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The Lack of The Supervisor's Trust in The Employees in Handling Customer Complaints At Checkpoint Auto Salon Cafe.


Academic year: 2017

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Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya akan membahas masalah kurangnya kepercayaan antara pihak supervisor dengan para bawahan yang terjadi di Checkpoint Auto Salon Café. Permasalahan ini saya temukan selama magang di Checkpoint. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa penyebab dan akibat yang timbul akibat dari kurangnya kepercayaan dalam hubungan kerja di Checkpoint. Selain itu penelitian ini juga mencari solusi terbaik dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, saya dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa kepercayaan sangatlah penting. Kurangnya

kepercayaan supervisor terhadap bawahannya dapat membuat kinerja perusahaan tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu perusahaan sebaiknya mengambil sebuah solusi karena masalah ini akan

berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen.






TABLE OF CONTENTS……...………..…...………

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………..……… 1-5 A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Limitations and Method of the Study F. Organization of the Term-Paper



CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………..……….… 12-13


1 Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

In building a good business relationship, trust should be built

between a company and people who have business link with it. Trust

is also needed in the relationships between the leaders in the company

and their employees. Because they do not trust their employees, many

companies establish a rule that limit the authority for employees to

make decisions. One of the decisions that are made is in handling

complaints. According to Tschohl (53), many heads of companies

think that employees are people who are not trained, therefore they do

not trust their employees to be able to handle complaints. Some of the

leaders are certain that their employees cannot make a good decision.

For my term paper, I choose the topic about building the

supervisor’s trust in his employees so that the employees can handle

customer complaints at Checkpoint Auto Salon Café. I choose this

topic because I think trust is needed in the work relationship between a

supervisor and the employees. My research is based on my internship

in Checkpoint Auto Salon Café. When the employees receive

complaints from customers, usually they cannot do anything because

their supervisor does not trust them to take any decision. The


2 Maranatha Christian University result, every time the customers have complaints, they have to wait for

the supervisor so they become angry. The case is serious for it can

cause the customers to become disloyal to the company. Therefore, I

decide to analyze this problem to find the right solution.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on my experience when I was doing my internship at

Checkpoint Auto Salon Café, I found a problem related with trust. One

example is when I did the internship, there was one customer who

complained because he received broken merchandise. The customer

insisted that Checkpoint must replace the merchandise with the new

one or return his money completely. However, the supervisor did not

trust his employees to handle the complaint. The employees must ask

the supervisor to decide what solution to be given to the customer, but

the supervisor was not always there. The customer must wait and it

made him angry. I would like to analyze the problem which related to

trust at Checkpoint using the following questions:

• What are the causes which hinder the supervisor from

trusting his employees?

• What are the effects due to the lack of the supervisor’s trust

in his employees?

• What are the solutions to this problem so that the


3 Maranatha Christian University C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are two objectives of this study. The first one is to find the

causes and the effects of the problem of the supervisor’s lack of trust.

The second one is to find the potential solutions and decide the best

solution to build the supervisor’s trust in the employees in handling

customer’s complaint at Checkpoint Auto Salon Café.

There are some benefits of the study for me, for the readers, and

for the Institution. For me as a researcher, I can solve the problem at

Checkpoint and know new knowledge about building relationship

between supervisors and employees. For the readers, the benefit is

that they can be aware of a problem of trust that can happen between

supervisors and employees. There is also a benefit for the institution,

Checkpoint Auto Salon Café. The benefit is that the institution will

know the solution to solve the problem and avoid similar problem thus

they can improve their service.

D. Description of the Institution

Checkpoint Auto Salon Café is an auto salon which provides

various services of car washing. Checkpoint Auto Salon Café was

opened in 2004 and located at Jalan Sumatera 15, Bandung. The

owner of Checkpoint is Mr. Juhana Satria. Checkpoint is an official

place for car washing products from the United States namely

Meguiar’s. In order to deal with customers needs, Checkpoint also


4 Maranatha Christian University tablet), and Gold Eagle (machine guard products). Services which are

usually given to the customers begin by introducing them to some car

maintenance products. After the customers have decided which

products that they want to use for their cars, the employees of

Checkpoint will do the car washing process. The process of washing

includes snow wash, wax, and drying up. Checkpoint also provides a

café for the customers to wait or to enjoy snacks and drinks while their

cars are being washed.

E. Limitations and Method of the Study

This term paper is based on my internship in Checkpoint Auto

Salon Cafe as the assistant to the purchasing staff. The example of

the problem in this term paper is based on the case which happened

at Checkpoint.

To support my analysis in order to understand and to find the

solution of the problem, I have done a library research. There are

some books that I read to support my research, especially about how

to improve company services. Apart from the library research, I also

do the Internet research to find some theories to support my research

of the problem. The other source that I use is my internship journal.

The journal was written during my internship in Checkpoint Auto Salon

Cafe. The journal contains my observation of the problems and my


5 Maranatha Christian University useful for my research to identify the problem and to support my

analysis in order to find the best solution for the problem.

F. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper begins with the Abstract. The Abstract is

followed by the Declaration of Originality and Acknowledgements. The

next page is Table of Contents. It is followed by the introductory

chapter, which contains the Background of the Study that shows my

reason for choosing the topic; Statement of the Problem that shows

the problem which is analyzed; Objectives and Benefits of the Study;

Description of the Institution; Limitations of the Study; and

Organization of the Term Paper. The second chapter is Problem

Analysis which is discussing the causes and the effects of the problem

including the theories that are used to support my analysis. The third

chapter is the Potential Solutions. This chapter shows the potential

solutions which can be used to solve the problem. The last chapter is

the Conclusion which explains about the best solution to the problem.

The final part is the Bibliography. It shows the sources from books





After analyzing the three alternative solutions and their potential

positive and negative effects in the previous chapter, I decide that the best

solution for the problem of lack of trust at Checkpoint is solution one.

Solution one is training the employees to handle complaints. The

supervisor can held training about common problems with customers that

the employees usually find.

I think solution one is the most effective way to solve the problem of

lack of trust at Checkpoint because the solution provides a way for the

supervisor to build trust in his employees because with the training they

can work better. This solution will not cost as much money as the other

possible solutions. Solution two is replacing the current employees with

people who are more professional. I think solution two will cost a lot of

money because professional workers will ask for high payment which

cannot be afforded by Checkpoint. Solution three is also unsuitable to be

applied in Checkpoint’s situation. With solution three, the supervisor hires

someone who can be trusted to be in charge in handling customer



represent him. However, the supervisor could be not objective in dealing

with the situation because family members are often disagreeing with each

other or depend too much on each other.

I think solution one can be applied at Checkpoint’s situation. The

supervisor can hire a trainer who is professional in handling customer

problem. However, hiring a trainer will cost much money; besides, the

training could be improper for Checkpoint’s situation. That is why the

supervisor can teach the employees by himself with role-play about

common situations of complaints which often happen at Checkpoint.

Therefore, the supervisor will know about the capability of his employees,

then he can trust them to handle complaints problem. By applying this

solution, hopefully the working system at Checkpoint will be better and the

working time can be spent efficiently. Thus Checkpoint can increase their



Printed Sources

Sutedja, Wira. Panduan Layanan Konsumen. Jakarta: PT Grasindo, 2007.

Tschohl, John. Loyal for Life. Trans. Sugianto Yusuf. Jakarta: PT

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006.

Electronic Sources

Carleton, James. “Small to Medium Business: Relations” abc.net.au.

March 2006. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 10 August 2008


Philips, Rick. “Complaints Welcome Here.” Progressive Distributor. April

2000. Milo Media. 16 July 2008



“Problem in Managing a Family Owned Business” canadabusiness.ca.

October 2005. Canada Business network. 10 August 2008


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