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Birth Control Pill Health Benefits and Lifestyle Concerns


Academic year: 2017

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Oral contraceptives or birth control pills are patronized by majority of sexually active women. Pills are not just safe, convenient, and inexpensive, but these are also relief provider to a number of health conditions. In this article, the author enumerates the different health conditions that can be treated by regular intake of birth control pill. The author also explains a number of lifestyle concerns on taking oral contraceptions.


birth control pill

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Oral contraceptives are preferred to use by millions of women worldwide as a form of birth control, for these are very efficient, inexpensive, convenient, and safe to use compared to other types of birth control methods. However, these contraceptive medications require prescription from health practitioners or gynecologists. With the wide selections of birth control pills available today, women should go for the ones that their trusted doctors recommend. Aside from the facts that birth control pill is cheaper and convenient, this form of oral contraception is also highly regarded for its capacity to treat other types of medical and health conditions. Yes, birth control pills give a lot of health benefits aside from preventing pregnancy.

The following are health conditions that can be treated with oral contraceptives:

1. Dysmenorrhea. This is an extreme abdominal pain that is experienced during the first few days of menstruation.

2. Hirsutism. This is an abnormal hair growth, which is common on the face and neck areas, among females. Maintained intake of pills can significantly reduce and prevent additional hair growth. 3. Irregular periods.

4. Amenorrhea.

5. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. This is an abnormal bleeding in the vagina that triggers during a menstrual cycle. 6. Acne.

7. Hypernorrhea. This is an abnormal and quite heavy flow of menstruation.

8. Cystic ovarian syndrome. This involves infertility and formation of tiny ovarian cysts. Some lifestyle concerns on using birth control

Birth control pills do not work overnight. Since some birth control pills may not work in as fast as one week, it is highly recommended among women to use other types of contraception while they are on their first pill pack. Intake of oral contraception requires discipline and organization, for these are important in tracking the use of medications. Tracking here means ensuring that the pills are taken on time and in proper order. When traveling, one should keep an extra one month pack in case of emergency and pills may possibly be unavailable. Once a woman decides to take birth control pills, she is required to see a gynecologist at least once a year for consultation. Checkups generally include pelvic and breast exams, pap smear, and blood pressure measurement. Depending on gynecological status and health, some women may even be required to visit their gyne a few times more than usual for additional follow-up consultations.

Most gynecologists require women who are taking pills to discontinue the intake of contraceptive medication once they suspect they are pregnant or are already sure that they are pregnant. This will prevent any unwanted complication on the unborn baby.

As for women who already gave birth, they can resume on taking birth control pills a few weeks after giving birth. Doctors, however, do not advice the intake of birth control pills that contain estrogen, for these can lessen the quality of the mother’s breast milk. Progestin-only pills are the ones recommended by gynecologists to mothers who are still breastfeeding. In frequent checkup visits, women who are taking birth control pills will have no problem on asking or consulting to their gynecologists about their concerns and queries regarding the use, side effects, and benefits of birth control pill intake.

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