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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Made by:

Gian Indah Setyowati

Reg. Number: A73212114










Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Made by:

Gian Indah Setyowati

Reg. Number: A73212114






Setyowati, Gian Indah. 2016. Thesis. “An Analysis on Deixis in Anton Chekov’s A

Marriage Proposal”. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. State

Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor : Diah Royani Meisani, M.Pd.

Key words : Deixis, Drama, Anton Chekov, A Marriage Proposal

The aim of this research is to analyze five varieties of deixis and describe the reference meaning of deixis are found in drama of A Marriage Proposal by Anton Chekov. In analysis, the writer uses theory of Levinson about deixis 1983. This research presented two statements of probems; include what are the varieties of deixis used in A Marriage Proposal drama by Anton Chekov and what is the meaning of each of the deixis used in A Marriage Proposal drama by Anton Chekov. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method.

The result of this research shows that person deixis are mostly used in every conversation included the three kinds of person deixis. The use of person deixis indicates the role of participant in the drama, such as the use of word “I, my, myself,

we, our, you, he, his, it, they, etc”. Moreover, the use of time deixis indicates relative

time of speech event, such as the use of words “good morning, now, today, etc”. The following type is place deixis indicates the location of participant in the speech event, such as the use of word “there and here”. In addition discourse deixis indicates the expression which the referent in the text, such as the use of word “this and that”. The last is social deixis indicates social status of participant in the speech event, such as the use of word “my dear lady, sir, my dear, etc”. In this research, it is also found anaphora and cataphora reference have the same number total utterance, they are ten. In anaphora reference, such as “you” refers to Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov had mentioned before. While, cataphora reference, such as “my dear fellow” refers to Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov that is more fully identified later.



Setyowati, Gian Indah.2016.Skripsi. “Suatu Analisis tentang Deiksis dalam Drama

“A Marriage Proposal” oleh Anton Chekov. Prodi Studi Sastra Inggris. Fakultas

Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing : Diah Royani Meisani, M.Pd.

Kata kunci : Deiksis, Drama, Anton Chekov, A Marriage Proposal

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis lima tipe dari deixis dan menggambaran arti rujukan dari deixis yang ditemukan dalam drama A Marriage Proposal oleh Anton Chekov. Dalam menganalisis, penulis menggunakan teori dari Levinson tentang deiksis pada tahun 1983. Penelitian ini menyajikan dua permasalahan termasuk apa saja macam deiksis dalam drama A Marriage Proposal oleh Anton Chekov dan apa arti rujukan dari setiap macam deiksis drama A Marriage Proposal oleh Anton Chekov. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa deiksis persona lebih banyak digunakan di setiap percakapan termasuk tiga tipe dari deiksis persona tersebut. Penggunaan persona deiksis menunjuk pada peran partisipan dalam drama, seperti kata “saya, saya sendiri, kami, milik kami, kamu, dia, kepunyaannya, mereka dan lain sebagainya”. Selain itu penggunaan deiksis waktu menunjuk pada waktu terjadinya ucapan, seperti dalam kata “selamat pagi, sekarang, hari ini, dan lain sebagainya”. Tipe selanjutnya yaitu deiksis tempat yang menunjuk pada tempat terjadinya ucapan, seperti daam kata “di sana dan di sini”. Sementara untuk deiksis teks menunjuk pada ucapan yang rujukannya ada dalam teks itu sendiri, seperti daam kata “ ini dan itu”. Tipe terakhir adalah deiksis sosial yang menunjuk pada kondisi sosial dari partisipan dalam ucapan, seperti dalam kata “perempuan tersayang, pak, kekasihku, dan lain sebagainya”. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis juga menemukan referensi anafora dan katafora dalam jumlah yang sama, yaitu 10. Dalam referensi anafora, contohnya “kamu” merujuk ke Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Sementara itu, dalam referensi katafora, contohnya “temanku tersayang” merujuk ke Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov yang telah disebutkan setelahnya.






MOTTO ... iv







ABSTRACT ... xii

ABSTRAK ... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems ... 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 6


2.1.1 Pragmatics ... 8

2.1.2 Deixis Theory ... 9

2.1.3 Varieties of deixis ... 10 Person deixis ... 10 Place deixis ... 11 Time deixis ... 12 Discourse deixis ... 13 Social deixis ... 13

2.1.4 Reference ... 14 Anaphora ... 15


2.1.5 Conversational Analysis ... 16

2.1.6 Literary Work in Language Research ... 16 Fiction ... 16 Nonfiction ... 19

2.3 Previous Studies ... 20

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Approach ... 22

3.2 Data Source ... 22

3.3 Instrument ... 23

3.4 Data Collection Technique ... 23

3.5 Data Analysis ... 23

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Varieties of Deixis ... 25

4.1.1 Person Deixis ... 31

4.1.2 Place Deixis ... 39

4.1.3 Time Deixis ... 43

4.1.4 Discourse Deixis ... 47

4.1.5 Social Deixis ... 50

4.2 Varieties of References and Their Meaning ... 54

4.2.1 Anaphora Reference ... 56

4.2.2 Cataphor Reference ... 62

4.3 Discussion ... 65


5.2 Suggestion ... 69





This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of

problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, the scope and

limitations, and the definition of key terms. All sections which have been

mentioned will be discussed as follow:

1.1 Background of the Study

Communication is very important, because as social creature, human being

cannot live alone; they certainly need other people in their lives. Human beings

are social creatures, who always need a company in their life. They have to

cooperate with one another, which can be carried out in a community. It means

that they have to communicate with others. To be able to communicate to other

people we need language as a tool of communication. According to Kleider

(1998:19), language is used to communicate and interact with each other in our

daily life, whether in family, society, environment, educational institutions,

recreational places, etc. When two or more people communicate with each other

in speech, it called the system of communication that they employ a code.

Therefore, language also has its function as primarily transactional language. It is

the language that is used to convey factual or propositional information (Yule,

1996: 2-3).

Actually, people use a language for everything they do. Even they do not

say anything, they have thought in their mind using a language. People can learn



interact each other by using a language to send meaning or message with different

purposes such as asking agreement, get someone to do something, share

information and so on. But to make the communication can be understood by both

sides of speakers who are involved in its situation; they must use the same

language. Sometimes we are not sure about the message we should get from

something we read or hear, and we are concerned about getting our own message

across to others (Kleider, 1924: 2). In communication, there are also some aspects

of language that must be noticed. For example, when we do communication, we

will find the use of reference or term of address, such as: He, She, You, Sir,

Doctor, My Lord, Here, There, etc.

Yule (1996: 3) states that pragmatics is the study which concern in the

meaning of communication delivered by the speaker and interpreted by the

listener (reader). By this definition, it can be said that meaning is important to be

known for everyone to communicate each other. Then, Yule (1996: 3) also states

that pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, the study of contextual meaning,

the study of how more gets communicated than is said, and the study of the

expression of relative distance (closeness in physical, social, or conceptual).

While, Levinson (1983:9) states in Lestari thesis that pragmatic is the study of

those relationships between languages and context that are grammaticalized or

encode the structure of the language. According to Levinson (1983: 62-85), there

are 5 major types of diexis markers. They are Person Deixis, Place Deixis, Time

Deixis, Discourse Deixis, and Social Deixis. First, person diexis is realized with



the word is used. Second, place diexis can be seen from the location of the people

who is doing communication. Third, Time Diexis, Levinson states that time deixis

is code of time refers to the time in which relative to the time of speaking or an

utterance was spoken. Fourth, Discourse Diexis, Levinson states that discourse

deixis concerns the use of expressions with in some utterance. Fifth, Social

Diexis, Levinson states that social diexis used to code social distinctions that are

relative to participant roles in social relationship between speaker and addressee

or speaker and some referent.

To understand easily, we use of words refers to people or thing, and it will

help the researcher. But, sometimes we are still confused and misunderstood. It

means that the readers do not know the words that are not referring to anything.

Therefore, to avoid the misunderstanding, we have to know about reference.

According to Yule (1996:17), Reference is an act in which a speaker, or writer

uses linguistic form to enable a listener, or a reader to identify something.

Reference is clearly tied to the speaker goals and the speaker’s beliefs in the use

of language. Yule states that there are two types of reference, they are endophora

and exophora. Endophoric reference has two types, they are anaphora and

cataphora. Yule (1996: 23) also states that anaphora is process of continuing to

identify exactly the same entity as denoted by the antecedent and cataphor is the

use of a word (typically a pronoun) to introduce someone or something that is

more fully identified later.

From the explanation above, this study focus on the varieties of deixis and



drama text by Anton Chekov. The writer chooses the drama text because first, she

assumes that’s all of the entire literary work can be analyzed using deixis theory

and drama text is also one of the examples of literary works. Second, in the

previous study, the object of the research mostly novel, article, poem, song lyric,

ect and that is serious events. Therefore, the writer uses drama about comedy or a

satire includes making fun of romance and marriage, so the readers are not bored

and entertained. It can be seen in Widya Lestari (2015) research emphasized to a

study of deixis in the interview between Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet

the Press”. Then, Sherly Marliana (2013) entitled “The Use of Deixis in the

Transcription of the Interview between Oprah Winfrey, President Barack Obama

and First Lady Michelle Obama in Chicago May 2nd, 2011. From the two example

of previous study, the writer found formal events that used in research and also

delivered a specializes interview with national leader which talked about politics,

economics, foreign policy, etc.

Drama is one of the examples of literary work. The idea that marriage is

an arrangement between two people, rather business like, without romance or

love, which Chekhov illustrates by having the two people involved in the proposal

bicker and argue until they agree to get married at the end where you know they

will continue to bicker and argue. That is not only about dialogues between two

people or more, but also message from speaker to hearer. In A Marriage Proposal

Drama, there are kinds of deixis, such as I as the first person deixis, You as the



in drama. So, that’s why it will be interested to analyze this drama by using the

deixis theory.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Related to the topic above, the writer formulates the following problems:

1. What are the varieties of deixis used on Anton Chekov’s A Marriage


2. What is the referent of each of the deixis used on Anton Chekov’s A Marriage


1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem above, the objective of this study are as follows:

1. To identify the varieties of deixis used on Anton Chekov’s A Marriage


2. To analyze the referent of each of the deixis used on Anton Chekov’s A

Marriage Proposal.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The researcher hopes that the study would have both theoretical and

practical values. It is suggested that the next researchers who are interested in

doing further research in this area to use these findings as a starting point in

conducting the research about deixis related to other linguistics area and to

analyze data sources or other dramas by Anton Chekov or other authors.

Through the findings of this study, it is expected for the students of



Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, to improve reading and writing

skills using deixis theory. It is also recommended for the linguistic teachers

improve their knowledge and apply their understanding about deixis and reference

in general, A Marriage Proposal in the teaching and learning in linguistics

classroom in particular.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

This research will deal only with “diexis” that can be found in A Marriage

Proposal drama text. The scope of this study is to identify the five types of deixis

include Person Deixis, Place Deixis, Time Deixis, Discourse Deixis, and Social

Deixis by using theory of meaning pragmatics in order to give the more

comprehension to the doer. Such as, the speakers, listeners, the context and the

situation. The limitation of this research uses drama text entitles A Marriage

Proposal by Anton Chekov.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

Below are the definitions of the key term based on the topic:

a. Deixis is borrowed from the Greek word. It means pointing or indicating, In Levinson’s finding (1983:53) deixis is pointing or indicating and has as

prototypical or focal exemplars the use of demonstratives, first and second

person pronouns, tense, specific time and place adverbs.

b. A Marriage Proposal is one of all the dramas by Anton Chekov, published in 1888. The genre is a comedy or a satire includes making fun of romance and



necessity in his time that did not necessarily need to include romance and love

(Wikipedia, 2016).

c. Anton Chekov is as a writer of short fiction his economical use of language and ambivalent style. Chekhov weaves humor with pathos to magnify the

inconsequential details of people's lives helped redefine the short story genre.

He also developed a technique of ending stories with what have been termed

"zero endings" or anti-climactic conclusions. This technique makes the stories

seem more realistic, and often more pathetic, because readers are left to guess

what will happen next (Wikipedia, 2016).

d. Reference is an act in which a speaker, or writer uses linguistic form to enable a listener, or a reader to identify something (Yule, 1996:17).

e. Anaphora is process of continuing to identify exactly the same entity as denoted by the antecedent (Yule, 1996:23).




These chapter reviews of several theories related to this research. Those

are definition of pragmatics, definition of deixis, types of deixis which consist of

five kinds, as follow person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis and

social deixis, and also types of references that consist of anaphora and cataphor

related studies to support the analysis

2.1 Related Theories

The followings are about the related theories which support the data, they

are pragmatics, deixis theory, varieties of deixis: person deixis, place deixis, time

deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis, reference: anaphora and cataphor.

2.1.1 Pragmatics

Yule (1996:3) states that pragmatics is the study which concern in the

meaning of communication delivered by the speaker and interpreted by the

listener or reader. By definition before, it can be said that meaning is important to

be known for everyone to communicate each other. Then, Yule (1996: 3) also

states that pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, the study of contextual

meaning, the study of how more gets communicated than is said, and the study of

the expression of relative distance. For the first, pragmatics learns about the

speaker meaning or what the speaker wants. In other words, it can be said that

every utterance delivered by the speaker has meaning. Pragmatics will also learn



the study of meaning in relation to the context in which a person is writing or

speaking. It is not only including social situation but also textual context

From the explanation above, pragmatics is theory has an important role for

the study of the writer. It is also concerned the use of these tools in meaningful

communication by knowing the context of the utterance. It will help him to link

and to analyze the data of his study to the context of the data source.

2.1.2 Deixis Theory

The word deixis is borrowed from the Greek word. It means pointing or

indicating, In Levinson’s finding (1983:53) deixis is pointing or indicating and

has as prototypical or focal exemplars the use of demonstratives, first and second

person pronouns, tense, specific time and place adverbs. Yule (1996:9) states that

deixis is “‘pointing’ via language”.

While, Levinson (1983:9) explained that Deixis is a word which its

reference always moves or changes depending on the context. It is also stated that

deixis is a part of pragmatics that has connection with certain word or sentence

that changes because of the context. The change of context in sentence is often

caused by the change of situation including personal, time and place.

The speaker and the listener have to know easily about the context. In

addition, context gives a comprehensive explanation about who is the participant,

setting time and place and the end of conversation. It is believed that there are no



2.1.3 Varieties of Deixis

From the explanation above, there are five varieties of deixis: person

deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. Person Deixis

According to Levinson (1983:68-69) in Purwitasari’s thesis, person deixis

concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event, such as the

speaker, the addressee; typically, the first person is used for speaker, second

person is for addressee (s) and third person category for a category

neither-speaker-nor-speaker-addressee (s). Yule (1996:132) states that deixis person is

“forms used to point to people, e.g. me, you.”

Table 2.1 Classification of Person Deixis No. Categories Person deixis

1 First Person Singular I me Possessive Adjective My Possessive Pronoun Mine Reflexive Pronoun myself

2 First Person Plural We

Us Possessive Adjective Our Possessive Pronoun Ours

Reflexive Pronoun ourselves 3 Second Person Singular You

Possessive Adjective Your Possessive Pronoun Yours Reflexive Pronoun Yourself 4 Second Person Plural You

Possessive Adjective your Possessive Pronoun yours Reflexive Pronoun yourselves

5 Third Person Singular She, he, it, Sir, Madam, John, Liz



Object pronoun Her, him, it

Reflexive Pronoun Herself, himself, itself 6 Third Person Plural They

Possessive Adjective Their Possessive Pronoun Theirs

Object pronoun Them

Reflexive Pronoun Theirselves E.g. Data :

Tschub : oh, so so, my friend. Please sit down. It isn’t right to forget one’s neighbor. But tell me, why all this ceremony? Dress clothes, white gloves and all? Are you on your way to some engagement, my good fellow.

My : Possessive Adjective

Me : First Person Singular

You : Second Person Singular

Your : Possessive Adjective

From the data my, me, you and your are person deixis. My: Possessive

Adjective, me: First Person Singular, you: Second Person Singular, and your:

Possessive Adjective. Place Deixis

According to Levinson (1983:79) place or space deixis concerns the

specification of locations relative to anchorage points in the speech event.

According to Nababan (1987: 41) in Rosmawati's International Journal of

Humanities and Social Science that deixis place is giving shape location, space

(place) is seen from the location of the person/role in the event of language. Place

deixis can be seen from the location of the people who is doing communication.

In additional, (Grundy, 1995:23) declares that place deixis is deictic

reference to a location relative to the location of a participant in the speech event.



“there” and the demonstratives “this” and “that”, along with their plural forms.

Fillmore (taken from Mamaridou’s book, 2000:91) in Purwitasari’s thesis explains

that place deixis can also be related to the path taken by a moving object in

relation to its source or origin and to its goal or destination, as expressed in certain

motion verbs such as “come” and “go”. These verbs encode assumptions about

the goal of the motion and the relative positions of interlocutors in a particular

speech event. It can be seen that place deixis refers to a location relative to the

location of a participant in the speech event. Additional, a moving object can also

be related into place deixis because it is moving from its source into its goal or

destination, as expressed in certain motion verbs such as “come” and “go”.

E.g. Data:

Lomov: Immediately in a moment. Here it is, then: I have come to ask for the hand of your daughter, Natalia Stepanovna.

From the data, the writer found Here is place deixis in adverbs. Time Deixis

Levinson (1983:62) states that time deixis is reference to time relative to

temporal reference point. Typically, this point is the moment of utterance. It is

important to distinguish the moment of utterance or coding time from the moment

of reception or receiving time. Time deixis in English are the time adverbs “now”,

“then”, “soon”, and “recently”. When time deixis interacts with calendrical unit of

time, words like “today”, “tomorrow”, and “yesterday” are used to locate an

utterance relative to time.

E.g. Data:



From the data, the writer found “now” is included in temporal or time deixis. Discourse Deixis

Discourse, or text, deixis concerns the use of expressions within some

utterance to refer to some portion of the unfolding discourse in which the

utterance (which includes the text referring expression) is located, (Levinson,


Furthermore, Marmaridou (2000:93) ads in Purwitasari’s thesis explain

discourse deixis is deixis in the text. A text, whether in its written or oral

realization is closely related to the concepts of space and time.

E.g. Data:

Natalia. Papa, please tell this gentlemen to whom the meadows belong, to us or to him?

From the data, the writer found this is discourse deixis. It has explained in

previous sentence. Social Deixis

Social deixis is reference to the social characteristics of, or distinctions

between, the participants or referents in a speech event. According to Levinson

(1983:89), social deixis should set limits to those aspects of language structure

that encode the social identities of participants, or the social relationship between

them, or between one of them and persons and entities referred to. There are of

course many aspects of language usage that depend on these relations, but these

usages are only relevant to the topic of social deixis in so far as they are



pronouns and titles of address, but there are many other manifestations of social

deixis such as kinship terms, names and honorifics, as cited by Levinson

(1983:89) states social deixis concerns that aspect of sentences which reflect or

establish or are determined by certain realities of the social situation in which the

speech act occurs.

According to explanation above, it can be seen that social deixis refers to

the interpersonal relationship between the speaker and addressee. There are three

factors that influence social deixis power, distance and social status. Power is

related to the authority is had by the speaker or addressee. Distances, here, means

how the speaker and addressee feel close each other. Social status refers to the

speaker and addressee’s role in the society, a kinship relationship and also their


E.g. Data:

Laurent: Thank You, Sir. I hope we can meet again.

From the data, the writer found “Sir” is social deixis.

2.1.4 Reference

Reference is the word that refers to another words, it usually pronoun and

noun. There are types of reference can be anaphora or cataphor. Reference is an

act in which a speaker, or writes uses a linguistic form to enable a listener, or

reader to identify something. The word linguistic forms can be called referring

expression. We use refer to person or things, directly or indirectly (Mey, 2001:

68). There are two types of reference, they are exophoric and endophoric.



word or phrase to refer to something either preceding it or following it within a

text or discouse. Endophoric reference has two kinds: Anaphora

According to Yule (1996:23), Anaphora is process of continuing to

identify exactly the same entity as denoted by the antecedent.

E.g. Data:

Lomov. It is all a matter of record, my dear Natalia Stepanovna. It is true that at one time the title to the meadows was disuted, but now everyone knows they belong to me. There is no room for discussion. Be so good as to listen: my aunt’s grandmother ut these meadows, free from all costs, into the hands of your father’s grandfather’s peasants for a certain time while they were mking bricks for my grandmother. These people used the meadows free of cost for about forty years, living there as they would on their own property. Later, however, when.

The sentence above can be indicated by anaphora reference, because the

word “there” refers to the meadows, that it is something had mentioned before. Cataphor

According to Yule (1996:23), cataphor is the use of a word (typically a

pronoun) to introduce someone or something that is more fully identified later. To

look for reference of pronoun deixis can be done by changing direct sentence that

announced by speaker becomes sentence not directly. Indirect sentence to be

utilized to keep reference actually at which in this case deixis's pronoun form on

direct sentence is changed as other pronoun form that non deictic. Indirect



2.1.5 Conversation Analysis

According to Hutchby dan Wooffitt (1998:13) conversation analysis is the

study of talk. While, Levinson (1983:284) says that familiar predominant varieties

of talk in which two or more participants freely alternate in speaking, which

generally occurs outside specific institutional setting like religious services, law

court, classroom, etc.

2.1.6 Literary Work in Language Research

Literary work is imaginative or creative writing that is expressed by

authors. Literary work that completes an author’s unfinished piece, or is published

as a supplement of another work or as part of a series of several works. In

language research, the researcher used them almost because of the literary work

analyze about the words, for example drama, poetry, short story, ect. There are

two genres of literary works, they are fiction and nonfiction. Fiction

Fiction is the classification for any story created in the imagination, rather

than based strictly on history or fact (Wikipedia, 2016). There are some kinds of

fiction, they are:

a) Drama

Drama is one of the examples of literary work. Any text to be performed

rather than read can be considered drama. Dramas are usually called play, when

written down the bulk of a drama is dialogue, with periodic stage directions. For



is an arrangement between two people, rather business like, without romance or

love, which Chekhov illustrates by having the two people involved in the proposal

bicker and argue until they agree to get married at the end where you know they

will continue to bicker and argue. That is not only about dialogues between two

people or more, but also message from speaker to hearer.

b) Fable

Fable is demonstrating a useful truth, especially in which animals speak as

humans, legendary, supernatural tale.

c) Fairy tale

It is story about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children.

d) Fantasy

Fiction with strange or other worldly settings or characters, fiction which

invites suspension of reality is called fantasy.

e) Fiction

Narrative literary works whose content is produced by the imagination and

is not necessarily based on fact is defined as fiction.

f) Fiction in verse

Fiction in verse is full length novels with plot, subplot, theme, major and

minor characters, in which the narrative is presented in verse form.

g) Folklore

The songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a people of “folk” as handed



h) Historical fiction

Historical fiction is all of the story with fictional characters and events in

historical setting.

i) Horror

Horror is fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the

characters and the reader.

j) Humor

Fiction full of fun, fancy, and excitement, meant to entertain; but can be

obtained in all genres is defined as humor.

k) Legend

Legend is story, sometimes of a national or folk hero, which has a basis in

fact but also includes imaginative material.

l) Mystery

Fiction dealing with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets is

called mystery.


Mythology is legend or traditional narrative, often based in art on

historical events, that reveals human behavior and natural phenomena by its

symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods.

n) Poetry

Poetry is verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that creates emotional

responses. This is often considered the oldest form of literature. Before writing



make them easier to remember and recite. Poetry today is usually written down,

but is still sometimes performed.

o) Realistic fiction

Story that can actually happen and is true to life is called realistic fiction.

p) Science fiction

Story based on impact of factual, imagined, or potential science, usually

set in the future or on other planets.

q) Short story

Fiction of such brevity that it supports no subplots is called short story.

r) Tall tale

Humorous story with blatant exaggerations, swaggering heroes who do the

impossible with nonchalance is called tall tale. Nonfiction

Nonfiction is content whose creator, in good faith, assumes responsibility

for the truth or accuracy of the events, people, and information presented

(Wikipedia, 2016). There are some kinds of nonfiction, they are:

1) Biography/ Autobiography

Biography/ Autobiography is narrative of a person’s life, a true story about

a real person.

2) Essay

A short literary composition that reflects the author’s outlook or point is



3) Narrative nonfiction

Factual information presented in a format which tells a story is defined as

narrative nonfiction

4) Nonfiction

Nonfiction is informational text dealing with an actual, real life subject.

5) Speech

Speech is public address or discourse that is showed in front people.

2.3 Previous Studies

As guidance the writer would like to present some references that was

closely related to study she is conducting. It is deixis and the writer thinks that the

study can help her in finishing her research.

Purwitasari, Eti. 2009. Deixis in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

by J.K. Rowling and Its Translation into Indonesian in her undergraduate thesis of

State University of Semarang. The objective of this study is to identify the

equivalence of deixis. It is according to Levinson (1983:69-94) and Mamaridou

(2000:65-74), includes person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis,

and social deixis as well as to see whether the translated sentences can be justified

with the Indonesian structure. This research was designed as a qualitative research

and the nature of the study is descriptive and explorative. Qualitative research

presents the data and research in the form of qualitative description. The

objectives of the data in this study are the words, utterances, and sentences that

contain deixis in English and their translations in Indonesian. The observation



Documentation and observation methods were used to collect the data. The data

gathered were analyzed descriptively by using qualitative approach.

Dea Isgoentiar.2012. Deixis in Charlotte’s Web Novel Written by E. B.

White: A Pragmatic Study. State University of Padjadjaran In this research, the

writer explains the variety of the type of deixis and the type of reference in

conversations found in Charlotte’s Web novel. The research method applied in

this thesis is a descriptive analysis method, while the theories used in this research

are pragmatic theories on deixis and the type of reference by Yule (1996) and

Levinson (1983). The aims of this research are to describe the type of deixis that

appears on the conversations between the characters in Charlotte’s Web novel and

also to describe its type of reference in the conversations of the characters in

Charlotte’s Web novel. The result of the research shows that there are three types




This chapter will discuss the approach used in this study and the data

collection. Then, the explanation of qualitative methods will be explained too in

this research. After that, there will be an explanation of the source of the data, the

instrument used, data collection technique, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Approach

In this research, the writer used qualitative descriptive method, it means

that data is explained in word, sentence, table, and interpret the meaning by

interpretative analysis. Since it deals with the data in the form of text is used from

the drama by Anton Chekov.

Then, the writer will explain the data through a descriptive explanation.

The writer chooses this approach because all of his data is formed in the words,

then he will explain it through words without put any statistic or numeric data.

3.2 Data Source

The writer puts drama text entitle A Marriage Proposal is to be completed

the data. The varieties of deixis and the meaning of each of the deixis will be

analyzed in this study. The data are the dialogues of Stepan Stepanovitch

Tschubukov, Natalia Stepanovna and Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov which are



3.3 Instrument

The main instrument in this study is the writer herself. Based on the drama

the writer will analyze the varieties of deixis in the drama in order to answer the

research question through her knowledge. To get authentic from the data source,

the writer used internet connection to get the drama in PDF. Then, the writer used

the book about pragmatic especially about deixis.

3.4 Data Collection Technique

In collecting data, the writer uses the drama text A Marriage Proposal by

Anton Chekov as the source of data. The data of this study were collected by

doing the some steps; they are searching, reading, underlining and categorizing.

First, the writer searches the drama text by Anton Chekov entitles A Marriage

Proposal on internet. Second, the writer reads the text and separates the words

based on the varieties of deixis with another words are not including the varieties

of deixis. Third, the writer will collect the data by underlining the varieties of

deixis in the texts before separating the words by identifying the varieties of

deixis. And fourth, the writer categorized every word which is ready to

underlining based on Person Deixis, Place Deixis, Time Deixis, Discourse Deixis,

and Social Deixis and also the types of reference, they are anaphore and cataphor

used in A Marriage Proposal drama by Anton Chekov.

3.5 Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer uses descriptive qualitative techniques in



varieties of deixis. After that, the analysis will be done through some steps. They

are: reading the drama text start from the first pages until the end, underlining the

words based on the varieties of deixis, separating the words underline and the

other words, the writer categorizing every utterance based on the five varieties of




This chapter presents research findings and discussions of Deixis and

Referent of each of the deixis used on Anton Chekov’s A Marriage Proposal. The

analysis of the data includes the table of data, and the analysis based on Deixis

and Reference Theory in each data as follows:

4.1 Varieties of Deixis

There were five kinds of deixis that found in the A Marriage Proposal

between Stepan Stepanovitch Tschubukov, Natalia Stepanovna and Ivan

Vassiliyitch Lomov, they are Person Deixis, Place Deixis, Time Deixis, Discourse

Deixis and Social Deixis.

After gathering the utterances containing the type of deixis, the writer

found utterances in Anton Chekov’s A Marriage Proposal. The findings can be

seen in brief on the table below.

Table 4.1 The Number of Utterance of Deixis Varieties in “A Marriage

Proposal” Drama by Anton Chekov

No. Type of Deixis Number of Utterance

1. Person Deixis 650

2. Place Deixis 37

3. Time Deixis 16

4. Discourse Deixis 3

5. Social Deixis 32

After seen from the table above, the number of utterance of the type of



deixis 37 utterance, time deixis 16 utterance, discourse deixis 3 utterance, and

social deixis 32 utterance.

Table 4.2 The Analysis of Deixis Varieties in “A Marriage Proposal” Drama by Anton Chekov

No. Data Dialogue Varieties of

Deixis am terribly nervous, as you will be so good as to see! What I mean to say It isn’t right to forget one’s neighbor. But tell me, why all this ceremony?


bred, a full-bolooded son of Saragavas and Stameskis, and as for your mongrel, nobody could ever figure out his pedigree; he’s cold and ugly, and am terribly nervous, as you will be so good as to see! What I mean to say to him yourself, I can’t.

Person deixis 11. A swindler like that takes over a piece

of property that doesn’t belong to him and then dares to argue about it!

Person deixis

12. No, you are mistaken, my dear Natalia Stepanovna, they belong to me.



13. Try to remember exactly, Ivan Vassiliyitch. Is it so long ago that you inherited them? everything is everything!(embraces and kisses him). I have wanted this to happen for so long. It has been my dearest wish! (He represses a tear). And I have always loved you, my dear fellow, as my own son! May God give you His blessing and His grace and I always wanted it to happen. But why am I standing here like a blockhead? I am completely dumbfounded with pleasure, completely dumbfounded. My whole being I’ll call Natalia. of your daughter,Natalia Steanovna.



buy something. Good afternoon, Ivan Vassiliyitch. of your daughter, Natalia Steanovna.



opinion, it’s a very low trick to speak frankly.


30. (Going toward him and greeting him). Who is this I see? My dear fellow!

According to Levinson (1983:68-69) in Purwitasari’s thesis, person deixis

concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event, such as the

speaker and the addressee. Generally, person deixis is known as pronoun. Here

are the example of the conversation that was used by Stepan Stepanovitch

Tschubukov, Natalia Stepanovna and Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov in the “A Marriage

Proposal” drama.

a. Data from table 4.2 no.1

Tschub: (going toward him and greeting him). Who is this I see? My dear fellow! Ivan Vassiliyitch! I’m so glad to see you! (shakes hands). But this is a surprise! How are you?

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 1)

Speaker: Tschub



Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov is old neighbor before Tschub

move another house. Tschub is Natalia’s father. It is the first times after long

time no see.


From the sentence above, there is a word deixis that used by Tschub. It

seems in the first sentence. The word “I”, it refers to speaker according to

Levinson the word “I” was categorized as a singular pronoun of the first person

deixis. The word “I” refers to the role of person deixis in which the utterance

narrated by one person. So, it is tied to the speaker of the drama named Stepan

Stepanovitch Tschubukov. He was the one of the character in the A Marriage


The second there was a word “My” also can categorized as possessive

adjective of the first person deixis which is followed immediately by noun, they

cannot stand alone. So, it seems in this sentence that the word “My” is followed

by a noun “Friend”.

b. Data from table 4.2 no.2

Lomov: You see dear Stepanovitch, pardon me, Stepan Stepan dearvitch I mean I am terribly nervous, as you will be so good as to see! What I mean to say you are the only one who can help me, though I don’t deserve it, and and I have no right whatever to make this request of you.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 1)

Speaker: Lomov



Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov wanted to purpose Natalia, but he

gets a nervous when he must meet her. So, Lomov asked to help Tschub as the

only one who can help him.


In that sentence, there is word “Me”. Based on the Levinson theory, the

word “Me” can be categorized as first person deixis singular. It refers to speaker

self, he is Lomov.

c. Data from table 4.2 no.3

Tschub: oh, so so, my friend. Please sit down. It isn’t right to forget one’s neighbor. But tell me, why all this ceremony? Dress clothes, white gloves and all? Are you on your way to some engagement, my good fellow.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 1)

Speaker: Tschub

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room. Tschub is surprised because Lomov uses

dress clothes and white gloves like ceremony.


In that sentence, there are some deixis word “My” and “Me”. Based on the

Levinson theory, the word “My” and “Me” can be categorized as first person

deixis singular. “My” is indicated as possessive adjective, it seems in the first

“My” refers to noun, they cannot stand alone. So, it seems in this sentence that the

word “My” is followed by a noun “Friend”.

The next is the word “Me” in that sentence is an object pronoun and it also



d. Data from table 4.2 no.4

Natalia: That’s not the truth! They are mine.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 4)

Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room. Natalia does not believe that the meadows

belong to Lomov. She just knows that the meadows belong to her and her father.


From the sentence above, there is a word deixis that used by Natalia. The

word “Mine”, it refers to speaker according to Levinson the word “Mine” was

categorized as a possessive pronoun of the first person deixis. The word “Mine”

refers to the role of person deixis in which the utterance for herself.

e. Data from table 4.2 no.5

Tschub: Oh, yes, I’m blame! If I shoot or hang myself, remember you’ll be to blame. You forced me to it! You! (Lomov appears in the doorway). There, talk to him yourself!

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

Speaker: Tschub

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room. Tschub is angry to Natalia when she

wants that Lomov back to their home because she knows that Lomov will purpose




In conversation above, there is deixis “Myself”. According to Levinson,

the word “Myself” can be categorized as first person singular. It refers to Tschub

is as the speaker.

f. Data from table 4.2 no.6

Natalia: What nonsense! The meadows belong to us not to you! (The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 2)

Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room. They talk about meadow that it belonged

to Lomov, but in other hand it belonged to Tschub and Natalia. When they tried to

introduce each other they have problem which made them be angry.


In conversation above, there is deixis “We” can be categorized as first

person plural. It is same as “I” and “Me” as the first person deixis, but there are

differences they are “I” and “Me” as singular and “Us” as plural. It also can be

indicated as a group of speaker because the word “Us” is to point their self. “Us”

refers to Natalia and Tschub. It can be represented of Natalia Stepanovna and

Tschub is as her father.

g. Data from table 4.2 no.7

Natalia: In the first place, our Otkatai is pure-bred, a full-bolooded son of Saragavas and Stameskis, and as for your mongrel, nobody could ever figure out his pedigree; he’s cold and ugly, and as skinny as an old hag.



Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room. They talk about their dog. Natalia argues

that Lomov’s dog are ugly and old hag. Whereas, they are fine after they argue

about the meadows.


In that sentence, there is word “Our”. According to Levinson, “Our” can

be indicated the first plural person deixis as possessive adjective and refers to the

speaker and her father, Tschub. She says that Otkatai is their dog, so she used the

word “Our”.

h. Data from table 4.2 no.8

Lomov: You see dear Stepanovitch, pardon me, Stepan Stepan dearvitch I mean I am terribly nervous, as you will be so good as to see! What I mean to say you are the only one who can help me, though I don’t deserve it, and I have no right whatever to make this request of you.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 1)

Speaker: Lomov

Listener: Tschub

Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov wanted to purpose Natalia, but he

gets a nervous when he must meet her. So, Lomov asked to help Tschub as the

only one who can help him.


According to Levinson, “You” can be categorized as second person



Vassiliyitch Lomov. Here, the word “You” refers to person identified as

addressee, who is listener in that conversation between Lomov and Tschub.

i. Data from table 4.2 no.9

Tschub: (comes running in). He’s coming at once! The devil take him! Ugh! Talk to him yourself, I can’t.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

Speaker: Tschub

Listener: Natalia

Situation: It happens in reception room. Tschub was angry after his daughter and

Lomov argue about the meadows until Lomov go from his home. And now,

Natalia wants Lomov come back. But, Tschub will not talk to him, it’s because

Tschub feels shy.


In that sentence, there is word “Yourself”. According to Levinson,

“Yourself” can be indicated the second person singular deixis as reflexive

pronoun. It refers to Natalia, Tschub’s daughter as the addressee self.

j. Data from table 4.2 no.10

Natalia: No, you! You haven’t any manners, you are brutal! If it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t have gone!

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Tschub

Situation: It happens in reception room. Natalia says that it is all because of

Tschub, he have made Lomov went from their home. She wants Lomov back to




According to Levinson, “He” can be categorized as third person singular

deixis. On that sentence, the word “He” refers to person identified as another

person who is Lomov.

k. Data from table 4.2 no.11

Natalia: A swindler like that takes over a piece of property that doesn’t belong to him and then dares to argue about it!

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Tschub

Situation: It happens in reception room. Natalia was angry when she, her father

and Lomov argue about meadows. She did not know if actually Lomov wanted to

purpose her. Natalia know it after her father say that Lomov makes a proposal of

marriage in next conversation.


From the sentence above, there are two o deixis terms, they are “Him” and

“It”. Based on Levinson’s theory both of them identified as third singular person

deixis. The word “Him” refers to Lomov, it is used to considering the gender of

addressee especially for male. “Him” is indicates as object pronoun. Likewise, the

word “It” refers to the meadows.

l. Data from table 4.2 no.12

Lomov: No, you are mistaken, my dear Natalia Stepanovna, they belong to me. (The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 3)



Listener: Natalia

Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov blames Natalia about the

meadows belong to her. He always makes Natalia angry.


According to Levinson, “They” indicated the plural third person deixis and

refers to addressee in the previous conversation. It refers to the meadows as the

inherit and it is still confused belong to whom.

m.Data from table 4.2 no.13

Natalia: Try to remember exactly, Ivan Vassiliyitch. Is it so long ago that you inherited them?

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 3)

Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room. Natalia was still angry when she talks to

Lomov about inherit. They acknowledge that the meadows belong to themselves.


In that sentence, there is word “Them”. According to Levinson, “Them”

can be indicated the plural third person deixis as object pronoun and refers to the

addressee in the previous explanation about something, it is the meadows.

4.1.2 Place Deixis

According to Levinson (1983:79) place or space deixis concerns the

specification of locations relative to anchorage points in the speech event.

According to Nababan (1987: 41) in Rosmawati's International Journal of



(place) is seen from the location of the person/role in the event of language. Place

deixis can be seen from the location of the people who is doing communication.

Here are the examples of the utterance, as follows:

a. Data from table 4.2 no.14

Tschub: (interrupting). My dear, dear man! I am so happy that everything is everything! (embraces and kisses him). I have wanted this to happen for so long. It has been my dearest wish! (He represses a tear). And I have always loved you, my dear fellow, as my own son! May God give you His blessing and His grace and I always wanted it to happen. But why am I standing here like a blockhead? I am completely dumbfounded with pleasure, completely dumbfounded. My whole being I’ll call Natalia.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 1)

Speaker: Tschub

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room. Tschub honors and loves Lomov like his

own son. He accepted Lomov if he is really the purpose of marriage his daughter.

Because Tschub wished this to happen for so long.


In the sentence above, there is word “Here”. Based on Levinson’s theory it

can be categorized as place or spatial deixis which is it encodes the place locations

relative to the location of the speaker and listener, they are Tschub and Lomov.

The word “Here” also can be called as adverb of place used for near dictance.

“Here” refers to the location of Tschub’s stand up.

b. Data from table 4.2 no.15

Lomov: Immediately in a moment. Here is it, then: I have come to ask for the hand of your daughter, Natalia Steanovna.



Speaker: Lomov

Listener: Tschub

Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov has purpose why he come

Tschub’shome. He wants to purpose Natalia Stepanovna as Tschub’s daughter.


From the sentence above, the word “Here” is place deixis because it

encodes the place locations relative to the location of the speaker and listener,

they are Tschub and Lomov. The word “Here” also can be called as adverb of

place used for near dictance. “Here” refers to Tschub’s home, the location of they

stand up.

c. Data from table 4.2 no.16

Lomov: You see, it’s simply this, that (Composing himself). I have come to you, Stepan Stepanovitch, to trouble you with a request. It is not the first time I have had the honor of turning to you for assistance, and you have always, that is I beg your pardon, I am bit excited! I’ll take a drink of water first, dear Stepan Stepanovitch. (He drinks.)

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 1)

Speaker: Lomov

Listener: Tschub

Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov wanted to say something to

Tschub, but he is not direct what he says. Lomov is nervous, so he takes a drink of

water first before talk actually. It is habit in our life when someone have another




From the sentence above, the word “Come” is place deixis because it is

related to the path taken by a moving object in relation to its source or origin and

to its goal or destination. It can be seen that place deixis refers to a location

relative to the location of a participant in the speech event. In that sentence,

Lomov come to Tschub’s house. It means that Lomov have moved from the other

place to Tschub’s house.

d. Data from table 4.2 no.17

Tschub: Why, yes! He came here to make you a proposal of marriage. (The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

Speaker: Tschub

Listener: Natalia

Situation: It happens in reception room. Natalia was surprised when Tschub said

that actually Lomov come to their home to make Natalia a proposal of marriage.

Natalia does not suppose it after they argue about the meadows.


In the sentence above, there is word “Here”. Based on Levinson’s theory it

can be categorized as place or spatial deixis which is it encodes the place locations

relative to the location of the speaker and listener, they are Tschub and Lomov.

The word “Here” also can be called as adverb of place used for near dictance.



4.1.3 Time Deixis

Levinson (1983:62) states that time deixis is reference to time relative to

temporal reference point. It is important to distinguish the moment of utterance or

coding time from the moment of reception or receiving time. Time deixis in

English are the time adverbs “now”, “then”, “soon”, and “recently”. When time

deixis interacts with calendrical unit of time, words like “today”, “tomorrow”,

and “yesterday” are used to locate an utterance relative to time. Time deixis can

be seen from the moment and the period of the people who is doing

communication. Here are the examples of the utterance, as follows:

a. Data from table 4.2 no.18

Natalia: Ah! It’s you. Papa said to go in: there was a dealer in there who’d come to buy something. Good afternoon, Ivan Vassiliyitch.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 2)

Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room, in the afternoon. Natalia meets Lomov

after her father calls her to come. She have joke and say that there was a dealer

come in and want to buy something. Natalia looks happy when she meets him.


On the sentence above, there is the deixis “Good Afternoon” that obtained

in data. based on Levinson theory “Good Afternoon” can be categorized as

temporal deixis or time deixis which is encoding of temporal point and spans

relative to the time at which an utterance was spoken or written message



“Good Afternoon” can be interpreted as time after in the morning when the sun in

the centre of earth. It is more than at 10 a.m.

b. Data from table 4.2 no.19

Natalia: Enough, enough. (Aside). I don’t know how to begin. (To Lomov). Are you going hunting soon?

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

Speaker: Natalia

Listener: Lomov

Situation: It happens in reception room, in the afternoon. Natalia dan lomov do

not debate again about the meadows, now she realizes that the meadows belong to

Lomov after Lomov said that he have a terrible palitation. She tried to talk

different topic.


From the sentence above, the word “Soon” refers to time when Natalia

asks question about hunting. Based on Levinson about varieties of deixis, “Soon”

is included in temporal or time deixis, because it encoding of temporal point and

spans relative to the time at which an utterance on the sentence.

c. Data from table 4.2 no.20

Lomov: Immediately in a moment. Here is it, then: I have come to ask for the hand of your daughter, Natalia Steanovna.

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 1)

Speaker: Lomov

Listener: Tschub

Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov has purpose why he come




From the sentence above, the word “Then” refers to time when Lomov

says about what is his purpose come to Tschub’s home. Based on Levinson about

varieties of deixis, “Then” is included in temporal or time deixis, because it

encoding of temporal point and spans relative to the time at which an utterance on

the sentence.

d. Data from table 4.2 no.21

Lomov: It is all a matter of record, my dear Natalia Stepanovna. It is true that at once time the title to the meadows was disputed, but now everyone knows they belong to me. There is no room for discussion. Be so good as to listen: my aunt’s grandmother put these meadows, free from all costs, into the hands of your father’s grandfather’s peasant for a certain time while they were making bricks for my grandmother. These people used the meadows free of cost for about forty years, living there as they would on their own property. Later, however, when,

(The text of drama can be seen in Appendix I, Page 3)

Speaker: Lomov

Listener: Natalia

Situation: It happens in reception room. Lomov tried to explain more about the

meadows belong to whom. It is very complicated problem because there are

Lomov’s version and Natalia’s version


From the sentence above, the word “Now” refers to time when Lomov

clarify about the meadows. Based on Levinson about varieties of deixis, “Now” is

included in temporal or time deixis, because it encoding of temporal point and


Table 2.1 Classification of Person Deixis
Table 4.1 The Number of Utterance of Deixis Varieties in “A Marriage
Table 4.2 The Analysis of Deixis Varieties in “A Marriage Proposal” Drama by Anton Chekov
Table 4.3 The Varieties of Reference and Their Meaning in “A Marriage Proposal” Drama by Anton Chekov


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