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091707 AKJ 2008 04 01 Kerjasama Bank Indonesia DIY Dengan Kab Bantul


Academic year: 2017

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theorems and the oscillation theorems from [11], in §§2 and 3 we estab- lish sufficient conditions for equations (0.1)–(0.4) to have multiparametric families of proper oscillatory

These lessons have great merit for all organizations - some degree of chaos is natural for ensuring that systems are adaptive, enabling the survival of the organization.. The

Accordingly, these equivalence classes will be in one-to-one correspondence (via Φ) with the minimal nonzero inter- sections (w.r.t1. Since we are given a global linear isomorphism F

The criterion in 4.3 can be used to decide easily whether a non-archimedean countably normed Fr´echet space with a Schauder basis is Λ0-nuclear (recall that a such space can

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In particular, it is stated that if the sequence {ω ( n ) } is the Weyl multiplier for the summability almost everywhere by the |c, 1 | method of all orthogonal series, then
