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Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta ACL1E.


Academic year: 2017

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Teks penuh


cult ure shock

st udying abroad


prim ary

educational secondary levels

t ertiary


} March t o Novem ber & divided int o eit her t wo


} a prelim inary t alk in each first course } social event s:

- film s, part ies, plays, dances

- clubs & societ ies t o enroll new m em bers



form al head of t he universit y but an honorary position usually held by a distinguished cit izen.

Vice- Chancellor

ex ecut ive head of t he universit y, nearly always an academ ic and holding t he post for a five or seven year t erm .

Registrar (or Academic Registrar)

senior adm inist rator responsible for t he routine m anagem ent of t he universit y, including

adm issions, fees, and ex ams.

Dean of Student s



head of t he Facult y, usually a senior academ ic elect ed by t he st aff of all

Departm ent s in t he Facult y for a lim it ed t erm, m aybe t wo or t hree years.

Sub- deans

elect ed academ ics who serve as advisers t o st udents on t he st ruct ure of t heir degree


Head of Department

usually a Professor but m ay be a senior

academ ic, responsible for t he organization of t he Departm ent , including t he t eaching, st aff ing and research.


t he m ost senior rank; t here are seldom m ore t han t wo Professors in any





Senior Lecturer




Senior Tutor





General ent ry provision: a m inim um score

(aggregat e of m arks) which st udent s m ust

reach in t heir Year 12 or Higher School

Cert ificat e st udies. This m inim um level is not

very high in com parison wit h m any overseas

count ries


Quot as: part icular facult ies im posing t heir

own quot as. Those adm it t ed are t hose wit h

out st anding academ ic result s at t he Year 12



Prerequisite: cert ain depart m ent s im posing


There is also fourth kind of rest rict ion

t his one im posed by t he st udent ’ s own desire

t o st udy part icular courses. Few universit ies

offer t he full range of academ ic courses. ANU,

for ex am ple, has only five Facult ies: Art s

(Hum anit ies and Social Sciences), Science

(including Forest ry), Law, Econom ics (including

Com m erce), and Asian St udies.

If a st udent wished, t herefore, t o com e t o

Aust ralia t o st udy Engineering or Agricult ural


} Single Degree: B.A., B. Ec., B. Sc.

} Double Degree: B.Ec. Sc.

} Pass Degree Courses: t hree years of full- t im e

st udy 2 m ajor (6); 1 sub- major (2), & addit ional unit s (2)

} Honours Degree: an addit ional year of st udy


} Lect ure

} Weekly Tut orial Meet ing/ Weekly Pract ical or


} A Final Form al Ex am

} A Cont inuous Assessm ent


} professional qualificat ion: a Graduate

Diplom a

} m ore advanced st udies/ research:

a Mast er’ s Degree a Ph. D.


} A research degree in at least t hree years t o

com plet e

} To have com plet ed a Mast er’ s degree or

have gained a high dist inct ion in Honours year

} Work independent ly wit h m inim al oversight

by supervisor

} Thesis wort h publishing int ernat ionally

} Ex am ined by t wo or m ore ex am iners from


Dokumen terkait

Dalam bidang ekonomi misalnya, ia akan berhubungan kuat dengan sistem dalam bidang politik, hukum dan kebudayaan, pada dasarnya seindividualis apapun pasti membutuhkan interaksi,


Ada ketidaksesuaian untuk kelompok populasi tertentu antara tujuan keberhasilan materil dan okupasional yang ditekan yang diteknkanoleh kebudayaan, dan alat

Pada penelitian ini putih telur diberikan dalam bentuk jus yang menyegarkan sehingga akan meningkatkan daya terima asupan protein pasien dan berdampak pada

Besar rerata potensi ekonomi yang hilang karena biaya perawatan rumah sakit (rawat inap dan rawat jalan) akibat masalah obesitas dan PTM pada balita di 33 provinsi yang ada

Wawancara dengan guru kimia kelas X yang bersangkutan dilakukan dengan maksud untuk memperoleh informasi tentang persepsi guru tentang materi stoikiometri, konsep

Sehubungan dengan evaluasi dokumen kualifikasi paket Pengadaan Alat Laboratorium dan Peraga IPA SMA maka perlu dilakukan pembuktian kualifikasi dengan melakukan

mengumumkan Rencana Umum Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan tahun anggaran 2013, seperti tersebut dibawah ini: 175 / 070.a / Setwan / 2013. 05