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Academic year: 2017



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Faculty ol Animal





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Bali cattle is one of Indonesia native germplasm, not selective characteristic with

available feed, adapted with environment in Indonesia, high percentage of pregnancy and

birth, and high percentage carcass with good meat quality (Gunawan and Ronjali, 2010).

In the future bali cattle could be hope as a meat supply in Indonesia, but developing of

bali cattle in Bali is faced on the difficulties of forage availability. On the other side, the

availability of agriculture waste such as rice straw is high and potential to use as feed.

Rice straw production in Bali was 5.53 ton dry matter/ha/production period. The main

difficulty of rice straw usage as feed are high lignin and silica content, low protein and

digestibility (Sutrisno, 1988). Offering rice straw as single feed is not enough to fulfill

the maintenance of bali cattle, eventhough giving ad libitum. So, bali cattle needs

supplement if offer rice straw as a basal ration.

Feed supplement that possible to cover the lack nutrient in rice straw is

concentrate. Concentrate could be able to cover the lack nutrient in rice straw and make

nutrient contain in ration is appropriate with the cattle requirement and cattle could grow

appropriate with its genetic potential.

The exceed offer of concentrate will stimulate volatile acid and lactic acid in

rumen and decrease of rumen acidity (pH). The decrease of rumen pH under normal pH

will decrease productivity and activity of rumen microbes. The decrease of rumen pH

caused the decrease of cellulose digestive activity and bigger decrease if pH under 6.0.

The decrease of cellulose digestive in rumen will make a bad impact to the cattle

productivity. Its proved from the result of Damayanti’s research (2004) found that crude fiber digestibility on goat which offer 60% concentrate in ration caused 19.18%


a research about level of concentrate supplementation in ration based on rice straw to

yield the maximal productivity.



The experiment used bali cattle with 168-182 kg body weight and were placed in

individual stall and completed with feeding and drinking water equipment. The stall is

colony cage with 175 cm  125 cm wide, asbes roof, concrete floor with 5% slope angle

to make easier to sweep the floor.

Ration consist of rice straw and concentrate. Rice straw was obtained from field

rice around the location of the experiment and contain of 93% dry matter, 2.93% crude

protein, 19.83% crude fiber, and 75.43% organic matter (Nutrition Laboratory, Animal

Husbandry Udayana University). Concentrate was commercial concentrate (LSP) and

mixed with 0.15% pignox (product of PT. Medion) as multivitamin mineral source before

giving to cattle. The content of concentrate were 97.83% dry matter, 16.89% crude

protein, 87.56% organic matter and 9.16% crude fiber. Source of drinking water from

well around the research place.


The experiment was conducted in Batubulan Kangin Village, Gianyar Regency,

and consist of field and laboratory experiment. Field experiment conducted for eight

weeks, and sample analysis in laboratory for four weeks.

The experiment used block randomized design (BRD) with three treatments and

three blocks as replication based on body weight difference, so it was 9 units trial. Each


concentrate from body weight for P1, P2, and P3 treatment, respectively. Rice straw and

drinking water were given ad libitum. The cattle were adapted to ration about two weeks

with rice straw and concentrate in same amount and given worm medicine one week

before the experiment begin.

Ration mixture carried out each week, LSP concentrate were mixed well with

pignox and placed in plastic bag and ready to give to cattle. Concentrate was given twice

a day in the morning and afternoon. Rice straw and drikning water were given ad libitum

Sample withdrawal of rice straw and concentrate was conducted every day, and

at the end of the experiment sample were composited appropriate with the treatments.

Sub sample collected 200 g for analyzing at laboratory. The ration residue only analysis

on dry matter and ration analysis on dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, and crude

protein used AOAC method (1980).

Variables observed were dry matter and nutrient consumption, body weight gain,

and feed conversion ratio (FCR):

 Dry matter and nutrient consumption. Dry matter consumption is calculated by

counting the different of total ration offer with ration residue which not

consume, and conducted every day. Nutrient content were measured by sample

analysis, and nutrient consumption counting with formula:

Nutrient consumption = total rice straw consumption  % dry matter of rice straw  rice straw nutrient  total concentrate consumption  % dry matter of concentrate  concentrate nutrient

 Weight gain is calculated by counting the different of final body weight and

initial body weight. Body weight was measured every week in the morning

before giving feed and drinking water. The weighing used electronic scale with


 Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) is calculated by dividing total feed consumption

(kg) and body weight gain (kg) along the experiment.

 Feed cost to raise 1 kg body weight was measured by calculating rice straw

consumption (kg) to raise 1 kg body weight  price of 1 kg rice straw +

concentrate consumption (kg) to raise 1 kg of body weight  price of 1 kg


The obtain data were analysis with analysis of variances. In case the results

showed significant differences (P<0.05) in treatments, so further analysis will be

examined with Duncan Multiple Range Test (Steel and Torrie, 1986).


The increase of concentrate supplementation on bali cattle which given rice straw

as based ration could increase dry matter consumption. Dry matter consumption on P3

treatment was 12.81% higher compared with P1 treatment. Dry matter consumption of

ruminant is determined with two factors: cattle effort to fulfill energy requirement and

fully of rumen as a consequence of high crude fiber in ration (Parakkasi, 1999). The

increase of dry matter consumption on treatment P3 probably caused by supplementation

of 1% concentrate from body weight not yet be able to fulfill cattle requirement for

maximizing growth, so the cattle effort to eat more to support its growth. The increase of

dry matter consumption on treatment P3 caused by the increase of concentrate

consumption (Table 1). The increase of concentrate consumption increased nutrient

consumption for rumen microbe, so could increase the activity of feed digesting. It caused

increase the rate of passage to digestive tract post rumen and dry matter consumption.


Variables Treatments



P1 P2 P3

Initial body weight (kg) 175.33a 176.03a 175.63a 2.15 Final body weight (kg) 199.69b 205.09ab 209.53a 2.02 Body weight gain (kg) 24.35c 29.05b 33.99a 2.27 Dry matter consumption


- Concentrate 98.77 154.21 200.69 - Rice straw 173.80 134.15 106.82

- Total 272.58b 288.36ab 307,51a 2.69 Organic matter

consumption (kg)

- Concentrate 86.36 134.84 175.48 - Rice straw 131.22 101.31 80.64

- Total 217.58b 236.15ab 256.12a 0.79 Crude protein

consumption (kg)

- Concentrate 16.58 25.9 33.71 - Rice straw 5.40 4.17 3.32

- Total 21.98c 30.07b 37.03a 0.22 Crude fiber consumption


- Concentrate 9.03 14.10 18.35 - Rice straw 33.37 25.56 20.50

- Total 42.4a 39.66ab 38.85b 0.23 FCR 11.58a 9.93b 9.23b 1.25 Feed cost to raise 1 kg of

body weight (Rp.)

11236,23 12547.57 15339.53


1) P1 = rice straw ad libitum concentrate 1% from body weight; P2 = rice straw ad

libitum  concentrate 1.5% from body weight; P3 = rice straw ad libitum  concentrate 2% from body weight

2) SEM = Standard Error of Treatment Means

The increase of dry matter consumption could increase organic matter

consumption because organic matter is the biggest composition of dry matter. It

appropriate with Tillman et al. (1998) stated that organic matter is the biggest part of dry

matter, so the increase of dry matter consumption could increase organic matter


Crude protein consumption on treatment P2 and P3 were higher compared with


1). Concentrate contain of rich degradable energy and protein (Tillman et al., 1998), so

the increase of concentrate consumption increased protein consumption. On the other

hand, the increase of concentrate could suppress crude fiber consumption, because the

increase of concentrate could suppress rice straw consumption (Table 1). Rice straw is

rich of crude fiber feedstuff (Sutrisno, 1988).

The increase of concentrate supplementation on bali cattle which offer rice straw

based could increase weight gain. Treatment P2 and P3 resulting 19.54% and 39.22%

higher weight gain compared with treatment P1. The increase of concentrate

supplementation could increase concentrate consumption (Table 1), so could increase

nutrient consumption to synthesis of body tissue, and finally will increase weight gain of

cattle. The increase of nutrient consumption could increase productivity of cattle (Nitis,

1982; Suyasa et al., 2004; and Susila et al., 2007).

FCR of treatment P2 and P3 were 19.24 and 20.29% lower than FCR on treatment

P1. It caused by crude fiber consumption on treatment P2 and P3 were lower compared

with treatment P1 or on the contrary, concentrate consumption on P2 and P3 were higher

compared with P1 (Table 1), so quality of ration that consumed by cattle on treatment P2

and P3 were less compared with P1. It means that use of feed efficiency on cattle P2 and

P3 were higher than P1. Feed efficiency on bali cattle which offer crude fiber could be

increased through supplementation of concentrate supplementation on certain level (Nitis,


Supplementation of concentrate could increase feed cost to raise 1 kg body weight.

Feed cost to raise 1 kg of body weight on treatment P2 and P3 were 11.67% and 36.51%


and P3 and the price of 1 kg concentrate is more expensive than 1 kg of rice straw (Rp.

2500 vs Rp. 100).



Based on the above discussion, it could be concluded that:

1. The increase of concentrate supplementation from 1,0 to 1.5% from body

weight could increase 36.80% of crude protein, 19.54% of body weight gain,

and 11.67% of feed cost to raise 1 kg of body weight, suppress 6.46% of crude

fiber consumption, and 14.24% FCR, but not effect to dry matter and organic

matter consumption

2. The increase of concentrate supplementation from 1,0 to 2.0% from body

weight could increase 12.81% of dry matter consumption, 17.71% organic

matter consumption 68.47% of crude protein, 39.22% of body weight gain,

and 36.51% of feed cost to ra ise 1 kg of body weight, but suppress 8.37% of

crude fiber consumption, and 20.29% FCR

3. The best performance was obtained on bali cattle which offer rice straw as

based ration supplemented with 2% concentrate from body weight, but the

cheapest feed cost to raise 1 kg of body weight was obtained on bali cattle

which offer rice straw based ration supplemented with 1.0% concentrate from

body weight


Thanks due to the Rector of Udayana University through the Head of Research

and Service Community Institute of Udayana University which provided fund for budget

year 2010, so that the research could be conducted


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