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How Perceptions of Asian Women Have Changed Dramatically


Academic year: 2017

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How Perceptions of Asian Women Have Changed Dramatically Word Count:

488 Summary:

Women who are raised in any of the several countries on the continent of Asia are known to be brought up learning how to be submissive and exceptionally pleasing to the men in their lives, especially their husbands. For many years, Asian women have suffered through a lifetime of being categorized as second class citizens, being given barely any personal rights, including the right to think for themselves. Based on that type of lifestyle, which can be very degrading and traumatic, many Asian women try to emigrate to other countries in search of a better life. They offer themselves as wives for what can many times turn out to be a worse existence than they left.

Keywords: asian women

Article Body:

Women who are raised in any of the several countries on the continent of Asia are known to be brought up learning how to be submissive and exceptionally pleasing to the men in their lives, especially their husbands. For many years, Asian women have suffered through a lifetime of being categorized as second class citizens, being given barely any personal rights, including the right to think for themselves. Based on that type of lifestyle, which can be very degrading and traumatic, many Asian women try to emigrate to other countries in search of a better life. They offer themselves as wives for what can many times turn out to be a worse existence than before they left. `But the times, they are a changin´. Fortunately, many modern Asian women, especially Asian American women, attend school and college and go on to become successful business people. They become doctors, lawyers and even politicians. The modern Asian women have evolved into wives and mothers who no longer have to bow down to the commands of the men who surround them.

Asian women have also been developing outlets as a means of reaching out to one another, supporting and educating each other. One such outlet is a magazine designated for Asian women called Asiance Magazine. This new and modern publication targets the English-speaking generation of Asian American women who are breaking through their old-fashioned boundaries and traditional ways of being raised. It was established to bring together all of the Asian women who are challenging their culture by living in a country like the United States that encourages them to express themselves and live a full, independent life. The women who write for and contribute to Asiance Magazine strive to encourage Asian women to continue to be proud of their heritage and share it with their American neighbors. The publication is not only meant for women of Asian backgrounds ˘ they welcome anyone interested in their culture to visit the website and learn more about their contemporary lifestyle.

On the magazine´s website, you can link to news stories about Asian women who are moving onward and upward in today´s society. There is a section of the online magazine that keeps Asian women informed of the latest career trends with editorials from the women who are in these interesting and inspiring roles throughout various industries. There are entertainment articles about the latest and greatest Asian celebrities such as popular actors and musicians. There are fashion and beauty pieces and more containing commentaries on health, fitness, sex and relationships. Lifestyle pieces integrating the arts, culture and cooking are more subjects that are available for your reading pleasure. There is also free newsletter to subscribe to which you can receive via email. This is a very special magazine and one that not only Asian women, but women from any ethic background can enjoy. Check it out this liberating publication at www.asiancemagazine.com.

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