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Motivating A Fourth Grade Student When Assisting Her In Learning Grammar At ACES.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membahas masalah dalam memotivasi siswa kelas IV SD ketika saya mendampingi siswa dalam belajar grammar di ACES. Masalah ini saya jumpai ketika magang di ACES, sebuah tempat kursus bahasa Inggris selama satu bulan dan menjadi asisten guru di sana.

Saya menganalisis penyebab dan dampak dari masalah yang saya hadapi. Penyebab pertama dari masalah adalah kurangnya komunikasi antara saya dan siswa. Penyebab kedua masalah adalah saya tidak memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mencari jawaban dalam mengerjakan tugas pekerjaan rumah dari sekolah. Penyebab ketiga masalah ini adalah kebanyakan kegiatan pembelajaran berupa latihan tertulis tanpa kegiatan yang bersifat komunikatif yang membuat siswa tidak termotivasi dalam mempelajari grammar. Masalah ini membawa beberapa dampak, yaitu siswa selalu mengeluh ketika belajar grammar, kemudian siswa tidak mendengarkan penjelasan saya melainkan dia melakukan hal yang lain, dan terakhir, saya merasa sulit untuk membuat siswa antusias dalam mendapatkan nilai yang baik untuk tes grammar. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, saya memiliki tiga pilihan solusi yang dapat saya gunakan. Solusi pertama adalah saya akan melakukan pendekatan pribadi dengan siswa, kedua saya akan memberikan permainan yang mendukung siswa dalam mempelajari grammar, dan ketiga adalah saya akan memberikan dorongan terhadap siswa agar siswa tersebut lebih aktif dan berhasil.



Maranatha Christian University







A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS……….7












1. I had lack of communication with the student.

2. I did not give the student the opportunity to seek answers by herself when doing grammar homework from her school. 3. Most of learning activities at ACES are only written exercises without communicative activities which made the student not motivated to learn grammar.


I had difficulties in motivating a fourth grade student when assisting her in learning grammar at ACES.


1. She always complained when learning grammar.

2. She did not show respect to me when I was assisting her by her action of doing something else. 3. I felt it was difficult to make her enthusiastic in getting good mark in grammar tests.

Potential Negative Effects

The student might not respect me as a teacher assistant if I am too close with her.

Potential Solution I

I will build a personal approach with the student as a private tutor.

Potential Positive Effects

1. I can be closer to her.

2. The student will trust and respect me as a teacher assistant.

Potential Negative Effects

1. The class might be noisy. 2. Playing games will take much time.

Potential Solution II

I will provide games which support the student in learning grammar.

Potential Positive Effects

1. Games will bring fun and also enhance the teacher and the student relationship. 2. Games will motivate the students and build their confidence.

Potential Negative Effect

I must put in extra time and effort to encourage the student in learning grammar.

Potential Solution III

I will encourage the student to do her best in learning grammar.

Potential Positive Effect

1. Giving encouragement will motivate the student from the inside and also help the student feel capable to learn grammar. 2.Givingencouragement will make the student more active and eager to succeed.

Chosen Solution




Melisa: Selamat malam Ms. Rhimelda. Saya dari D III Bahasa Inggris Maranatha,

ingin menanyakan bagaimana sejarah ACES berdiri dan siapa pendiri ACES?

Ms. Rhimelda: Iya, waktu dulu itu namanya ACES Kids, pertama kali didirikan oleh

Dra. Leonny Siswati Tanama yang merupakan tante dari saya atau bibi. Kalau di

Jakarta mungkin berdirinya sudah lebih lama lagi yah, mungkin sekitar tahun 1998.

Kemudian pada tahun 2002 saya ditawarkan untuk bekerja sama dengan beliau

untuk mendirikan ACES di Bandung. Karena di Bandung belum ada ya, jadi kita

membuka cabang dari Jakarta. Saya mendirikannya pada tanggal 1 April 2002 di Jl.

Padjajaran no 87 lantai 3, kemudian karena jumlah kapasitas murid semakin banyak

jadi di tahun 2005 kita pindah ke Jl. Astina no 8 D. Sesudah sampai di sana karena

habis masa kontraknya kita pindah ke Jl. Pandu no 6 A, karena di sini tempat milik

saya sendiri.

Melisa: Lalu, apa arti nama ACES itu sendiri, yang tadinya bernama ACES Kids

diganti nama menjadi ACES, mengapa?

Name of respondent : Rhimelda Marcella Yulita. S.S.

Name of Interviewer : Melisa, Indri, Grace Hellen.

Place of Interview : ACES, Jl.Pandu no 6 A.


Ms. Rhimelda: Nah, awalnya kita fokusnya kan ke anak-anak, namun banyak orang

tua dan juga para pekerja yang ingin belajar Bahasa Inggris terutama untuk daily

conversation. Jadi kita mengganti nama ACES Kids menjadi ACES. Kapasitas nya

bukan untuk anak-anak saja yah. Nah kalau ACES itu diganti nama nya menjadi

Active Communicative English Study. Jadi itu untuk berbagai usia.

Melisa: Lalu apa misi dan visi ACES dan apakah Aces juga memiliki moto?

Ms. Rhimelda: Ya, tentu saja. Visi dari ACES, kita kedepannya ingin membuka

semacam sekolahan yang mungkin dimulai dari playgroup, fokusnya kita kesana

dulu. Untuk misinya sendiri, kita ingin mengembangkan pendidikan di Indonesia,

terutama dalam bidang Bahasa Inggris, supaya lebih baik lagi. Karena nantinya kan

dalam globalisasi era kita membutuhkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai second language

setelah Bahasa Indonesia, yang nantinya juga kalau misalkan anak-anak yang

Bahasa Inggrisnya baik dari mereka kecil sampai dewasa untuk masuk ke dunia

kerja akan lebih mudah.

Melisa: Lalu, berapa awal jumlah murid ketika ACES didirikan?

Ms. Rhimelda: Wah, waktu mulai didirikan jumlah murid sekitar dua puluhan kali yah.

Kalau sampai sekarang kita sampai mencapai seratus murid, tetapi kita mengalami


Melisa: Fasilitas apa saja yang disediakan oleh ACES untuk menunjang

pembelajarannya, Miss?

Ms. Rhimelda: Kita menyediakan mainan, ada beberapa juga kita mengambil

mainan dari luar negri dan buku-buku yang rata-rata kita ambil dari Singapore. Nah

terus kita juga menunjang menggunakan laptop untuk mendengarkan kemampuan

listening mereka, dan juga ada audio room, supaya mereka bisa menonton dan

mendengarkan lagu.

Melisa: Kriteria guru seperti apa yang ACES sendiri butuhkan untuk menjadi seorang

guru disini?

Ms. Rhimelda: Yang pasti, guru itu harus sabar, lalu harus saying sama murid –

murid dan yang paling utama harus pintar. Yang pertama dilakukan yaitu mencoba

test dulu, test TOEFL dan nilai nya harus lebih dari 550. Sesudah test TOEFL kita

mengadakan interview, setelah itu kita bisa menentukan guru tersebut bisa diterima

atau tidak.

Melisa: Apakah ada masa percobaan nya, Miss?

Ms. Rhimelda: Ada, masa percobaan nya selama tiga bulan dulu, dan biasanya kita

lihat dari training juga.


Ms. Rhimelda: Kita mengambil sumbernya kebanyakan dari Singapore yah, untuk

materi nya.

Melisa: Level apa saja yang ditawarkan ACES?

Ms. Rhimelda: Level nya dimulai dari Toddy yaitu playgroup umur tiga tahun,

kemudian Nursery untuk empat tahun, kemudian Kiddy, Kiddy Pre-Basic, lalu Basic

1, Basic 2, Basic 3, Intermediate 1 sampai 3.

Melisa: Lalu bagaimana hubungan antar departemen yang terjadi di ACES?

Ms. Rhimelda: Tentu saja hubungan kami sangat terbuka, kalau kita ada masalah di

diskusikan langsung, dan biasanya kita mengadakan meeting sekitar seminggu

sekali untuk membahas langkah-langkah apa saja yang harus kita lakukan untuk

menambah jumlah murid atau untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah ringan siswa

ataupun masalah dari luar.

Melisa: Lalu bagaimana cara ACES mengenalkan ke orang-orang?

Ms. Rhimelda: Sebetulnya kita sih tidak banyak menggunakan iklan. Iklan yang kita

pakai dari Bandung Info Media saja, selebihnya dari mulut ke mulut dan

kepercayaan orang tua terhadap kita.

Melisa: Bagaimana cara pembagian kelasnya sendiri, seperti di kelas ada beberapa


Ms. Rhimelda: Sebenarnya, pembagian waktu bagian awal mereka datang kemari.

Biasanya mereka akan menjalani test, lewat test tersebut kita akan tahu level mana

yang akan mereka masuki lalu kita kelompokkan Basic 1, Basic 2, atau Basic 3

sesuai dengan kemampuan mereka.

Melisa: Terakhir, hal apa saja yang membedakan ACES dengan kursus – kursus

yang lain?

Ms. Rhimelda: Hmm, kalau menurut opini orang-orang kita baik dalam grammar

nya, karena itu merupakan basic dari Bahasa Inggris. Kita kembangkan grammar

tersebut menjadi speaking, listening dan writing.

Melisa: Saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih karena telah memberikan waktunya







Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

Students are expected to have motivation within themselves to

support the process of learning. Arends states that, “Motivation is

usually defined as the processes within individuals that stimulate

behavior or arouse us to take action” (80). Similarly, it is important for

teachers to give support or motivation for the student. As stated in

“Motivation in the Classroom”, “All teachers want their students to

excel in life and motivating the students is one of the important ways to

help achieve this goal” (par.1). Giving motivation can help students to


There are two types of motivation. Arends explains that,

“Psychologists make the distinction between two major types of

motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic” (80). Furthermore, he states that:

When behavior is sparked internally by one’s own interest or

curiosity or just for the pure enjoyment of an experience, this is



Maranatha Christian University when individuals are influenced to action from external or

environmental factors, such as rewards, punishments, or social

pressures (80).

By having intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, students will be motivated

to learn and to succeed.

I had difficulties in motivating a fourth grade student when assisting

her in learning grammar at ACES (Active Communicative English

Study), an English Course, in Bandung. During my internship, I was

helping the teacher to accompany one student to learn English and

also assisting her when the lesson began. I would also teach English

to the student occasionally. Most of the learning materials are grammar


The problem began when I met a fourth grade student who was not

motivated in learning English grammar at ACES. She always

complained when I gave her some grammar exercises. She did not

listen to my explanation and always did something else. First, I felt very

confused to communicate with her and I also had difficulties to make

her focus on grammar lessons. She always asked me for the answers

to the grammar exercises. If I did not tell her the answers she would

ignore me as a teacher assistant and she did not want to do the

grammar exercises. This situation is quite problematic for me as the



Maranatha Christian University Considering the above explanation, I would like to analyze how to

be a good teacher assistant who can motivate the students in learning

grammar. I would like to analyze the problem systematically and

critically to find the solution of this problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

This term paper describes a problem that I found when I did my

internship as a teacher assistant in ACES. This problem can be stated

in the following questions:

1. Why did I have difficulties in motivating a fourth grade student

when assisting her in learning grammar?

2. How did the problem influence the student and me?

3. How should I solve this problem?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of the study are to analyze the causes of my

problem in motivating a fourth grade student in learning grammar at

ACES, to find the effects of the problem, and to find the ways to

motivate the student in learning grammar. The first benefit of this study

is for the teachers at ACES. Hopefully, they will give the best to

motivate the students. The second benefit is for the readers. The



Maranatha Christian University grammar. The last benefit is for the writer. As the writer, I will solve the

problem in motivating a fourth grade student in learning grammar.

D. Description of the Institution

This information is based on the interview with Ms. Rhimelda

Marcella Yulita, S.S as the owner of ACES. ACE Kids was established

by Dra. Leonny Siswanti Tanama in 1998 in Jakarta. ACE Kids

changed its name into ACES in 2013, because the learners are not

only kids but also people of different age levels. ACES itself stands for

Active Communicative English Study, which has the motto "Start with

the end in mind". The motto means everything begins and ends with

the goal until the goal is completed. Dra. Leonny Siswanti offered her

niece, Ms. Rhimelda, S.S, to open a branch of ACE Kids in Bandung.

Afterwards, Ms. Rhimelda started a branch of ACE Kids in Bandung

which was located at Padjajaran Street no. 87 on April 1, 2002. Initially

Ms. Rhimelda worked as a private English teacher. Later, she

accepted the offer from Ms. Leonny to open ACE Kids English Course

in Bandung.

In 2006, ACE Kids moved their premises to Astina Street no. 8

D, Bandung, because the number of the students and the staff was

also increasing. The vision of Ms. Rhimelda for ACES is to open and



Maranatha Christian University itself is to teach English to students there to prepare them in the era of

globalization. Ms. Rhimelda herself thought that “if the students can not

apply the English language in this era of globalization the students will

not be prepared to compete with other people, moreover the students

will be left behind from others”. In early 2013, ACES moved to a new

location in Pandu Street no. 6 A. At the new premises of ACES, there

are more than 80 learners (21 February 2013).

E. Method of the Study

The data collection of my final term-paper is taken from my

internship journal, books and articles from the Internet. The internship

journal book records the observation of my interaction with the

students during my internship from 8 January 2013 to 23 March 2013.

The data is used to get theories that support my analysis of the


F. Limitation of the Study

The research of my final term-paper focuses on a fourth grade

female student aged 10 years old at ACES. The problem is taken from

a real problem that I experienced when I did an internship in ACES



Maranatha Christian University focuses on my difficulty in motivating a fourth grade student in learning

grammar at ACES.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

The Term Paper starts with the Abstract which discusses the

summary of this Term Paper in Bahasa Indonesia, followed by the

Declaration of Originality, which is the statement of the term paper’s

originality. Next, there is Acknowledgements. After that, there is Table

of Contents.

This Term Paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter

is the Introduction. This chapter contains Background of the Study,

Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of Study,

Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the

Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. The second chapter

explains the Problem Analysis. This chapter discusses the causes and

the effects of the problem. The third chapter is Potential Solutions. The

fourth chapter is the Conclusion. This chapter concludes the best

solutions in motivating a fourth grade student to learn grammar. After

the last chapter, there is a Bibliography, which is followed by

Appendices, which include the Flowchart, transcription of the interview,

an example of grammar exercises, and an example of grammar test


Maranatha Christian University 16



In the previous chapters, I have discussed my difficulty in motivating a

fourth grade student when assisting her in learning grammar at ACES. The

causes of the problem are I had lack of communication with the student, I did

not give the student opportunity to seek answers by herself when doing

grammar homework, and most of the learning activities are only written

exercises without communicative activities which made the student not

motivated to learn grammar. The effects of the problem are she always

complained when learning grammar, she did not show respect to me when I

assisted her by her action of doing something else, and I felt it difficult to

make her enthusiastic in getting good mark in grammar tests. I provide three

potential solutions to solve the problem. The first is I will build a personal

approach with the student as a private tutor. The second is I will provide

games which support her in learning grammar. The last is I will encourage the


Maranatha Christian University 17

best solution to overcome my problem is the combination of the first, second

and the third potential solutions.

The first solution is chosen because if I could build a good relationship

with the student, it would help me to motivate the student to learn grammar.

For example, when the student and I have a conversation, the student will

feel comfortable talking with me and I can also motivate the student. It will be

easier for me to have good communication with the student. Therefore, the

relationship between the student and teacher is very important to enhance

student’s motivation and achievement. The second potential solution is also

chosen because games will help the student in learning grammar, and also

games will bring fun. I will provide games which support the student in

learning grammar, such as hedbanz, scrabble or other games which are

suitable in learning grammar. The third potential solution is suitable because

encouragement can motivate the student and help her feel capable to do

grammar. There is no other form of motivation that works quite as well as

encouragement. At ACES, I can show encouragement by allowing the student

to watch a movie after finishing her exercise, giving praise for her

achievement, and saying positive words.

The combination of these three potential solutions will help me to

overcome the problem. By having the problem resolved, I can motivate the

student in learning grammar at ACES. For the institution, I suggest that the

teachers at ACES should motivate all their students more by giving


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Source

Arends, Richard I. Learning to Teach. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher

Education, 2001.

Electronic Sources

Diana, Nova Pravita Rus. “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using

Games in Teaching Vocabulary to the Third Graders of Top School

Elementary School”. eprints.uns.ac.id. 2010. 11 May 2013.


Felder, Richard., Brent, Rebecca. “The 67 Worst Teaching Mistakes”.

oncourseworkshop.com. oncourseworkshop.com. 21 April 2013.


Maranatha Christian University “How to Be a Great Teaching Assistant”. busyteacher.org. 2007. 25 April




“How to Become a Tutor”. thetutorwebsite.co.uk. 2011. 8 May 2013.


“How to Encourage Student Learning”. ehow.com. 1999. 8 May 2013.


Johansson, Andreas. “What influences students’ motivation for learning

English grammar?”. Institution of Language and Literature.

www.essays.se. 2010. 15 March 2013.

Kang, Hye Won. “Teaching Statement”. 2 May 2013


“Lack of Motivation in Students”. buzzle.com. 2000. 6 April 2013.


Maranatha Christian University Mc Cready, Amy. “Rewards vs. Encouragement”.

positiveparentingsolutions.com. 2006. 8 May 2013.



“Motivation in the Classroom”. buzzle.com. 2000. 6 April 2013.


Noonan, Brian Ph D. “The Relationship Between Time Teachers Spend With

Students and Student Learning”. 11 April 2013.



Parson, Monica. “Enthusiasm and Feedback: A Winning Combination!”.

pacentral.org. 2001. 18 April 2013.


Reichert, Robin. “How to Encourage Students to Do Well in the Classroom”.

ehow.com. 1999. 8 May 2013.



Maranatha Christian University Shore, Dr. Ken. “Lack of Motivation”. educationworld.com. 1996. 25 April



“Teaching Grammar with Games in the ESL Classroom”.

teachingenglishgames.com. 2006. 23 April 2013.



Wang, Ying-Jian., Hui-Fang Shang., and Paul Briody.

“Investigating the Impact of Using Games in Teaching Children English”.

International Journal of Learning & Development. 28 November 2011,

Vol.1, No.1. 23 April 2013.

Wright, Jim. “Six Reasons Why Students Are Unmotivated (and What

Teachers Can Do)”. RTI Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Schools. 12 July

2011. 29 April 2013.



Interview Source


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