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Teaching English based on local cultural values: an analysis of melting pot paradigm as reflected learning activities at Rumah Bahasa Surabaya.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Lam’atut Durori

NIM D55212059






Durori, L (2017). Teaching English Based on Local Cultural Values: An Analysis of Melting Pot Paradigm As Reflected Learning Activities at Rumah Bahasa Surabaya. A Thesis. English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisor: M. Hanafi

Key Words: local cultural value, melting pot paradigm, learning activity, teaching English

The coming of Asean Economic Community (AEC) era, Indonesians confronted with heterogeneous society from other countries and compete with them in many aspects of life, not only on the economic aspect, but also social, cultural, political, educational, and communication. To cope with it, Surabaya society as part of Indonesian need to improve communication skills while maintaining national identity, in this matter Rumah Bahasa becomes a solution to answer those challenges. Indeed, inserting local cultural values in language learning by melting pot paradigm can be a way to strengthen students’ nationalism in these global and heterogeneous within Pancasila and daily life, appropriate with book “Undang-Undang Dasar Pedoman, Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila, Garis-Garis Besar Haluan

Negara” said that life values and morals within culture which showed of how are Indonesian personalities is Pancasila. Melting pot paradigm in education terms (intended in this study) refers to integration of local cultural values in the main topic (material) implicitly. The method of study was qualitative descriptive and data collected by observation, semi structured-interview, and documentation. From that method found out that tutor used melting pot paradigm in three ways. Then, to decide local and national cultural values which integrated in learning activity researcher guided by some values of Pancasila and daily life, there are 83 values mentioned, e.g. respect the diversity, tolerance among fellows in a religion, belief and god-fearing to

the God Almighty, recognition of the tribes’ diversity and nation culture and



Durori, L (2017). Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Nilai Budaya Lokal: Sebuah Analisis Paradigma Melting Pot Sebagai Cerminan Aktifitas Pembelajaran di Rumah Bahas Surabaya. Skripsi, Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Surabaya. Pembimbing: M. Hanafi

Kata Kunci: nilai budaya lokal, paradigma melting pot, aktifitas pembelajaran, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

Dengan datangnya era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) atau biasa juga disebut Asean Economic Community (AEC), bangsa Indonesia dihadapkan dengan masyarakat heterogen dari Negara-negara lain dan diharuskan untuk berkompetisi di berbagai aspek kehidupan, tidak hanya aspek ekonomi, tetapi juga aspek sosial, kebudayaan, politik, pendidikan, dan komunikasi. Untuk mengatasinya, masyarakat Surabaya sebagai bagian dari bangsa Indonesia dirasa perlu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi serta memelihara identitas nasional; hadirnya rumah bahasa menjadi solusi sebagai jawaban tantangan tersebut. Mengintegrasikan nilai budaya lokal dengan paradigma melting pot dalam pembelajaran bahasa bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk menguatkan nasionalisme peserta didik di zaman global dan masyarakat heterogen. Terlebih lagi, Siti Sudartini (2012) berargumen dalam jurnalnya, bahwa secara praktis pembelajaran bahasa tidak bisa dipisahkan dari pengajaran budaya dari bahasa yang dipelajari, maka sesungguhnya amat bermanfaat untuk memasukkan nilai dan norma budaya lokal di dalam praktek pengajaran bahasa inggris. Skripsi ini menganalisa pengintegrasian nilai budaya lokal dengan paradigma melting pot dalam aktifitas pembelajaran. Nilai Budaya lokal yang dimaksudkan dalam skripsi ini merujuk pada nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Pancasila dan kehidupan sehari-hari, hal ini sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam buku “ Undang-Undang Dasar Pedoman, Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila, Garis-Garis



D. Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 5

E. Significance of the Study ... 6

F. Definition of Key Terms ... 7


A. Review of Related Literature ... 9

1. Teaching English-based on Local Cultural Values ... 9

2. Melting Pot Paradigm ... 21

3. Learning Activities ... 26

B. Review of Previous Studies ... 28


A. Approach and Research Design ... 31

B. Subject, Object, and Location of Study ... 32

1. Profile of Rumah Bahasa ... 32

2. The Staffs of Rumah Bahasa Surabaya ... 33

3. The Function of Rumah Bahasa ... 35


5. The Effect from Rumah Bahasa to the Surabaya society ... 36

6. The Vision of Rumah Bahasa Surabaya ... 36

7. The Mission Rumah Bahasa Surabaya ... 36

8. The Pre-requirement of Participant Registration at Rumah Bahasa Surabaya ... 37

9. Operational Schedule of Rumah Bahasa... 37

C. Data and Source of Data ... 41

D. Method and Instrument of Data Collection ... 42

1. Interview ... 43

2. Observation ... 44

3. Documentation ... 45

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 46

1. Data Reduction ... 46

2. Display Data ... 47

3. Put the Conclusion and Verification ... 47

F. Checking Validity of Findings ... 47


A. Research Findings ... 48

1. Local Cultural Values in Language Learning ... 48

2. The Learning Process with Inserting Local Cultural Values in Melting Pot Paradigm ... 53

B. Discussion ... 76

1. The Insertion of Local Cultural Values in Melting Pot Paradigm as Reflected Learning Activity at Rumah Bahasa ... 76

2. Local Cultural Values Integrated in the Learning Activity ... 86


A. Conclusion ... 106

B. Suggestion ... 107





On this chapter, the researcher elaborates several important points covering

(1) Background of the study, (2) Research questions, (3) Objectives of the study, (4)

Significance of the study, (5) Scope and limitation, and (6)Definitions of the key


A.Background of the Study

As a second big city in Indonesia, Surabaya held on the setter of economic

rapid. The main demands for society are having more potentiality, creativity, and

competitiveness than society in other city. Considering the coming of ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC) era, Indonesians confronted with heterogeneous

society from other countries and compete with them in many aspects of life, not only

economic aspect, but also social, cultural, political, educational, and communication.

AEC, which did in December 2015, purposed to advance the economic and

social progression and also cultural development around member of ASEAN

countries, as Hadi Soesastro (2003) bravely said that AEC is the way to get

stabilization, prosperity, and high competitiveness of economic integration in

ASEAN domain.1

Agree with it, Wuthiya Saraithong (2013) written in her research journal, The

economic perspective of labor’s English language proficiency in the AEC era, that an



adjustment was being a necessity for workers to stay competitive under this

globalizing trend is the enhancement of labor’s (society) English proficiency.2

However, not only being creative and be able to communicate in international

language to build a good communication, but also maintaining national identity were

become a must for people, because in this era human lifestyle getting changes then

what they are really need is personality identity.3 Thus, the job opportunities in some

aspects will wide open for someone who has a good communication and good

attitude; it actually will show national identity while build up the communication.

To cope with it, Surabaya people as part of Indonesian need to improve

communication skills while maintaining national identity. Here, Surabaya

government tried to give the resident a facility, Rumah Bahasa. The presence of

Rumah Bahasa becomes a solution answering those challenges. Besides, Mrs. Tri

Rismaharini also recommends for all of Surabaya society to be able to speak and

understand English and some other languages in the world, it was because five years

later after era AEC Indonesia will entering World Free Trade era.4

On the other hand, nowadays Indonesian confronted with multiculturalism of

ASEAN which consists of many different countries, nations, and languages. Thus, the

development of communication skill (language) and strengthen national identity

2Wuthiya Saraithong, “The Economic Perspective of Labor’s English

Language Proficiency in the AEC Era”, WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings (2013), p. 139,

http://www.westeastinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/ANT13-335-Wuthiya-SARAITHONG-Full-Paper.pdf, accessed 29 Apr 2016.


Moh. Turmudi, Pendidikan Keindonesiaan Dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Budaya Lokal, vol. 26, no. 1 (2015), p. 6, accessed 2 Jul 2017.


should be balance in every personal, we cannot only prepare our unifier international

language (English), but also improving the awareness of proprietary rights for

Indonesian customs and cultures, while still open mind of other countries’ culture.

Factually, the practice of English learning often accompanied western cultural

values which were not always in lined with Indonesian cultural values.5 Related to the

important of national identity in this heterogeneous society, the most possible way to

overcome that necessity is by integrating the local cultural values in English learning

and teaching practice. Absolutely, it purposed to strengthening, encouraging,

improving, and maintaining our Indonesian identity in heterogeneous society with the

spirit of nationalism for the next cultured generation.

The liberty of interaction and social intercourse in heterogeneous society in

AEC era will influence our own character. Indeed, a complete package person is

someone who has creativity, good communication, and strong national identity. Thus,

we have to strengthen our identity as Indonesian to being cultured personality and

build the nation character from the basic aspect, our own personality.

By those explanations, we know that Rumah Bahasa needs to have a suitable

treatment for the participants, it is not only comprehending the language but also

strengthen the national identity. The suitable treatment to build language learning

properly based on Rumah Bahasa’s vision, Meningkatkan kompetensi masyarakat

Surabaya dalam berbagai bahasa yang nantinya di butuhkan pada saat pelaksanaan


MEA, is inserting local cultural values in melting pot paradigm. In the future people

will need a best solution to answer all challenge faced, thus treatment in learning will

strongly reliable to prepare the nation in facing the next era, agree with it Anies

Baswedan also said that a good education is an education that can be answer the

human challenges in the future.6 This opinion also appropriate with Slamet’s (1988)

opinion at her book “Pancasila Kebudayaan dan Kebangsaan” that as one of

components of culture, education is also an effort to develop the culture itself to bring

dynamic of human life,7 thus showed that there was strong relation both education

and culture in the human life. Then in this study researcher focused to analyze the

local cultural values inserted inEnglish learning process in melting pot paradigm, and

the process on it.

B. Research Questions

1. How is process of inserting local cultural values in melting pot paradigm in

learning activities at Rumah Bahasa?

2. What are the local cultural values integrated in the English learning process at

Rumah Bahasa?

C.Objective of the Study

1. To know the process of inserting local cultural values in melting pot paradigm

in learning activities at Rumah Bahasa.


Anies Baswedan, Pidato Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Pada Hari Pendidikan Nasional, 2 Mei 2016 (Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2016), p. 2, www.kemendikbud.go.id/files/download.



2. To know the local cultural values integrated in the English learning process at

Rumah Bahasa.

D.Scope and Limitation of the Study

Based on the problems stated above, this study focused to analyze the

integration of local cultural values in Melting Pot Paradigm as reflected learning

activities at Rumah Bahasa. It covered the process of inserting local cultural values in

melting pot paradigm and the local cultural values which integrated in the learning

activity. Local cultural values here refer to Indonesian cultural values which were

referred to Pancasila or daily life values.8 Basically there are three substances of

culture (1) in the form of ideas, concepts, and values (2) in the form of hereditary

society activities (3) in the form of human physical creation,9 but here the researcher

only focused on the first and second substance which used by society that marked as

good in the daily life,10 that inserted in melting pot paradigm at the Wonderful

Weekend club and Ms. M class at Rumah Bahasa. Furthermore, researcher limited

the finding of study based on research did on those classes on June until August 2016,

caused Rumah Bahasa will always develop in any aspect of management education in

several times later. It does not cover more than things above.


Subandi Al Marsudi, Pancasila Dan UUD 45 Dalam Paradigma Reformasi, 1st edition (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2001), p. 5.


Slamet Sutrisno, Pancasila Kebudayaan dan Kebangsaan, p. 98.


Franz Magnis Suseno, Etika Jawa: Sebuah Analisa Falsafi Tentang Kebijaksanaan Hidup Jawa

(Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1984), p. 6,


E. Significance of the Study

Below are the advantages of conducting this study:

1. Theoretically, this study result hopes to develop teaching and learning process

especially in integrating national culture in language learning, English for

Specific Purpose, and TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language).

2. Practically, the advantages of this study result hopes to be contribution:

a) For the students: they enjoy the process of English learning activity while

increasing national values awareness by using Melting Pot paradigm, and

have a better skill in criticizing some issues to maintain the own personal

customs, norms and values which were held.

b) For the teachers: they aware to begin teaching with inserting local cultural

values in melting pot paradigm to increase the students’ nationalism and

strengthen the customs, norms and local cultural awareness in this

heterogeneous society. And also for candidate of teachers, they should be

aware of students’ need on their era, thus the teacher will teach students

with materials to answer the problem on the next era that will be faced.

c) For the reader: they get information about application of inserting local

cultural values in Melting Pot Paradigm reflected in language learning.

And give opinion about the important of mastering English while

strengthen national identity in the heterogeneous society in globalization


F. Definition of Key Terms

a. Local cultural value, culture is the realization of logical (thought), ethics (will), and aesthetics (feeling) to achieve the development of human character.11

According to J.W. Ajawaila, local culture is specific characteristic of culture from

a group of local society,12 or paradigm of life developed in a social community

which limited by geography and unique historical experiences.13 Thus, local

cultural value is the result from societies’ cultivation in a territory, which created

and acquired from generation to generation naturally.

To classify the local cultural values, researcher guided by Pancasila values which

were actually the source of national values, it was because national cultural values

forming from some local cultures. Practically, there were many national cultural

values (such as tolerance, mutual assistance, respect diversity, appreciating each

other, integrity, honesty, justice, empathy, mercy, decorous, etc.) reflected in the

local cultural values, thus the “local cultural values was being intended in this

study as refractions from national culture. As an example many Indonesian

practically speak national language (Indonesia) with the systematic, paradigm, and

taste of localism, as a result there were a behavior to speak national language with

the local taste. Indeed, the character of local values was being an important part to


Slamet Sutrisno, Pancasila Kebudayaan dan Kebangsaan, p. 101.


Siany L and Atiek Catur B, Khasanah Antropologi dan Pengajaran (Jakarta: PT. Penerbit Wangsa Jatra Lestari, 2009), p. 3.


strengthen national values.14 From the explanation above, to analyze the local

cultural values definitely researcher engaged the national cultural values.

b. Melting Pot Paradigm in education term is integrating local cultural values in the main topic (material) implicitly, so that both of main topic and local cultural

values are a unity and impartially.15

c. Learning activity is an interaction process between students, educator, and source of study in a learning environment (classroom) to creating formulation: active

students in the class; find and put forward the argumentations each other.

Furthermore, Moh. Uzer Usman argues that five types of learning activity, they

are: (1) Visual activity, (2) oral activity, (3) listening activity, (4) moving activity,

(5) writing activity.16

d. Teaching English, teaching is sharing knowledge and experience.17 Therefore, teaching English is sharing knowledge and experience between educator, students,

and source of study in a learning area about English, in order that the students got

some additional knowledge, become more expert, build the attitude,18 and increase

their confidence.19 Indeed, teaching process help students to learn well.


A. Safril Mubah, Strategi Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Budaya Lokal dalam Menghadapi Arus Globalisasi, vol. 24, no. 4 (2011), p. 1, accessed 2 Jul 2017.

15Ni Nyoman Padmawati, Putu Kerti Nitiasih, and Luh Putu Artini, “Model Konseptual Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Budaya Untuk Sekolah Dasar di Bali”, JPP Undiksha, vol. 42, no. 3 Okt (2009), p. 173, http://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/1758, accessed 29 Apr 2016.


Moh Uzer Usman, Menjadi guru profesional (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2005), p. 22.

17Amy Gratch, “The Culture of Teaching and Beginning Teacher Development”,

Teacher Education Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 4 (2001), p. 125, accessed 29 Apr 2016.


Kevin Ryan, James M. Cooper, and Susan Tauer, Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming a Master Teacher (Cengage Learning, 2012), p. 77.





This review of the related literature is intended to provide a conceptual

framework and description about teaching English based on local cultural values and

learning activity in melting pot paradigm. The principal aspects covered on this

chapter are teaching English based on local cultural values, melting pot paradigm,

and learning activities, and also previous study.

A. Review of Related Literature

1. Teaching English-based on Local Cultural Values

Mastering English, as international language, was necessary for every

global people; on the other hand, the investment of cultural values in this

globalization era has become human attention. Underlined, the attitude which

showed when someone having interaction with other people reflect their nation

character. Thus, the challenge of global human is maintaining the nationalism;

on the other hand the investment of cultural values could be doing in the

process of learning.

Mentioned in the language learning principle which was showed by

Brown H. Douglas that

Successful mastery of the second language will be due to a large


individualized battery of strategies for comprehending and producing the language 1

That principle showed mastering foreign language or second language

needs a different strategy than comprehending other knowledge; it also needs

the personal desire to success it, because language is not only knowledge but

also skills such as the way to produce the language including the producing of

expressions or sentences based on the culture of that language. Actually the

way to teach language material to students have a strategic position to build

students moral;2 thus language teaching absolutely accompanied with the moral

within the language which learned, but the teacher also need to consider

inserting the morality where the language learned (national morality), so that

the students will proud of their own nationality even they be able to master

some other language. Moreover, English is western language so the morals

within the language were also western moral values; there were difference

moralities between Indonesia morality and western morality.3

The teacher could be benefitted cultural values as source or approach in

teaching learning; as Daoed Joesoef, cited by Slamet Sutrisno (1988) in his

book “Pancasila Kebudayaan dan Kebangsaan”, explicitly said that education

1D.A.N. Douglas and Stefan Frazier, “Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy .: H. Douglas Brown”, TESOL Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 2 (2001), p. 60, accessed 29 Apr 2016.

2I. Made Sukamerta, “Implementasi Kebijakan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Pada Sekolah Dasar di

Kota Denpasar”, Desertasi (Bali: Udayana, 2011), p. 32, http://www.pps.unud.ac.id/disertasi/detail -27-implementasi-kebija kan-pe mbela jaran-bahasa-inggris-pada-sekolah-dasar-di-kota-denpasar.html, accessed 29 Apr 2016.


(teaching and learning process) was being used for continuing, maintaining, and

Definitely, those explanations showed that national education system

handled a prior role to implement the development of national culture.7 If the

system runs well, as result the students will be not only mastering the

knowledge learned but also increasing their nationalism sense even though they

will live in the heterogeneous and global society. Because the real difference

Slamet Sutrisno, Pancasila Kebudayaan dan Kebangsaan, 1st edition (Yogyakarta: Liberty, 1988), p. 97.

H.A.W. Widjaja, Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Dan HAM Di Indonesia, 1st edition (Jakarta: PT. Rineke Cipta, 2000), p. 2.



apply national values, all Indonesian already have a sense to difference between

good thing and bad thing to do, and it is because since in the child age

Indonesian already accustomed to difference it from their environment.

Sometimes Indonesian were not aware when doing something marked as a good

attitude which mentioned in Pancasila values, It just because our Pancasila

only said five aspects in general, nevertheless actually values within Pancasila

is unlimited,10 but it had explained by 45 cells of Pancasila. Indeed, it showed

that Pancasila became a life guide for Indonesian in daily life,11 it seems like

Pancasila already flow in Indonesian blood, and in other word Pancasila called

by character of Indonesian cultural values.12

Indonesian cultural values should be appropriate with Pancasila,

because Pancasila was being the root of culture,13 and also a soul of Indonesian

culture development.14 Talk about the development of culture, the advancement

of technology, art, social relation business design, etc., also kind of culture

development. Here Albert Hirschman, cited from Slamet Sutrisno’s (1988)

book, explicitly said that culture also becomes a factor which determines

aspects of life change.15 Indeed, culture handled the all aspects of life.


H.A.W. Widjaja, Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Dan HAM Di Indonesia, p. 10.


Subandi Al Marsudi, Pancasila Dan UUD 45 Dalam Paradigma Reformasi, 1st edition (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2001), p. 5.


Burhanuddin Salam, Filsafat Pancasilaisme, kedua edition (Jakarta: Bina Aksara, 1988), p. 43.


H.A.W. Widjaja, Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Dan HAM Di Indonesia, p. 26.


Appropriate with it, Mr. Anies Baswedan also said, his speech at

Indonesia national education day 2016, that one of skills needed Indonesian in

21 century is a character, there are two kinds of character, one of them is

morality character, and morality character is Pancasila values.16 Besides

Ridwan (2007) also argues, as our society claims usually values which hold by

other source from book “Undang-Undang Dasar Pedoman, Penghayatan dan

Pengamalan Pancasila, Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara” said that life

values and morals within culture which showed of how are Indonesian

personalities is Pancasila.20 Based on explanation above, teacher should be

able to teach language while deliver the message of nation character into a

complete package in a teaching learning process. Teaching English with

benefiting local cultural values will be reliable to strengthen national character.


Anies Baswedan, Pidato Menteri Pendidik an dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Pada Hari Pendidik an Nasional, 2 Mei 2016 (Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2016), p. 2, www.kemendikbud.go.id/files/download.


Murni and Wati, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Kearifan Lok al, p. 27.


Subandi Al Marsudi, Pancasila Dan UUD 45 Dalam Paradigma Reformasi, p. 5.


Slamet Sutrisno, Pancasila Kebudayaan dan Kebangsaan, p. 87.


Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat No. II/MPR/1975 and Ketetapan MPR No.


Thus, here researcher standardizes the cultural values that used for analyzing

data were based on local values within Pancasila and daily life. The values will

be mentioned below.

Language learning cannot be separated from teaching accompanied

culture. Considering the need to maintain the nation identity, it will much

beneficial to integrate the local cultural values and norms in the practice of

English teaching.21 Moreover, Slamet Sutrisno also argues that education has

become strategic way to maintain the human culture, even though from the

other side education is part of that culture itself.22 Those explanation point out

that it was really suitable to conduct teaching learning while maintain the


Therefore, integrating cultural values in learning (language) can be a

way to strengthen students’ nationalism and cultural identity in this global

heterogeneous society.23 Furthermore, they will be a society that really aware of

their own identity and have a strong nationalism, because the sense of national

cultural awareness is actually one of the character education goals.24

21Siti Sudartini, “Inserting Local Culture in English Language Teaching to Promote Charecter

Education”, Jurnal Pendidik an Karakter, LPPM Universitas Yogyak arta (2012), p. 17.


Slamet Sutrisno, Pancasila Kebudayaan dan Kebangsaan, p. 86.


Murni and Wati, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Kearifan Lok al, p. 25.


Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Badan Penelitian dan Peng embangan Pusat Kurikulum,


Table 2.1

Table of Local Culture Values

No. Aspect Values

1. The values consist in Pancasila

Conviction of the Almighty God presence with His the most perfect characteristic25

2. God-fearing towards God Almighty, by doing all

of His commandments, and also stay away from

5. Recognition of human prestige and dignity29

6. Recognition of the human existence as the most

glorious creature created by God30

7. Upholding the humanity values and having to

receive fair treatment as human beings31

8. Love to the homeland and the nation32

9. Recognition the diversity of tribes and culture

and simultaneously develop the national unity, because Indonesian is the unity of tribes that populate in a region, Indonesia33

10. State sovereignty is on hand of societies34

11. Indonesian as societies and citizens have the

same status, rights and obligations35

12. Always discussing to reach an agreement by

brotherhood spirit36

25 Burhanuddin Salam, Filsafat Pancasilaisme, p. 37. 26

Ibid. 27


28“Nilai Nilai yang Terkandung dalam Sila Pancasila pada Kehidupan Sehari hari”,

Sek olah Online.


Burhanuddin Salam, Filsafat Pancasilaisme, p. 37.


Ibid., p. 38.


Ibid., p. 37.

32Nur Sahed, “Wacana Islam Keindonesiaan Sebagai Asas Dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum

Pendidikan Agama Islam di IAIN Salatiga” (Yogyakarta: UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2016), p. 152.


Burhanuddin Salam, Filsafat Pancasilaisme, p. 38.


13. Giving priority to the state and society importance rather than personal or group importance.37

14. Creating the justice in the society and state,

especially in the fields of ideological, political, economic, social, cultural, and national


15. The balance between rights and obligations as

well as respect the others’ rights39

16. Be fair and help others40

17. Do the economic activity with kinship41

18. Love both material and spiritual of the nation's

progress and development42

19. Daily Life Togetherness43

20. Kinship44

21. Sungkem (show respect by kneeling and pressing

face to another eldest knees.), shaking hand, and

kissing parents’ hands45

22. Say goodbye before leaving, admiration of


37“Nilai Nilai yang Terkandung dalam Sila Pancasila pada Kehidupan Sehari hari”. 38 Burhanuddin Salam, Filsafat Pancasilaisme, p. 39.

39Ibid. 40Ibid., p. 38.

41 Letjen Nano Sampono, Revitalisasi Nila-Nilai Keindonesiaan Pancasila Dalam Kontek s Sistem Keamanan Nasional Menghadapi Tantangan Global (Disampaikan dalam Sarasean Pusbintal Mabes TNI Cilacap, 2015), p. 7.

42“Nilai Nilai yang Terkandung dalam Sila Pancasila pada Kehidupan Sehari hari”. 43“Menggali Nilai keindonesiaan dalam Dies Natalis Universitas Indonesia”,

Orasi ilmiah oleh Guru Besar Fak ultas Ek onomi UI, dalam Rangk a Dies Natalis Universitas Indonesia (6 Feb 2015).

44 Ibid.

45Nicholas Adityas, “NILAI

- NILAI BUDAYA INDONESIA YANG MULAI HILANG”, Benedictus Deus (Oktober 2013).


A. Safril Mubah, Strategi Meningk atkan Daya Tahan Budaya Lok al dalam Menghadapi Arus Globalisasi, vol. 24, no. 4 (2011), p. 303, accessed 2 Jul 2017.

47Nicholas Adityas, “NILAI



27. Mutual assistance50

Indonesian declared their belief and god-fearing to the God Almighty.59

37. Indonesian belief and god-fearing to God

Almighty based on each the religion and beliefs on the basis of fair and civilized humanity60

38. Developing respect and cooperation among a

religions or other religion adherents in God Almighty61

39. Build the harmony among the member of

religions and belief in God Almighty62

40. Religion and belief in God Almighty is a matter

concerning on the personal relationship between each person with his God Almighty63

41. Developing mutual respect in worship liberty

accordance with each religion and belief64

42. Do not impose a religion and belief in God

Almighty to others65

50Tony Tampake, “Tantangan Globalisasi terhadap Nila

i-nilai Keindonesiaan”, Theologia, Jurnal Teologi Interdisipliner, p. 25.

51Nur Sahed, “Wacana Islam Keindonesiaan Sebagai Asas Dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum

Pendidikan Agama Islam di IAIN Salatiga”, col. Appendix 2.

52Fariz Ichsan Nugraha, “Nilai-Nilai Budaya bangsa Indonesia”, Penak luk Wak tu (22 Mar 2015). 53

Anies Baswedan, Pidato Menteri Pendidik an dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Pada Hari Pendidik an Nasional, 2 Mei 2016.


H.A.W. Widjaja, Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Dan HAM Di Indonesia, p. 10.


43. Cells of Pancasila: Humanity that is Just and Civilized

Recognizing and treating people accordance to the status and dignity as a creature of God Almighty66

44. Recognizes equality, equal rights and obligations

of each human right, without distinction of race, descent, religion, creed, sex, social status, and so on67

45. Developing mutual love as a humans68

46. Developing mutual tolerance and tepa selira.69

47. Develop the non-arbitrarily attitude to others70

48. Upholding human values71

49. Likes to carry out humanitarian activities72

50. Dare to stand for truth and justice73

51. Indonesian recognize themselves as part of the

whole mankind74

52. Develop the attitude of respect and cooperation

with other nations75 collective importance above the personal and group importance76

54. Able and will to sacrifice for the state and the

nation importance when required77

55. Developing love to the homeland and the


56. Developing the pride of having national and

fatherland Indonesia79

Ibid.; Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat No. II/MPR/1975 and Ketetapan MPR No. II/MPR/1983, Undang Undang Dasar, Pedoman Penghayatan Dan Pengamalan Pancasila, Garis -Garis besar Haluan Negara, p. 31.


H.A.W. Widjaja, Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Dan HAM Di Indonesia, p. 11.


57. Maintaining a world low based on freedom, enduring peace and social justice80

58. Developing unity of Indonesia on the basis of

Unity in Diversity (Bhineka Tunggal Ikha)81

59. Promote the association for national unity82

60. Cells of Pancasila: same place, rights and obligations83

61. Do not allowed to impose the own desire to


62. Giving priority to the deliberation in making

decisions for all85

63. Deliberating to reach an agreement by

brotherhood spirit86

64. Respecting and upholding any decision reached

as a result of deliberation87

65. Accepting and carrying out the decisions of

deliberation with good determination and responsibility88

66. Give priority to a collective importance on the

personal and group importance89

67. Deliberating with common sense and noble


68. The decision taken should be morally responsible

to God Almighty91

69. Upholding human dignity and prestige, the

values of truth and justice, give priority to the unity and for the common importance92

70. Giving credence to society representatives who


71. Cells of Pancasila: Social Justice for all Indonesians.

Developing a noble deed, which reflect the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and mutual cooperation94

72. Developing a fair toward others95

73. Maintain a balance between rights and


74. Respect the rights of others97

75. Like to help others in order to be able to stand


76. Do not use the property rights for businesses

exploitative towards others99

beneficial to the progress and prosperity103

81. Like to do activities in order to achieve equitable

progress and social justice104

82. Daily life Unity is being the core values of Indonesia that accompanied togetherness and family


105“Menggali Nilai keindonesiaan dalam Dies Natalis Universitas Indonesia”.

106Nur Sahed, “Wacana Islam Keindonesiaan Sebagai Asas Dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum


2. Melting Pot Paradigm

Before explain deeply about melting pot paradigm let’s begin with this


Miguel is Latino; he changed his name from Miguel to Mike. He even styled

his hair in order to “melt” into the dominant culture. No matter how hard he

tried, the society demanding his assimilation did not let him forget that he was

still a Latino. When he tried to get a job to feed his children, the only

employment he could find was the stereotypical janitor job at a church, even

though he was an ordained minister, former pastor and former business

owner. Few of his Euroamerican seminary classmates had to mop floors.

They, with no experience or training, were able immediately find church

positions as ministers.107

Factually, he is a Latino man named Miguel, not Mike. He learns to deal with

it. He is proud of the heritage and accomplishments of his people. He shamed

by the atrocities his people have committed. Both the good and bad of his

culture make him who he is today. No matter how hard he tries, he will never

be Anglo, nor he will be accepting as Anglo, nor should he be. There is much

of his culture has to offer others, just as there a much he needs to learn from

his Asian, black and Euroamerican friends. Like a salad, they are all distinct.

For the salad is not one element, but many.

107The Problem with the Melting Pot - EthicsDaily.com,


Unlike the melting pot paradigm, a truer “American” cultural salad retains the

differing flavors of its diverse roots while enriching all other elements. The

lettuce cannot say to the tomato, “Why aren’t you lettuce?” Nor can the

broccoli tell the pickle, “You must assimilate and become like broccoli.” Each

separate element celebrated distinctively, while together becoming something

greater than the sum of its parts.108

What we can conclude from the example above is in the term of culture,

melting pot is assimilation between various minority cultures into a dominant

culture, it just like there is continue interaction between a culture crossing over

into another culture, they join together to create a large heterogeneous

mixture.109 Appropriate with Berry J. W. definition (2006,)

[…] A single dominant or mainstream society, on the margins of which are various minority groups. The common assumption is that culturally diverse groups absorb into the mainstream culture in such a way that they essentially disappear.110

Accordingly, a heterogeneous society become melting pot society in the

same way, they just assimilate some minority custom to the mainstream

custom. The main principle is one's own cultural identity is not primary

108 Ibid.

109Rod Janzen, “Five Paradigms of Ethnic Relations”, Social Education

, vol. 58 (1994), p. 349, accessed 29 Apr 2016.

110Rene Schalk et al., “The Multicultural Workplace: Interactive Acculturation and Intergroup


importance, the central principles is establishment of the new world order.111 It

is strongly different with multicultural, here Berry J. W. define multicultural

In a “multicultural” society “[...] individuals and groups retain their cultural continuity and a sense of their cultural identity and, on that basis, they participate in the social framework of the larger society112

As we know in the example above multicultural is like salad consist of

various vegetables and flavors in a plate without demand a tomato taste like a

lotus or a broccoli taste as a cucumber, they are together in a plate creating a

good collaboration of flavor.

Factually in this globalization era, group of society in a region or area

have a global tendency to the dominant custom. Agree with it Rajendra Pradhan

(2003) has noted that a global tendency has been for nation states to move

towards homogeneity of cultures and the erasure of differences, either by

assimilation into the dominant culture (melting pot).113 Thus, the difference

both melting pot and multiculturalism are (a) melting pot is melting some

differences into a custom which more dominant and can be accepting by global

people, while (b) multiculturalism is appreciate all custom in a group of society

which can sit together without take a problem in that difference.

111Janzen, “Five Paradigms of Ethnic Relations”, p. 349. 112Schalk et al., “The Multicultural Workplace”, p. 474.


Some sources also said melting pot is kind of multiculturalism concepts.

I Made Sukamerta gives more explanation that, cite from Meriam-Webster,

Webster New Collegiate Dictionary (Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Company,

1977, p. 716), melting pot is a multiculturalism concept that has two possibility.

They are (a) occurred unification of race and social assimilation than creating

harmonic culture; and (b) occurred of cultural assimilation process that has

produces reinforcement of old culture or build a new culture, which is different

with the past culture.114

In this study, researcher used Melting Pot Paradigm in education term,

which is engaging cultural values and material become a component that melt

in one pot, it is teaching learning process in the classroom. As Ni Nyoman

Padmadewi said in her journal which cited Arend (2003) statement, Melting Pot

Paradigm in education term (intended in this study) is integrating local cultural

values in the main topic (material) implicitly, so that both of main topic and

local cultural values are impartially and accepted together by students in a

learning process.115

Actually, melting pot paradigm is cultural term that turned up by

Zangwill, but long by long in the development of science and world, that term

114I. Nyoman Wijaya, “Membangun Karakter Bangsa Melalui Pendidikan Mul

tikulturalisme Studi Kasus Multikulturalisme di Bali”, Pengantar Redak si (2011), p. 154, accessed 29 Apr 2016.

115Ni Nyoman Padmawati, Putu Kerti Nitiasih, and Luh Putu Artini, “Model Konseptual Pembelajaran


adapted to the some aspects of life, one of them is adapted to the education

term. Ni Nyoman Padmadewi’s from Ganesa Education University, by her

study the title is Model Konseptual Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis

Budaya Untuk Sekolah Dasar di Bali cites the Arend’s statement that use the

melting pot paradigm in education term as an approach to integrate the local

cultural values in language teaching learning.

The integration of local cultural values in language learning can be

doing in some ways, they are: (a) selecting materials contain of local cultural

norms and values, (b) giving additional explanation of some foreign cultural

norms found in the process of teaching,116 (c) Exploring and discussing

materials in free topics with inserting some cultural values, or (d) giving the

lesson suitably with students’ live contexts and the custom that is always or

often occur in the students’ environment.117

The integration of local culture in melting pot paradigm will not

successfully carried out without supports by all individuals involved in the

practice of English language teaching, both the teachers, materials, and the

government as well. Because the application of this paradigm actually engaging

the human experience and also mature plan from all elements included.

116Sudartini, “Inserting Local Culture in English Language Teaching to Promote Charecter

Education”, p. 16.

117Padmawati, Nitiasih, and Artini, “Model Konseptual Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Budaya


3. Learning Activities

According to Sardiman (2007), learning activity is students’ activities to

support learning success.118 The successes of learning process not only

determined by students’ activity, but also teacher’s ability to conduct the class,

because learning activity run succesfully measured from individual activity

both students and teacher performance.119 Activity is an important principle in

learning process because learning is doing the norm and morality. Agree with it

Sardiman (2003) also said activity is necessary in learning process.120

The presence of activities in learning process is to create active students

asking and putting forward the ideas. In composing learning activity teacher

should keep attention of some values that should be inserting into learning

activities, here Hamalik (2005) explained some values of learning activity:

a. The students looking for their own experience

b. Evolving the students personality integrally

c. Improving harmonious of students cooperation

d. Doing based on the interest and capability

e. Increasing students discipline and build a democratic class

f. Tighten the relation between school and society, and between parents

and teachers


Sardiman A.m, Interak si dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar (2008), library.um.ac.id, accessed 29 Apr 2016.

119A. Machin, “Pengaruh Permainan Call Cards Terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Aktivitas Pembelajaran

Biologi”, Jurnal Pendidik an IPA Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education), vol. 1, no. 2 (2012), http://journal.unnes.ac.id/artikel_nju/jpii/2134, accessed 29 Apr 2016.



g. Concrete learning to evolving students’ critical thinking

h. Classroom learning become the same as habitual activity in the real


In line with those values above, the researcher will limit the values of

learning activities that applied by teachers in the classroom based on those

Hamalik explanations, indeed the learning activities values should be related to

local cultural values. Here list kinds of learning activities based on Diedrich

explanation at Sardiman’s book (2007):

a. Visual activities, includes keeping attention of pictures, doing

experimentation, perceiving friends’ work

b. Oral activities, like: explaining, formulating, asking question, giving

suggestion and opinion, interviewing, discussing

c. Listening activities, such as: listening of explanation, conversation,

discussion, music, and speech

d. Writing activities, like writing story, opus, report, questionnaire, and


e. Drawing activities, such as: picturing, make a map, diagram, graphic

f. Motor activities, includes experimenting, constructing, repairing,

playing, gardening, breeding

g. Mental activities, such as: perceiving, remembering, analyzing,

making relation, take decision

h. Emotional activities, such as: interesting, boring, happy, enthusiasm,

brave, calm, nervous.122


Paul B. Diedrich at Sardiman A.M, (2007) also clarify that those

learning activity not only physical activities, but also psychological activities.123

Here researcher made categories of learning activities, they are:

1. Physical activity is activities related to body motion, they are visual

activities, oral activities, listening activities, writing activities, drawing

activities, and motor activities.

2. Psychological activity is activities that related to thinking and

intellectual ability, like understanding and solve the problem,

remembering, taking decision, analyzing, cooperating, asking and

answering question. It is mental activities.

3. Emotional activity is activities related to emotion, like interesting,

boring, happy, spirit, brave, calm, nervous. It is emotional activities.

From those three categories of learning activities, the researcher focused

to analyze on those three things Physical activity, Psychological activity,

Emotional Activity.

B. Review of Previous Studies

The first previous study where researcher found is research journal that focus

on learning model based on local cultural values. The study did in 2009, the

researchers named Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, Putu Kerti Nitiasih, and Luh Putu Artini,

have researched on the topic close into the local cultural ways in learning. Entitled

123Eri Maisyarah, Sri Utami, and others, “Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Matematika


“Model Konseptual Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Budaya Untuk Sekolah

Dasar di Bali” The content is about the implementation of an English learning model

based on local culture for elementary schools in Bali. It is to produce a conceptual

English learning model, which contains a set of competency standards, a set of basic

competencies, approaches and methods/strategies of English teaching and learning,

list of themes/ materials, as well as assessments.

The second previous study is about learning English based on local wisdom

by Dewi Murni, M. Hum and Riau Wati, M. Hum as a lecturer of Universitas

Maritim Raja Ali Haji, entitled “Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Kearifan

Lokal” This study did in March 2013. The purpose of this study is to create an

English learning model based on local wisdom at elementary school. The contents of

this study is about conceptual model in English learning includes standard

competition of English lesson; methods, strategies, approaches, and assessment of

English learning.

The third previous study is the study by Siti Sudartini, her journal published

on February 2012 by Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter LPPMP Universitas Negeri

Yogyakarta. Entitled: Inserting Local Culture in English Language Teaching to

Promote Character Education” The content is about a critical analysis on the English

teaching practice that commonly pays less attention on the education character of

Indonesia, thus Siti Sudartini beheld that inserting local culture in language learning


The forth-previous study is journal by Wuthiya Saraithong, Ph.D, she did her

study at 2013. She researched on the topic that is close into the AEC, subtopic taken

about labor perspective on English language skills in the AEC era. Entitled “The

Economic Perspective Of Labor's English Language Proficiency in The AEC Era”

The content is about the importance of English proficiency for labor in AEC era, she

said that there are many challenges in all aspects of life, including economics,

business, politics, culture, etc., that really need a good English capability to

communicate with other people or colleagues.

The fifth previous study that researcher found is research journal from

JANTRA (Jurnal Sastra dan Budaya), entitled “Membangun Karakter Bangsa

Melalui Pendidikan Multikulturalisme Studi Kasus Multikulturalisme di Bali” by I

Nyoman Wijaya, from Udayana University. This study is about strengthening the

nation character with multiculturalism theory by Michel Foucault to Accelerate the

building of nation character. Actually, melting pot paradigm and multiculturalism

was different, but it is in the same topic, some source said melting pot is a kind of


The sixth previous study is journal research by Rahim Uddin Chudhury an

English lecturer at Jazan University, kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Entitled “The Role of

Culture in Teaching and Learning of English as A Foreign Language”; from Express,

an International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research. This study analyzed teaching

English in EFL or ESL classroom with the role of cultural background and acquiring




This chapter covers the procedural process taken to conduct the research and

development, they are: approach and type of study; subject, object, and location of

study; data and source of data; method and instrument of data collection; data

analysis technique; checking validity of findings.

Methodology is the process, principles and procedures used to approach the

problem and looking for answers by processing, analyzing, summarizing and neatly

to search fission measure.1 In other words, the methodology is a common approach to

assess the research topic.2 The research method is an important element to maintain

the reliability and validity of research results.

A. Approach and Research Design

In a study entitled " Teaching English Based on Local Cultural Values: An

Analysis of Melting Pot Paradigm as Reflected in Learning Activities at Rumah

Bahasa” method used qualitative descriptive, that describes what observed in the

research object.3 The goal was to describe factual and accurate facts of situations or

events.4 In this study researcher described the process of inserting local cultural

values in learning activities by applying melting pot paradigm and mentioned kind of


Wardi Bachtiar, Metode Penelitian Ilmu Dak wah (Jakarta: Logos, 1995), p. 16.


Deddy Mulyana, Metode Penelitian Komunik asi: Contoh -Contoh Penelitian Kualitatif dengan Pendek atan Prak tis (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2008), p. 145.


Djoko Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010), p. 19.


values that used on those learning activities in two classes (Wonderful weekend and

Ms. M class) at Rumah Bahasa.

B. Subject, Object, and Location of Study

The Subject of this study were the chief of Rumah Bahasa, the manager of

Rumah Bahasa, sylabus designer of Rumah Bahasa, the English teacher, and the

students of Rumah Bahasa at Ms. M class.

The object of this study was teaching learning English process at Wonderful

Weekend and Ms. M class at Rumah Bahasa that applied inserting local cultural

values in melting pot paradigm.

Researcher studied about local cultural value using melting pot paradigm in

learning activity at Rumah Bahasa, thus the location of study is in Rumah Bahasa at

English class. Below researcher explained some information about Rumah Bahasa

1. Profile of Rumah Bahasa

Rumah Bahasa legally opened by the lord mayor of Surabaya, Mrs. Tri

Rismaharini, at 5 of February 2014. The reason Mrs. Risma built this institution

was in order to Surabaya society, especially PKL (pedagang kaki lima); taxi

driver; UKM; house wife; students; community; and LSM, ready to face AEC

that began at December 2015. This idea turning up looked to the challenge of

AEC and the reality that most of society weak in English or other foreign


Rumah Bahasa managed by Surabaya government at Cooperation

subdivision that leaded by Ifron Hady Susanto S.Sos, MIR, alumnus Monash

University, Melbourne, Australia.5 Mr. Ifron said, as cited by beritajatim.com at

28 August 2014, hopefully local products that made by UKM Surabaya can be

compete even pierce international market. He also said all participants could be

come to Rumah Bahasa with their children, however probably they will be

obstacle in timing to do the other activity so that they cannot intensive to join

the course.

This institution directly under shaded of domestic cooperation

subdivision under cooperation division, but has own organization structure.

There are no divisions of organization in the Rumah Bahasa, it just consists of

leader, staffs, and tutors. Now the leader of Rumah Bahasa is Mrs. Leli

Wulandari S.S.

2. The Staffs of Rumah Bahasa Surabaya

Under the subdivision of domestic cooperation of Surabaya, here the

staffs of Rumah Bahasa Surabaya leaded by Mrs. Leli Wulandari SS

5“rumah-bahasa”, rumah-bahasa, http://rumahbahasasurabaya.wix.com/rumah-bahasa, accessed 26


4.1 picture of Rumah Bahasa’s Staffs6

Mrs. Tri Rismaharini said, the underlying reason of founding Rumah

Bahasa is because she doesn’t want her society getting difficulties in

communication aspect, they will not isolating in their own state when

foreigners come to Indonesia. Mastering international language, English, is the

main solution. Moreover, as Antara News East Java, 5 February 2014, cited that

Tri Rismaharini explains that some of ASEAN countries also demand their

society to learn foreign languages in facing AEC. Because AEC is not only

challenged some professional but also all society from all profession.

Considering that AEC agreement was affects all Indonesian.

In the beginning development of Rumah Bahasa only serves four kinds

of language course; they are English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Arab.

Furthermore, after almost three years of Rumah Bahasa, now it increase

become 13 kinds of languages around the world, they are Indonesia, Javanese,

Korea, Thailand, Japanese, German, English, Spain, Italian, Mandarin, France,


Arab, and Dutch. Besides, Rumah Bahasa also serves consultation in some

aspect, such as investment, commerce and service, cooperative and UMKM,

matters pertaining to manpower, and information technology with a different

staff with Rumah Bahasa itself or usually they called Rumah Elektronik.

3. The Function of Rumah Bahasa

The functions of Rumah Bahasa are a media to learn foreign language

and some cyber business skill in preparing Surabaya society to face AEC. By

that media Surabaya society got some benefits, such as learning some

languages around the world for free. So that they will be able to communicate

international language better than before, getting easy to understand public

access from media information in many sources, such as internet, magazine,

newspaper, etc. Because Indonesia will face some development for some aspect

in AEC era, probably some public information demands us to access in

international language.

4. The Purpose of Rumah Bahasa

The main purposes of Rumah Bahasa are in order that Surabaya society

from all elements (students, taxi driver, pedicab man, employment, house wife,

entrepreneur, etc) has an easy place to study some languages and business

skills. And also this institution intended to build awareness of the important

mastering international language in AEC era, so that Surabaya can be host in


5. The Effect from Rumah Bahasa to the Surabaya society

Rumah Bahasa is public facility, so as Antara news East Java, 5

February 2014, cited that effect of it to Surabaya society is they will increase

their capability easily by their own facility. Moreover, after learning language,

they increased confidence to speak English.

6. The Vision of Rumah Bahasa Surabaya

Increasing the Surabaya society’s competence in multiple languages

which will be need in the coming of AEC (ASEAN Economic Community)

7. The Mission Rumah Bahasa Surabaya

 Provide a place Rumah Bahasa in the middle of Surabaya town

 Provide and increase the tutor’s quality in multiple languages

 Keep the directness of teaching and learning in multiple language, in order

to Surabaya society and around it

4.2 Picture of Vision the Mission of Rumah Bahasa 7


8. The Pre-requirement of Participant Registration at Rumah Bahasa Surabaya

 The participant should be minimally 17 years old and have residence

identification card (KTP)

 The participation fills in the registration form based on residence

identification card.

For someone who registered will get a member card.

9. 4.3 Operational Schedule of Rumah Bahasa

 Every day is open (official national holidays)

 Monday – Friday the class begin at 09.00 until 21.00

 Saturday – Sunday the class begin at 09.00 and end at 16.00

English class is available every day. It has “On the spot” class and “Fix”


impermanent participants, on the contrary “fix” class is with permanent

participant and scheduled (step by step) material, because Rumah Bahasa

already has syllabus to arrange the learning process well.

For the other languages (Indonesia, Javanese, Korea, Thailand,

Japanese, German, English, Spain, Italian, Mandarin, France, Arab, and Dutch),

it has a special time that has scheduled before; moreover it only has fix class.

As result of interview with Mrs. Leli, the reason why Rumah Bahasa treat the

language classes accept English in “fix” class, it is because English is normally

learned by all students in their school since elementary even kindergarten, but

the other language is unfamiliar for participants before; accept for someone

who studying at major that languages.

Besides, every Saturday Rumah Bahasa has club Wonderful Weekend

class; it is like gathering all tutors and participants to study or to discuss

something in English at the classroom. Usually the topic that discussed on this

program was some popular issues or something up to date in Indonesia or

around the world; the material with some approaches can be discussing, giving

suggestion, criticizing, and etc. on the other hand, some author also used some

popular issues to be their material in the classroom. Thus, researcher studied


Table of Local Culture Values
  Table 3.1 Informant of the Study
Table 3.3 Data of Observation Result
Table 4.1 How to be a good Officer and Customer


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