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Academic year: 2022



Teks penuh



Penyusun : Suyudi




1. Word order ………3

2. Verb Phrase ………..………6

3. Preposition in, on, at ……….10

4. Subject–Verb Agreement ……….12

5. Arranging Formal Meeting ………16

6. Subject and object pronouns ………...20

7. Verb as Complement ……..………..23

8. Refusal Letter …….………..28

9. Either and neither …………..……….. 30

10. A letter of apology ……….33


3 1.Word order

Definisi Word Order

Dalam setiap bahasa pastinya ada word order atau susunan kata dalam pembentukan kalimat, namun ternyata tiap bahasa memiliki susunan yang berbeda. Maka dari itu, susunan kata atau word order ini ternyata juga berfungsi untuk memberikan keunikan tersendiri dari tiap bahasa. Word order dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan sebuah susunan kata secara baku untuk membentuk sebuah kalimat yang memiliki makna utuh.

Seperti contohnya dengan kalimat “I love you” yang ternyata disusun dengan bentuk subject + verb + object (SVO) yang pada akhirnya memiliki arti untuk digunakan. Jika dibalik susunannya, maka kata tersebut tidak memiliki arti sama sekali. Pada susunan kalimat bahasa Inggris umumnya menggunakan urutan SVO, sebagai contoh:

She baked Portuguese egg tarts. (Dia memanggang Portuguese egg tarts.) They found nothing. (Mereka tak menemukan apapun.)

Dini and her family love cats. (Dini dan keluarganya menyukai kucing.)

Posisi dan Penempatan dalam Kalimat

Sesuai dengan penjelasan di atas bahwa pola kalimat SVO dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu pola yang umum dan mendasar.

Namun, ada bagian lain yang memiliki peranan penting dalam sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris, seperti: direct objects, adverb atau adverb phrases.

Ini artinya selain SVO terdapat pula pola lain seperti SVOI (Subject, Verb, Object, Indirect Object) dan juga SVOA (Subject, Verb, Object, Adverb). Bagaimana penempatannya?

1.1 Direct object dan indirect object


4 jika kita ingin mengekspresikan untuk menerima sesuatu kita bisa menggunakan susunan kata yang tipikal dengan direct object (do) dan juga indirect object (io).

Penempatan io dan do ini bisa berpengaruh pada arti kalimat. Mari lihat contohnya di bawah ini:

Indirect object berada setelah direct object jika dalam kalimat tersebut menggunakan preposition “to”. (The doctor gave some medicine to the child.)

Indirect object berada di depan direct object, preposition “to” harus dihilangkan. (The doctor gave the child some medicine.)

Adverbs dan adverb phrases

Terdapat tiga cara untuk menempatkan adverbs (kata tunggal) dan adverb phrases (kelompok kata, biasanya terbentuk dengan awalan sebuah preposition) dalam sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana caranya?

Sebelum subject. (At the end of March (Adverb) + the weather (Subject) + was (Verb) + rather cold.)

Setelah object. (The girl (Subject) + wrote (Verb) + a letter (Object) + on her computer in the bus (Adverb).)

Di tengah verb group. (The boy (Subject) + has (Verb) + already (Adverb) + written (Verb) + his letter (Object).)

1.2 Jenis-Jenis Word Order

Ada beberapa jenis susunan kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang berfungsi untuk membuat kalimat memiliki arti sepenuhnya. Apa saja itu?

1.2.1. Subordinate Clauses

Dalam subordinate clauses, word order sama dengan bentuk pada simple affirmative sentences (Conjunctions sering digunakan diantara 2 klausa).


5 Contoh: I will tell you the story at school tomorrow because I don’t have time now. (Aku akan menceritakannya di sekolah besok karena aku tidak memiliki waktu sekarang.)

1.2.2. Position of Time Expressions

Bisa dikatakan time expressions merupakan keterangan waktu, seperti: now, recently, yesterday, etc. Dalam bentuk ini adverbs of time biasanya diletakkan di akhir kalimat, seperti: I will tell you the story tomorrow. (Aku akan mnceritakannya besok.) Namun, jika kita tidak ingin menekankan keterangan waktu dalam kalimat, maka adverbs of time diletakkan di awal kalimat. Contoh: Tomorrow I will tell you the story. (Besok aku akan menceritakannya.)

1.2.3. Inverted word order

Inverted word order adalah sebuah kondisi di mana verb muncul sebelum subject.

Macam klausa atau kalimat yang mengalami inverted word order antara lain:

1.2.4. Conditional clause tanpa if.

Declarative sentence yang dimulai dengan negative atau restrictive word seperti: not only, hardly, barely, scarcely, never, rarely, dan no sooner.

Wh- question (pertanyaan yang diawali dengan wh- word: what, where, when, why, which, who, whom, whose, atau how) yang menanyakan object.

Bagaimana contoh kalimatnya?

1.2.5. Conditional clause

If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity. (Jika saya seorang miliuner, saya akan mendonasikan uang saya untuk amal.)

If you had asked the question, she would have answered it. (Jika kamu menanyakan pertanyaan tsb, dia akan menjawabnya.)

Declarative sentence

No sooner did (V) you (S) left (V) the restaurant (O) than your friend came. (Tidak lama dari kamu meninggalkan restoran, temanmu datang.)


6 I have never seen such a beautiful beach. (Saya tidak pernah melihat pantai seindah itu.)

Wh- question

What (O) can (V) I (S) do (V) for you? (Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untukmu?)

Which book (O) did (V) you (S) read (V) last night? (Buku yang mana yang kamu baca semalam?)

Exercise : word order

Arrange the words to make affirmative sentences. Place time expressions at the end of the sentences.

1. go / now / home / will / I →

2. give / the present / tomorrow / we / him / will → 3. her / met / last night / at / we / the station → 4. was / last week / he / in hospital →

5. in Greece / spend / I / will / next year / my holiday → 6. must / at five o'clock / leave / we / the house → 7. the library / take / I / the book / will / today / to → 8. my mum / breakfast / in the morning / made → 9. tonight / want / to the cinema / to go / we → 10. wrote / last week / they / at school / a tes

2. Verb Phrase

Pengertian Verb Phrase

Kata kerja phrase merupakan kumpulan kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari dua kata atau lebih, dimana tidak terdapat unsur subject dan predikat, yang memiliki fungsi sebagai pemberi informasi. Lalu apakah sama antara phrase dan verb phrase?

tentunya berbeda.


7 Verb phrase merupakan kumpulan kata yang terdiri dari beberapa kata kerja, seperti main verb, auxiliary verb, linking verb, transitive verb, intransitive verb dan lain-lain, yang membentuk sebuah kalimat dengan fungsi tertentu.

Quick Tips:

Verb phrase = main verb + auxiliary verbs (helping verbs)

Examples of verb phrases

(the verb phrases are underlined):

eating + are => are eating

"They are eating now."

come + will => will come

"I will come tomorrow."

wait + have been => have been waiting

"She has been waiting for more than an hour."

Bentuk Verb Phrase

Verb phrase terbagi menjadi dua bentuk, berdasarkan traditional grammar dan generative grammar. Jika mengacu pada traditional grammar, bererti teks atau kalimat tersebut tersusun berdasarkan pola dasar kalimat, yaitu terdiri dari verb dan subject.

Adapun generative grammar adalah transformasi kalimat, dimana suatu kalimat terdiri dari berbagai macam unsur, mulai dari subject, verb, modals, noun atau pun pronoun.

Dan setiap bentuk dari verb phrase tentu memiliki rumus yang berbeda.

Rumus Verb Phrase 1. Traditional Grammar


8 Berdasarkan traditional grammar, kata kerja phrase terdiri dari kelompok kata (phrase) yang berupa kata kerja utama (main verb) dan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb).

English verb phrase, example:

I was sleeping while my father was watching TV. (Saya sedang tidur ketika ayahku sedang menonton TV).

2. Generative Grammar

Berdasarkan generative grammar, verb phrase tersusun dari main verb (kata kerja utama), auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu), modifier (dapat berupa adverb, adjective, atau yang lainnya), dan complement (objek kalimat). Contohnya:

I was talking to him ten minutes ago. (Saya sedang berbicara dengannya sepuluh menit yang lalu).

Verb Phrase Tense

Verb phrase ada dalam beberapa jenis tense, diantaranya:

1. Present Continuous Tense Verb phrase example:

Alia is writing a short story. (Alia sedang menulis sebuah cerpen).

Bayu is reading a magazine. (Bayu membaca sebuah majalah).

*Traditional grammar: writing, reading.

*Generative grammar: is writing a short story, is reading a magazine.

2. Present Perfect Tense For example:


9 He has lived in Surabaya for five years. (Dia telah tinggal di Surabaya selama lima tahun).

Tania has written a novel. (Tania telah menulis sebuah novel).

*Traditional grammar: lived, written.

*Generative grammar: has lived in Surabaya for five years, has written a novel.

3. Past Perfect Tense For example:

He had arrived in Bandung last night. (Dia telah sampai di Bandung tadi malam).

She had found a new house. (Dia telah menemukan rumah baru).

*Traditional grammar: sold, found.

*Generative grammar: had arrived in Bandung last night, had found a new house.

Exercise: verb phrase

Can you identify the verb and verb phrases? There are two types of verb phrases.

These include finite verb phrases. If a sentence has just one verb phrase, it is a finite verb phrase. The head verb is finite, and either comes in the present or past form. With non-infinite verb phrases, the head verb is participle, gerund, infinitive. If you want to learn how to identify verbs and verb phrases, try this quiz.

Questions and Answers

1. I am coming in the morning.

2. I came as soon as possible.

3. She comes by every day.

4. Send me the package in the mail.

5. The new part was sent to me.


10 6. I am sending Jeff with the neighbors.

7. He should have tried again.

8. The dog had suddenly come into the yard.

9. Has anyone taken out the trash?

10. Could they have been pointing at our car?

3. Preposition in, on, at

When English speakers talk about time and place, there are three little words that often come up: in, on, and at. These common words are prepositions that show a relationship between two words in a sentence. Some prepositions are rather easy for English learners to understand: behind, over, under, next to, etc… But these little two- letter prepositions seem to create confusion. Here are a few rules to help you understand when to use in, on, and at in a sentence. For describing time and place, the prepositions in, on, and at go from general to specific.

3.1 Prepositions and Time

Let’s start by looking at how we talk about time. English speakers use in to refer to a general, longer period of time, such as months, years, decades, or centuries. For example, we say “in April,” “in 2015” or “in the 21st century.”

Moving to shorter, more specific periods of time, we use on to talk about particular days, dates, and holidays . You may hear, “I went to work on Monday,” or “Let’s have a picnic on Memorial Day.”

For the most specific times, and for holidays without the word “day,” we use at. That means you will hear, “Meet me at midnight,” or “The flowers are in bloom at Easter time.”

3.2. Prepositions and Place


11 When English speakers refer to a place, we use in for the largest or most general places. You can say that “VOA is located in Washington, D.C.” And “for the best food, try the restaurants in Chinatown.”

For more specific places, like certain streets, we use the preposition on. You may know that President Obama lives on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.

Finally, we get to the most specific places. For exact addresses or intersections, we use the preposition at. If I invited you to visit us here at VOA, I would say, “Come to my office at 330 Independence Avenue.” To be exact, it’s at the corner of Independence and 3rd Street.”

In English, though, there is always an ‘exception to the rule.’ When talking about transportation, things get a little hard to understand. We use on for public vehicles like buses or trains, but also for smaller ones like a bicycle. “I rode there on my bicycle.”

However, you ride in a car.

Still, it helps to know that English prepositions do have some rules.

Following the “general to specific” rule should help you most of the time.

I’m Jill Robbins.

And, I’m Ashley Thompson.

Dr. Jill Robbins wrote this story for Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor.

Exercise preposiion

Choose at, in, on to complete the sentences.


12 at, in, on – prepositions of time

Grammar » A1 Grammar lessons and exercises » at, in, on – prepositions of time

Exercise 1

Choose at, in, on to complete the sentences.

1. See you ... Friday.

2. I brush my teeth .... the morning.

3. The match is ...4 o'clock.

4. We have lunch ... midday.

5. I'm busy ... the moment.

6. My parents always visit me 7. ...my birthday.

8. He was born ... the 19th century 9. He usually goes on holiday .,... July 10. They always get together ... Christmas.

11. You can come ... the weekend..

4. Subject–Verb Agreement

Subjects and verbs must agree in number.

If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too.

Example: She writes every day.

Exception: When using the singular "they," use plural verb forms.

Example: The participant expressed satisfaction with their job. They are currently in a managerial role at the organization.

If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.


13 Example: They write every day.

Sometimes, however, it seems a bit more complicated than this.

When the subject of the sentence is composed of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb.

Example: The doctoral student and the committee members write every day.

Example: The percentage of employees who called in sick and the number of employees who left their jobs within 2 years are reflective of the level of job satisfaction.

When there is one subject and more than one verb, the verbs throughout the sentence must agree with the subject.

Example: Interviews are one way to collect data and allow researchers to gain an in- depth understanding of participants.

Example: An assumption is something that is generally accepted as true and is an important consideration when conducting a doctoral study.

When a phrase comes between the subject and the verb, remember that the verb still agrees with the subject, not the noun or pronoun in the phrase following the subject of the sentence.

Example: The student, as well as the committee members, is excited.

Example: The student with all the master’s degrees is very motivated.

Example: Strategies that the teacher uses to encourage classroom participation include using small groups and clarifying expectations.

Example: The focus of the interviews was nine purposively selected participants.


14 When two or more singular nouns or pronouns are connected by "or" or "nor," use a singular verb.

Example: The chairperson or the CEO approves the proposal before proceeding.

When a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun or pronoun joined by "or" or "nor," the verb should agree with the part of the subject that is closest to the verb. This is also called the rule of proximity.

Example: The student or the committee members write every day.

Example: The committee members or the student writes every day.

The words and phrases "each," "each one," "either," "neither," "everyone," "everybody,"

"anyone," "anybody," "nobody," "somebody," "someone," and "no one" are singular and require a singular verb.

Example: Each of the participants was willing to be recorded.

Example: Neither alternative hypothesis was accepted.

Example: I will offer a $5 gift card to everybody who participates in the study.

Example: No one was available to meet with me at the preferred times.

Noncount nouns take a singular verb.

Example: Education is the key to success.

Example: Diabetes affects many people around the world.

Example: The information obtained from the business owners was relevant to include in the study.


15 Example: The research I found on the topic was limited.

Some countable nouns in English such as earnings, goods, odds, surroundings, proceeds, contents, and valuables only have a plural form and take a plural verb.

Example: The earnings for this quarter exceed expectations.

Example: The proceeds from the sale go to support the homeless population in the city.

Example: Locally produced goods have the advantage of shorter supply chains.

In sentences beginning with "there is" or "there are," the subject follows the verb. Since

"there" is not the subject, the verb agrees with what follows the verb.

Example: There is little administrative support.

Example: There are many factors affecting teacher retention.

Collective nouns are words that imply more than one person but are considered singular and take a singular verb. Some examples are "group," "team," "committee," "family,"

and "class."

Example: The group meets every week.

Example: The committee agrees on the quality of the writing.

However, the plural verb is used if the focus is on the individuals in the group. This is much less common.

Example: The committee participate in various volunteer activities in their private lives.


16 Exercise: subject verb agreement

Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.

2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.

8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.

9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.

10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

5. Arranging Formal Meeting

How To Arrange A Meeting At Work

In many jobs, you’ll sometimes have to arrange a meeting with colleagues, your boss or manager, clients, etc. This page shows you the words and phrases to use to arrange a meeting – when you write or when you speak.


17 Follow the plans below to structure your emails and phone calls when you arrange a work meeting.

Formal Meetings

Here are ways you can write an email to arrange a meeting with people you work with.

Follow this “plan” to write a simple, concise and clear email.

I’d like to arrange / organise / call a meeting…

… to discuss our strategy / plans

… to clarify our policy on / our response to …

… to prepare for the exhibition / conference

… to finalise details / preparations for …

… to establish guidelines / our procedure for …

… to examine our financial position

… to review our options / our spending / our budget / our policy on…

The meeting will be held at (place) on (day) at (time) / from (time) to (time).

(Please find attached the agenda.)

Please confirm your attendance / Please confirm that you can attend.

I look forward to seeing you (all) then.

(your name)

Informal Meetings

You can either email or phone or speak in person to arrange a more informal meeting.

Here are some phrases you can use.

In emails


18 Would you be free for a meeting on (day) at (time)?

Can you make / attend a meeting on (day) at (time)?

I’d like to discuss / prepare / review…

It’s about (subject).

I’ve prepared an agenda (attached).

Please confirm that this date suits you.


Would you be free for a meeting later today / after lunch / some time tomorrow about…?

We need to discuss / prepare / review / go over…

Shall we say at around (time) in the boardroom / my office?

How To Arrange A Meeting With Clients

Here are some ways you can email a client to arrange a sales or presentation meeting.


Dear (name)

Introductory paragraph

Following our meeting / phone call on (day), I’m writing to set up a meeting with you …

…to discuss a possible solution to (name of problem)

…to discuss some ways in which our product / service can benefit you



…to present our new (product) to you

…to introduce you to (name of new colleague) Next 1 / 2 paragraphs

Here, you’ll need to give some more detail about the meeting, your product or service, etc, and why it will benefit your potential client. Try to be as specific as possible and match your client’s needs to the product or service.

Final paragraph

Would you be free on (date) at around (time)? I estimate the meeting will take 15 / 30 minutes.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely / Best wishes

(your name)

Useful Meeting And Discussion Phrasal Verbs

to set up a meeting = organise / arrange a meeting: “I’d like to set up a meeting to discuss the travel details.”

to work out = find a solution to something, or finalise something

“We need to work out how our approach this negotiation.”

“Can you work out a time that everyone can make?”

to thrash out / to hammer out = to discuss until you find a solution – often to a complex situation:

“We’ll need to sit down and thrash out the details of the agreement.”



“They hammered out an agreement after eight hours of talks.”

to pin down = to get someone to agree something – especially when this person doesn’t easily commit to things

“You’ll need to pin him down for your starting salary.”

to go over = to discuss

“Can we go over the arrangements for the launch?”

Exercise : arranging business meeting.


All well organized meetings have an agenda. Attendees need to know what will be discussed and when in advance. This is important because attendees will have an opportunity to be prepared and topics won’t simply “sneak up on them”.

Activity 4: Have your student brainstorm a list of topics that might be discussed in a meeting. If possible, he/she can even provide topics that are typically discussed in their meetings. Other things on the agenda would be: leader of the topic, what the attendees should prepare, desired outcome, and time allotted. The students should then practice preparing the agenda for a meeting


Leader of the topic

What the attendees should prepare Desired outcome

Time allotted

6. Subject and object pronouns


21 We use a pronoun when we don't want to repeat a noun or a noun phrase.

Subject pronouns

The English subject pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it, we they. (Of course, we use 'you' when we're talking to one person and when we're talking to more than one person.)

1: We use these pronouns when they are the subject of a verb.

I like London.

You have eaten the chocolate.

He plays football.

She hates mushrooms.

It was cold.

We are French.

They are going home.

Object Pronouns

In English, we also have object pronouns. These are: me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

(Notice that 'it' and 'you' are the same when they're subject pronouns or object pronouns.)

We use the object pronouns in most situations when the pronoun is not the subject of a verb.

1: We use them for the object of a verb.

John knows me.

Amanda kissed you.

The dog licked him.

David hugged her.

The teacher dropped it.


22 The children love us.

Luke helped them.

2: We use them after a preposition (including after phrasal verbs).

It's important to me.

Can the children come with you?

Look at her!

The chocolate is for him.

David is looking forward to it.

Keep up with us!

Lucy works for them.

3: We use them after 'be'. (In very formal English, the subject pronoun is sometimes used here, but this is very old-fashioned and unusual.)

Who's there? It's me!

It's you.

This is her.

It was him!

4: We use them with short answers.

A: Who's there? B: Me!

A: Who ate the cake? B: Him!

A: I'm tired. B: Me too.

With short answers, we can also use a subject pronoun + a verb. This sounds a bit more formal than the object pronoun alone.

A: Who's there? B: I am!

A: Who ate the cake? B: He did!

A: I'm tired. B: I am too.

5: We use them after 'as' and 'than' for comparison.

She is as tall as me.

He is taller than her.

We can again use the subject pronoun + a verb in the same situation.

She is taller than I am.


23 He is taller than she is.

6: We use them after 'but' and 'except'.

Everybody went home early but me.

Everybody went home early except him.

Exercise : subject and object pronoun 1..This is Sam. I go to school with _____.

A. he B. him

2._____ are going into town.

A. Us B. We

3.Why are you looking at _____?

A. me B. I

4._____ goes to bed at nine o'clock.

A. Her B. She

5.This is Tom's trumpet. _____ plays it every day.

A. He B. Him

6.These are my hamsters. Do you like _____?

A. they B. them

Exercise 2

7. He lives with Jennifer.

He lives with ... .

8. Thomas likes the movie.


24 Thomas likes ...

9. Jane and I are friends.

... are friends.

10. The computer is broken.

... is broken.

7. Verb as COMPLEMENT Pengertian Verb Complement

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, mungkin kita sering mendengar, mengatakan, menulis, maupun membaca complement. dalam bahasa Indonesia, kata complement diartikan sebagai pelengkap. Jadi, ketika kita artikan secara harfiah, maka verb complement memiliki arti pelengkap dari kata kerja

Seperti pelengkap pada umumnya, verb complement menurut grammar bahasa Inggris memiliki definisi yaitu object langsung (direct object) atau object tidak langsung (indirect object) yang mengikuti suatu predikat (Action verb).

Object yang dimaksud dapat berupa noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), noun phrase, noun clause, verb, atau parts of speech lainnya. Verb dapat menjadi objek dari kata kerja lain ketika ia berbentuk gerund (verb + -ing) atau ketika berbentuk infinitive.

Verb complement mengekspresikan pelengkap yang dibutuhkan oleh subject dan predikat (verb) agar suatu kalimat menjadi lengkap atau masuk akal.

Penggunaan Verb Complement dalam Bahasa Inggris

Terdapat begitu banyak kata, frasa, atau klausa yang dapat digunakan sebagai verb compliment. Untuk lebih memahami apa itu verb complement dan cara penggunaannya


25 dalam bahasa Inggris, maka penulis akan memaparkan contoh beberapa bentuk verb complement dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.

1. Verb Complement: Noun Phrase

Noun phrase (frasa kata benda) ketika digunakan dalam kalimat dapat menjadi objek tidak langsung (indirect object) atau objek langsung (direct object). Berikut ini merupakan contoh penggunaan verb complement dengan bentuk noun phrase:

We walk the dog to the central park of Jakarta

(kami mengajak anjing berjalan-jalan ke taman pusat Jakarta)

The dog pada kalimat ini merupakan noun phrase yang menjadi direct object

She handed me the bag (dia memberikan tas padaku)

. Verb Complement: Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional phrase adalah frasa yang terdiri dari kata depan. Kata depan yang dimaksud dapat berupa to, on, in, atau yang lainnya. Ketika menjadi verb complement, prepositional phrase menjadi penerima dari si object, merujuk pada suatu lokasi, atau sebagai ekspresi dari verb utama. Berikut ini merupakan contoh penggunaan verb complement dengan bentuk prepositional phrase:

She gave the flower to me (dia memberikan bunga padaku)

Frasa to me merupakan penerima dari objek (the flower)

The flower is on the floor (bunga itu ada di lantai)


26 Frasa on the floor merujuk pada lokasi subject, yaitu di lantai

It contains of She refers to the meat.

(itu mengandung banyak protein. Dia merujuk pada daging itu)

3. Verb Complement: Adjective

Salah satu bentuk verb complement selanjutnya adalah adjective atau kata sifat. Ketika suatu verb diikuti oleh adjective (umumnya auxiliary verb), maka kata kerja sifat tersebut menyatakan suatu keadaan dari si subject. Di bawah ini merupakan contoh penggunaan verb complement dengan bentuk adjective:

The Children are healthy (anak-anak itu sehat)

kata healthy merupakan suatu kata sifat yang menjelaskan bahwa kondisi anak-anak tersebut sedang sehat

the body of yours is so tall.

(badan anda sangatlah tinggi)

4. Verb Complement: Participle

Bentuk verb complement selanjutnya yang kita bahas yaitu participle. Bentuk kedua kata kerja ini ketika dijadikan verb complement ia memiliki fungsi yaitu mengekspresikan sumber atau penerima dari suatu perasaan tertentu. Berikut ini merupakan contoh penggunaan verb complement dengan bentuk participle:

Running is tiring. They are tired.


27 (berlari itu melelahkan. Mereka kelelahan)

Kata tiring disini menunjukkan bahwa sumber dari kelelahan adalah subject (running), dan kata tired menjelaskan bahwa subject (they) menerima rasa lelah.

5. Verb Complement: Gerund

Suatu kata kerja dapat menjadi object bagi kata kerja utama. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi salah satunya jika kata kerja yang menjadi object merupakan gerund (verb-ing). Ketika dijadikan object, biasanya gerund mengekspresikan pendapat mengenai aktivitas kedua.

Di bawah ini merupakan contoh penggunaan verb complement berupa gerund:

She enjoy running everyday (dia menikmati berlari setiap hari)

Smith and Mrs. Smith love swimming (tuan Smith dan nyonya Smith suka berlari)

6. Verb Complement: Infinitive

Kata kerja dalam bentuk infinitive dapat menjadi suatu object bagi kata kerja utama.

Berikut ini merupakan contoh penggunaan infinitive sebagai verb complement:

She plan to run this morning (dia berencana berlari pagi ini)

My Brother want to make his dream comes true (saudara laki-laki saya ingin mewujudkan impiannya)

7. Verb Complement: Adverb


28 Adverb alias kata keterangan dapat digunakan sebagai verb complement dengan tujuan untuk melengkapi sedikit ekspresi. Di bawah ini merupakan contoh penggunaan adverb sebagai verb complement:

The only way to speak in public is confidently

(satu-satunya cara untuk berbicara di depan umum adalah lakukan dengan percaya diri)

The beauty of our world is absolutely. We must protect it.

(kecantikan dari dunia kita merupakan sesuatu yang mutlak. Kita harus melindunginya)

Karena merupakan pelengkap dari kata kerja, maka tidak terdapat rumus khusus dalam menggunakan verb complement.

Exercise : subject verb agreement

Put the verb into the correct form (to+infinitive or -ing).

1. I enjoy (be) alone.

2. Would you like (come) to a party?

3. Do you mind (travel) such a long way to work every day?

4. Ann loves (cook) but she hates (wash) dishes.

5. I can’t stand people (tell) me what to do when I’m driving.

6. I don’t like that house. I would hate (live) there.

7. Do you like (drive)?

8. When I have to catch a train, I’m always worried about missing it. So I like (get) to the station in plenty of time.

9. I very much enjoy (listen) to classical music.

10. I would love (come) to your wedding but it just isn’t possible.

8. REFUSAL LETTER Rejection of Job Offer


29 A polite refusal is an applicant's responsibility as well as a professional courtesy. You notify the employer that you are not interested in working for the company and thereby allow him/her to continue to search as quickly as possible. Also closing the door gently, ending negotiation pleasantly on a note of goodwill, makes good sense in terms of the future. In writing the refusal letter, use the indirect plan, giving reasons before saying no as described below.

Do not put off writing refusal letters. They are not crucial to you personally, but they are important to the employer and to others who may be under consideration for the position you are refusing. The sooner you step out of the way, the easier it will be for others.


Thank the company for the offer.

Be polite, but firmly reject the offer.

Give reasons why you turned the offer down. Doing this will improve the experience for future applicants.

Leave the door open in case you wish to apply for another position at the company in the future.


Ernie English

1234 Writing Lab Lane Write City, IN 12345

Dear Mr. English:


30 The purpose of this letter is to reject a job offer presented to you by a company. It is important to be polite, while at the same time firmly rejecting the offer. In the opening paragraph, thank the employer for the offer. Convey that although you appreciated the offer, you are unable to accept the position. You may also wish to use an indirect approach, by stating the reasons for your refusal before rejecting the offer.

You should then give the employer the reasons for your refusal. The rejection of an offer is somewhat unimportant to the applicant, but it is extremely important to the employer.

It allows the company to formally move on to the next applicant. More importantly, it tells the employer how to make the offer more appealing for the next applicant. After all, how can they be expected to fix a problem if they don't know what it is? After you have stated your reasons for rejecting their offer, politely refuse the offer (if you haven't already done so).

End your letter with a sense of goodwill. This is important because you may wish to apply for a position with the company at a later date. Also, be sure to thank them for the time they invested while working with you.


Lucy Letter

123 Winner's Road

New Employee Town, PA 12345

Exercise : REFUSAL letter

Write a letter turning down a job applicant. An out-of-town friend has asked you to see his son, Paul Dubois, a young college graduate who wants a job in sales. As the sales director of Lancer Foods, you agree to talk to Paul about his plans, knowing that a junior


31 sales position will soon become available. During the interview, it becomes clear that, although Paul has a pleasant, outgoing personality, he has no sales experience. More important, he has no record of work or other experience to indicate that he is hard- working and reliable. Since Paul is going home the next day, you promise to write to him within two weeks. When you discuss the job opening with your personnel manager, you find that other applicants are more qualified. Write a letter of refusal to Paul. Remember he will probably show it to his father. Mr. Paul Dubois 9 Oak Avenue Digby, NS B7M 8Q2

9. EITHER AND NEITHER Either and neither

By Marina Pantcheva

If you are unsure how to use either and neither, do not worry much – many native English speakers are frustrated by the same problem. On this page, you can read about how to use them in negative sentences, in combination with or and nor, and on their own.


Either and neither are used in negative sentences to mean “too.”

(1) I can’t come to the party.

I can’t either.

Neither can I.

Although either and neither are both used as a “negative too”, they follow different rules:

Either is combined with a negative verb and comes last in the sentence.

(2) Mary did not pass the exam. John did not either.


32 Neither is combined with a positive verb and comes first in the sentence and is followed by the verb. The subject comes third.

(3) Mary did not pass the exam. Neither did John.

It is wrong to combine neither with a negative verb.

(4) John did not neither. [incorrect!]

(5) Neither did not John. [incorrect!]

It is wrong to use too or as well in a negative sentence.

(6) John did not too. [incorrect!]

(7) John did not as well. [incorrect!]

EITHER AND NEITHER USED ON THEIR OWN When used alone, either means “any of the two.”

(8) I need to find a car to move house. My uncle has two. Either will suit my purposes.

When used alone, neither means “none of the two.”

(9) I have two cars, but neither is big enough.

Do not use either/neither when there are more than two things involved. Use any/none in such case.

(10) My uncle has many cars. I can borrow any of them.

(11) I have three cars. None has enough space for a refrigerator.

Use the singular form of the verb when either and neither stand alone.



Either … or means “one of the two, but not both”

(12) Either Mary or John will pick you up at the airport.

Mary will pick you up, or John will pick you up.

Neither … nor means “none of the two”

(13) Neither Mary nor John will pick you up at the airport.

Mary will not pick you up, and John will not pick you up.

Either is always combined with or, neither with nor. The following sentence is wrong because neither is combined with or.

(14) Neither the Dean or the Chancellor wanted to accept the new regulations.


With either … or and neither … nor, the noun closest to the verb determines the agreement on the verb.

(15) Either my uncle or his sons have a big truck. [plural have becauseof sons]

(16) Does either my uncle or his sons have a big truck? [singular does because of my uncle]


These few short rules will help you next time you wonder about either and neither.

In negation: either comes last and combines with a negated verb; neither comes first and combines with a positive verb.


34 Alone: either means “one of the two”; neither means “none of the two.” Use a singular verb.

Either combines with or; neither combines with nor.

Exercise : either and neither 1. She didn't like _____ of them.

A. either B. neither

2 . Doesn't she like _____ of them?

A. either B. neither

3 . I'm sorry, but I couldn't get through to ______ of them.

A. either B. neither

4 - _____ of them told me about it so I didn't go.

A. Either B. Neither

5. Did you manage to speak to _____ of them by any chance?

A. either B. neither

6. If _____ of them can come, I'll be upset- I hope at least one turns up.

A. either B. neither

7. We use a negative verb with...

A. either B. neither 8. Neither...

A. ...or B. ...nor 9. Either...


35 A. ...or

B. ...nor

10. We ____ a negative verb with 'neither'.

A. use B. don't use

10. A letter of apology

The Elements of a Good Apology Letter

Sorry does seem to be the hardest word, but if you can master these steps in the apology process, you’re sure to make a good impression. These guidelines apply whether you’re apologizing for a personal error, or you’re writing an apology on behalf of a team or business.

Say you’re sorry. Not, “I’m sorry, but . . .” Just plain ol’ “I’m sorry.”

Own the mistake. It’s important to show the wronged person that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions.

Describe what happened. The wronged person needs to know that you understand what happened and why it was hurtful to them. Make sure you remain focused on your role rather than deflecting the blame.

Have a plan. Let the wronged person know how you intend to fix the situation.

Admit you were wrong. It takes a big person to own up to being wrong. But you’ve already reminded yourself that you’re a big person. You’ve got this.

Ask for forgiveness. A little vulnerability goes a long way toward proving that you mean what you say.

—If You Want to Know How to Apologize, First Do This…

It’s as easy (and as hard) as that. No minimizing, no shifting blame, no defenses. Now, let’s take a look at some apology letter examples that follow this format.


36 Apology Letter Examples

Before you begin writing, there are a few pointers to keep in mind. First, keep your letter brief and to the point. Don’t ramble on about what happened—distill it to the essentials.

Don’t exaggerate, either. There’s no need to fall on your sword. But do keep your language respectful, sincere, and professional.

The Third-Party Apology

If you supervise an employee who made a mistake and find yourself apologizing to a customer or client, it’s important that you take responsibility without dumping all the blame on the employee. After all, what your employees do reflects your leadership.

Dear Ms. Jones,

On behalf of ABC Office Equipment, I extend our sincerest apologies for the bad experience you had with our sales associate, James. I understand that James made unprofessional remarks when you visited our storefront to inquire about a new copier.

You came to us in search of information, and instead were subjected to a pushy salesperson.

At ABC, it’s our goal to help you make an informed purchase decision without having to deal with aggressive sales tactics. James is a new employee that I’ve been training. I take full responsibility for his behavior. He has received a written reprimand and will be shadowing one of our senior sales associates until he has a better understanding of the ABC Office Equipment approach to customer service.

I’m grateful that you brought this issue to my attention and I ask your forgiveness. We’d love to earn your business. I’ve included a voucher for 20 percent off your next purchase in our store as a thank-you, should you decide to give us a second chance.

We hope to see you again soon!

Kind regards,


37 Jennifer Smith Equipment Sales Manager

The Personal Apology Letter

Sometimes, you have to own up to something you did that hurt or inconvenienced another person. We’ve all been there. Keep it simple. Don’t make excuses. Show that you’re trying to improve.

Dear Dylan,

I apologize for not arriving on time to pick you up from the airport yesterday afternoon. I have no excuse for keeping you waiting and wondering when your ride would show up.

It’s important to me not to let people down when they’re depending on me. Next time, I’ll make better use of calendar alerts so I’ll be sure to leave in plenty of time to arrive as scheduled, or even ahead of schedule.

I humbly ask your forgiveness. I hope my mistake won’t prevent you from seeking my help in the future. I’m always happy to be of service.

All the best,


Exercise : a letter of apology

You have been tasked with organising the psychological training for your soldiers. Write a letter to the instructors who are going to run the course 1) asking them for advice about the programme of the course, 2) apologising for the change of the date and place of the training and giving justification, 3) offering some advice on the best accommodation option for the instructors. Write at least 120 words.






english.org/english_learning/english_beginners/can_can_t_exercises/00_can_can_t_gr ammar_rules.htm


https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/grammar/adjective_or_adverb/index.html https://www.ef.com/wwen/english-resources/english-grammar/simple-past-tense/



https://www.google.com/amp/s/ginsengenglish.com/blog/simple-future%3fformat=amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gramedia.com/literasi/simple-past-tense/amp/

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ruangguru.com/blog/comparison- degree%3fhs_amp=true


https://www.grammarbank.com/present-continuous-tense-exercises.html https://www.grammarbank.com/simple-past-tense-exercises.html



https://www.lifehack.org/677367/powerful-daily-routine https://www.wordreference.com/definition/economics


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