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MYOB Basic Qualification Test MYOB Accounting v18


Academic year: 2018

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Code: L1HA12R1

Effective from 09 Jan 2013

MYOB Qual if icat ion Test


Al l right s reserved; no par t of t hi s publ icat ion may be repr oduced, st or ed i n a ret rieval syst em, or t r ansmit t ed in any f or m by any means, el ect roni c, mechani cal , phot ocopyi ng, r ecordi ng, or ot herwise

Please fill your dat a:

Ful l name : ________________________________________________

Pl ace & Dat e of Birt h: _______________________________________________

Phone number : ________________________________________________


MYOB Qualification Test Level Basic

Inst ruct ions to Part icipant s:

1 . You will have 2 hours t o complet e t he test . Answer all quest ions in the t est .

2 . Please check that you have MYOB Premier v12 on your computer. If you do not see it , please inform t he invigilat or for assist ance.

3 . You are NOT allowed to bring any disket t es or paper into t he examinat ion room.

4 . You must create new folder on harddisk. Please save your . MYO, backup folder, and report folder in t his folder and the folder will be collect ed from harddisk at t he end of t he examinat ion.

5 . In t he event of any unforseen circumst ances e. g. elect ricit y blackout or comput er failure that prohibit s you from cont inuing wit h t he examination, and such event is not t he cause of your own act ion (s), you will be allocat ed extra time t o complete the examinat ion at t he discret ion of t he invigilator. (This is t o ensure consist ency with all t he ot her inst ruct ions, which are expressed in t he first person).

6 . If you should encounter any technical difficult ies wit h the computer during t he examinat ion, please inform t he invigilator for assist ance.

7 . Non-programmable elect ronic calculators are allowed for this examination.

8 . You are not allowed t o communicat e wit h ot her examination candidates t hroughout t he examinat ion.

9 . You are NOT allowed to leave t he examination room without the permission of t he invigilator.

1 0. The assignment and any used or unused paper, must be returned t o the invigilator at t he end of the examinat ion.


The Case Study

Based t he f act given, you are requi red t o :

1. Set up t he company dat a f il e : [ 4 marks]

Mr. Handoko is t he owner of t he st or e “Quantum Home Appliance” .

As Home Appliance Dealer, Mr. Handoko buys and sel l s home appl iances t o end users.

Mr. Handoko decided t o use MYOB Premi er v12 account ing sof t war e f or prepari ng hi s company 1 January to 31 December 2013 Financial Year Report s and pref er t o use t he 13th accounting period for the audit trial adj ustment.

Pl ease use one of t he account l ist provided by MYOB Premier 12. So you don’ t need t o set up t he account l ist compl et el y.

Set up t he f ol l owing inf ormat ion:

The Company address : Yogyakart a Tel : 0274-5707 07

Fax : 0274-5707 08

Email : quant uminf o@gmail . com

The f ol l owi ng pref er ences opt i on must be act ivat ed :

 Syst em Pr ef er ences : Tick t he opt ion f or “ Warn if Jobs Are Not Assigned to All Transaction [System-Wide]”

 Wi ndows Pref erences : Unt ick opt ion f or “ Automatically Check Spelling in Text Fields Before Recording Transaction”

 Sal es Pref er ences : Tick t he opt ion f or : “ Warn for Duplicate Invoices Numbers on Recorded Sales”

 Purchases Pref er ences

 Securit y Pref erences



Tick t he opt ion f or : “ Warn for Purchase Orders Numbers on Recorded Purchases”

Cl ick User IDs t o add new User ID as your Name.

2. Log-off (exit) from MYOB – no backup is required. , and t hen login to MYOB dat a f il e creat ed wi t h your user name

Setup the List below : [ 8 marks]

Setup t he f ol l owing Account List

- The Company don’ t use t he f ol l owi ng account codes anymor e :  1-2120 Payroll Cheque Account


1-2210 Less Prov’ n for Doubtful Debts

- The Company changes some account s as f ol l ows :  1-2140 Petty Cash, Change to 1-2120

1-2160 Undeposited Funds, Change to 1-2130 Undeposited Cheque

- The Company need t o add t he f ol l owi ng account s :

MR. GOGO (Customer) DIMARCO (Supplier) JOHAN (Employee)

ZALORA HOUSEWARE (Customer) IYASHI (Supplier) GENIE (Employee)


3. Set up Account Opening Bal ance Sheet inf ormat i on as 01 January 2013 [ 8 marks]

Set up t he f ol l owing ending bal ance as 31 Dec 2012 :


Total Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp1, 100, 000 Inc. GST

Invoice# S-120001 S-120002 S-120003

Cust. PO# GP-120001 ZP-120001 PP-120001

Category YK BD SBY


Total Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST

PO# P-120001 P-120002 P-120003

Supp. Inv# DS-120001 IS-120001 SS-120001

Category YK BD SBY

Set up t he f ol l owing invent ory opening bal ance as 01 January 2013 [Journal# : I-130001] [Category : YK]:

It em No. Qt y Unit Cost

VC 10 units Rp500, 000

CM 25 units Rp120, 000

DF 8 units Rp12, 000, 000

TM 8 units Rp7, 000, 000


4. The f ol l owi ng t ransact ions are made in January 2012. Record t hese t ransact i ons in MYOB

“ Purchase Return; DIMARCO”. [Category : YK]

Immediat el y applied the Return-Debit note to Trade Creditor balance f or

DIMARCO [ID#:P-130003] f or bil l on 2 Jan 2013.

[Category : BD] [Salesperson : GENIE]

POINT Invoi ce was recei ved. [Job: OS] [Category : YK] [Salesperson : JOHAN]


Miscellaneous Income (Acc# 4-8000) f or Rp880,000 (Include 10% GST) on COD

t erms (Inv#: S-130003, Cust PO#:GP-130001). Invoice was del iver ed. [Job: OS] [Salesperson: JOHAN] [Category: YK].

Ful l payment of Rp880, 000. - f or invoice on 17 Jan 2013 was received f rom

Issued Discount-Credit notes to ZALORA HOUSEWARE Rp420, 000 as Discount Given (Acc# 5-3000) (Inv#: S-130004, Cust PO#: ZP-130001) and edit Journal Memo wi t h “ Sale Discount : ZALORA HOUSEWARE” . [Job : LA] [Category : BD] [Salesperson : GENIE]

Immediat el y Pay Refund [Cheque No: D-130002] f or t he Rp420, 000 Discount



Credit not es t o ZALORA HOUSEWARE f rom t he Petty Cash. [ 2 marks] Bank interest Income wit h Rp5000 Bank Charges[ID#: R-130002] [Category : YK] Adj ustment increased by Rp170, 000 as 5-1200 Small Appliance Purchases [IJ#: I-130002] of Coffee Maker (CM) [Job : SA] [Category : YK]  Cash Receipt s Journal  Cash Disbursement Journal


12. Delete all related transaction on 4 Jan 2013. [ 4 marks] 13. Generat e and modif y t he Sales -Item [Sales Summary] r eport l ike t he sampl e

bel ow and t hen save as PDF Format

[ 4 marks]


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