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Colonization Ability of Biological Control Agent Tricoderma spp on Cocoa Pod and Seedling | Sriwati | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5844 11970 1 PB


Academic year: 2017

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Colon iz a t ion Abilit y of Biologica l Con t r ol Age n t

Tr ico d e r m a

spp on

Cocoa Pod a n d Se e dlin g

1* Rina Sriw at i, 1Tj ut Kham zurni, 2Elvira I skandar, and 1Mit ra Tri Annisa Lest ari

1Agro t echnology Depar t m ent , Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Banda Aceh

I ndonesia

2Agribusiness Depart m ent , Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Banda Aceh I ndonesia

Ke y W or d: Colonizat ion,Tr icoder m aspp, cocoa pod, seedling, biological cont rol, challenge

I nt r odu ct ion

Trichoderm a associat ed in cacao plant in Aceh Sum at era. They report ed t hat t here are several species

of endophyt ic fungi associat ed in cacao leaves from East Aceh.

Trichoderm a is one ant agonist ic m icroorganism capable t o suppressing pat hogens and can be used as

al., ( 2013) revealed t hat an effect ive and efficient way t o cont rol leaf blight disease on cacao seedlings

caused by soil- borne pat hogens by using T. asperellum. The use of T asperellum at a concent rat ion of


One of t he problem in t he ut ilizat ion of Trichoderm a as biological cont rol agent s of plant diseases was low colonizat ion abilit y ( Nurbailis & Mart in, 2009) . Research on t he effect iveness of som e species of

Trichoderm a as biological cont rol agent s have been carried out , but on t he abilit y of Trichoderm a spp

in colonized part s of t he plant has not been known. Therefore, it is necessary t o st udy t he abilit y of

endophyt es colonizat ion in som e Trichoderm a species on cacao seeds and pod.

M a t e r ia ls a n d m e t h ods

This research was conduct ed at t he Laborat ory of Plant Pat hology Agrot echnology Depart m ent , Facult y

of Agricult ure Syiah Kuala Universit y. T. virens, T. harzianum , T. asperellum suspension were used for

inoculat ion t o seedling and pod. Com plet ely random ized design ( CRD) non fact orial consist ing of 3 t reat m ent s and 6 replicat ions have been done. Observat ion abst ain on cacao seeds and pod.

Table 1. Com posit ion of Som e Species of Trichoderm aTreat m ent

N o Pe r la k u a n Ke t e r a n ga n

1 Tv T. virensconcent rat ion 1 x 106

2 Th T. har zianum concent rat ion 1 x 106

3 Ta T. asperellum concent rat ion 1 x 106

Pure cult ures of T. virens, T. har zianum and T. asperellumhas been grown on PDA m edia and

incubat ed for ± 2 weeks t o form spores. Cocoa seeds collect ed from cacao plant at ion Sare, Aceh Besar dist rict . Cocoa seeds were germ inat ed on cot t on m edia t o det erm ine germ inat ion seed before being t ransferred int o polybags. Seven days aft er germ inat ion cacao seedling were select ed t o obt ain a good bean sprout s, t hen t ransferred t o soil in t he polybag m edia. Top soil t hat used has been sift ed and st erilized using an aut oclave at 121 ° C for 30 m inut es. The st erilized soil m ixed wit h m anure in

t he rat io of soil and m anur e 2: 1 in polybag size of 1 kg. Each spore concent rat ion 1 x 106of T. virens,

T. har zianum andT. asper ellumhave been sprayed on seedling and pod.

Det erm ine t he colonizat ion of T. virens, T. harzianum and T. asperellum has been done by t aking t he

leaves, st em s and root s, sam pled wit h a d iam et er of 1 cm by using cork borer, t he leaves, st em s and root s were t aken 5 sect ions. These part were st erilized wit h NaClO ( sodium hy pochlorit e) . All sam ples were inoculat ed on PDA m edium for hypha observat ion.

Trichoderm a colonizat ion percent age in t he sam ples of seed and pod t hat have been isolat ed were

count ed and charact erized by m orphology charact erist ic of Trichoderm a growt h on t he PDA. Colonies

t hat grew ident ified m orphologically by Bar net t and Hunt er ( 1972) . Tr ichoderm a colonizat ion

percent age calculat ed using t he form ula:

Trichoderm acolonizat ion percent age = x 100%

Re su lt s

When leaf, st em , root and pod sect ions of cacao seedlings colonized by Trichoderm a, ht e hyphae were

observed wit hin 24 h aft er surface st erilizat ion. Trichoderm a hyphae appeared t o be em erging from



colonized. Low percent age Trichoderm a was isolat ed from t he un- inoculat ed cont rol seedlings and pod

com pare wit h inoculat ed t reat m ent . All t hree Trichoderm a species st udied were re- isolat ed from leaf,

st eam and root . I nt erm ediat e, wit h em erging Trichoderm a hyphae t hen were observed and isolat ed.

Trichoderm a hyphae m ost oft en em erged from t he surface out side ( epiderm is) but were also observed

em erged from inside of pod. The percent age of isolat ing t he inoculat ed Trichoderm a st rain from

seedling wit h em erging hyphae was higher on T. harzanum and T virens st rains on t his st udied

com pere wit h T. asperellum and cont rol. The Trichoderm a isolat ed in highest percent age isolat ion of

Trichoderm a from each lat e sam ples were always consist ent from root seedling

Tricoderm a species from pod em erging hyphae were always em erged in high percent age from for T.

Am ong som e Trichoderm a species have been ident ified, t he m ost com m on t ype used as biocont rol soil

borne pat hogen is T. harzianum ( Sunar wat i and Yoza, 2010). The colonies of T. harzianum in t he root


percent age of colonizat ion found on t he root s of T. harzianum ( 56.53) and T. virens ( 56.53% ) . The

endophyt ic in plant root t issues t hat causes increased act ivit y of t he com pound in t he resilience of t he plant root s.

concent rat ion of 1 x 107 can suppress t he growt h of P. palm ivora cause fr uit rot disease of cocoa.

Con clu sion

All Trichoderm a species were able t o ent er and m ake colonizat ion. The abilit y of t hird colonizat ion

Trichoderm a species on cacao seeds have different percent ages. Highest percent age of colonizat ion

occurred in t he T. harzianum. While colonizat ion on t he skin cocoa pod ( epiderm is) also has a different

percent age, t he highest percent age indicat ed in t he t reat m ent of T. har zianum. We conclude t hat T.

harzianum bet t er biological cont rol agent base on t heir abilit y t o colonize all part of seedling and pod.

Ack n ow le dge m e n t s

This work was support ed by a grant from t he Direct or General of hig her Educat ion, Depart m ent of Nat ional Educat ion I ndonesia. We t hank t o Bryan Bailey at Laborat ory Sust ainable Perennial Crop Lab. SPCL USDA- ARS Belt sville, MD, for fungal ident ificat ion work .

Re fe re n ce

Bailey , B. A., M..D. St r em , D. Wood. 2009. Tr ichoder m a species for m endophy t ic associat ions w it hin Theobrom a cacaot r ichom es. Jur nal Micological Reseach. 113: 1365 - 1376.


Sr iw at i, R. , R. L. Melnick , R. Muar if, M.D. St rem , G.J. Sam uels & B. A. Bailey . 2015. Tr ichoderm a from Aceh Sum at r a r educe Phy t opht hor a lesions on pods and cacao seedlings. Biological Cont rol 89 : 33 –41.

Sr iw at i, R., A. Ulim ., M. Faisal. 2014. The Effect Concent r at ion Tr ichoderm a v ir ens I n I nhibit Developm ent of Fr uit r ot disease ( Phy t opht hor a palm ov ir a) I n Fr uit cacao ( Theobr om a cacao) . Jour nal of Env ironm ent Rona.7( 1) : 65- 75.

Sunar w at i, D & R. Yoza. 2010. Nat ional Sem inar Pr ogr am and Fr uit Dev elopm ent St r at egy ar chipelago. Tr opical Fr uit Resear ch I nst it ut e. West Sum at r a.

Thr ene, C., D.F. Jensen, A. Tronsm o. 2000. Subst r at e colonizat ion, st r ain com pet it ion, enzy m e pr oduct ion in v it ro, and biocont rol of Py t hium ult im um by Tr ichoderm a spp. isolat es P1 and T3. European Jour nal of Plant Pat hology . 106: 215–225.


Table 1. Composition of Some Species of Trichoderma Treatment
Figure 1. Percentage of Colonization Trichoderm a on Cacao Seedlings


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