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02 proceeding identifying open space sport and recreation facilities yogyakarta


Academic year: 2017

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Scientific Meeting,

Welcoming 266 South-East Asian Games




The International







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The tnternational Gonference



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fhe internotionol Conference Solidatity far Unity Throuqh Sports


Assa I a n u' al aiku m w arrah m at u I I a h i w a bar akatu h

May we first made our highest praise and thank to Allah sM, for His bless we able to gathered here on the prestigious occasion of ihe Scientific Meeting for Welcoming the 26s ioutheast Asian Games with general theme "solidarity for Unity Through Sports to share our knowledge and ideas with so much warmness and friendship from Sotrlheast Aslan spods communltY.

This conference serves as a platform which allows scholars, professionals, researchers and sport technocrats to share and discuss the latest knowledge and findings with the purpose of transforming a revitalization and rethinking in sport The results from this conferencce are able to revitalize and uphold the spirit of olympism in every sport practice lncluding in the 26b Southeast Asian Games. In line with the commitment to enhance the communication bridge builted through the cooperation behteen sport scienlists' academlcs' practitioners and technocrats from all the Southeast Asia Nations'

I would like to deliver our highest respect and appreciation to Minister of Youth and Sport of Republic of Indonesia, Mr' Andi Alfian Mallarangeng' Ph-D, and ii ls my great pleasant to express my deep gratitude to l\,'lr' Wayne Clews' the Director of Sport from ASPIRE Academy of Sport and Excellence Doha Qatar as our expert Scholar to sharing the latesl issues we are concern. I really expect ihat this conference w'll be beneficial for all of us and have direct to the development of the sports.

Allow me to express my thank to the audiences from Indonesia and other foreign countries who are enthusiastic to attending this precious conference- I do hope that all audiences will gain important values and colaborate it into our own fields and make crucials changes in the future- Beside that, I also convey thank to all of scientific conference

c o m m i t t e s w h o h a s g a v e t h e i r o l l s t a n d i n g c o m m i i m e n t f o r p r e s e n t i n g t h i s l n t e r n a t i o n a |

scientif ic conference.

Listed by the spirits of Olympism and the importance of bringing solidarity and unity through spoits, let's join and blend together in the Scientiflc Conference for Welcoming the 26'hSoutheast Asian Games irl lndonesia.

Wassa I a m u' a I a i ku m w arrah m at u | | a h i w a ba r a katu h

Sincerely yours



Ihe lnternotionol ConJetence Solidorityfor unity Thraugh Sports

Part 1of 5


i<!l*"7g""ii n"n"v", semarang




lr' W'nd n'. VogVuXurta



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Suhariana, Yoqyakada State Universrry "



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Ria Lumintua,so Yogyakada Stale Universrly


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Frmawan Susanlo. Yogyaharta State Unlverslty


6 itifluiro"rlnrun, vutang State University'



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lhe internotiono!conferen.e solidotity for unity Ihrauqh sports


Ermawan Susanto Yogyakarla State Univetsity


Background: Open spaces, sport and recreation all underpin people's quality of life- Well designed and implemented planning policies for open space, sport and recreation are therefore fundamental to delivering broader Government objectives. open space is deflned as land taid out as a public garden, or used for the purposes of public recreation' or land which is a disused burial ground. Open space should be taken to mean all open space of public value, including not jtlst land' but also areas of water such as rivers' canals lakesand reservoirs which offer imporiani opportunities for sport and recreation and can also act as a visLral amenity. Objectives: This research aim to identifying open space for sport and rccreation according large of district, number of citizen' and the characteristic of people In Kola Yogyakarta. Methods: This research using naturalistic qilalitative method There are

t h r e e i n s t r u m e n t s i n t e r u i e w g u i d e , o b s e r v a t i o n , a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n ' | n t e r v i e w d o i n g W j t h H e a d o f f l c e r o f T a t a P e m e r i n t a h a n a n d H e a d o f f i c e r o f B a p p e d a K o t a Y o g y a k a r t a '

o b s e r v a t i o n a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n d o i n g i n l 4 d i s t r i c t s i n K o t a Y o g y a k a r t a R e s u l t s : ( 1 ) i h e r e arc any 24 from 45 districts open space for sport and recreation in Kota Yogyakarta' (2)

there are any 14 kind of field sport in each districts, (3) badminton field it has most of number with 319 field, (4) there are 22 sport clubs in Kota Yogyakarta with badminton club as has

m o s t o f n u m b e r o f S p o r t c | u b s w i t h l g T c l u b s . c o n c l u s i o n : T h e o p e n s p a c e f o r s p o r t a n d recreation is important thing for devclopment in Yogyakaria There is any 24 for 45 district

open space for sport in Yogyakarta Open space for sports and recreation facilities that are of high quality or of particular value to a local community' shollld be recognized and given p oreclion by local dulhoriLios lhrough dppropriale poliules in

olan-Key-words: open space, sport, recreation facilities


open spaces, sport and recreatron all underpin people's quatity of life Weli desigfi l 't:t..

and implemented planning policies for open space, sport and recreahon are m]l]9re fundamental to delivedng broadef Government objeciives These include:


The !ntermtional CanJerence Salidotity far Unitv Ihrough 5porrs

spaces, sports and recreational facilities help create urban environments thal are ailractive' clean and safe. Green spaces In uroan areas pedorm vilal functions as areas Tor naiure conservation and biodiversity and Dy acting as'green lungs' can assist in meeting obiectives to lmprove air quality. Supporting a rural renewal - lhe countryside can provide oppo unllres for recreation and visitors can play an lrnportant role in the regeneration of the economies


rural areas. Open spaces within rural settlements and accessibility to local sporls and rccreational facilities contribute to the quality of life and well being of people who live in rural areas.

Promotion of social inclusion and community cohesion - well planned and maintained

open spaces and good quality spons and recreational facilities can play a maior part in improving people's sense of well being in the place they live As a focal poinl for communlty aclivities, they can bring together members of deprived communities and


opportunities for people for social interaction Health and well being - open spaces' sports ancl recreational facilities have a vital role to play in promoting healthy living and preventing illness, and in the social development of children of all ages through play' sportinq aciivities and interaction with others- Promoting more sustainable development - by ensuring that open space, sports and recreational facitities (particularly in urban areas) are easlly accessible by walking and cycling and that more heavily used or intensive sports and €creational facilities are planned for locations well servecl by pllblic iransport Open space is defined in the Town and country Planning Act 1990 as land laid out as a pLrblic qarden' or used for the purposes of public recreation' or land which is a disused burial qround Open space shotlld be taken to mean all open space of public value' including not iust land' bul also areas of waler such as rlvers' canals' lakes and reservoirs which offer important opportunities for sport ancl recrealion and 'an also act as a visual amenlty'


Assessments of needs and opportunities

According Jim Daly (1995)' /ssessment is an integral part of in\tructbn and learning- When assessment is located in the classroom' il has most immediale value This is tvhy assessment cannot be separatecl from instruction With good assessme'l we can inprove instruction, and with goog instruction we can imprcve the achievement of all sludents. Assessments and audits Wlll allow local authorities to identify specific needs and quantitative or qualitative deficits or surpluses of open space' sports and recreaiional

f a c i l i t i e s i n t h e i r a r e a s . T h e y f o r m t h e s t a d i n g p o i n t f o r e s t a b | i s h i n g a n e f f e c t i v e s t r a t e g y f o r open space, sport and recreation al the local level and for effeciive planninq through the


'lhe ir.ternotiono! Conference Solidority for Unity Thrauqh Sports

To ensure effective planning for open space sport and recreation it ls essential that

lhe needs of local communities are known- Local authorities should Llnderiake robust

assessments of the existing and future needs of their communities for open space' sports

and recreational facilities. Assessments will normally be undertaken at district level althorlgn

assessments of strategic facilities shoLlld be undertaken at regional or sub_reqional levels

A s a m i n i m u m , a s s e s s m e n t s o f n e e d s h o u | d c o v e r t h e d j l f e r i n g a n d d i s i i n c t i v e n e e d s o f t h e

population for open space and buili sports and recreational facilities The needs ol those

working in and visiting areas. as well as residents should also be included Local authorities

shou|d a|so undertake audits of existing open Space. Sports and recrealiona| facilities, the

use made of existing facilities, access in tenns of location and costs (such as charges) and

opporlunities for new open space and faciliiies Audits should consider both the quantitative

and the qualitative elemenis ol open space' sports and recreational facilities Audits of

quality will be particularly imponant as they will allow local authorities to identify potential for

ncreased use through better design' management and maintenance

Good quality assessmenls and audits' leading to clear strategies supported by

effective planning policies, will provide vital tools for resolving the potential conflicts that

arise betlveen different uses and Llsers ofopen space, sports and recreational facilities The

Government expects all local authorities to carry out assessments of needs and audits of

open space and sports and recreational facilities in accordance with the paragraphs aDove

l!,4aintaining an Adequate Supply of Open Space and Sports and Recreational Facilities

Existing open space, spons and recrcational buildings and land should not be buill

on unless an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space or

r h e b u i l d i n g s a n d I a n d t o D e . l s u r p I u s t o r e q u i r e m e n t s . F o r o p e n s p a c e ' ' s u r p l u s t o

requirements' should include consloeration of all the functions that open space can perform

Not alt open space, spod and recreational land and buildings are of equal merit and some

may be available for alternative Llses- In the absence of a robust and up{o-daie assessment

by a local authority, an applicant for planning permission may seek io dernonstrate through

an independent assessment that the land or bLlildings are surplus to fequirements

Open space and sports and recrealional faciliiies that are of high quality or of

particLllar value to a local communlLy, should be recognized and given protection by local

authorities through appropriate policies in plans Afeas of particular quality may include:

a) small areas of open space in urban areas that provide an important local amenily and


The internationol Canference Solidority far Untty Thraugh tports

b) Areas of open space ihat provide a community SoLlrce and can be Llsed for informal

or formal events sucn as rellgious and cultural festivals' agricultLlral shows and

travelling fairs Travelling fairs may also require suitable winter quarters: and

c) Areas of open space that particularly benefit wildlife and biodiversity

Developrnent of open space, sports or recreational facilities may provlce an

opportunity for local authorities to remedy deficiencies in provision For example' where a

local authority has identified a surplus in one iype of open space or sports and recreational

facility but a deficit in another type, planning conditions or obligations may be trsecl lo secLlre

part of the development site for the type of open space or sports and recreational facility ihat

is in deficit. Equally, development may provide the opportunity to exchange the use of one

slte for another to substitute for any loss of open space, or sports or recrealional facility The

new land and faciliiy should be at least as accessible to current and potentlal new users' and

at least equivaleni in terms of size, usefulness' attractiveness and quality

Wherevef possible, the aim should be to achieve qualilative improvements io open

spaces, sports and recreationalfacilities Local authorities should use planning obligations or

c o n ( l i t i o n s t o s e c u r e t h e e x c n a n g e | a n d , e n s u r e a n y n e c e s s a r y w o r k s a r e i l n d e r l a k e n a n d


mainienance agreements- Parks, recreation grounds' playing fields and allotments must not

be regarded as 'previously-developed land' Even where land does fall within the definition of 'previorlsly developed" its existing and potential value for recreation and other purposes

should be properly assessed before development is considered

| n a d v a n c e . ' o l a n a s s e s s m e n t o f n e e d , | o c a ] a u t h o r i t i e s s h o u | d g i v e V e r y c a r e f u F

consideration to any planning applications involving development on playing fields where a

r o b u s t a s s e s s m e n t o f n e e d | n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h i s g u i d a n c e h a s n o t b e e n u n d e r t a k e n ,

planning permission for such devetopments should not be allowed unless: (a) the proposed

d e v e l o p m e n t i s a n c i l l a r y t o t h e U s e o f t h e s i t e a s a p | a y i n g f i e l d ( e . g ' n e w c h a n q i n g r o o m s )

a n d d o e s n o t a d v e r s e l y a t l e c t m e q u a n t i t y o | q u a | i t y o f p i t c h e s a n d t h e i r U s e ; ( b ) t h e

proposed development only affects land which is incapable of forming a playlnq pitch (or part

of one); (c) the playing fields that would be lost as a result of the proposed development

would be replaced by a playing field or fields of equivalent or better qLlantiiy and quality and

in a suitable location; or the proposed development is for an outdoor or indoor sports facility

of sufficient benefit to the development of sport to out\rveigh ihe loss of the playing field

Planning obligations should be usedas a means to remedy recreational proMsron

local deficiencies in the

Local authodties will be


'lhe lnternotionol Conlerence Solidority lor I)nity Throuqh Spafts

justified in seeking planning obligations where the quantity or quality of provision is

inadequate or under threat, or where new development increases local needs lt is essentlal that local authorities have undertaken detailed assessments of needs and audits of existinq faciliiies, and set appropriate local standards in order to justify planning obligations


advice to authorities on seeking planning obligations for open space' spods and recreational facilities is contained in the good practice guide associated wiih this guldance

L o c a | a u t h o r i t i e s s h o u | d a l s o r e c o g n i z e i h a t m o s t a r e a s o f o p e n s p a c e c a n p e r l o r m

multiple functions The new land and facility should be at least as accessible to current and

potential new users, and at least equivalent in terms of size' usefulness' attractiveness ano quality. They should take account of the various functions of open space when applying the policies in this document These include:

a) strategic functions: defining and separating urban areas; better linkinq of town and country; and providing for recreational needs over a W|de area;

b) urban quality: helping to srlpport regeneration and improving quality of life for communities by providing visually attractive green spaces close to where people live; c) promoting health and well-being: providing opportunities to people of all ages for informa| recreation' or to walk, cycle or ride within parks and open spaces or along

p a t h s , b r i d l e w a y s a n d c a n a | o a n k s . A l l o t m e n t s m a y p r o v i d e p h y s i c a l e x e r c i s e a n d other health beneflts;

d) havens and habitats for flora and fauna: sites may also have potential to be cornoors or stepping stones from one nabitat to another and may contribute towards achieving objectives set out in local biodiversity action plans;

e) as a communlty Source: as a place for congregating and for holding commrJnlty evenls, religious [stivals letes and lravellinq tairs: and

f) as a visual amenity: even without public access' people enjoy having open space near to them to provloe alr outlook' varieiy in the urban scene' or as a


element in the landscape


This research using naturallstlc qualitative method There are three instruments inierview guide, observation, ano oocumentation lnterview doing with Head officer of Tata P e m e r i n t a h a n a n d H e a d o i l l c e r o f B a p p e d a K o i a Y o g y a k a r t a . o b s e r v a t i o n a n d documentation doing in 14 distrjcts in Kota Yogyakarta


fhe interndtionol Conference Sotidority for Unity Through sports


The Government believes thal open space standards are best set locally National

slandards cannot caler lor iocal clrcumstances' such as differing demographic profiles and the extent of existing built development in an area Local authorities should use the information gained from thelr assessments of needs and opporlunities to set locally deflved standards for the provision of open space, sports and recreational facilities in their areas Setiing robust local standards based on assessments of need and audits of existing facilities will form the basis for redresslng quantitative and qualitative deficiencies ihrough the planning process. Standards should be included in development plans'

W h e r e r e c r e a t i o n a l l a n d a n d f a c i | i t i e s a r e o f p o o r q u a l i t y o r U n d e r - u s e d , t h i s s h o u l d not be taken as necessarily indicating an absence of need in the area Local authorities

should seek opportunities to improve the value of existing facilities Usage might be improved by better management or oy capital investment to secure improvements Planning obligations may be used wnere lmprovements are required to meet identified needs ln looking to improve exisling open space and facilities' local authorities should:

a) Promote the compatibility of ihe Llses made of open spaces and sport and recreational facilities with adjoining land uses;

b) Encourage better accessibility of existing open spaces and sports and recreational facilities, taking account of the mobility needs in the local population; and

c) Promote better use of open spaces and sports and recreational facilities by the use of good design Io leduce ctime


ln considering applications for floodlighting' local authorities should ensure that local amenity is protected The impact on the openness of the Green Belt' or on the character of the couniryside, of floodlight towers or pylons should be a key factor in determining whether planning permission should be granted'

Table 1. Name of district with large, male' and female' in Kota Yogyakarta





fhe internotionol Conlerenrc Solidoritvfar l)nity Throuqh Sports

so-urcer BPS Kota Yo gyakarta Th 2009

Developments within open spaces

Acqqrding interview result wlth the Head Officer of Tata Pemerintahar Kota Yogyakarta Mr. Prihanta, S.H.' knowing that the government was giving the policy for open space in each village. The recreational quality of open spaces can be eroded by insensitive development or incremental loss of the site ln considering planning applications - either within or adjoining open space - local authorities should weigh any benefits beinq offered to the community against the loss of open space that will occur' Planning authorities may wish to allow small scale structures where these would support the existing recreational uses (for example, interpretation centers, tollets, and refreshment facilities)' or would provide facilities for new recreational uses. They should seek to ensure that all proposed development takes

account ol, and is sensitive to lhe local conlexl'

This is example lor open space for sport and recreation picture in Kelurahan Tahunanandcokrodiningratanwhichisbadmintonfield,garden'|ight,andresiroom.

3 GONDOKUSUN,lAN3.99 27 ,062 28,648 5 5 , 7 1 0 13.962

1 1 , 6 8 3 22,682 20,620

4 DANUREJAN 1 . 1 1 0 , 9 9 9

s,708 10,714 20,422 2 1 , 2 7 3


6 NGAMPILAN 0.42 9,537 1 0 , 6 9 5 20,232 24.673

7 WIROBMJAN 1 . 7 6 15,856 15,248 31,104 17,673

B MANTRIJERON 2 . 6 1 18,398


19,044 14,346

1 1 , 9 0 8 22,520 16,086

I KRATON 1 . 4

7,398 8,595 15,993 14,279

1 0 GONDOMANAN 1 . 1 2

5,754 6 , 0 1 4 1 1 , 7 6 8 1 8 , 6 7 9

1 1 PAKUALAMAN 0.ti3

1 2 MERGANGSAN 2 . 3 1 1 7 , 3 5 2

3 r J 9 1

18,569 35,921 '15,550

40,129 79,320 9,768


16,097 16,207 32,304 10,522

1 4 KOTADEGE 3 . 0 /


Ih2 inten(ttionol Cont'erence Saltdornv lor l)nity I hrottqh Spartt

Picture 2. Open Space for Spotl af KehlrahanT ah unan Kec. lJ nJbulharja Kota Yogyakart a

Picture 3. Open Space for Spart al KetutahaD Cakrocliningrat'n) Kec' Jetis Kota Yogyakana


fhe intern.rtionol Conferen.e Solidority far Unity Throuqh Sports

Kind ot open space for sport in Kota Yogyakarta

Open space is defined in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as land laid out as a public garden, or used for the purposes of public recreation' or land which is a disused burial ground- Open space should be taken to mean all open space of public va!ue includinq noi just land, but also areas of water such as rivers' canals' lakes and reservoirs which offer important opportunities for sport and recreation and can also act as a visual amenity The following typology illustrates the broad range of open spaces that may be of public value:

parks and gardens - including urban parks' country parks and formal gardens;

natural and semi-natural urban green spaces including woodlands' urban forestry' scrub, grasslands, wetlands, open and running water' wastelands and derelict open land and rock areas (e g cliffs, quarries and piis);

green corrldors - including tiver and canal banks cycle wdys dno nghls of \'vdy: outdoor sports facilities (with natural or artiflcial surfaces and either publicly or privately owned) - including tennis courts, bowling greens' sports pitches' qolf

courses, athletics tracks. school and other institLltional playing fields' and other outdoor sPorts areas;

e) amenity green space (most commonly, but not exclusively in housing areas) -including informal recreation spaces, green space in and around housing domestic gardens and village greens;

f) provision for children and teenagers - including play areas' skateboard parks'

o u t d o o r b a s k e t b a | | h o o p s , a n d o t h e r m o r e i n f o r m a | a r e a s ( e ' g ' , h a n g i n g o u t a r e a s ' leenage shellers);

g) allotments, community gardens' and city (urban) farms; h) cemeteries and churchyards;

i) accessible countryside in urban fringe areas; and

j) civ,c spaces, including civic and market squares' and other hard surfaced areas designed for Pedestrians;

k) This typology, or variations of it' assessments of need and audits

their land usd and attracliiig a of entertainment,

function lor many houts ol the day Planning permission for should be used by local authorities when prepanng of existing open space and recreational facilities'

ManY sporting and characteristics to some forms large number of visits. lndeed, fetail or leisure uses and will

recreational facilities will be similar In of leisure - by making intensive use of land some wilt be mixed with significant elements


lhe internotionatConference Solidarity Jor Unity Through Sports

such developrnents should only be granted where they are to be located in highly


locations in or adjacent to town cenrle' or in district or neighborhood centre Planninq permission should not be granted for a location olltside such a town centre if the resultlnq development would undermine the centre sites in central locations should be allocated where there is a high levet of demand for such mixed use facilities The guidance

in PPG


explains the principles that should be applied to the location of town centre uses

Table 2. Kind of field of sport in each district of Koia Yogyakarta


A7 2



1 5 2 2

l 1

23 3


-;GC-frAw.fl K"l"rahan Kota Yogvakafta'

Sport club of Kota Yogyakarta

Sport and recreation is not formally defined the purposes With the exception of

l i m i t e d c a s e s w h e r e t h e p o | i c i e s a r e s p e c i f i c t o s p o r t i n g a c t i v i t i e s ( e ' g ' t h o s e f o r | o c a t i o n o f stadia), policies are generic and snould be applied to all forms of sporl an't


activities. For the purposes ol assessments of need and audits of existing buitt facilities for



fhe internotionol Conlerence Sofidority lor lJnity Throuqh Sports

lndoor sports halls and leisure centre, indoor bowls centre indoor tennis centre lce rlnKs' community centre, and village halls'

In planning tor new open spaces and in assessing planning applications for

development, local authorities should seek opportunities to improve the local open space neh,vork, to create public open space from vacant land' and to incorporate open space within new development on previously-used land They should also consider whether use can be made of land which is oiherwise unsuitable for development' or procure public use of privately owned areas of land or sports facilities This is so many spod organizations in each district of Kota Yogyakarta:

Tabte 3. Sport clubs in each oI districts of Koia Yogyakarla

\ \ \



I __:


" l:-:-"



Table 4. Sport clubs in each of districts of Kota Yogyakarta


6 r


l 9





Ihe internotionol Conference Solidority t'or lJnity Through Sports

Sovce: Monografi Kelurahan Kota


Yogyakarta Semester ll, 2009'

Planning for new open space and sporls and tecreational facilities

Planning permission lor sradia and major sports developments which will accommodate large numbers of spectators' or which will also lunction as a facility for communiiy based sports and recreation' should only be granted when they are to be located in areas with good access to public transport Planning permission for additional facilities (such as retail and leisure uses) should not be granted for any out of-centre developments unless they comply with the policy set out'


The internatianolaonference Sotidaritv for Unity Thraugh Sports

L o c a l a u i h o r i t i e s S h o u l o e n s l | r e t h a t p r o v i s i o n i s m a d e f o r l o c a l s p o d s a n d

recreational facilities (either througn an increase in the number of facjlities or ihrough

improvements io existing facilities) where planning permission is granted for new

developrnents (especially housing) Planning obligaiions should be used where appropnale

lo seek increased provision ot open spaces and local sports and recreational facilities and

t h e e n h a n c e m e n t o f e x i s t i n g f a c j l i t i e s W h e r e I o c a I f a c i I i t i e s w i | | a t t r a c t p e o p l e f . o m a w i d e r

catchment, especially in urban areas, planning permission should not be granled unless they

are located where they will be well served by public transpon'

tn planning lor new open slraces and in assessing planning applications for

development, local authorities should seek opportunities to improve the local open space

network, to creaie public open space from vacant land' and to incorporate open space wiihin

new development on previously_useo land They should also consider whether use can be

made of land which is otherwise unsuitable for development' or procure public use of

privately owned areas of land or sports facilities

The countryslcle aroLlno towns provides a valuable Source for the provision of sport

and recreation, particularly in situations where there is an absence of land in rrrban areas 1o

meet provision. Local authontles snould encourage the creation of sports and recreational

f a c i | i t i e s i n s u c h a r e a s a n d t h e d e v e | o p m e n t o f a r e a s o f m a n a g e d c o L ] n t r y S i d e . s u c h a s

country parks, community forests and agricultural showground Where planning permisslon

is to be granted for such land uses, local planning aulhorities shoLlld ensure that facilities are

accessible by walking, cycling and public transport as alternatives to the use oi lhe car

ln rural areas those sports and recrealional facilities which are likely to attracr

significant numbers of participants or spectator-q should be located jn' or on the edge of

c o u n t r y t o w n s . s m a l l e r s c a | e f a c i l j t i . . s w i t l b e a c c e p t a b | e W h e r e t h e y a r e | o c a i e d l n . o r

adjacent to villages to meet the needs of the local community Developments will fequire

special justiflcation if they are to be located in open counlryside' although pfoposals lor farm

diversiilcation involvng spons ano recreational activities should be given favourable

consicleration All development In rural areas should be designed and sited with qreat care

and sensitivity to its rural location

Some activities (eg climblng' potholing) rely on particular natural features Where these features exist, local authoriiies should recognize their actual and potential recreational value, possibly to more than the local population Planning permission should be cranted but only where lhe impact of sporis and recreational activities on natural featllres can be


The internotionol Cont'ercnce Solidority far Unity Through Sparts

Jor development near water' tocal aLlthorities should ensure thal access {or sporl and recreation purposes is not resiricted and shollld' where possible' be enhanced The vlsual amenity, heritage and nature conservadon value of water Sources should also be pfotected' Rights of way are an important recreational facility' which local authorities should prolecl and enhance. Local aulhorities should seek opportuniiies to provide betier facilities for walkers'


Open spaces, spon ano recreation all underpin people's qualiiy of life Well deslqned and implemented planning policies for open space' sport and recreation are therefore fundamental to delivering broader Govemment objectives These include: supporting an

U r b a n r e n a i s s a n c e ' l o c a l n e t w o r k s o f h i g h q u a l i t y a n d w e l l m a n a g e d a n d m a i n t a i n e d o p e n spaces, sports and recreational facilities help create urban environments that are attEctive'

clean and safe- Green spaces in urban areas perform vital functions as areas for nature

conservationandbiodiversltyanoDyactingas'greenlungs'canassistinmeetingobjectives 1o improve air quality. Supponrng a rural renewal - the countryside can provide opportunities


for recreation and visitors can play an important role in the regeneration of the economies of ruralareas.

Table 5. Open space for sport status accorciing Permen PU Nomor 05/PRT/M/2008




o , 4 1

0 , 3 0




0 , 3 1

0 , 2 2

Lebih ldeal Lebih Kurang KUrang Kurang ldeal Kategori Standar Luas

Minimal/KaPita (m2)

5 5 , 7 1 0





Ihe internotionol Conlerence Solidority for unity Throuqh Sports






1 1 11.768


1 2



iource. Research database

0 , 3 m 2




The open space for spori and recreation is important thing for development in Yogyakarta. There is any 24for 45 district open space for sport in Yogyakarta open space fof spofts and recreation facilities that are of high quatity or of particular value to a local community, should be recognized and given protection by local authorities throuqh appropriate Policies in Plans


Akil, Sjarifuddin (2003) Kebriakan Penyediaan Prasarana Olahraga Di Daerah Permukiman Disampalkan dalam Temu Konsultasi Penyusunan Standarisasi Taman Rekreasi dan Kebugaran Jasmani Cisarua Bogor' 27-30 Maret 2003'

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Carr, stephen et, all llgg2) Pubtic Space New York: Cambridge University

Dalv. Jim (1995), Recreation and Spott Planning ancl Design: A Guidelines Manual' affice rcr Recredlion and Sport AJsLralia Selalan

Moleong, Lexy J. (20 02) Metodotogi Penelitian Kuatitatif Bandung: PT Remaia Rosdaharya

Monografi Kelurahan Kota Yogyakada Semester Il' Bagian Tata Pemerintahan Koia

Yogyakarta Tahun 2009

Mutohir, Toho Cholik dan Maksum' Ali (2007) Sport Development lndex:


Metodologi dan Aplikasi Jakarta: PT lndeks'

s.iantifi. Meetinq Welcoming Sedgomelzoll


'lhe internationol Canference Solidority for lJnity fhrough spafts

PeratLrran Walikota Yogyakarta Nomor 6 TahLln 2010 Tentang Penyediaan Ruang Tetbuka H ija u Priv at: Y ogy akarta

Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 1 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penataan Ruang Terbuka Hijau cli Kawasan Perkotaan Jakarla

Sakti, Bima. (2009). Ruang Terbuka sebagai Ruang Evakuasi Bencana Tsunami Fakrllas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Semarang

Undang-Lrndang Republik lndonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2OA5 bntang Sistem Keolahraqaan Nasional . Jakatra

9 5


Table 1. Name of district with large, male' and female' in Kota Yogyakarta
Table 2. Kind of field of sport in each district of Koia Yogyakarta
Table 4. Sport clubs in each of districts of Kota Yogyakarta
Table 5. Open space for sport status accorciing Permen PU Nomor 05/PRT/M/2008


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