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Implementasi dan Analisis Algoritma Kompresi Punctured Elias Codes dan Ternary Comma Code Pada File .Doc


Academic year: 2017

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* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User

* Date: 5/1/2016 * Time: 9:01 PM *

* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace aplikasi_kompresi {

/// <summary>

/// Description of MainForm. /// </summary>

public partial class MainForm : Form {

public MainForm() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.


InitializeComponent(); //

// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.

// }

void CompressionToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e)



fCompr.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fCompr.Location = new Point(0, 0);

fCompr.MdiParent = this; fCompr.Show();

fCompr.Focus(); }

void closeMdiChidlAKt() {

if (ActiveMdiChild != null) ActiveMdiChild.Close(); }

void DecompressionToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender , EventArgs e)



halaman_dekompresi fDeCompres = new halaman_dekompresi();

fDeCompres.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fDeCompres.Location = new Point(0, 0);

fDeCompres.MdiParent = this; fDeCompres.Show();

fDeCompres.Focus(); }

private void aboutApplicationToolStripMenuItem_Click(o bject sender, EventArgs e)



halaman_application HApp = new halaman_application();

HApp.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; HApp.Location = new Point(0, 0);

HApp.MdiParent = this; HApp.Show();

HApp.Focus(); }

private void profileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sen der, EventArgs e)



halaman_profile HPro = new halaman_profile(); HPro.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; HPro.Location = new Point(0, 0);


HPro.Focus(); }

private void eXITToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender , EventArgs e)


this.Close(); }

private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {


FrmHome FH = new FrmHome();

FH.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; FH.Location = new Point(0, 0);

FH.MdiParent = this; FH.Show();

FH.Focus(); }

} }

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace aplikasi_kompresi {

public partial class FrmHome : Form {

public FrmHome() {

InitializeComponent(); }

private void FrmHome_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

} } }



* User: User * Date: 5/1/2016 * Time: 9:44 PM *

* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO;

using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; namespace aplikasi_kompresi


/// <summary>

/// Description of Halaman_Compression. /// </summary>

public partial class Halaman_Compression : Form {

String Algort;

public Halaman_Compression() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.


InitializeComponent(); //

// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.

// }

private string readFileContent(string path) {

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application wordApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();

object file = path;

object nullobj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document doc =



doc.ActiveWindow.Selection.WholeStory(); doc.ActiveWindow.Selection.Copy();

IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); return data.GetData(DataFormats.Text).ToString(); doc.Close(ref nullobj, ref nullobj, ref nullobj); wordApp.Quit(ref nullobj, ref nullobj, ref nullobj );


void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

OpenFileDialog openFiledialog1 = new OpenFileDialog(); openFiledialog1.Filter = "Document(*.doc)|*.doc";

if (openFiledialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)


txtNamaFile.Text = openFiledialog1.FileName; }


void Button4Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

txtNamaFile.Text = ""; txtSaveFile.Text = ""; txtRc.Text = "";

txtCr.Text = ""; txtSS.Text = "";

txtTimeProcess.Text = ""; txtUncomPBit.Text = ""; txtCompBit.Text = ""; txtTCC.Text = ""; }

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog(); if (Algort == "TCC")


SFD.Filter = "Text Files|*.tcc"; }

else {

SFD.Filter = "Text Files|*.pec"; }


txtSaveFile.Text = SFD.FileName; }


private void btnCommpress_Click(object sender, EventAr gs e)


System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

if (Algort == "TCC") {

watch.Start(); String st

= readFileContent(txtNamaFile.Text ); TernaryCommaCodes tcc = new TernaryCommaCodes();

tcc.ProcessTCC(st, txtSaveFile.Text); double Cratio = tcc.CR;

txtRc.Text = tcc.RC.ToString(); txtCr.Text = tcc.CR.ToString(); txtSS.Text = tcc.SS.ToString(); txtUncomPBit.Text =

tcc.uncompressed_bits.ToString(); txtCompBit.Text = tcc.compressed_bits.ToString();

txtTCC.Text = tcc.HasilComp; txtTCC.Visible = true;


txtTimeProcess.Text =

watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms"; }

else {

watch.Start(); String st

= readFileContent(txtNamaFile.Text);

PuncturedEliasCodeP1 PEC = new PuncturedEliasCodeP1();

PEC.RunPuncturedEliasP1(st, txtSaveFile.Text );

double Cratio = PEC.CR;


PEC.uncompressed_bits.ToString(); txtCompBit.Text = PEC.compressed_bits.ToString();

txtTCC.Text = PEC.HasilComp; watch.Stop();

txtTimeProcess.Text =

watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms"; }


private void rbPEC_CheckedChanged(object sender, Event Args e)


Algort = "PEC";

txtTCC.Visible = false; label3.Visible = true ;

txtSaveFile.Visible = true ; btnSave.Visible = true ; }

private void rbTCC_CheckedChanged(object sender, Event Args e)


Algort = "TCC";

txtTCC.Visible = false; label3.Visible = false;

txtSaveFile.Visible = false; btnSave.Visible = false; }

private void Halaman_Compression_Load(object sender, E ventArgs e)


txtTCC.Visible = false; }

void TxtTCCTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

} } }


* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User


* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace aplikasi_kompresi {

/// <summary>

/// Description of halaman_dekompresi. /// </summary>

public partial class halaman_dekompresi : Form {

public halaman_dekompresi() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.


InitializeComponent(); //

// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.

// }

string Algort;

void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

OpenFileDialog openFiledialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

if (Algort == "TCC") {

openFiledialog1.Filter = "File TCC|*.tcc"; }

else {

openFiledialog1.Filter = "File PEC|*.pec"; }

if (openFiledialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)



MessageBox.Show("File Berhasil Dipilih!"); }


void Button4Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

txtopenFile.Text = ""; txtSaveFile.Text = "";

txttimeprocess.Text = ""; }

private void rbTCC_CheckedChanged(object sender, Event Args e)


Algort = "TCC"; aktif11(true); aktif(false); }

private void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog(); SFD.Filter = "File DOC|*.doc";

if (SFD.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) {

txtSaveFile.Text = SFD.FileName; }


private void btnDecomp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

if (Algort == "TCC") {


TernaryCommaCodes TCC = new TernaryCommaCodes();

TCC.deComprTCC(txtTextAwal.Text, txtStb.Text, txtSaveFile.Text);


txttimeprocess.Text =


LblHasil.Text = "Decompressed_String sama dengan String asli? " + TCC.Hasil.ToString();


else {


PuncturedEliasCodeP1 PEC = new PuncturedEliasCodeP1 ();

PEC.deComprPEC(txtTextAwal.Text, txtopenFile.T ext, txtSaveFile.Text);


txttimeprocess.Text =


LblHasil.Text = "Decompressed_String sama dengan String asli? " + PEC.Hasil.ToString();

} }

void RbPECCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

Algort = "PEC"; aktif(true); aktif11(false); }

private void halaman_dekompresi_Load(object sender, Ev entArgs e)


aktif(false); aktif11(false); }

private void aktif(Boolean akt) {


txtopenFile.Visible = akt; btnBrowse.Visible = akt; }

private void aktif11(Boolean akt) {

label5.Visible = akt; txtStb.Visible = akt; }

void BtnClearClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

txtopenFile.Text = ""; txtStb.Text = "";


txttimeprocess.Text = ""; }

} }


* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User

* Date: 5/1/2016 * Time: 10:09 PM *

* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace aplikasi_kompresi {

/// <summary>

/// Description of halaman_application. /// </summary>

public partial class halaman_application : Form {

public halaman_application() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.


InitializeComponent(); //

// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.

// }

void Label2Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {



* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User

* Date: 5/1/2016 * Time: 10:16 PM *

* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace aplikasi_kompresi {

/// <summary>

/// Description of halaman_profile. /// </summary>

public partial class halaman_profile : Form {

public halaman_profile() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.


InitializeComponent(); //

// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.

// }


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