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Penilaian Tengah Semester Chapter I Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII T.A 2023/2024

Mairoza Rasman

Academic year: 2024

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Penilaian Tengah Semester Chapter I Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII T.A 2023/2024

Choose the best answera A, B, C or D!

1. Good morning my friends, my name’s

a. Thirteen years old b. Jalan Rantau Ikil c. Aninda

d. SMPN 2 Jujuhan 2. Hi, I live on …

a. SMPN 2 Jujuhan b. Jalan Merdeka c. Indonesia d. Maded

3. I’m fourteen years old a. Address

b. Hobby c. Name d. Age

4. I go to SMP Nusantara a. School

b. Address c. Age d. Name

5. I have one brother and one sister a. Hobby

b. Age c. Sibling d. Address

6. Hi Vina, this is Anita a. Introducing myself b. Introducing others c. Introducing family d. Introducing siblings 7. Good morning teacher !

a. Saying goodbye b. Greetings

c. Describing hobby d. Describing physically

8. The expression of saying goodbye is … a. Hello

b. See you tomorrow c. Thank you so much d. Good afternoon

9. Andini likes to ride a bicycle, her hobby is …

a. Going fishing b. Swimming c. Reading a book d. Cycling

10. I need internet connection and song playlist to …

a. Listen to music b. Watch TV c. Play football d. Dance

11. Ando needs a novel to … a. Listen to music b. Play mobile game c. Go cycling d. Read a book

12. Tania and her friends like cooking. … love cooking gimbab.

a. She b. He c. They d. We

13. Sarah likes playing volleyball. … plays every afternoon

a. I b. You c. She d. He

14. I go to the school by … motorcycle.

a. Her b. His c. My d. Our

15. Hello Don, this is Noval’s brother. … name is Ahmad.

a. Their b. Our c. My d. His


Physical traits description is for number 16 – 18

My brother’s name is Sam and he is only ten years old. He’s an elementary school student in grade four. Sam has short, red hair, freckles, big ears, and a small mouth. He is funny person.

16. How old is sam?

a. Ten years old b. Eleven years old c. Twelve years old d. Thirteen years old

17. These are physical trait of Sam, except

a. Short red hair b. Big ears c. Small mouth d. A mole

18. What does funny person mean?

a. Sam doesn’t like his family b. Sam likes to make others laugh c. Sam doesn’t like to be friendly d. Sam likes to make other people mad

19. Hollie is … a. Short and skinny b. Short and fat c. Tall and skinny d. Tall and fat

20. Hollie has … a. Short black hair b. Short yellow hair c. Long black hair d. Long yellow hair

21. Emma has …

a. Fair skin b. Light skin c. Brown skin d. Dark skin

Hello everyone, today I’m going to introduce my family member. There are my father, mother, older brother, younger sister and me. My father is a farmer, his name is Amir. My mother is a house wife, her name is Sari. My older brother goes to SMAN 9 Bungo, his name is Amri. My younger sister goes to SDN 66/II, her name is Sarah. I go to SMPN 2 Jujuhan, my name’s Ana.

My father is tall and skinny, he has brown skin.

My mother is short and fat, she has fair skin. My older brother is tall and he has short black hair.

My younger sister is short and she has long black hair. I am average tall and I have fair skin and long wavy black hair. That’s all about my family, thanks for listening, bye.

22. How many family members in Ana’s family?

a. Four b. Five c. Six d. Seven 23. Amri is …

a. Student of SDN 66/II b. Student of SMAN 9 Bungo c. Student of SMPN 2 Jujuhan d. Student of a University 24. Sarah has …

a. Brown skin b. Fair skin c. Short black hair d. Long black hair

25. Which statement is true about Ana’s Family?

a. Ana has fair skin

b. Sarah has long wavy black hair c. Ana’s older brother has long black


d. Ana’s father has brown skin


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