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S PSI 1105344 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Aldwin, C, Sutton, K, Chiara, G & Spiro, A. (1996). Age differences in Stress, Coping, and Appraisal: Findings from the normative aging study. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, Vol. 51B No. 4, 179-188.

Alleyne, M, Alleyne, P & Greenidge, D. (2010). Life Satisfaction and Perceived Stress among University Students in Barbados. Journal of Psychology in Africa, Vol 20 No. 2, 291-298.

Ardelt, M. (1997). Wisdom and Life Satisfaction. Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 52B No. 1, 15-27.

Ardelt, M. (2003). Empirical Assesment of a Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale. Research on Aging, Vol. 25 No. 3, 275-324.

Ardelt, M. (2000). Antecedents and Effects of Wisdom in Old Age. Research on Aging, Vol. 22 No. 4, 360-394.

Asberg, K. (2000). Perceived Stress, Coping, and Adequacy of Social Support: Implications for Subjective Well-Being in College Students. Unpublished Thesis, University of Central Florida.

Azwar, S. (2012). Reliabilitas dan Validitas: Edisi 4. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Baars, J, Dohmen, J, Grenier, A & Phillipson, C. (2013). Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure: Connecting Critical and Humanistic Gerontology. UK: Policy Press.

Baltes, P. (2004). Wisdom as Orchestration of Mind and Virtue. Berlin: Max Plank Institute for Human Development.

Baltes, P & Baltes, M. (1990). Successful Aging: Perspectives from the Behavioral Sciences. UK: The European Science Foundation.

Baltes, P & Staudinger, U. (2000). Wisdom: A Metaheuristic (Pragmatic)to Orchestra Mind and Virtue Toward Excellence. American Psychologist, Vol. 55 No. 1, 122-136.


Beuningen, J. (2012, September). The Satisfaction with Life Scale Examining Construct Validity. Netherlands: The Hague/Heerlen.

Boeninger, D, Shiraishi, R, Aldwin, C & Spiro, A. (2009). Why do Older Men Report Low Stress Ratings? Findings From The Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study. International Journal Aging and Human Development, Vol. 68(2) 149-170.

Boyd, D & Bee, H. (2006). Life-Span Development. USA: Pearson Education. Inc.

Cercle, A, Gadea, C, Hartmann, A & Lourel, M. (2008). Typology and Factor Analysis of the Perceived Stress Measure by Using the PSS Scale. France: Revue europeenne de psychologie applique Vol 58, 227- 239.

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Cohen, S & Williamson, G. (1988). Perceived Stress in a Probability Sample of the United States. Spacapan, S & Oskamp, S. (Eds.) The Social Psychology of Health. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Cohen, S, Evans, G, Stokols, D & Krantz, D. (1986). Behavior, Health, and Environmental Stress. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.

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Crain, W. (2011). Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications. USA: Pearson

Cunningham, J & Aldrich, J. (2012). Using SPSS: An Interactive Hands-On Approach. California: SAGE Publications.

Dapaah, K. A & Juan, Q. S. (2014). Life Satisfaction among Elderly Households in Public Rental Housing in Singapore. Health, 6, 1057-1076.

Diener, E, Inglehart, R & Tay, L. (2012). Theory and Validity of Life Satisfaction Scales. Article in Social Indicators Research, 1-50. doi: 10.1007/s11205-012-0076-y


Diener, E. (2009). Assessing Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.

Feldman, F. (2008). Whole Life Satisfaction Concepts of Hapiness. Unpublished Thesis, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

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Hamarat, E, Thompson, D, Zabrucky, K, Steele, D, Matheny, K & Aysan, F. (2001). Perceived Stress and Coping Resource Avaibility as Predictor of Life Satisfaction in Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults. International journal devoted to the scientific study of the aging process. Vol 27, Issue 2. 181-196.

Hamilton, I. (2011). An Introduction to Gerontology. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Hock, C & Chia A. (2010). Suicide in Singapore. Psychiatry updates 36 (1), 26-29.

Hoyer, W & Roodin, P. (2003). Adult Development and Aging: 5th Edition. New York: Mc Graw-Hill.

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Keng, K, Kwon, J, Kuan, T & Jiuan, T. (2004). Understanding Singaporeans: Values, Lifestyles, Aspirations and Consumption Behaviors. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.

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Lazarus, R & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal and Coping. New York: Springer Publishing Company.


Lim, L & Kua, E. (2011). Living Alone, Loneliness, and Psychological Well-Being of Older Persons in Singapore. Current Gerontology and Getriatrics Research, 1-9. doi: 10.1155/2011/673181

Malinauskas, R. (2010). The Associations among Social Support, Stress, and Life Satisfaction as Perceived by Injured College Atheletes. Social and Behavior Personality. Vol 38 No. 6, 741-752

Matheny, K, Roque-Tovar, B & Curlette, W. (2008). Perceived Stress, Coping Resources, and Life Satisfaction among U.S. and Mexican College Students: A Cross-Cultural Study. Anales de Psicologia. Vol. 24. No.1. 49-57.

Ministry of Social and Family Development. (2014). Singapore Social Statistics in Brief. [Brochure]. Thomson Road: Singapore.

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Mustaffa, M & Alkaff, S. (2011). Depression among Elderly. International Conference on Social Science and Humanity. Vol. 5. 420- 423.

National Population and Talent Division. (2014). 2014 Population In Brief. [Brochure]. Prime Minister’s Office: Singapore.

NUS News Portal. (2012). Depression in Elderly:Prevention is Key. Diakses dari http://newshub.nus.edu.sg/headlines/0612/depression_11Jun12.php

Papalia, D, Olds, S, Feldman, R & Martorell G. (2012). Human Development: Twelfth Edition. New York: Mc-Graw Hill Companies. Inc.

Pavot, W & Diener, E. (1993). Review of the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Psychological Assessment. Vol. 5 No. 2. 164-172.

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Riduwan & Kuncoro, E. (2013). Cara Menggunakan dan Memakai Path Analysis (Analisis Jalur). Bandung: Alfabeta.


Sinambela, L. (2014). Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif: Untuk Bidang Ilmu Administrasi, Kebijakan Publik, Ekonomi, Sosiologi, Komunikasi dan Ilmu Sosial Lainnya. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

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Snyder, C & Lopez, S. (Ed.). (2002). Handbook of Positive Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Teo, P, Mehta, K, Thang, L & Chan, A. (2006). Ageing in Singapore: Service needs and the state. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

Tummers, N. (2013). Stress Management: A Wellness Approach. USA: Human Kinetics.

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Wiramihardja, S. (2005). Pengantar Psikologi Abnormal. Bandung: PT refika Aditama

Wong, G. (2003). Quality of life of the elderly in Singapore’s multi-racial society. International Journal of Social Economics. Vol. 30 Iss: 3, 302-319.



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