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Universit Ibn Tofal, Facult des Sciences Dpartement de Mathmatiques

B.P. 133, 14001, Knitra, Maroc email: nour@mixmail.com


Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Matemtiques Gran via, 585, 08007, Barcelona, Spain

email: nualart@mat.ub.es

Submitted 5 May 2003 , accepted in final form 25 July 2003 AMS 2000 Subject classification: 60H07, 60G18

Keywords: Malliavin calculus, fractional Brownian motion, fractional calculus


This note is devoted to prove that the supremum of a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameterH ∈(0,1) has an infinitely differentiable density on (0,∞). The proof of this result is based on the techniques of the Malliavin calculus.



A fractional Brownian motion (fBm for short) of Hurst parameter H ∈ (0,1) is a centered Gaussian process B={Bt, t∈[0,1]}with the covariance function

RH(t, s) = 1

2 ³

t2H+s2H− |t−s|2H´. (1)

Notice that ifH = 1

2, the processB is a standard Brownian motion. From (1) it follows that E|Bt−Bs|2=|t−s|2H,

and, as consequence,B hasα-H¨older continuous paths for anyα < H.

The Malliavin calculus is a suitable tool for the study of the regularity of the densities of functionals of a Gaussian process. We refer to [7] and [8] for a detailed presentation of this theory. This approach is particularly useful when analytical methods are not available. In [5] the Malliavin calculus has been applied to derive the smoothness of the law of the supremum



of the Brownian sheet. In order to obtain this result, the authors establish a general criterion for the smoothness of the density, assuming that the random variable is locally inD∞. The

aim of this paper is to study the smoothness of the law of the supremum of a fBm using the general criterion obtained in [5].

The organization of this note is as follows. In Section 2 we present some preliminaries on the fBm and we review the basic facts on the Malliavin calculus and on the fractional calculus that will be used in the sequel. In Section 3 we state the general criterion for the smoothness of densities and we apply it to the supremum of the fBm.




Fractional Brownian motion

FixH ∈(0,1) and letB ={Bt, t∈[0,1]}be a fBm with Hurst parameterH. That is,B is a

zero mean Gaussian process with covariance function given by (1). Let {Ft, t∈[0,1]}be the

family of sub-σ-fields ofF generated byB and the P-null sets ofF. We denote byE ⊂ Hthe class of step functions on [0,1]. Let Hbe the Hilbert space defined as the closure ofE with respect to the scalar product


1[0,t],1[0,s]®H=RH(s, t).

The mapping1[0,t]−→Btcan be extended to an isometry betweenHand the Gaussian space

H1(B) associated withB.

The covariance kernelRH(t, s) can be written as

RH(t, s) =

Z t∧s


KH(t, r)KH(s, r)dr,

whereKH is a square integrable kernel given by (see [4]):

KH(t, s) = Γ(H+

1 2)


2F(H−1 2,


2 −H, H+ 1 2,1−

t s), F(a, b, c, z) being the Gauss hypergeometric function. Consider the linear operatorK∗

H from

E toL2([0,1]) defined by

(KH∗ϕ)(s) =KH(1, s)ϕ(s) +

Z 1



∂r (r, s)dr. (2)

For any pair of step functionsϕandψ inE we have (see [3])

hKH∗ϕ, KH∗ψiL2([0,1])=hϕ, ψiH. (3) As a consequence, the operator K∗

H provides an isometry between the Hilbert spacesHand

L2([0,1]). Hence, the processW ={W

t, t∈[0, T]}defined by



(1[0,t])) (4)

is a Wiener process, and the processBH has an integral representation of the form

BHt = Z t


KH(t, s)dWs, (5)

because¡ K∗

H1[0,t] ¢



Fractional calculus

We refer to [9] for a complete survey of the fractional calculus. Let us introduce here the main definitions. If f ∈L1([0,1]) andα > 0, the right and left-sided fractional Riemann-Liouville integrals of f of orderαon [0,1] are given almost surely for allt∈[0,1] by

I0α+f(t) =

(−1)−α Γ (α)

Z t


(t−s)α−1f(s)ds (6)


I1α−f(t) =

(−1)−α Γ (α)

Z 1


(s−t)α−1f(s)ds (7)

respectively, where Γ denotes the Gamma function.

Fractional differentiation can be introduced as an inverse operation. For any p > 1 and α > 0, Iα

0+(Lp) (resp. I1α−(Lp)) will denote the class of functions f ∈ Lp([0,1]) which may be represented as an Iα

0+(resp. I1α−)- integral of some function Φ inLp([0,1]). Iff ∈ I0α+(Lp) (resp. Iα

1−(Lp)), the function Φ such thatf =I0α+Φ (resp. I1α−Φ) is unique inLp([0,1]) and is given by

D0α+f(t) = (−1)

α+1 Γ (1−α)

à f(s)

sα −α

Z t


f(t)−f(s) (t−s)α+1 ds




D1α−f(t) =

(−1)α+1 Γ (1−α)

à f(s) (1−s)α−α

Z 1


f(s)−f(t) (s−t)α+1 ds


, (9)

where the convergence of the integrals at the singularity t=sholds in theLp- sense.

When αp > 1 any function in Iaα+(Lp) is ³α−1p´- H¨older continuous. On the other hand, any H¨older continuous function of orderβ > α has fractional derivative of order α. That is, Cβ([a, b])⊂Iaα+(Lp) for all p >1.

Recall that by construction forf ∈Iaα+(Lp),

Iaα+(Dαa+f) =f

and for general f ∈L1([a, b]) we have

Daα+(Iaα+f) =f.

The operator KH∗ can be expressed in terms of fractional integrals or derivatives. In fact, if H > 12, we have


Hϕ) (s) =cHΓ(H−

1 2)s


2−H(IH− 1 2 1− u

H−12ϕ(u))(s), (10)

where cH =

h H(2H1)

β(2−2H,H−12) i1/2

, and ifH < 12, we have


Hϕ) (s) =dH s

1 2−H(D

1 2−H 1− u




Malliavin calculus

We briefly recall some basic elements of the stochastic calculus of variations with respect to the fBmB. For more complete presentation on the subject, see [7] and [8].

The processB ={Bt, t∈[0,1]} is Gaussian and, hence, we can develop a stochastic calculus

of variations (or Malliavin calculus) with respect to it. Let C∞

b (R) be the class of infinitely

differentiable functions f :Rn R such that f and all its partial derivatives are bounded.

We denote byS the class of smooth cylindrical random variablesF of the form

F =f(B(h1), . . . , B(hn)), (12)

wheren≥1, f ∈Cb∞(Rn) andh1, ..., hn∈ H.

The derivative operatorDof a smooth and cylindrical random variable F of the form (12) is defined as theH-valued random variable

DF =



i=1 ∂f ∂xi

(B(h1), . . . , B(hn)hi.

In this way the derivativeDF is an element ofL2(Ω;H).The iterated derivative operator of D is denoted by Dk. It is a closable unbounded operator from Lp(Ω) into L

Ω;H⊗k)¢ for each k ≥ 1, and each p ≥1. We denote by Dk,p the closure of S with respect to the norm

defined by

kF kpk,p=E(|F| p

) +E



j=1 ° °DjF°




We setD∞=k,pDk,p.

For any given Hilbert spaceV, the corresponding Sobolev space ofV-valued random variables can also be introduced. More precisely, letSV denote the family ofV-valued smooth random

variables of the form





Fjvj, (vj, Fj)∈V × S.

We define

DkF =




DkFj⊗vj, k≥1.

ThenDk is a closable operator fromS

V ⊂Lp(Ω;V) intoLp(Ω;H⊗k⊗V) for any p≥1. For

any integerk≥1 and for any real numberp≥1,a norm is defined onSV by

kFkpk,p,V =E(kFkpV) +



j=1 E³°

°DjF° °



´ .

We denote by Dk,p(V) the completion of SV with respect to the norm k.k k,p,V. We set

D∞(V) =k,pDk,p(V).

Our main result will be based on the application of the following general criterion for smooth-ness of densities for one-dimensional random variable established in [5].

Theorem 1 LetF be a random variable in D1,2. LetAbe an open subset of R. Suppose that


(i) uA ∈D∞(H),

(ii) GA∈D∞ andGA−1 ∈Lp(Ω)for any p≥2 and,

(iii) hDF, uAiH=GA on {F ∈A}.

Then the random variableF possesses an infinitely differentiable density on the set A.


Supremum of the fractional Brownian motion

The processB has a version with continuous paths as result of beingα-H¨older continuous for any α < H. Set

M = sup 0≤s≤1


From results of [10] we know thatM possesses an absolutely continuous density on (0,∞). In order to apply Theorem 1, we will first recall some results on this supremum .

Lemma 2 The processB attains its maximum on a unique random pointT.

Proof. The proof of this lemma would follow by the same arguments as the proof of Lemma 3.1 of [5], applying the criterion for absolute continuity of the supremum of a Gaussian process established in [10].

The following lemma will ensure the weak differentiability of the supremum of the fBm and give the value of its derivative.

Lemma 3 The random variable M belongs to D1,2 and it holds DtM = 1[0,T](t), for any t∈[0,1], whereT is the point where the supremum is attained.

Proof. Similar to the proof of Lemma 3.2. in [5].

With the above results in hands, we are in position to prove our main result.

Proposition 4 The random variable M = sup0≤s≤1Bs possesses an infinitely differentiable

density on (0,∞).

Proof. Fixa >0 and setA= (a,∞). Define the following random variable

Ta= inf


t∈[0,1] such that sup 0≤s≤t

Bs> a

¾ .

Recall that Ta is a stopping time with respect to the filtration{Ft, t∈[0,1]}and notice that

Ta ≤T on the set{M > a}.Hence, by Lemma 3, it holds that

{M > a, t≤Ta} ⊂ {DtM = 1}. (13)


∆ = ½

(p, γ)∈N∗×(0,) such that 1

2p < γ < H ¾


For any (p, γ)∈∆, we define the processY on [0,1] by setting, for anyt∈[0,1]


Z t

0 Z t




We will need the following property: There exists a constantRdepending ona, γ andpsuch that

Yt< Rimplies that sup


Bs≤a. (14)

To prove this fact we use the Garsia, Rodemich and Rumsey Lemma in [6]. This lemma applied to the functions∈[0, t]→Bs, with the hypothesis thatYt< R,implies

Letψ:R+[0,1] be an infinitely differentiable function such that

ψ(x) =

Consider theH-valued random variable given by

uA= (KH∗)−

H is the operator defined in (2) andK


H denotes its adjoint inL2([0,1]). We claim

that the random element uA introduced in (15) and the random variable GA = R01ψ(Yt)dt

satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1.

Let us first show thatuAbelongs toD∞(H). Fix an integerj≥0. It suffices to show that for

The j-th order derivative Dj of the functionψ(Y

t) is evaluated with the help of the Fa`a di

Bruno formula, see formula [24.1.2] in [1], as follows

Djψ(Yt) =

Hence, in order to show (16) it suffices to check that


From (10), ifH > 12, we obtain

. After some computations we get


In the sequelCH will denote a generic constant depending onH. IfH > 12, (19) yields


Taking into account that






we obtain

and this implies that


On the other hand, from


and this implies that


Finally, (24), (23), (21), (22), (18), (26) and (25) imply (17). This shows condition (i) of Theorem 1.

In order to show condition (iii) notice that


On the other hand, on the set{M > a}, taking into account (13) and (14), it holds that

ψ(Yt)>0 =⇒t≤T,

and, as a consequence, RT

0 ψ(Yt)dt=GA.

Finally, it remains to show condition (ii), that is,G−A1∈Lq(Ω) for anyq≥2. We have

GA ≥

Z 1



= Z 1

0 1{Y


= λ


t∈[0,1] :Yt<

R 2


= Yt−1

µR 2

¶ ,

because Y is non-decreasing and is continuous. For anyε >0 we get

P µ


µ R

2 ¶

< ε ¶

= P

µ R

2 < Yε ¶

µ2 R

¶p E|Yε|p

µ2 R

¶p 

  Z

[0,ε]2 ° °

°|Br−Bs| 2p°

° °Lp(Ω) |r−s|2pγ+1 drds

 



≤ R−pCp

" Z


r−s|2pH−2pγ−1drds #p


= R−pCpε(2p(H−γ)+1)p.

This completes the proof of the proposition.


[1] Albramowitz, A. and Stegun, S., Handbook of mathematical functions. Nauka, Moskow (1979).

[2] Airault, H. and Malliavin, P., Integration g´eometrique sur l’espace de Wiener.Bull. Sci. Math.112(1988) 3-52.

[3] Al`os, E. and Nualart, D., Stochastic calculus with respect to the fractional Brownian motion. To appear inStochastics and Stochastics Reports.


[5] Florit, C. and Nualart, D., A local criterion for smoothness of densities and application to the supremum of the Brownian sheet.Statistics and Probability Letters22 (1995) 25-31. [6] Garsia, A., Rodemich, E. and Rumsey, H., A real variable lemma and the continuity of paths of some Gaussian processes.Indiana Univ. Math. Journal 20(1970/71) 565-578. [7] Nualart, D., The Malliavin calculus and related topics.Springer Verlag (1995).

[8] Nualart, D., Analysis onWeiner space and anticipating stochastic calculus.Lecture Notes in Math.1690 (1998) 123-227.

[9] Samko, S. G., Kilbas, A.A. and Mariachev, O. I., Fractional integrals and derivatives. Gordon and Breach Sience (1993).


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