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UH 3 Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris


Academic year: 2017

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1. Soal-soal Ulangan Harian (UH) Tiga (3/III) SMP/MTs Kelas Tujuh (7/VII) Semester I Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 yang ada pada berkas ini dibuat dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang dilakukan sebail-baiknya oleh Tim InformasiGuru.com namun tidak ada jaminan apa pun pada contoh soal ini kecuali sebagai sarana belajar.

2. Soal-soal Ulangan Harian (UH) Tiga (3/III) SMP/MTs Kelas Tujuh (7/VII) Semester I Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 yang ada pada berkas ini dibuat dengan menggunakan energi kreatif. Penggunaan Soal-soal Ulangan Harian (UH) Tiga (3/III) SMP/MTs Kelas Tujuh (7/VII) Semester I Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 pada berkas ini murni hanya untuk kepentingan edukatif.

3. Mengacu pada Butir 2 di atas, maka penggunaan Soal-soal Ulangan Harian (UH) Tiga (3/III) SMP/MTs Kelas Tujuh (7/VII) Semester I Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 pada berkas ini tidak diperkenankan untuk kepentingan komersial.

▸ Baca selengkapnya: kompetensi dasar bahasa inggris kelas 6 semester 1 kurikulum 2013



1. Andi and his classmates will have English class for tomorrow. Today is Monday. Thus, Andi and his classmates will have English class by ...

A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Tuesday E. Friday

2. Today is Monday. Ani tells her friends about her holiday with her family yesterday. Thus, Ani had her holiday with her family on ...

A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Tuesday E. Friday

3. You play football with your friends after school. To play football totally, you and your friends make sure that you all will have holiday by the day after today which is Sunday. Thus, you and your friends usually play football after school every:

A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Tuesday E. Friday

4. Thomas and his family are Christians. They usually go to church by .... A. Sunday

▸ Baca selengkapnya: kd 3.7 bahasa inggris kelas 9


5. Ah ad is a usli . He a d his frie ds usually go ho e earlier to ha e Ju ’at Worship every ...

A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Tuesday E. Friday

6. You should go to school early. Thus, you have to take a bath an hour before the school bell rings. The school bell rings at seven. Thus, you usually take a bath every .... in the morning

A. Eight B. Seven C. Nine D. Six E. Ten

7. You and your family usually have dinner together at ... in the night A. Eight

B. Seven C. Nine D. Six E. Ten

8. Tuti says that she will have birthday next two months. This month is November. Tuti will have birthday in ....

A. February B. March C. January D. April E. May

9. We celebrate The Hero Day every ... A. First of November

B. 17th of August C. Fifth of April

▸ Baca selengkapnya: kd kelas 7 bahasa inggris


10.We celebrate The Kartini Day every ... A. First of November

B. 17th of August C. 21st of April D. Tenth of November E. First of October

11.Read the text below carefully!

My mother goes to hospital every work day. She helps patients with full of patience. She always takes note of what the doctor says about patients. She helps the doctors to heal the patients.

My mother is a ...

A. Nurse B. Doctor C. Nutritionist D. Internist E. Employee

12.Read the text below carefully!

Ani has the same parents as me. She was born two years earlier. Thus, Ani is my ....

A. Younger sister B. Elder sister C. Cousin D. Nephew E. Grandmother F. Niece

13.My father is a lawyer. He has a younger brother whose name is Mr. Iwan. He is a doctor. Mr Iwan is my ....

▸ Baca selengkapnya: deskripsi raport bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 1


14.Mr . Kun Sri Hartanto is an economist. He is my unce. His wife is Mrs. Umi. She is an internist or a doctor whose specialization is in internal medicine. Mrs Umi is my .... A. Aunt

B. Niece C. Nephew D. Cousin E. Uncle.

15.Mr. Fahrudin is a wood worker. He employs several carpenters. Mr. Fahrudin is the husba d of y other’s you ger sister. A to is Mr. Fahrudi ’s so . A to is y ... A. Cousin

B. Niece C. Nephew D. Aunt E. Uncle

16.Mr. Sutanto is Mr. Suparma ’s you ger brother. Jalidi is Mr. Suta to’s so . Jalidi is Mr. Supar a ’s ...

A. Cousin B. Nephew C. Cousin D. Niece E. Uncle

17.My brother loves me. I love him too. We love ... A. Together

B. One another C. Forever D. Love eternally E. Each other

18.Anto and his parents have dinner ... every night. A. Together

B. One another C. Forever D. Love eternally E. Each other

19.I and my father always ... every Sunday morning. A. Go to the park

▸ Baca selengkapnya: soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd tentang animals


C. Have lunch

D. Go to night market E. Go to the theatre

20.I’ a stude t. I al ays .... e ery Mo day u til Saturday.

A. Go to school

B. Go to the night market C. Go to theatre


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