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MarkusHartono Drillis and Contini Revisited Abstract 2015


Academic year: 2017

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This previous study is almost similar with this current study which aims to reveal textual meaning of a kind of text produced by the foreign language learners where the object of

This implementation uses a single table to store both isolated instructions and traces, reducing size requirements and also the number of table accesses, with performance

In order to validate our proposal for the WPS tier presented in Section 3, we developed a web service for quality assessment of positional accuracy using the methodology

developed the methodology of using network theory with finite element analysis in their previous work [39], which used a single source and sink combination to analyze the stress flow

Similarly, a previous study also reported similar reasons for delays in broad-spectrum antibiotic administration.5 Increasing awareness of the FN pathway among medical staff to ensure

The results of the H7 test in this study are similar to previous research Cesareo & Pastore, 2014, which stated that consumers' willingness to try SBMS is affected by consumer

The similar IC50 values for inhibition of AA and 2-AG suggests that a single indomethacin molecule bound in one subunit is sufficient to inhibit the oxygenation of either a fatty acid

Conclusion We have described a two view person tracking approach which uses Kalman filter to predict the tracking position and uses the homography to handle the occlusion.. Experiment