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T2 912012016 Daftar Pustaka


Academic year: 2017

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Jurnal :

Babin, B.J., Lee, Y.K., Kim, E.J., dan Griffin, M. (2005). Modeling Consumer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth: Restaurant Patronage in Korea. Journal of Services Marketing,19 (3) : 133 – 139.

Beck, R. dan Franke, J. (2008). Designing Reputation and Trust Management Systems. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organization, 6 (4) : 8 – 29.

Bennett, R. dan Gabriel, H. (2001). Reputation, Trust and Supplier Commitment: The case of Shipping Company/ Seaport. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 16 (6/7) : 424 – 338.

Berman, B. (2005). How to Delight Your Customers. California Management Review, 48 (1) : 129 – 151.

Brown, T.J., Barry, T.E., Dacin, P.A., dan Gunst, R.F. (2005). Spreading The Words : Investigating Antecedents of Customer’s Positive Word of Mouth Intention And Behavior in Retailing Context. Academy of Marketing Science Journals, III (2) : 123 – 138.

Cengiz, E. dan Yayla, H.E. (2007). The Effect of Marketing Mix on Possitive Word of Mouth Communication : Evidence from Accounting Offices in Turkey. Journal of Innovative Marketing, III (4) : 73 – 82.

Fombrun, C.J. dan Shanley, M. (1996). What’s in a name? Reputation

Building and Corporate Strategy. Academy of Management Journal, 33 (2): 233-58.

Harrison-Walker, L.J. (2001). The Measurement of Word of Mouth Communication and an Investigation of Service Quality and Customer Commitment as Potential Antecedents. Journal of Service Research, IV (1): 60 – 75.

Hasan, S.A., Raheem, S., dan Subhani, M.I. (2011). Measuring Customer Delight: A Model for Banking Industry. European Journal of Social Sciences, 22 (4) : 510 – 518.

James, Y.St, dan Taylor, S. (2004). Delight-As-Magic: Refining The Conceptual domain of Customer Delight. Advances in Customer Research, 31 : 753 – 758.

Jin, B., Park, J.Y., dan Kim, J. (2008). Cross-Cultural Examination of the Relationship among Firm Reputation, Satisfaction, Trust, and e-Loyalty. International Marketing Review, 25 (3) : 324 – 337.



Kabadayi, E.T., Alan, A.K., dan Erdebil, A.E. (2011). The Factors Affecting The Level of Trust between Buyer Seller: An Example from Household Appliances Sector. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 9 : 31 – 39.

Kim, M.S. dan Ahn, J.H. (2007). Management of Trust in The e-Marketplace: The Role of The Buyer's Experience in Building Trust. Journal of Information Technology, 22 : 119 – 132.

Kumar, A., Olshavsky, R.W., dan King, M.F. (2001). Exploring Alternative Antecedents of Customer Delight. Journal of Customer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 14 : 14 – 26.

Kwong, K.K. dan Yau, O.H.M. (2002). The Conceptualization of Customer Delight: A Research Framework. Asia Pacific Management Review, 7 (2) : 255 – 266.

Lee, M.S., Hsiao, H.D., dan Yang, M.F. (2010). The Study of the Relationships among Experiential Marketing, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. The International Journal of Organizational Innovation : 352 – 378.

Lucky, E.O.I. (2012). The Joint Moderating Effect of Location and Culture on Small Firm Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2 (1) : 324 – 340.

Mascarenhas, O.A., Kesavan, R., dan Bernacchi, M. (2004). Customer Value-Chain Involvement for Co-Creating Customer Delight. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21 (7) : 486 – 496.

Neti, S. (2011). Social Media and It’s Role in Marketing. International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems, 1 (2): 1 – 15. Oliver, R.L., Rust, R.T., dan Varki, S. (1997). Customer Delight:

Foundations, Findings, and Managerial Insight. Journal of Retailing, 73 : 311 – 336.

Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., dan Berry, L.L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing, 64 (1) : 12 – 40.

Raharso, S. (2005). DELIGHT: Anteseden Baru untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Pelanggan. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, XI (2) : 156 – 170. Ryu, K. dan Han, H. (2009). Influence of the Quality of Food, Service, and

Physical Environment on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention in Quick-Casual Restaurants: Moderating Role of Perceived Price. European Journal of Social Sciences, 10 (7) : 500 – 510.


115 Swanson, S.R. dan Davis, J.C. (2012). Delight and Outrage in the Performing Arts: A Critical Incidence Analysis. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 20 (3) : 263 – 278.

Utami, Chr.W. (2006). Relationship Effort dan Kualitas Layanan sebagai Strategi Penguat Relationship Outcomes. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, 1 (1) : 23 – 34.

Verma, H.V. (2003). Customer Outrage and Delight. Journal of Services Research, 3 (1) : 119 – 133.

Wang, Y., Kandampully, J.A., Lo, H.P, dan Shi, G. (2006). The Roles of Brand Equity and Corporate Reputation in CRM: A Chinese Study. Corporate Reputation Review, 9 (3): 179–197.

Wirtz, J. dan Chew, P. (2002). The Effects of Incentives, Deal Proneness, Satisfaction and Tie Strength on Word of Mouth Behaviour. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13 (2): 141 – 162.

Buku :

BPS Kota Magelang. (2012). Analisis PDRB Kota Magelang 2012. Magelang: Kantor Penelitian Pengembangan dan Statistik.

Budi, A.P. (2013). Manajemen Marketing Perhotelan. Yogyakarta: Andi. Disporabudpar Kota Magelang. (2013). Data Statistik Kepariwisataan Kota

Magelang dan Pendukungnya Tahun 2012. Magelang: Kantor Disporabudpar Kota Magelang.

Ekotama, S. (2009). Trik Jitu Promosi Murah Meriah. Jakarta: Cemerlang Publishing.

Ferdinand, A. (2002). Structural Equation Modeling dalam Penelitian Manajemen. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Ghozali, I. (2013). Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program IBM SPSS

21. Semarang: Badan Penerbit UNDIP.

Hair, J.F.Jr. (2000). Marketing Research: A Practical Approach for the New Millennium. New York: Irwin/ McGraw-Hill.

Hooley, G., Piercy, N.F., & Nicoulaud, B. (2008). Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 4/E. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Ihalauw, J.J.O.I. (2008). Konstruksi Teori Komponen dan Proses. Jakarta: PT Grasindo.

Ihalauw, J. J.O.I. (2013). Marketing Management Improve Performance. (Handout Kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran). Salatiga: Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.

Kartajaya, H. dan Ridwansyah, A. (2012). Service with Character. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.



Levy, M. dan Weitz, B.A. (2007). Retailing Management, 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Lovelock, C.H. dan Wright, L.K. (2007). Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa. Jakarta: PT Indeks.

Lupiyoadi, R. (2001). Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa Teori dan Praktik. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

Morrison, A.M. (2002). Hospitality and Travel Marketing, 3rd edition. New York: Delmar – Thomson Learning.

Prasetijo, R. dan Ihalauw, J. J.O.I. (2005). Perilaku Konsumen. Yogyakarta: Andi.

Ratnasari, R.T. dan Aksa, M.H. (2011). Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.

Santrock, J.W. (2002). Life-Span Development: Masa Per kembangan Hidup. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Sekaran, U. (2011). Research Methods for Business (Metodologi Penelitian untuk Bisnis), Edisi 4. Edisi Terjemahan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Schiffman, L.G. dan Kanuk, L.L. (2000). Consumer Behavior. USA: Prentice


Solomon, M.R. (2011). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being. USA: Prentice Hall.

Sumardy, Silviana M., Melone, M. (2011). The Power of Word of Mouth Marketing. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Tjiptono, F. (2012). Service Management Mewujudkan Layanan Prima. Edisi 2. Yogyakarta: Andi.

Wijaya, T. (2009). Analisis Structural Equation Model menggunakan AMOS. Yogyakarta: Universitas Atma Jaya.

Website (Online):

Hanselman, A. (2003). Seven Steps to Creating Customer Experience that Delight.


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