopharm aceut ical m ay alt er by a variet y of drugs, disease st at es and surgical procedurs ( Sant os- Oliveira, 2008) , which a significant clinical im pact on safet y, scan int erpret at ion, and diagnost ic im aging accuracy ( Fact ors, 2010) .


M a t e r ia ls a n d M e t h ods

Radiolabeling of 99mTc- MDP and det erm inat ion of radiochem ical purit y ( Zolle, 2007)

The freeze- dried MDP kit was reconst it ut ed using 1 m L of freshly elut ed 99mTcO4solut ion cont aining 1 -accum ulat ion of each organ sam ples were calculat ed as percent age of inj ect ion dose per gram organ.

Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion radiopharm aceut icals have been fulfilled t he requirem ent of Unit ed St at e of Pharm acopoeia, which t he percent age of radiochem ical purit y is great er t han 95% . The solut ion of MDP dissolved easily in saline, giving a clear and colorless solut ion, vacuum and pH bet ween 5.8 – 6.0.

The pharm acokinet ic profile was conduct ed t o det erm ine t he rat e of dist ribut ion and elim inat ion of 99mTc- MDP radiopharm aceut ical in t he body t hrough t he det erm inat ion of it s biological half life. As



Figu r e 1 . The chrom at ogram of 99mTc- MDP using ( A) acet one as m obile phase and ( B) saline as m obile phase

About 12.34 and 12.06% of t he inj ect ed dose rem ains in t he blood at 1 hour post - inj ect ion and 0.19 and 0.18% at 24 hours, 99mTc- MDP were t reat m ent wit h dexam et hasone and prednisone. Following int ravenous adm inist rat ion, 99mTc- MDP is cleared from t he plasm a wit h a half- t im e of 3–4 m in. About 10% of t he inj ect ed dosage rem ains in t he blood at 1 hour post - inj ect ion and less t han 1% at 24 hours ( Saha, 2010) .

Figu r e 2 . Pharm acokinet ics profile of 99mTc- MDP using norm al m ice st ock swiss wit h t reat m ent of dexam et hasone and prednisone and wit hout t reat m ent as cont rol.

Based on calculat ions by t he m ult ifit soft ware ( Table 1) , it showed t hat t he dist ribut ion half- life of 99mTc- MDP wit h t reat m ent did not differ significant ly from cont rol. But t he elim inat ion half - life showed

a significant difference where t he biological half - life of 99mTc- MDP radiopharm aceut ical which t reat m ent wit h dexam et asone ( 4.61 h) and prednisone ( 4.43 h) , t he half- life m ore fast er t han cont rol ( 20.67 h) .

Ta ble 1 . Dist ribut ion and elim inat ion half- life of 99mTc- MDP radiopharm aceut ical given Glucocort icoids drug t reat m ent com pared t o cont rols wit hout t reat m ent using Mult ifit soft w are

t1/ 2dist ribut ion ( hours)

t1/ 2elim inat ion ( m inut es)

Cont rols ( wit hout t reat m ent ) 0.21 20.67

Treat m ent of Dexam et hasone 0.23 4.61

Treat m ent of Prednisone 0.20 4.43

Biodist ribut ion st udy was perform ed 3 hours aft er int ravenous inj ect ion of 99mTc- MDP t o anim al m odel. I n nuclear m edicine, im aging of bone scint igraphy using 99mTc- MDP usually perform ed 2 - 5 hours aft erwards for clearance of t he adm inist rat ed radiopharm aceut ical from t he int ravascular com part m ent and from t he ext racellular nonosseous soft t issues ( Zuckier & Mar t ineau, 2015) .

99mTc- MDP + 99mTcO

2 99mTc- MDP

+ 99mTcO 4

-99mTcO 2 99mTcO


-The adm inist rat ion of dexam et hasone and prednisone for several days has changed t he pat t ern of biodist ribut ion part icularly on t he bone. As show n in Figure 3, t he highest percent age shown in t he bone, but t he bones which given t reat m ent wit h dexam et hasone and prednisone reduced bone upt ake t han cont rol, result s were 3.5 3 ± 0.49 % and 3.47 ± 0.5% , respect ively which com pared t o t he cont rol 11.54 ± 4.36% ( t t est , differ significant ly wit h t he 95% confidence level) . Dexam et hasone and prednisone, glucocort icoids agent , are com m on t o cont rol and t reat several inflam m at ory diseases and side effect of t his agent s especially for long t erm is bone loss t hrough decrease qualit y and quant it y of m ineral bone densit y and rat e of ost eogenesis ( Doroudi et al., 2012) . A sm all am ount of bone synt hesis depends on decreased calcium availabilit y and decreased glucocort icoid - induced ost eoblast ic act ivit y ( Longui, 2007) . Based on t - t est , upt ake of non t arget organs showed t here are no significant ly differences bet ween t reat m ent s and cont rols. Non t arget organs have lower upt a ke t han bone ( t arget organ) , which are below t han 2.5% of inj ect ed dose per gram .

Figu r e 3 . Biodist ribut ion profile of 99mTc- MDP using norm al m ice st ock swiss wit h t reat m ent of dexam et hasone and prednisone and wit hout t reat m ent

Con clu sion s

Adm inist rat ion of dexam et hasone and prednisone as glucocort icoid agent can alt er pharm acokinet ics profile and biodist ribut ion pat t ern. Treat m ent of dexam et hasone and prednisone decreases bone upt ake and elim inat ion half- life of 99mTc- MDP radiopharm aceut icals

Ack n ow le dge m e n t s

The aut hor would like t o t hank t o Mr. I swahyudi, Achm ad Sidik, Epy I sabella and ot her colleagues who have helped in com plet ion of t his research.

Re fe re n ce s

Dor oudi, A., Saadat i, S. M., Ahm adi, F., Khodayar , J., Rezaee, S., & Kaydan, H. H. ( 2012) . The effect of pr ednisolone on t he sensit ivit y of t echnet ium 99m - m et hylene diphosphonat e ( 99m Tc- MDP) scint igr aphy t o det ect sim ulat ed closed fr act ur e in t he r at t ibia. I r anian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 20( 1) , 32–38.

Fact or s, P. ( 2010) . Alt ered Biodist r ibut ion of Radiophar m aceut icals: Role of Radiochemical/ Pharmaceutical. YSNUC, 40( 4) , 220–241.

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Goyal, J., & Ant onar akis, E. S. ( 2012) . Bone- t arget ing r adiopharm aceut icals for t he t reat m ent of prost at e cancer w it h bone m et ast ases. Cancer Let t er s,323( 2) , 135–146. ht tp: / / doi.org/ 10.1016/ j .canlet .2012.04.001 Khalil, M. M. ( 2011) . Basic Sciences of Nuclear Medicine. Vasa. Retr ieved fr om

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Liu, D., Ahm et , A., War d, L., Kr ishnam oor t hy, P., Mandelcor n, E. D., Leigh, R., Kim , H. ( 2013) . A pr act ical guide t o t he m onit or ing and m anagem ent of t he com plicat ions of syst em ic cor t icost eroid t herapy. Allergy , Ast hm a, and Clinical I m m unology: Official Journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 9( 1) , 30. ht t p: / / doi.or g/ 10.1186/ 1710- 1492- 9- 30

Longui, C. A. ( 2007) . Glucocor t icoid t her apy: m inim izing side effect s. Jor nal de Pediat r ia, 83( 5 Suppl) , S163–S177. ht t p: / / doi.or g/ 10.2223/ JPED.1713


Saha, G. B. ( 2010) . Fundam ent als of Nuclear Phar m acy ( Sixt h) . New York: Spr inger . ht t p: / / doi.org/ 10.1007/ 978 1 4419 5860 0

Sant os- Oliveir a, R. ( 2008) . Radiopharm aceut ical dr ug int er act ions. Rev ist a de Salud Publica ( Bogot a, Colom bia), 10( 3) , 477–487. ht t p: / / doi.org/ 10.1590/ S0124- 00642008000300013

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Zolle, I . ( 2007) . Technet ium - 99m Phar m aceut icals. ht t p: / / doi.or g/ 10.1007/ 978- 3- 540- 33990- 8


Figure 2 . Pharmacokinetics profile of99mTc-MDP using normal mice stock swiss with treatment ofdexamethasone and prednisone and without treatment as control.
Figure 3 . Biodistribution profile of99mTc-MDP using normal mice stock swiss with treatment ofdexamethasone and prednisone and without treatment


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