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Sushimise restaurant is a restaurant that specialized in Food and Beverage who has


Academic year: 2021

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Sushimise restaurant is a restaurant that specialized in Food and Beverage who has the concept of Japanese Food. Currently Sushimise restaurant marketing strategy is limited to flyers and brochures media, word of mouth. These methods have drawbacks. E-marketing would be very appropriate to be applied to resolve problems faced by marketing Sushimise Restaurant. With e-marketing, the restaurant can apply Sushimise business to customer (B2C) which can facilitate the restaurants to sell their products online. The purpose of this study is to analyze the marketing process, the information needs in designing e-marketing strategies and applications are appropriate for application in restaurant Sushimise used to improve the marketing and customer ordering from the restaurant Sushimise.

Raffi Mohammed

General Guidelines that used in thesis of e-marketing is Seven step of internet marketing

Phase 1: Framing the Market Opportunity

This phase includes analysis of market opportunities and key business concepts that collect data online and offline is important to carry out the assessment.


Stage 2: Formulating the Market Strategy

This stage of formulating marketing strategy. Internet marketing strategies are based on the company, business unit, and the company's overall marketing strategy. Stage 3: Designing Customer Experience

This stage companies need to understand a wide range of consumer experience needed to find market opportunities. This experience must be related to the conditions and the company's marketing strategy.

Stage 4: Crafting the Customer Interface

Internet changing marketplace (interaction face-to-face) to marketspace (interaction screen-to-face). Differences lies in the exchange relationship, where the technology used as media liaison. To arrange an interface needs to be considered and adapted to the needs of the company.

Step 5: Designing the Marketing Program

The fifth stage of designing a combination of marketing actions (called level) to move the target customers ranging from awareness to commitment

Stage 6: Leveraging Customer Through Technology

In an environment centered on the company's customers have to make decisions and carry out three main market research, database marketing, customer relationship marketing.


Stage 7: Evaluating the Marketing Program

The last stage involves the evaluation of the overall Internet marketing program and includes a balanced focus on customer and financial metrics.

Background Of Restaurant Sushimise

Restaurants Suhimise need information technology to simplify business processes that aim to expand marketing strategies and reach more customers and to gather interesting information so as to meet the customer. Using E-Marketing strategy can be realized either with the use of the website as a means of liaison between the company and the customer, so that the process of distributing information to customers can be more effective.

The scope is in this study include the following:

1. Collecting and analyzing market opportunities marketing strategies to improve marketing in Restaurants Sushimise.

2. The design of the customer experience by knowing customer behavior, such as the presence of features testimonials in which there is a community where there is opinion (advice, opinions, and criticisms).

3. The design customer interfaces that will result created a marketing program in the form of e-marketing website in which there are promotional features so businesses can promote menu and prices updated and promo discounts offered by


the company to the customer as well as the table booking service features and delivery order .

4. Gathering customer information through technology that restaurant Sushimise can better understand and know the customers through customer behavior. The Purpose

a. Analyzing the marketing process and marketing strategies to find the restaurant Sushimise e-marketing strategies most appropriate to be applied in this company. b. Designing e-marketing system to support web-based marketing activities in the restaurant Sushimise by implementing e-marketing strategies that have been previously made.

The Benefit

a. Enabling for customers to access product information - product Restaurants Sushimise and product prices as well as the promo that attract customers.

b. Knowing the problem and the need for marketing information on the Restaurant Sushimise.

c. Improving the quality of marketing. d. Increase the number of customers.

e. Making restaurant Sushimise more highly competitive against other competitors.

Theory of Internet Marketing

 Marketing is a process that aims to satisfy the needs of consumers and organizations through the exchange of goods and services that generate



 E-marketing is an online marketing process that aims to maintain

relationships with customers and satisfying the needs of both parties through the exchange of goods and services

 Internet Marketing is an activity to build and maintain customer

relationships which aim to provide products, services and satisfy the desires of both parties.

 Business to Customer (B2C) is a business way to develop attractive electronic markets which the goal was to sell products or services to customers.

 marketing information system is a computer-based marketing system that works with other functional information systems for marketing decisions.

Discusion of Thesis

Direct Marketing

Marketing is done directly to the waiter who came to the customer and provide brochures and information the customer then went to the restaurant after the waiter gives the menu after customer order product.

Tahap 1: Framing the Market Opportunity

Step 1: Investigate Opportunity in an Exixting or New Value System Traditional Marketing:

• Presentation of information was given mouth-to-mouth so it has flaws such as errors and lack of clarity of the information presented. Submission of


information through brochures also has drawbacks, namely the possibility of information to be conveyed is not the most recent information

Presentation of information arranged neatly and attractive so that customers feel comfortable and menu information obtained by the customer clearly so that will increase the interest of the customers to visit the website and place an order.

Step 2: Formulating the Marketing Strategy

In formulating marketing strategy, there are three steps that must be done. These will be three stages.

1. Segmentation

Segmentation taken by the Reclassification Expension Sushimise Restaurant. Market segments will change along with the increase in customers coming to the restaurant Sushimise, because it was keen to try new menus offered by the restaurant Sushimise.

Stage 3: Designing Customer Experience

To designing what is desired and needed by the customer, the restaurant Sushimise requires early identification of what are the wish fulfilled when designing experiences based on a hierarchy of functionality, intimacy, and evangelism.

Stage 4: Crafting the Customer Interface Context:

Context is how a website looks both functionally and aesthetically. Sushimise website shows both the balance. Function context homepage consists of two elements, namely the aesthetic and functional.


Content: Offering Mix

Content on the website includes menus and descriptions. Our menu page displays a description of the menu and the name of the menu offered by the restaurant Sushimise.

Step 5: Designing the Marketing Program

Restaurants Sushimise need to design e-marketing in order to strengthen the positioning to be achieved and provide what is needed by the customer. Stage 6: Leveraging Customer Through Technology

Marketing Research

Marketing research is conducted to help companies understand and discover what is wanted and needed by customers to provide constructive information about the quality and usefulness of products and services

Stage 7: Evaluating the Marketing Program

This stage focuses on the size of the used restaurant Sushimise to evaluate an online marketing strategy has been implemented in the future by using a Marketing Metric Framework


Based on the analysis and design results e-marketing website which have been made to the process of marketing the restaurant Sushimise some conclusions can be drawn as follows:

1. The results of the analysis of the marketing process that is done is by using e-marketing to support business processes as well as the restaurant Sushimise e-marketing applications can increase the reach of market size on the

segmentation of the existing marketing system is right for Restaurant Sushimise by using seven stages internet marketing plan.


2. Main Features of the application of e-marketing in the restaurant Sushimise such as product information which always updated, news and promos, menu, contact us and testimonials, allows to give more value to the application of e-marketing that we have designed for Restaurants Sushimise.

3. The existence of customer needs for information that can be obtained with a fast, accurate and updated. This encourages restaurant Sushimise to implement e-marketing applications.

Perancangan E-Marketing Pada

Restoran Sushimise


Restoran Sushimise adalah restoran yang bergerak di bidang Food and Beverage yang mempunyai konsep Japanese Food. Saat ini strategi pemasaran Restoran Sushimise hanya terbatas pada media flyer dan brosur, dari mulut ke mulut. Metode-metode tersebut memiliki kekurangan. E-marketing akan sangat tepat diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah dalam pemasaran yang dihadapi oleh Restoran Sushimise. Dengan adanya e-marketing, maka Restoran Sushimise dapat

menerapkan business to customer (B2C) yang dapat mempermudah restoran untuk menjual produknya secara online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis proses pemasaran, kebutuhan informasi dalam merancang strategi e-marketing dan aplikasi yang tepat untuk diterapkan di Restoran Sushimise yang digunakan untuk


meningkatkan proses pemasaran dan pemesanan pelanggan dari Restoran Sushimise.

Raffi Mohammed

 Tahap 1 : Framing The Market Opportunity

Tahap ini meliputi analisa dari peluang pasar dan konsep bisnis yang utama yaitu mengumpulkan data online dan offline yang penting untuk melakukan pengkajian.

 Tahap 2 : Formulating the Market Strategy

Tahap ini merumuskan tentang strategi pemasaran. Strategi pemasaran

internet didasarkan pada perusahaan, unit bisnis, dan strategi pemasaran

perusahaan secara keseluruhan.

 Tahap 3 : Designing Customer Experience

Tahap ini perusahaan harus mengerti berbagai macam pengalaman konsumen yang diperlukan untuk menemukan peluang pasar. Pengalaman ini harus berhubungan dengan kondisi dan strategi pemasaran perusahaan.

 Tahap 4 : Crafting the Customer Interface

Internet mengganti marketplace (interaksi face-to-face) menjadi marketspace

(interaksi screen-to-face). Perbedaan yang ada terletak pada pertukaran hubungan, dimana teknologi dijadikan sebagai media penghubung.

 Tahap 5 : Designing the Marketing Program

Tahap kelima merancang kombinasi dari tindakan pemasaran (yang disebut

level) untuk memindahkan target pelanggan mulai dari awareness sampai commitment.


 Tahap 6 : Leveraging Customer Through Technology

Dalam lingkungan yang terpusat pada pelanggan perusahaan harus membuat dan melakukan tiga keputusan utama yaitu riset pasar, basis data pemasaran, customer relationship management.

 Tahap 7 : Evaluating the Marketing Program

Tahap terakhir ini melibatkan evaluasi dari keseluruhan program pemasaran internet dan mencakup fokus yang seimbang terhadap pelanggan dan metrik keuangan.

Latar Belakang Restoran Sushimise

Restoran Suhimise membutuhkan teknologi informasi untuk mempermudah proses bisnis yang tujuannya untuk memperluas strategi pemasaran dan menjangkau lebih banyak pelanggan serta dapat mengumpulkan informasi menarik sehingga dapat memenuhi keinginan pelanggan. Penggunaan strategi

E-Marketing dapat diwujudkan salah satunya dengan penggunaan website

sebagai sarana penghubung antara perusahaan dan pelanggan, sehingga proses pendistribusian informasi ke pelanggan dapat dilakukan secara lebih efektif. Ruang lingkup yang ada dalam penelitian ini meliputi hal-hal sebagai


1. Pengumpulan peluang pasar dan menganalisis strategi marketing untuk meningkatkan pemasaran dalam Restoran Sushimise.


2. Perancangan pengalaman pelanggan dengan mengetahui customer

behaviour, seperti dengan adanya fitur testimonial yang di dalamnya

terdapat suatu komunitas dimana terdapat opinion (saran, pendapat, dan kritik).

3. Perancangan interface pelanggan yang hasilnya akan dibuat sebuah program pemasaran berupa website e-marketing di mana di dalamnya terdapat fitur promosi sehingga perusahaan dapat mempromosikan menu dan harga yang ter-update serta promo diskon yang ditawarkan perusahaan kepada pelanggan serta adanya fitur layanan booking table dan delivery order.

4. Pengumpulan informasi pelanggan melalui teknologi sehingga Restoran Sushimise dapat lebih memahami dan mengenal pelanggan melalui customer behaviour.

Tujuan dan Manfaat

1. Tujuan

a. Menganalisa Proses pemasaran dan strategi pemasaran pada Restoran Sushimise untuk menemukan strategi e-marketing yang paling tepat untuk di terapkan pada perusahaan ini.

b. Merancang sistem e-marketing berbasis website untuk mendukung kegiatan pemasaran pada Restoran Sushimise dengan menerapkan strategi e-marketing yang telah di buat sebelumnya.

2. Manfaat

a.Mempermudah pelanggan dalam mengakses informasi produk – produk Restoran Sushimise serta harga produk serta adanya promo yang menarik pelanggan.


b.Mengetahui masalah dan kebutuhan informasi untuk pemasaran pada Restoran Sushimise.

c. Meningkatkan kualitas pemasaran. d. Meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan.

e. Menjadikan Restoran Sushimise lebih berdaya saing tinggi terhadap competitor lainnya.

Pembahasan Skripsi E-marketing

Tahap 1: Framing the Market Opportunity

1: Investigate Opportunity in an Exixting or New Value System

Dalam menyelidiki peluang dapat dilihat dengan cara membuat strategi

e- marketing untuk Restoran Sushimise agar dapat menghasilkan

transformasi yang positif khususnya di bidang internet marketing.

Tahap 2: Formulating the Marketing Strategy

1. Segmentation

Segmentation yang di ambil oleh Restoran Sushimise yaitu Reclassification Expension. Segmen pasar akan berubah seiring dengan bertambahnya pelanggan yang datang ke Restoran Sushimise, karena merasa tertarik untuk mencoba menu-menu baru yang ditawarkan oleh Restoran Sushimise. Tahap 3: Designing Customer Experience

Untuk merancang apa yang diinginkan dan dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan, maka Restoran Sushimise membutuhkan identifikasi awal apa sajakah yang ingin dipenuhi pada saat merancang pengalaman berdasarkan hierarki

functionality, intimacy, dan evangelism.


Tahap 4: Crafting the Customer Interface

4.1.1. Context

Context adalah bagaimana sebuah website terlihat baik secara fungsional

dan estetis. Website Sushimise menunjukan keduanya dengan seimbang. Fungsi context homepage terdiri dari dua elemen yaitu estetika dan fungsional.

Tahap 5: Designing the Marketing Program

Restoran Sushimise perlu merancang aplikasi e-marketing agar dapat memperkuat positioning yang ingin dicapai dan menyediakan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh para pelanggan.

Tahap 6: Leveraging Customer Through Technology Marketing Research

Marketing research dilakukan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam mengerti dan menemukan apa yang diinginkan dan dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan dengan menyediakan informasi yang konstruktif mengenai kualitas dan kegunaan produk serta pelayanannya

Tahap 7: Evaluating the Marketing Program

Tahap ini berfokus pada ukuran yang digunakan Restoran Sushimise untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap strategi pemasaran online apabila telah diimplementasikan nantinya dengan menggunakan Marketing Metric Framework



1. Hasil analisa proses pemasaran yang di lakukan yaitu dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-marketing yang dapat mendukung proses bisnis Restoran Sushimise serta dengan aplikasi e-marketing dapat menambah jangkauan market size pada segmentasi yang sudah ada, sistem pemasaran yang tepat untuk Restoran Sushimise yaitu dengan menggunakan tujuh tahap perencanaan internet marketing.

2. Fitur-Fitur utama pada aplikasi e-marketing pada Restoran Sushimise seperti informasi produk yang selalu ter-update, news dan promo, menu,

contact us dan testimonial, Memungkinkan untuk memberikan nilai lebih

pada aplikasi e- marketing yang telah kami rancang untuk Restoran Sushimise.

3. Adanya kebutuhan pelanggan akan informasi yang dapat diperoleh dengan cepat, akurat dan terupdate. Hal ini mendorong Restoran Sushimise untuk menerapkan aplikasi e-marketing.



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