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Investigation of the Effect of Heat Moisture Treatment on Local Sweet Potato Starch Characteristics | Zaidiyah | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5804 11809 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

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Pr oceedings of The 5t hAnnual I nt er nat ional Confer ence Syiah Kuala Univer sit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2015

I n conj unct ion wit h The 8t hI nt er nat ional Confer ence of Chem ical En gineer ing on Science and Applicat ions ( ChESA) 2015 Sept em ber 9 - 11, 2015, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia

I n ve st iga t ion of t h e Effe ct of H e a t M oist u r e Tr e a t m e n t on

Loca l Sw e e t Pot a t o St a r ch Ch a r a ct e r ist ics

1*Zaidiyah, and 2Lukm anul Hakim

1Depart m ent of Agricult ural I ndust rial Technology, Facult y of Agricult ural Technology,

Seram bi Mekkah Univer sit y, Banda Aceh 23111 , I ndonesia;

2Depart m ent of Food Tachnology , Facult y of Agr icult ural Technology, Seram bi Mekkah

Universit y, Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia; product ion values wit h different variet ies t o be developed and ut ilized as int erm ediat e product s as dry st arch which can be furt her processed by t he food processing indust ry and non - food indust ry. wat er cont ent and ash of nat ive and t reat ed st arch of local variet ies differ in t heir flesh colour.

M a t e r ia ls a n d M e t h ods M a t e r ia ls

Three variet ies of sweet pot at oes differ in t heir flesh colour ( light cream , yellow, and purple) were collect ed in Saree, Aceh Besar.

St a r ch e x t r a ct ion


Pr oceedings of The 5t hAnnual I nt er nat ional Confer ence Syiah Kuala Univer sit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2015

I n conj unct ion wit h The 8t hI nt er nat ional Confer ence of Chem ical En gineer ing on Science and Applicat ions ( ChESA) 2015 Sept em ber 9 - 11, 2015, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia

H e a t M oist u r e Tr e a t m e n t ( H M T)

Heat m oist ure t reat m ent was carried out wit h t he m et hod of Collado et al. ( 2001) . The m oist ure

cont ent of t he nat ive st arch was adj ust ed t o 25% by adding dist illed wat er and kept at 5 - 6°C

overnight . The sam ples was t hen heat ed in t he oven at 110°C for 3 h. Aft er t hat t he sam ples were

im m ediat ely cooled t o avoid furt her gelat inizat ion and dried in oven drying 50°C. The t reat ed st arch

was cooled at am bient t em perat ure and pack for furt her analysis.

Pr ox im a t e a n a ly sis a n d TD F

Wat er cont ent , ash, TDF and fat were analyzed using AOAC m et hod ( 2000) . Crude prot ein cont ent using m icro Kj edahl m et hod ( Conversion fact or 6,25) .

Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion

W a t e r con t e n t , a sh , fa t , a n d cr u de pr ot e in con t e n t

Wat er Cont ent , ash, fat , and crude prot ein cont ent shows in Table 1. Wat er cont ent , fat , and cr ude prot ein show significat different bet ween nat ive and t reat ed st arch, however ash show not significant different am ong t hem . For som e reason sweet pot at o is not such a kind of fat and prot ein resource. The cont ent of proxim at e analysis is varied am ong sweet pot at oes genot ype. Fat and crude prot ein aft er t reat ed wit h HMT is lower t han before. This is could be happen because som e of fat and prot ein m olecules were det oriat ed during heat ing process.

Table 1. Physichochem ical propert ies of nat ive and t reat ed st arch of local sweet pot at o

Param et er ( % )

Nat ive St arch ( Non- HMT) Treat ed St arch ( HMT)

P value yellow

( v1)

purple ( v2)

light cream ( v3)

yellow ( v1)

purple ( v2)

Light cream ( v3)

Wat er cont ent 7.11 7.31 6.70 8.83 8.86 8.84 < 0.001

Ash 0.44 0.44 0.66 0.83 0.49 0.33 0.444

Fat 34.478 37.262 39.471 7.60 6.02 8.7 < 0.001

Crude Prot ein 33.85 47.27 35.02 8.46 9.05 9.92 < 0.001

Tot a l die t a r y fibr e ( TD F)

Tot al diet ary fibre is associat ed wit h digest ibilit y and clasified as undigest able st ach. HMT process could lead t o produce slowly digest ed st arch t hat is seem s t o be associat ed wit h lower glycem ik index value. The result of t ot al diet ary fibre was increased wit h t he t reat m ent ( Figure 2) .

Figure 2. Fibre cont ent of Non- HMT and HMT t reat m ent s

TDF show insignificant different am ong variet ies but showed different significant bet ween nat ive ( Non- HMT) and t reat ed st arch ( HMT) . Tot al diet ary fibre increase aft er HMT pro cess. This st udy is closely sim ilar t o previous st udy conduct ed by Senanayake, et al. ( 2014) and Pranot o et al. ( 2014) .


Pr oceedings of The 5t hAnnual I nt er nat ional Confer ence Syiah Kuala Univer sit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2015

I n conj unct ion wit h The 8t hI nt er nat ional Confer ence of Chem ical En gineer ing on Science and Applicat ions ( ChESA) 2015 Sept em ber 9 - 11, 2015, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia

HMT m et hod can change t he charact erist ics of st arch by increase t he gelat inizat ion t em perat ure, increase t he viscosit y of st arch past e, and increase t he t endency of ret rogradat ion ( Adebowale et al. 2005) . The cyrst alin st arch st ruct ure im pove along wit h higher t em perat ure ( above gelat inizat ion t em perat ure) , so t hat st arch has perfect ly gelat inized. I n ot her hand a previous research done by Pranot o et al. ( 2014) which is used t he period of HMT t im e st at ed t hat wit h t he longer HMT will increased solubilit y due t o t he weakness of m olecular binding of st arch int erm olecul. According t o Syam sir, et al. ( 2012) t he changes of t he st arch m olecular t hat is lead t o increase TDF will be not proceed under m oist ure cont ent ( < 20% ) , and lower t em perat ure.

Con clu sion s

HMT led t o decrease solubilit y which is result ed in higher t ot al diet ary fibre ( significant different P< 0,001) .

Ack n ow le dge m e n t s

The aut hor s grat efully ack nowledge t he Direct orat e General of Higher Educat ion, Minist ry of Nat ional Educat ion for financial support t hrough t he program of Universit y Research Gr ant cooperat ion ( Hibah Pekert i) wit h cont ract num ber: 232/ K.13.2.2/ UM/ 2015.

Re fe re n ce s

Adebow ale, K.O., Owolabi, B.I .O., Olaw um i, E.K., and Law al O.S. ( 2005) . Funct ional Pr oper t ies of Nat iv e Phy sically and Chem ically Modified Br eadfr uit St ar ch. I ndust r ial Cr ops and Pr oduct . 21: 343 - 351.

Collado, L.S., and Cor ke, H. ( 1997) . Proper t ies of St ar ch Noodles as Affect ed by Sw eet pot at o Genot y pe. Cer eal Chem ist r y . 74: 182- 187.

Collado, L. S., and Cork e, H. ( 1999) . Heat - m oist ur e Tr eat m ent Effect s on Sweet pot at o St ar ches Differ ing in Am y lose Cont ent . Food Chem ist r y . 65: 339 - 346.

Collado, L.S., Mabesa, L.B., Oat es, C.G., and Cor ke, H. ( 2001) . Bihon Ty pe Noodles from Heat Moist ure Treat ed Sw eet Pot at o St ar ch. J. of Food Sci. 66 ( 4) : 604 - 609.

Jacobs, H., Delcour , JA. ( 1998) . Hydrot er m al Modificat ion of Gr anular St ar ch w it h Ret ent ion of t he Gr anular St uct ur e: A Rev iew . J. Of Agr . and Food Chem . 46: 2895 - 2905.

Pr anot o,Y., Rahm ay uni., Haryadi and Rak shit , S.K. ( 2014) . Phy sicochem ical Pr oper t ies of Heat Moist ur e Tr eat ed Sw eet Pot at o St ar ches of Select ed I ndonesian Var iet ies. I nt er nat ional Food Research Jour nal. 21( 5) : 2031-2038.

Senay ak e, S., Gunar at m e, A., Ranaw eer a, K.K.D.S., and Bam unuar achchi, A. ( 2014) . Effect of Heat Moist ure Tr eat m ent on Digest ibilit y of Different Cult iv ar s of Sweet Pot at o (I pom ea bat at as) St ar ch. Food Science and Nut r it ion. 2( 4) : 398- 402.

Singh, S., Raina, C.S., Baw a, A.S., Sax ena, D.C. ( 2005) . Effect of Heat Moist ur e Treat m ent and Acid Modificat ion on Rheological Tex t ur al, and Differ ent ial Scanning Calor im et r y Char act er ist ics of Sw eet pot at o St ar ch. J. of Food Sci. 70: 373- 378.

St ut e, R. ( 1992) . Hy dr ot herm al Modificat ion of St ar ches: The Difference Bet w een Annealing and Heat Moist ur e Tr eat m ent . St arch. 44: 205- 214 .

Sy am sir , E., Har iy adi, P., Far diaz, D., Andar w ulan, N., and Kusnandar , F. ( 2012) . Effect of Heat Moist ure Tr eat m ent Pr ocess on Phy sicochem ical Char act er ist ic of St ar ch. A Rev iew in J. Tek nologi dan I ndust r i Pangan. 23 ( 1) .


Table 1. Physichochemical properties of native and treated starch of local sweet potato


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