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Academic year: 2019



Teks penuh





No Functions of Code-switching

1. Affective Function

T 3 : Okay. Turn left go straight on until you reach the t-junction and then turn left *na. ( ) nanti kesasar. Okay, terus.

S 3 : And then turn left.

T 3 : Turn left, *kapan turn leftnya? S 3 : ( ) Turn right

T3 : When *kapan turn leftnya kalau misalnya jalan terus belok kanan belok kiri terus kapan belok kanan belok kirinya, . ya. . Mengulang okayfrom e (i) ayoulangi lagi dari e.

S 3 : Turn right and then turn left. T 3 : (Laugh) Okay.

T 4 : Describe about Hendra, . yok. S 4 : ee… He is lolok (laugh). T 4 : ee… he is

S 4 : lolok.

T4 : What else? . *Ya sekali-sekali dipuja dipuji. . Okay let’s describe about him. . He he is

T 4 : What does Lucy do when . she is bored? S 4 : When Lucy bored . she is ee…

T 4 : She is S 4 : ( )

T 4 : Come here . come here. Okay, *Enaknya bagaimana?

T 7 : *Apa lagi? Next, we have . what? what? What *itu bisa ditanyakan about things, names, action, idea and etc, . okay? *Itu tentang what. What do you do? What are you doing? What *contohnya. What … no what is your opinion? What do you mean? What’s your name? Okay, what, what.

T 7 : Try, try. *Yang belum siapa? When. 1985, jawabannya yo bikin

question? 1985. S 7 : When the class over? T 7 : When?

T 7 : How long do you learn computer? How long. How long do you think? How long *coba cepat. How long.

S 7 : How long… ?


T 7 : Oh, test sorry. How long do you make this test? How long? *Lagi. S 7 : How long do you take a bath?

T 8 : Germany.

S 8 : Oh, your English is very good.

T 8 : Thank, *ya seperti itu ya. ee… what’s your name? S 8 : I’m Jessica. What is your name?

T 8 : I am , okay *harus cepat. Are you student? S 8 : Yes. I study biology. How about you? S 8 : Do you have kid?

S 8 : No, I don’t (laugh).

T 8 : *Lebih keras. Okay, you speak again. S 8 : Nice to meet you.

S 8 : Where are you from?

T 8 : *Harus lebih cepat ya seperti ini. S 8 : Germany.

T 8 : *Kalau ini name. Oh bukan. S 8 : Your English is very good.

2. Repetitive / Clarification Function

a. T 3 : And now do you want to know where his or her boarding house is? . *Pingin tahu gak? Ada yang pengin tahu? Maybe Lina do you want to know one of your friend boarding house here? . Which one is that?

S 3 : All of them.

T 3 : just using based on two material giving direction and also there is there are with the thing in your house. *Pokoknya barang-barang yang biasa ada di rumah gitu aja, okay.

S 3 : Okay.

T 4 : Where there is a verb in a sentence so we do not use . be so like this . I . go to mall *gitu ya. Ketika kalimat itu ada kata kerjanya there is verb we do not need be.

T 5 : Fall. Okay, good fall. S 5 : The will be fall.

T5 : Okay, write down first. The wall will *bersuara What is

bersuara in English? . what? . Will make?

S 6 : (laugh). No, he liar. . He go with another girl. (laugh). Kamu liar sih.


S 6 : Happy

T 6 : Starting from Seto or S 6 : No. . From Seto?

T 6 : Seto? Seto? Okay. Choose one *pilih and then make the sentence S 7 : ha….

T 7 : Book. *Buku.

S 7 : Buku.

T 7 : The answer probably is about beautiful. *Jawabannya beautiful. S 7 : What kind of

T 7 : What kind of . Close your hand if you know. What kind of …. two minute. *Jawabannya beautiful. Try. *Apa ya? What kind of …, right?

S 7 : (Laugh)

T 7 : Okay, *berikut asking about *frekuensi how often, *berapa kali. How often. How often do you . swim? How often do you take a bath? How often.

S 7 : Sekali. Dua. T 7 : Twice. T 7 : No, so S 7 : One. Four.

T 7 : Four. Four times. *Empat.

S 7 : Empat. Empat. Empat.

T 7 : Okay. You have another answer instead everyday. S 7 : Laugh.

T 7 : *Gak punya. Everyday *terus. Lagi? About duration *berapa lama? Hong long?

T 7 : How long how long do you want to wait? How long? S 7 : One hour.

T 7 : One hour. Maximum? S 7 : Minimum.

T 7 : *Berapa lama kamu menunggu?Menunggu kuliah, menunggu S 7 : One minute.

T 7 : One minute. *Ada yang one hour? One hour?

T 7 : Rice, yok. How much….? How much….? * Pakai salt. Salt. *Garam tahu to garam, okay. Mentioning with salt, pakai garam. How much salt.


S 7 : How much pepper

T 7 : How much paper pepper *mrica? How much pepper? Another. . Think about it. Okay, think about it ya. *Berikutnya how much. S 7 : How much beer do you have in ….

T 7 : Okay. How much beer do you have in ? *Di mana beer biasanya ditaruh? Where it put here usually? Refrigerator, fridge, the box, the ?

S 7 :

T 7 : Okay. Repeat please the sentence? How much….? Repeat! Repeat! *Ulang!

S 7 : How much how much beer do you have ?

T 7 : Okay. ee… you have to learn more about how to make question because di last test mid-test you have terrible terrible, ugly and bad score most of you most of you *kebanyakan dari kalian because you didn’t speak, okay. In one group there are four but the one who speak is only two person and the others just smile.

S 7 : Laugh.

T 8 : Louder . *lebih keras. S 8 : Hello! C 8 : Hi.

T 8 : Speak!

S 8 : What’s your name? T 8 : Louder *lebih keras!

T 8 : Okay, thank you. . Who else wants to try? . *yang belum siapa

yang ingin coba.

S 8 : T 8 : ( ) number three.

T 8 : Let see move and meanwhile I will have a ( ) with you. Okay, which one?

S 8 : Miami.

T8 : Miami, but if you not finish *tidak akan sampai selesai. Is it okay?

S 8 : Yes.


S 7 : How much tea do you drink? T 7 : Louder. *Ulangi lagi yang keras.

T 10 : Maybe it is about the status of the speaker saying or . the terms *istilah atau kalimat the speaker is saying, okay.

T 10 : If someone give opinion and then the speaker still the audience

ya still arguing *ngotot tetep ya gak bisa dipisah and then someone ya talk or give some solution by saying *yamembantu memecahkan masalah so I think it means, I think its fine is. Okay. That is the point of clariying.

T 10 : So what is function of each expression the first one the statement that the meeting time is over so it means the discussion is almost over so you want to end *ingin mengakhiri so you can say: I am afraid we’ll have to end here. Unfortunately, we’ve run out of time. Excuse me, it looks our time is up but it how to close to cut the discussion to be over *ya untuk mengakhiri. Then final summary of the discussion what is the function?

3. Elaboration Function

T 4 : Name *yang singular. What is singular? What is singular? What is singular?

S 4 : Tunggal.

T 4 : Tunggal. *Ya itu kesalahan. I think its’ mistake of your teacher in the past. *Di SD, di SMP, di SMA diajarkan kalau he kalau she

kalau S 4 : It.

T 4 : It *itu nanti ditambah s atau es. Tetapi ketika menemui ee…

masalah misalnya: Mr Joko. Mr Joko itu pakai es atau s ya?

Pakai gak? Mr Joko lagi ke kampus ee… S 4 : Mr Joko go ...

T 4 : *ketika ee… menemui kalimat pakai es or not or you do you will be confuse. Mr Joko goes or go?

S 4 : Go. (together) T 4 : Goes or go? S 4 : Goes.

T 4 : How about if sentence change here Mr Andrew. S 4 : Goes.

T 4 : Goes, right. I will say in bahasa Indonesia and you translate in English, all right. Are you ready?


4. Emphasis Function

T 7 : How long do you built this building? Hong long do you make this building? How long do you make the article? Itu how long. How long do you learn computer? How long. How long do you think? How long *coba cepat. How long.

S 7 : How long… ?

T 7 : Okay, think about it ya. *Berikutnya how much. S 7 : How much beer do you have in ….

S 7 : How much?

T 7 : *Jadi how many juice? *Oh, How much juice do you drink? Repeat S 7 : How much juice do you drink?

T7 : *Sekarang tanyanya yang formil ah kayak presentasi good morning miss. My name is ( ). And the question is where do … ? Repeat *ya. Yok.

S 7 : Good morning miss. My name is Reza. Where do you live? T 7 : Okay, the answer. Oh, no no no just sit sit down.

S 7 : I live at *ya kan ……..

T 7 : *Lagi. Good. *Siapa yang udah jadi langsung tanya aja. Bisa apa saja. Where do you live? *Berarti jangan pakai where do you live *lagi. Don’t use where do you live again. Ask another question? *Ya. Okay, Stand up, please?

T 7 : Right? I can not make any score just based on your smile. Why? Because you if you can make questions in every presentation that you can get score or point score *ya. the other presentation *sudah. *Ada yang mau tanya? Try, the next presentation final test everybody has to ask question, okay?

S 7 : Okay.

T 9 : Is there anything bedroom? *Oh no kitchen.

S 9 : Oh, ya ya ya. ee… there are living room, dining room, kitchen and . S 9 : ee… air conditioner.

T 9 : *Oh ya, air conditioner. Good, that’s all. Okay, thank you very much, all right *ya. Anybody else one more? Who is Alvin? S 9 : Suneo.

T 9 : Oh, Suneo, okay. Yes, please. *Ya, share your room. T 10 : The second .

S 10 :

T 10 : *Ya, okay. Giving conclusion *ya what do you have discuss, okay. So in ee… every in each presentation you . do not okay you can not finish your presentation by saying thank you for coming that’s


all no so you have to give some summary or conclusion *harus ada kesimpulannya ya. Please do not say I think that’s all our presentation good bye thank you, no. So you have to give ( ), okay. So you are given some expression, *ya.

T 10 : So a plan for a future meeting *ya it gitu ya it there is a problem, that is . not being solve that has not being solve ya so you can say we can discuss this further at our meeting or you ask the audience to have another discussion *bermeeting another meeting if the problem has not being solved *kalau masalahnya belum selesai ya

you can ask the audience to discuss it to the next discussion we say could we have a meeting soon to continue the discussion of this subject?

T 10 : *Na, after you give conclusion and then after giving statement that the meeing is over? You can say *ya the sentences to end the discussion thank you all for coming?; I’d like to thank yo u for your cooperation. . So after giving conclusion you can say thank you all for comin *ya jadi jangan langsung ke thank you all for coming see you.

S 10 : Bye…bye…bye

T10 : *Jangan ya to give conclusion first. Open-discuss-summary-conclusion-( ).

T 10 : The purpose of this donation is to improve the overall quality of scientific education provided by your university. The donor has indicated that the money should be spent on facilities that will have a strong effect on the quality of education. If the money is well spent, the donor is very likely to give even more money in the future. Maybe in the future the United State the United Nation will give you more money more than two billion. *Kalau programnya berhasil they will give you more money. And then a committee has been formed to make a formal recommendation as to show how the money should be spent. The purpose of your discussion is should try to agree on the best way to spend the money so you have to make program *ya, okay.

5. Addressee Specification

T 3 : Okay, ( ) start it. From Unika you have to *arahnya gimana to? kayak gini?

S 3 : ( )

T 3 : Okay, *arahnya kayak gini pakai arah itu gak?


T 3 : Okay, thank you. *Siapa yang belum? Udah semua ya? Udah to? *Aku lupa soalnya. Okay, *udah semua. (laugh) Okay so look at a unit five look at your book page twenty-four.

T 3 : *Yang besok dipersiapkan paling barang-barang yang ada rumah yang biasa ada di rumah Any question for the things in your house? Ada? Yang biasa-biasa aja. No.

S 3 : No.

T 4 : What about interesting? How do you say *saya tertarik. S 4 : I am interested.

T4 : Very good. I am interested. *Kalau I am interesting. . Am I interesting?

S 4 : No, (laugh). Yes. Yes. Yes.

T 4 : Okay. Well, let’s take look at board. Anyway, . well I have sentence in *bahasa indonesia. Ketika saya bosan saya pergi ke mall. How do you say . in English?

S 4 : When I bored I go to mall.

T 4 : *Sudah..Ketika saya bosan saya pergi ke mall. How do you say? S 4 : When I bored I am go to mall.

T 4 : When I boret

S 4 : When I bored I go to mall.

T 4 : Okay. Again. . *Ketika saya marah saya ngapain ( )? Ketika

saya marah saya S 4 : Saya tidur, Pak?

T 4 : Tidur?

S 4 : Ketimbang jengkel (laugh). T 4 : Well, we just

S 4 : When I am angry, I go to bed. T 4 : Okay once again. Is there any verb here? *Ada verbnya gak?

S 4 : Ada. T 4 : Where? S 4 : Go.

T 4 : Go so we do not need any be over there. Understand? S 4 : Yes.

T 4 : Okay. When I am thirsty, I drinks tea. So what does it mean in *bahasa Indonesia.

S 4 : Di saat aku haus aku minum teh.

T 4 : Okay. Good. Now, is there something wrong, here? Hello! Is there something wrong here?

S 4 : Yes.


T 4 : Yes or no? S 4 : Yes.

T 4 : Yes, what?

S 4 : Drinks should be drink.

T4 : Okay. Okay, how about this? . When I am angry I goes to mall. How about this? Something wrong? So what?

T 4 : So . is there the verb here goes *harusnya apa? S 4 : Go.

T 4 : *Kapan kita menggunakan goes?

S 4 : It.

T4 : Okay, that’s your problem *ya. *Kita itu orang Indonesia punya kelemahan pelit sekali bilang (es) s.

S 4 : Oh…

T4 : That’s a big mistake in English . so drink should be Paul . drinks coffee everyday. . That’s all.

T 7 : Red. Oh, write. What do you write? The book. Okay. What else? S 7 :

T 7 : *Sebelah sini. Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima. Ayo, what do you…

apa lagi?

T 7 : *Habis ini satu lagi. Nanti berdua bikin how much? S 7 : Okay.

T 7 : Okay, how much *berdua. T 7 : Four. Mention your names? S 7 : Andreas. (laugh) Diva.

T 7 : Diva *oh . *Apa lagi?Lupa namanya, oh lupa.Satu aja yang ingat tiga lupa? *Amnesia mendadak. Thank you thank you thank you. T 7 : What is your phone number?

S 7 : Secret.

S 7 : Kapok. Rahasia. T 7 : Secret, *nanya? S 7 : Gak mau jawab sih.

T 8 : *Lainnya who siapa yang mau? Eko, ya. what’s your number? S 8 : Twenty three.

S 8 : Do you have kid? S 8 : No, I don’t (laugh).


T 8 : Okay. Now we go to acivity one.

Okay, you see this word cry, I, crying and I am, right? Now try to ( ) and then you put it on the bracket here, here, or which one is the correct place . mouse, right? *ada mousenya gak?

S 8 : Gak ada.

T 8 : *Gak ada. Berarti cuma saya tok (laugh).

T 8 : Okay so line first the first line. I am ………. because I am sad. I am …

S 8 : Cry.

T 8 : Cry or crying? S 8 : Cry.

T 8 : Crying. I am crying I am crying because I am sad. *Ada to be *di sini lalu ada kata kerja tambah -ing berarti jadinya

continuous I am crying because I am sad. And then the second line, I always…

S 8 : Cry.

T 8 : Cry. An then…. S 8 : I.

T 8 : I. . And the last one? S 8 : I am.

T 8 : Okay, why are you S 8 : Sing.

T 8 : Singing or sing? S 8 : Sing.


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