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Dealing With Challenging Behavior Of Three Pupils in TK A 'Sunflower' At Tunas Cemara Kindergarten.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas Akhir ini membahas masalah yang muncul selama periode magang pada Juli hingga Agustus 2009 di TK A Tunas Cemara yaitu di

kelas “Sunflower”. Di kelas ini terdapat tiga anak yang menunjukkan

perilaku yang mengganggu kegiatan belajar mengajar. Tujuan dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah mengetahui alasan yang melatarbelakangi perilaku ketiga anak tersebut dan menganalisa cara yang efektif dalam menangani

perilaku ketiga anak tersebut sehingga kegiatan belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung dengan baik.

Penyebab masalah ini adalah pertama, ketiga anak ini berusaha mencari perhatian gurunya di kelas. Kedua, guru-guru yang mengajar kurang berpengalaman dalam mengajar anak-anak. Ketiga, murid-murid tersebut bosan dengan aktivitas-aktivitas yang diberikan. Dampak dari permasalahan ini adalah kelas menjadi ribut, ketiga anak ini mengganggu teman satu mejanya, proses belajar mengajar tidak berjalan dengan baik, dan guru-guru tidak dapat mengatur ketiga anak ini dengan baik.

Ada tiga solusi yang ditawarkan, yaitu, pertama para guru menetapkan peraturan kelas dan konsekuensinya secara konsisten.

Kedua, para guru harus belajar mengetahui karakteristik muridnya. Ketiga, aktivitas mengajar dibuat bervarisasi supaya para murid menjadi fokus pada pelajaran dan tidak mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengganggu temannya ataupun mencari perhatian guru.

Dari ketiga pilihan solusi di atas, solusi terbaik adalah para guru terlebih dahulu berusaha untuk mengetahui karakteristik ketiga muridnya dan membuat peraturan kelas beserta konsekuensinya. Dengan







CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION …..……... 1-6 A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term-paper






Three pupils of TK A ‘Sunflower’ at

Tunas Cemara Kindergarten have behaviour problems.

1. The three pupils are looking for the teachers attention because they are not getting teachers attention at class.

2. The teachers only have little experience in teaching young learners.

3. The pupils get bored with the teaching activities.

1. The class becomes very noisy. 2. The three pupils make other pupils in

their table play and chat with them. 3. The teaching time is not running


4. The teacher cannot handle the three pupils properly.

Statement of the problem

Causes Effects

The teachers should vary the teaching activities to make the pupils interested in the lesson. 1. The pupils will be excited to follow

the activities and they will not make a challenging behavior.

2. The teachers will not spend an extra energy to deal with the challenging

pupils’ behavior.

3. The class atmosphere will support the learning process.

1. There might be some pupils who are not interested in the activities which can make a new problem for the teachers.

2. The pupils might have difficulties in doing new activities as every activities has it own level difficulty.

Potential Solution 1

Potential positive effects Potential negative effects

The teachers should learn the characteristics of the pupils by communicating with the students, their parents, and reading some references or asking other teachers. 1. The relationship between the pupils

and the teachers is getting close. 2. The teacher can make the learning

process at class more fun and reduce the noise.

3. The teachers will know how to deal with their pupils who have unacceptable behavior.

1. The teachers have difficulties to understand the characteristic because of their unknown pupils background. 2. It takes time for the teachers to

communicate with the pupils, do observation, and library research.

Potential Solution 2

Potential positive effects Potential negative effects

The teachers should set clear classroom rules and should be consistent to apply the rules and the consequences.

1.The pupils can learn about disciplines and consequences. 2. The pupils will not disturb their

friends during learning process at class.

1. The pupils might not understand and not follow the rules.

2. There will be a certain distance between their teachers and the pupils. 3. The punishments are going to be given

as the consequences and the punishment could be unfair for the pupils.

Potential Solution 3

Potential positive effects Potential negative effects

Chosen Solution

1. The teachers should learn their pupils characteristics.

2. The teachers should set clear classroom rules and should be consistent to apply the rules and the consequences.




For the teachers:

1. How is Noni, Ping Lei and Daniel’s behavior in class? 2. Does their behavior disturb the learning process in class? 3. What steps have been taken to deal with their behavior?

4. In your opinion, what are the causes of challenging behavior of the three pupils?

5. Have you ever related with psychology when dealing with their behavior?

6. What are the difficulties that you have experienced in dealing with their behavior?

7. How does the school get involved in dealing with the pupils’ behavior?

8. Are there any requirements for the teachers who apply to teach in this school?

9. Is there any special course from the school for the teachers to expand their knowledge and ability about teaching young learners?

For the pupils:

1. Do your parents love you?

2. Have your parents been angry at you?

3. Did they ever give you punishment? What kind of punishment? 4. Are your teachers often angry at you? Why?

For the parents:

1. How is your child’s development on academic performance in this school?

2. How is your child’s behavior at home?

3. What do you usually do when your child shows challenging behavior?




A. Background of the Study

Children‟s behavior is an interesting issue in education because

behavior is always present in people‟s lives. “Child behavior is any

observable response or action of a child from 24 months through 12 years

of age” (Child Behavior par. 1). The one who is mainly responsible to

manage children‟s behavior is the parents. Besides the parents, the

teacher also has a responsibility to shape their pupils‟ behavior, especially

to support the learning process in their academic and social life at school.

In class, children‟s behavior can influence the success of the lesson,

either positively or negatively. Positive behavior will give positive impact to

children‟s positive behavior in the learning process. First, as an example,

children can concentrate on the lesson if all the children give respect to

the teacher and give attention to the lesson. Second, the class may have a

good atmosphere that supports the learning process for all the pupils.

Negative behavior of the children will give negative impact on the learning


lesson because the children who have a problem with their behavior will

disturb their friends or invite them to chat. Jeremy. D. Finn and Ginna M.

Finn Pannozzo write in their article that “Behaviors have consistent, strong

correlations with academic performance” (par. 2). Second, the class

becomes noisy because of the disturbance from other children. Third, the

pupils will be left behind in following the lesson than their friends.

Considering the influential impacts of children‟s behavior, I believe that

being able to manage children‟s behavior in the class is very important for

the teachers to establish the learning process.

Similarly, I found out the importance of managing children‟s behavior

when I did the internship from July to August 2009 at Tunas Cemara

Kindergarten. I found that there were three pupils at TK A there who had

behavior problems. The three pupils were Noni, Ping Lei, and Daniel. Noni

usually spoiled to the teacher, made unwanted noises, liked to disturb her

friends who were sitting at the same table, and did not write the letters of

the alphabet correctly. Meanwhile, Ping Lei always ran and played at the

beginning of lesson, disturbed his friends sitting at the same table, and

made some unwanted noises by knocking on his pencil case on his desk.

Similarly, Daniel liked to interrupt the lesson by giving irrelevant answers

to the questions; besides this, he always disturbed his friends who were

sitting at the same table by playing with their writing tools. All of these

pupils‟ behaviors influenced the learning process; as a result, their grades


important for the teacher to be able to manage their pupils‟ behavior for a

better learning process in the class.

Based on the above explanation, in this term-paper I would like to

analyze the causes and the effects of the children‟s behavior problem as

well as the solutions to manage their behavior in the class. This analysis is

important so that the teacher can shape their pupils‟ behavior for a better

class atmosphere that supports the learning process.

B. Identification of the Problem

In this term-paper, I would like to analyze the problems as follows:

1. Why did the three pupils in TK A „Sunflower‟ at Tunas Cemara

Kindergarten have behavior problems?

2. How could the teachers deal with the behavior problems of the

three pupils effectively?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of the study are as follow:

1. Analyzing the reasons which make the three pupils in TK A

“Sunflower” at Tunas Cemara Kindergarten have behavior


2. Finding effective ways to deal with the three pupils‟ behavior in TK

A “Sunflower” Tunas Cemara so the learning process in class can


The benefits of the study are first, for the institution: the teachers at TK

A „Sunflower‟ Tunas Cemara Kindergarten can get valuable input on

managing behavior problems in the class, so that this study can be a

reference for dealing with any future cases. Second, the readers can get

useful knowledge in dealing with kindergarten pupils who have behavior

problems. And lastly, the writer can know the causes which make the three

pupils have behavior problems and know how to manage their behavior in

class for a successful learning process.

D. Description of the Institution

Tunas Cemara Kindergarten was established on 17 April 2000. At the

beginning, this school was located at Jalan Sumber Hurip 31, Sumber Sari

Bandung, using its institution office. In July 2004, Tunas Cemara

Kindergarten moved to a new building at Jalan Situ Aksan 41, and Lenny

Sanjaya became the headmistress of this school.

The vision of Tunas Cemara Kindergarten is to be a school which

prepares the children to have good academic quality and responsibility.

Meanwhile, the missions of Tunas Cemara Kindergarten are, first,

educating the pupils by optimizing the pupil‟s potential in knowledge,

physics, and linguistic ability. Second, building the pupils‟ health physically

and spiritually, developing their knowledge, ability, personality, and mind.

Third, applying a teaching system which is based on the National


and stimulates the pupils‟ creativity. Fourth, cultivating the pupils‟ love of

science which is appropriate with the demand of today‟s era.

Tunas Cemara Kindergarten teachers teach the pupils three

languages; these are Bahasa Indonesia, English language and Chinese

language, as the media of communication. This kindergarten uses the

curriculum from the Indonesian Education Department; however, since this

school emphasizes using three languages, the Education Department

curriculum is adjusted with the school‟s standard curriculum.

E. Method of the Study

This term-paper focuses on problem solving analysis. The problem is

taken from the real problem which was found at Tunas Cemara

Kindergarten during my internship that was done there from 21 July to 31

August 2009.

The data is taken from my internship journal, observation, interview,

and references. First, the journal contains the details about the teaching

and learning process during the internship. Second, the observation was

conducted during the internship. From this observation, the causes and

the effects of the problem can be seen clearly. The results of my

observation are written in the Internship Journal. Third, doing library

research to find and analyze the problem solutions. Fourth, interview with

the teachers, the parents, and also the pupils are conducted to know their


F. Limitation of the Study

The study is limited to three pupils of TK A „Sunflower‟ at Tunas

Cemara Kindergarten, Bandung, during the classroom learning process

from 21 July 2009 until 31 August 2009; they are Noni, Ping Lei, and

Daniel. The study focuses on their behavior problems in class during the

learning process and how the teachers dealt with these three pupils.

G. Organization of the Term-paper

The term-paper starts with the Abstract. It explains the summary of this

term-paper in Bahasa Indonesia. Next, the Declaration of Originality

explains the originality of the term-paper. Afterwards, Table of Contents

presents the structure of this term-paper. This term-paper is divided into

four chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction. This chapter presents The

Background of the Study, The Identification of The Problem, Objectives

and Benefits of Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,

Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term-paper. Chapter Two

is Problem Analysis. This chapter explains the problem, and the causes

and the effects of the problem. Chapter Three is Potential Solutions. In this

chapter, the possible solutions are analyzed clearly and systematically.

Chapter Four is the Conclusion. This chapter provides the best solutions in

handling the problem about children‟s behavior in the class. After the last

chapter there is a Bibliography which contains all the references that have




Before discussing the chosen solutions of the problem, I would like to

present the summary of the previous chapters. The problem is that there

are three pupils who have difficult behavior problems that disturbed the

learning process in the classroom and this behavior influenced their

friends and the class atmosphere. The pupils were Noni, Ping Lei, and

Daniel. The causes that the three pupils have behavior problems are first,

they were looking for the teachers’ attention because they were not getting

the teacher’s attention in class. Second, the teachers only have a little

experience in teaching young learners. Third, the pupils get bored with the

teaching-learning activities. The effects of this problem are first, the class

becomes very noisy. Second, the three pupils make other pupils at their

table play and chat with them. Third, the teaching time does not run

properly. Fourth, the teacher cannot handle the three pupils properly.

Those are the causes and the effects of the problem.

There are several potential solutions to solve the problem at TK A

“Sunflower” at Tunas Cemara Kindergarten. These are, first, the teachers


rules and the consequences. Second, the teachers should learn the

characteristics of the pupils by communicating with them, their parents,

and reading some references or asking other teachers. Third, the teachers

should vary the teaching activities to make the pupils interested in the


Based on the analysis in the previous chapters, the best solution to

handle the behavior problems of the three pupils is the combination of all

solutions. From the three solutions, the one that has to be put first is the

teachers should know their pupils’ characteristics then set the classroom

rules and be consistent in applying the rules. As said in Best Teaching

Methods Kindergarten articles: “One of the best teaching methods is to be

flexible and understanding with young children” (par. 1). Similarly, in the

same paragraph it is stated that “Learning won’t happen if children are

overtired, hungry, upset or worried” (par. 1). Sometimes, teachers

misinterpret a child’s unwillingness to participate as bad behavior.

Therefore, knowing and understanding the pupils’ characteristics is

necessary to decide the lesson activities.

The next solution to solve the problem effectively is the teachers have

to set classroom rules and be consistent. The rules and the consequences

are important to control pupil’s behavior. The first step is setting the rules

together with the pupils. Then, give the pupils the pictures of the rules and

ask them to color the pictures, and then stick the pictures on the rules


who can answer the question well and show good behavior at class. Third,

for those who show misbehavior, the reward should be removed from the

board and the teacher should give them a punishment. In an article

entitled Kindergarten Classroom Management Plan, it is stated:

The first time punishment is verbal reminder or warning. The second

time is child meets with teacher to discuss their behavior. The third time

is child loses 5 minutes of playtime and is redirected to another activity.

Fourth time, child loses 10 minutes of playtime and contact is made with

parents by note. Fifth time, child is sent to the office to meet with

Principal Teacher and referral is written (par.10).

The above statements contain several examples of some punishment for

the kindergarten pupils and applying the rules and consequences;

moreover, the teachers also have to be consistent in applying the rules

and the consequences.

The last solution is varying the teaching–lesson activity. This solution is

important to make the pupils enthusiast about the lesson so the pupils will

not have time to show challenging behavior. Varying the teaching–lesson

activity can be done periodically, for example, once a week or twice a

week. With new activities, the pupils will feel curiosity about the activity

and it can be used to change the pupils’ attention from chatting with their

friends at the same table or shouting in the class to the new activity that is

interesting for them. As a result, the three pupils will not have time to show


These three solutions are chosen because by knowing the pupils, the

teachers can understand how to deal with their behavior; therefore, they

will do the class activities and follow the lesson well. By giving the pupils

rewards and punishment, they will have more motivation in doing school

activities and the teachers can also control the pupils’ behavior. And by

varying the teaching–lesson activity, the pupils will not have time to show

challenging behavior.

The three chosen solutions above are the best solutions for the

teachers in TK A “Sunflowers” at Tunas Cemara Kindergarten because

these solutions are effective to manage and deal with the pupils’ behavior



Printed Sources

Brewer, Jo Ann. Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Preschool

through Primary Grades. 6th ed. London: Pearson, 2007

Samuel, Victoria. “How to Handle Children with Disrespectful Behavior.”

Campus Asia November – December. 2008: 200.

Electronic Sources

Anggriani, Bulkis. “ Pelaksanaan Administrasi Guru dalam Menunjang

Keberhasilan Pembelajaran di SMK Al-Amanah Cisauj Tangerang

Banten”. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Jakarta, 2007. 19 April 2010.


“Best Teaching Methods Kindergarten.” kindergarten-lesson.com. 2010.

22 May 2010.


“Child Behaviour.” Biology online. 3 October 2005. 28 March 2010.


“Classroom Management and Dealing with Pupils.” Zephyrus.co.uk. 20

May 2010.


Cook, Alisa. “How to Instill Positive Discipline and Effective Classroom

Rules”. Helium, Inc. 2002-2010. 16 May 2010.


Dodd, Celia. “Teacher, I’m Bored”. 7 October 2009


“How to Stop Your Child Misbehaving”. Squido.com. 2010. 17 May 2010.


Kugler, Patsi. “Kindergarten Classroom Management Plan.” 2001. 16 May




Mather, N and Sam Goldstein. “Behavior Modification in the Classroom”.

LD Online. 2008. 16 May 2010.


Pamela. “Three Easy Tips to Managing Classroom Behavior.” Bright Hub.

6 March 2010. 19 April 2010.


Vercillo, Kathryn. “Why Teachers Must Understand Child Development”.




Vernon, Shelley. “The Five Golden Rules of Good Classroom

Management”. Teaching English Games.com. 2006-2008. 17 May 2010.

<http:///teachingenglishgames.com/articles/classroom_Management.ht m>

Vernon, Shelley. “Teaching English Tips to Stay in Control of a Large

Class”. Buzzle.com. 2010. 17 May 2010.


Wistorm, Elizabeth. “Easy Classroom Discipline Plan You Can Implement

Today”. Brighthub.com. 19 April 2010. 22 May 2010.


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