By Yuli Astutik Reg. Number A03211084
Astutik, Yuli. A Study of Agnes Magnusdottir Struggle in Hannah Kent’s Burial
Rites. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Advisor : WahjuKusumajanti, M.Hum
This thesis focuses on characterization and the struggle of Agnes
Magnusdottir in her life in Hannah Kent’s novel: Burial Rites. In analyzing
Agnes’s struggle in her life, this thesis uses theories of motivation by Abraham
H. Maslow (1970)The purpose of this thesis are to describe the Agnes’s characterization and to find out the struggle Agnes to get status from Natan Ketilson. This thesis uses descriptive qualitative research method and library based-one because the data collected are organized depend on the researcher and how the data were rendered through the source of library. As the result of this research, the researcher depicts the character in the novel Burial Rites, those are; kind, care, beautiful and smart. Then, the researcher finds out the reasons that struggle of Agnes get status from Natan Ketilson.
Astutik, Yuli. A Study of Agnes Magnusdottir struggle in Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites. Skripsi. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Univeritas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Dosen Pembimbing: WahjuKusumajanti, M.Hum
Skripsi ini focus kepada perjuangan Agnes Magnusdottir di dalam hidupnya di Hannah Kent: Burial Rites. Di dalam skripsi ini menggunakan theori motivasi dari Abraham H. Maslow (1970) yang digunakan untuk menganalisa skripsi ini. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mendskripsikan karakter dari Agnes Magnusdottir and menemukan perjuangan Agnes untuk mendapatkan status dari Natan Ketilson. Skripsi ini menggunakan deskripsi qualitative dan penelitian perpustakaan karena data dikumpulkan dan diolah serta disajikan berdasarkan pemikiran penulis dan juga menurut sumber dari perpustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini, peneliti menggambarkan tentang karakter Agnes Magnusdottir, yaitu baik, peduli, cantik, dan pintar. Kemudian peneliti menemukan alasan-alasan yang memotivasi Agnes untuk mendapatkan status dari Natan Ketilson.
Inside cover page ... i
Inside title page ... i
Declaration page ... ii
Dedication page ... iii
Motto ... iv
Advisor’s approval page ... v
Examiner’s approval page ... vi
Acknowledgements ... vii
Table of contents ... ix
Abstract ... xii
Abstrak ... xiii
1.1.Background of the Study ... 1
1.2.Statement of the Problem ... 4
1.3.Objective of the Study ... 4
1.5.Significance of the Study ... 5
1.6.Method of the Study ... 5
1.7.Organization of the Study ... 6
1.8.Definition of Key Terms ... 7
2.1.Theoretical Framework ... 8
2.1.1. New Criticism ... 8
2.1.2 Character ... 10
2.1.3 Characterization ... 12
2.1.4 Theory Motivation ... 15
2.2 Review of Related Study ... 22
3.1.The description of Agnes Magnusdottir Characterization in Burial Rites 23 3.1.1 Physical Traits of Agnes ... 23
3.1.2 Agnes Magnusdottir Speech ... 25
3.1.3 Agnes’s Caharacterization Based on Behaviour ... 26
3.1.4 Agnes’s Characterization Based on Her Thought and Feeling ... 29
3.2 Agnes Magnusdottir struggle in her life... 31
3.2.1 Physiological Needs in Agnes’s Life ... 32
3.2.3 Love and Belonging Need in Agnes’s Life ... 34
3.2.4 Self- Esteem Need in Agnes’s Life ... 36
3.2.5 Self- Actualization Need in Agnes’s Life ... 38
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1.1 Background of the Study
Literature is the expression of beautiful thoughts, feeling, and human experience
in beautiful language. Literature is an art activity that related to imaginative or relative writing. Every person has imaginative thought in their minds. They think
about something unreal or even real things in this world. Moreover, they can share their imaginative thinking by expressing into form of inspiration. It can give the dept inspiration about what that we have known in this world (Borges 18). Thus, literature
can make human‟s life more living and meaningful. It can also give happiness and spiritual satisfaction.
Literary works consist of nonfiction and fiction works. Nonfiction works are written form that relates to data and facts. It does not relate to the imagination of the
author. It is in consist; from of announcement, speech text, reports, journals, biography, scientific articles, etc (Gutkind 8). Fiction works are related to imagination, invention, something unreal, and it does not happen because of real
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character are imaginative (Nurgiyantoro 3). Fiction works consist of novel, short story, poem, drama, fairy tale, etc (9).
One of the literary works is novel. According to Eagleton, novel is a piece of prose fiction of a reasonable length (1). So, novel is long enough to fill a complete
book, it is a fictional prose narrative and having plot that is extended by the
characters, speech, and action. By reading novel everybody can enjoy their spare time and also fulfill their emotional needs.
In literary works, character has significant role. Character can be determined though how the character reacts to various a condition or attempts to shape the
environment (Abrams, 2005:22). For example, when the character of the novel was a famous fine so their environment will be always something about fine and it will be effect on the character life and outlook. From the detail a character, the writer makes
inferences about what the character looks like and the characterization of the character.
Character are person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that
are expressed in what they say the dialogue and what they do action
(Abrams,1981:20). Each action that characters do in literary work it‟s usually called
as plot. The writer will try to relate physic an environment of the character. It means
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character and also the environment. Any action and reaction of a character toward his or her surrounding will give the information about the character.
Depiction of a very interesting character in the novel by Hannah Kent. Hanna Kent was born in Adelaide in 1985. As a young girl she traveled to Iceland in Rotary
Exchange student exchange program, where her first heard the story about Agnes Magnusdottir. Hanna is a co-founder and deputy editor of literary journal of Australia, Kill Your Darlings and is currently completing her Phd at Flinders
University Unpublished Manuscript Award first. Burial Rites is her first novel.
Burial Rites novel tells about Agnes Magnusdotirr who since childhood has
been living in the mercy of others and working to move as a writer. Intelligence, speech is considered alien, and her knowledge of stories from the book, makes people stay away. Almost nobody knows what she really is. Agnes is falling in love with
Natan Ketilsson, the first to see her as it is, and she was moved to a farm on the edge of the sea Nathan lonely place inhabited only a handful of people, but dreams of a
better life would be destroyed. Nathan Ketilsson killed, and Agnes became one of the. Based on the background of study above, the writer intends to study the novel Burial Rites. There are several reasons, from writer to conduct this study. The
struggle for her life. From the reason above the researcher wants to analyze the novel by using motivation especially the struggle from the main character for her life in the
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1.2 Statement of the Problems
Based on the background of the study explained above, the writer is interested
in analyzing the problems, which are formulated as follows:
1. How does the characterize Agnes Magnusdottir?
2. How does Agnes Magnusdottir struggle for her life?
1.3 Objective of the Study
In accordance with the statement of the problem, this study has two objectives that can be stated as follows:
1. To describe the characterization of Agnes Magnusdottir.
2. To find out how Agnes Magnusdottir struggles for her life.
1.4 Scope and Limitation
This research aims to analyze the novel Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. The study then focuses on the characters and their characterizations represented in the
novel. To answer statement of problem stated above, Agnes Magnusdottir character and her characterization becomes the most important point to analyze. However, some other characters that Agnes interacts with will be also the object for analysis but
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1.5 Significance of the Study
Though this studies, it is purposed for giving both theoretical and practical contribution. Theoretically, the results of the study are expected to give contribution to develop the study and analysis on literary study related to the study of motivation
on Agnes Magnusdottir in a novel Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. The writer expects that it can give knowledge about the way of Agnes to struggle her life as a woman.
Practically, the writer also expects this study will give an inspiration for other studies especially in English Letters Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Thus, this study will help the readers to study more about this novel and analyzing character aspect of Burial Rites in different area.
1.6 Method of the Study
This research is library based. Therefore the writer makes good use some
books including the novel itself as primary source, articles, journals, and online resources. The research follows the following steps:
1. Reading the novel to get the complete and well understanding on the whole story.
2. Find the data in novel to find the word that is related to problem of the study.
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4. Analyzing the data collected by firstly categorizing them into two points, dealing with the statement of problems. Then, each point is analyzed using motivation theory, which refers to the objectives of the study.
5. Making conclusion based on the result of data analysis
1.7 Organization of the Study
The presentation of this study will be divided into. The first chapter is
introduction. Introduction is divided to 5 parts, there are; background of study, statement of problem, objective of study, significance of study, scope and limitation of study and method of study.
In the second chapter is theoretical framework discussion theory that is used in this research. This chapter also discusses about previous research from thesis,
journal or book review.
The third chapter is the analysis from research. This study explains, about problem that is wanted to research from the writer. It must show which part can
answer research problem and conclude the result of this research.
The last chapter is conclusion from the researcher. The result from this study
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1.8 Definition of Key Term
To avoid any different perceptions between the writer and the readers in understanding the study, it is essential to give some definition of key terms used in this study. Here are the key terms explained:
Struggle: An act of having to deal with difficult situation resolutely,
especially with an adversary of superior power or to make violent
efforts to escape from constraint (Ratna 187).
Oppression: Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome,
cruel, or unjust manner. It can also be defined as an act or instance of oppressing, the state of being oppressed, and the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by
troubles, adverse conditions or people, and anxiety (Deborah 87).
Character: Character is a doer in the literary work (novel, story, novelette, and also drama). Character in fiction is created by the creator,
although could be described as human being in the real world
(Sayuti 68)
Motivation: Motivation is broadly concerned with the contemporary
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2.1 Theoretical Framework
This chapter is about explanation of theory that will conduct this research. Firstly, it will present definition of character and characterization to analyze about the characterization of woman character in this researcher. This researches not only to
analyses a woman character, but also to reveal woman character and her struggle to her life and use theory motivation by Abraham Maslow.
2.1.1 New Criticism
Formalism, sometimes called New Criticism (even though it has been around a long time) involves the careful analysis of a literary text‟s craft. It is how to
paraphrase the text. It based on the text. Ignoring any historical context, any
biographical information about an author, any philosophical or physiological issues, or even any of a text‟s political or moral messages, the formalist is simply interested
in taking the text apart to see how it works as a piece of art. It does not need think
about the background of literary work making (Gillespie 172).
Some of its most important concepts concerning the nature and importance of
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the interpretations) have been incorporated into the way most literary critics today, regardless of the theoretical persuasion, support the readings of literature. It supports
for literary interpretations because the New Critics introduced to America and called “close reading,” has been a standard method of high school and college instruction in
literary studies for the past several decades (Tyson 135). All the evidence provided by the language of the text itself: its images, symbols, metaphors, rhyme, meter, point of view, setting, characterization, plot, and so forth, which, because they form, or shape,
the literary work are called its formal elements. It needs to understand the meaning of text itself first. It related to the beliefs concerning the proper way to interpret it
(Tyson 137).
New Critics believed that a single best, or most accurate, interpretation of each text could be discovered that best represents the text itself: that best explains
what the text means and how the text produces that meaning, in other words, that best explains its organic unity (Tyson 148).
Nevertheless, New Criticism‟s success in focusing our attention on the formal
elements of the text and on their relationship to the meaning of the text is evident in
the way we study literature today, regardless of our theoretical perspective. For whatever theoretical framework we use to interpret a text, we always support our interpretation with concrete evidence from the text that usually includes attention to
formal elements, and, with the notable exception of some deconstructive and reader-response interpretations, we usually try to produce an interpretation that conveys
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It is understandable that their method worked best on short poems and stories because the shorter the text, the more of its formal elements could be analyzed.
When longer works were examined, such as long poems, novels, and plays, New Critical readings usually confined themselves to the analysis of some aspect (or
aspects) of the work, for example, its imagery (or perhaps just one kind of imagery, such as nature imagery), the role of the narrator or of the minor characters, the function of time in the work, the pattern of light and dark created by settings, or
some other formal element. In analyzing the novel chosen analyzes some aspects of literary work. They are character and characterization. (Tyson 149).
2.1.2 Character
Character is one of intrinsic elements in fiction or narrative work. It is an
important element in narrative work or in a story that can be study. Character often becomes the most important discuss than other elements (Nurgiyantoro 164). It is a
person that is told, it indicates agent in the story. Holman states that character is a brief description sketch of a personage who typifies some definite quality. Describing character is not as individualized personality but as an example of some vies or
virtues or types (74).
According to Abrams, character is person in a dramatic or narrative work
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character is in the story has relevancy with reader response; actually the reader will gives interpretation about the character in the story by themselves (Nurgiyantoro 166)
For addition, Stanton states that in some sources in English literature character is divided into two different meaning, they are character as person in the story and as
attitude, anxiety, pretension, emotional, and moral principle inside the person (17). So, character can be defined as character in the story or characterization in the story.
Character is just reaction from thought, attitude and pretension of the author
in the fiction work, so it has to life naturally like in real world. Character takes place in strategic position to give massage, value, moral and all things that the author wants
to give to the readers (Nurgiyanti 167-168).
Characters in fiction are divided in some types, the first, in significance role in developing story there are main character and peripheral character. Main character is
a main person that appears in almost all sense in the whole story, he or she always be told sides of her or his life, but peripheral character is supporting character, they just
exist when have correlation with main character (176-177).
The second types, in appearance function character, there are protagonist and
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The third is about static and dynamic character. A static character is one who changes little. A dynamic character, on the country, is one who is modified by actions
and experiences. In other word, a static character remains the same throughout the work; it is a character that has one private quality, while a dynamic character changes
in the course of the work and gives expression of any personality, living and identity. Usually strong characters are rounded and dynamic; they exhibit the full range of human emotions and rations to people and events. They have histories and more than
one possible future. They have hopes and fears (188-189).
The last is base on reflection of character, there are; typical character and
neutral character. Typical character is character is character that often appears in working quality or nationally and seldom appears with showing personality
condition. Neutral character is a character that always exists for the story (191-192).
By knowing about character widely, it helps to make easy to analyze Agnes Magnusdottir. This study focuses on woman character named Agnes Magnusdottir. It
will help to get more knowledge about Agnes Magnusdottir, so we can know about her character in this story.
2.1.3 Characterization
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Characterization means that writers present and reveal character, by direct description, by showing the character in action or by presentation of the other character that help to define each other (“Element of Fiction”).
Character and characterization and not be separated, but it is different each
other. In other definition, characterization is the reaction of these imaginary persons, so that they exist for reader as real within the limits of the fiction and have ability to characterize the people of one‟s imagination successfully is a primary attribute of a
good novelist, dramatist, or short story writer (Holman 75).
There are two types‟ characterization, direct characterization and indirect
characterization. Direct characterization refers to what speaker or narrator directly says or thinks about character, the reader is told what the character is like. Indirect characterization refers to what the character says or does. The reader then infers what
the character is all about, the reader who is obligated to figure out what the character is like (Bernardo 2).
Holman also state, that there are three fundamental methods of
characterization in fiction: (1) the explicit presentation by the author of the character
though direct exposition, either in an introductory block or more often piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by action; (2) the presentation of the character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, in the expectation that reader
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presentation from within a character, without comment on the character by the author, of the impact actions and emotions upon the character‟s inner self, with expectation
that the reader will come to a clear understanding of the attributes of the character (76).
One the other hand, Pooly (1967:538) says that the authors may use any or all of four different methods in characterizing their characters. Those methods are:
1. He may describe the character‟s physical traits and personality, in terms
of physical traits, the author may use the adjective such as beautiful, short, blond hair and etc to describe her character.
2. He may show the character‟s speech and behavior, in this point, the
characterization is shown by the behavior and speech of the character such as when the character speaks in a loud tone, the author maybe want to
show the reader that is character is bed-tempered.
3. He may give the opinions and reaction of other character toward and
behavior, in this points the characterization of character is show though other‟s character opinion toward the certain character.
4. He may show the character‟s though and feelings, in this point the
characterization of certain character is show a certain character always think that no one in the world is smart but him, by this thought, the reader
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In this study, the writer prefers to description the characterization of the character based on Pooly (1967:538) method, In description Agnes‟s characterization,
the writer will asses her physical traits and personality, her speech and behavior, her thought and feeling, and what others characters opinion toward her.
2.1.4 Theory of Motivation
Commonly termed humanistic psychology, it maintains that humans are different from all other organisms in that they actively intervene in the course of
events to control their destinies and shape the world around them. It seems like human create their destiny indirectly. Maslow felt that human beings have certain
basic needs that they must meet before they can fulfill their other developmental needs (Crandell 46). He proposed a hierarchy of needs to describe a person‟s
developmental progression from psychological-instinctive motives to more
rational, intellectual ones. To achieve their goal, people have to get their hierarchies. He believed that human beings are self-actualizing-that they tend
toward becoming all that they can be (42). They can be anything they want by stepping the hierarchy.
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more sophisticated, higher-order needs can be met, certain primary needs must be satisfied (Maslow, 1970, 1987). It means before people can reach whatever they
want or whatever their goal, they have to meet the basic needs.
In formulating his famous hierarchy of needs, Maslow saw self-actualization as one
of several biological needs influencing human behavior. Sometimes, because of the ambition, people do whatever they want, even irrational. Maslow‟s theory suggests
that the higher needs, like self-actualization, are sensitive to environmental influence,
but he never clearly spells out the conditions that facilitate or hinder the drive toward self-actualization or, for the matter, what the process of self-actualization involves (Slavin 86). Maslow‟s hierarchy of need pyramid is:
A pyramid can represent the model with the more basic needs at the bottom
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thereby guiding behavior, a person must first fulfill the more basic needs in the hierarchy (Slavin 13). People have to experience their basic needs before facing their highest need. At the bottom of Maslow‟s pyramid are fundamental
requirements to satisfy physiological needs (including needs for food, water, and
sex) and safety needs. Next, Maslow identified a set of psychological needs focused on belongingness (love) and self-esteem. At the top of the pyramid, he placed the need to realize one‟s unique potential to the fullest in a process he
termed self-actualization (Crandell 46). So, the lower need is start from physiological needs, safety needs, and then love and belongingness and
self-esteem, and the higher needs are self-actualization. It means people can reach their goals and be whatever they want in the higher need.
Psychologists define motivation as an internal process that activates, guides, and maintains behavior over time (Slavin 327). In analyzing the character‟s aspect
to have a strong motivation, the writer will choose humanistic theory by Abraham
Maslow. It means that motivation supports for human to satisfy his or her wants or needs or to strive for the achievement of desired goal.
1. The Physiological Needs
The needs that are usually taken as the starting point for motivation theory are the so-called physiological drives. Two recent lines of research make it
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appetites (preferential choices among foods) are a fairly efficient indication of actual needs or lacks in the body. Homeostasis refers to the body's automatic
efforts to maintain a constant, normal state of the blood stream. Camion (78) has described this process for (1) the water content of the blood, (2) salt
content, (3) sugar content, (4) protein content, (5) fat content, (6) calcium content, (7) oxygen content, (8) constant hydrogen-ion level (acid-base balance), and (9) constant temperature of the blood. Obviously this list could
be extended to include other minerals, the hormones, vitamins, etc. (Maslow 35-36). So that to fulfill the people needs, especially for basic needs, people
need these needs.
We cannot identify all physiological needs as homeostatic. That sexual desire, sleepiness, sheer activity and exercise, and maternal behavior in
animals are homeostatic has not yet been demonstrated. Undoubtedly these physiological needs are the most prepotent of all needs. What this means
specifically is that in the human being who is missing everything in life in an extreme fashion, it is most likely that the major motivation would be the
physiological needs rather than any others (Maslow 36-37). To move up the hierarchy, a person must first meet these basic physiological needs.
2. The Safety and Security Needs
People who are lacking food, safety, love, and esteem would most
probably hunger for food more strongly than for anything else (Maslow 37). If
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set of needs, which we may categorize roughly as the safety needs (security; stability; dependency; protection; freedom from fear, from anxiety and chaos;
need for structure, order, law, limits; strength in the protector; and so on) (Maslow 39).
Practically everything looks less important than safety and protection (even sometimes the physiological needs, which, being satisfied, are now underestimated) (Maslow 39). The average adult in our society generally
prefers a safe, orderly, predictable, lawful, organized world, which can be count on and in which unexpected, unmanageable, chaotic, or other dangerous
things do not happen, and in which, in any case, he has powerful parents or protectors who shield him from harm (Maslow 41). People do whatever they want to do easily if they feel safe.
3. The Love and Belonging Needs
If both the physiological and the safety needs are fairly well gratified,
there will emerge the love and affection and belongingness needs, and the whole cycle already described will repeat itself with this new center (Maslow
43). Love and affection, as well as their possible expression in sexuality, are generally looked upon with ambivalence and are customarily hedged about with many restrictions and inhibitions (Maslow 44). Love can do anything.
Determined not only by sexual but also by other needs. Also not to be overlooked is the fact that the love needs involve both giving and receiving
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4. The Esteem Needs
All people in our society (with a few pathological exceptions) have a need
or desire for a stable, firmly based, usually high evaluation of themselves, for self-respect, or self-esteem, and for the esteem of others. These needs may
therefore be classified into two subsidiary sets. These are, first, the desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for mastery and competence, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom.
Second, we have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or esteem from other people), status, fame and glory,
dominance, recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation (Maslow 45).
Satisfaction of the self-esteem need leads to feelings of self-confidence,
worth, strength, capability, and adequacy, of being useful and necessary in the world. But thwarting of these needs produces feelings of inferiority, of
weakness, and of helplessness. These feelings in turn give rise to either basic discouragement or else compensatory or neurotic trends (Maslow 45).
After fulfilling these needs, a person strives for esteem. In Maslow‟s
thinking, esteem relates to the need to develop a sense of self-worth by recognizing that others know and value one‟s competence. In fact, the more
people are able to meet their need to know and understand the world around them, the greater their motivation may become to learn still more (Slavin
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5. The Self-actualization Needs
Even if all these needs are satisfied, we may still often (if not always)
expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what lie, individually, is fitted for. A musician must make
music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can he, he just be. He must be true to his own nature. This need we may call self-actualization (Maslow 46).
According to Maslow, they are autonomous and independent. They have a firm perception of reality, accepting themselves, others, and the world for
what they are yet they are able to transcend their environment rather than merely cope with it. They are problem-centered rather than self-centered and are sympathetic to the condition of other human beings. They tend to establish
deep and meaningful relationships with a few people rather than superficial bonds with many people but also have an air of detachment and a need for
privacy. They have a democratic world perspective and work to promote the common good. They are spontaneous in thought and behavior but are not
deliberately or flamboyantly unconventional. Self-actualized people are creative and are susceptible to peak experiences (rapturous feelings of
excitement, insight, and happiness) (Maslow 46). So, self-actualization can be
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2.2 Review of Related Studies
Even though there is no thesis analyzing Burial Rites novel, but there are
some criticism and writings have been made concerning the similar theme. Here, there are some studies which have similarities that analyze about motivation.
The first writing is a thesis too, which is written by Helmy Mahendra entitled Mitsuo’s Motivation in Keeping Farming in Distant Thunder by Wahei Tatematsu.
This thesis is about how Matsuo struggle to keep farming although industrial
technology can replace the function of farmer. Although he keeps farming, he can fulfill all his needs that related to Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs. Those two states that motivation accurse because of human‟s needs.
The second writing is a thesis written by Yunita Saputri, entitled Anne’s Motivation in Philips Gregory’s Other Boleyn Girls. In this thesis, the author stated
that social injustice experienced by Anee, motivated her to be a better girl. According to the author, Anne‟s motivation is caused by the lack fulfillment of Maslow‟s
hierarchy of needs, which is love and belonging needs, self-esteem needs and self actualization needs.
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This novel that is taken to be studied in this researcher is Burial Rites, a novel by Hannah Kent‟s. She is a co-founder and deputy editor of literary journal of
Australia, Burial Rites is her first novel. In this novel about the struggle from Agnes to get status, Agnes Magnusdottir is the main character she has some motivation to
get status.
3.1 The Description of Agnes Magnusdottir’s Characterization in Hanna
Kent’s Burial Rites.
Burial Ritter is novel by Hanna Kent. NatanKetilson and Agnes Magnusdottir
are main characters in this story. Nurgiyantoro states that the main character in a novel usually more than one, although similarity degree is not always same, that is decided from how the influence of the character establish the story. So, it does not
lose the possibility that there are two main characters in this story. This story is delivered using first person point of view and that is Agnes Magnusdottir , so Agnes
itself is as narrator of this story. This story tells about the reality, the relationship between love and the struggle of some haratres for their life. Yet, in this research
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that have love relationship with him. Agnes Magnusdottir gives influence in this story until the end of this story.
Altenbernd and Lewis state that protagonist character has similarity with human living; with the problems that are faced is like the problems that human face
generally. It makes reader to feel really involved in and readers give empathy totally to that character (179). So, Agnes Magnusdittir is protagonist character, because the problem and struggle of Agnes Magnusdottir an influence the reader to have empathy
In terms of physical appearance, Agnes is describe as pretty girls with a good
looking face, slim body, and long hair. In term of personality, Agnes is describing as a hard worked, kind and care. Therefore, the writer concludes that Agnes is
characterizing as attractive girl in Burial Rites novel by Hannah Kent‟s.
3.1.1 Physical Traits of Agnes
In this story Agnes Magnusdottir is told as a beautiful woman. Natan tells Agnes in many statements that Agnes is very beautiful:
“I thought she was very beautiful” (22)
Other statement:
“And then you are so very beautiful.”I looked at her.”(24)
From those statements, that is true that Agnes Magnusdottir is very beautiful until make Natan falls in love. It is concluded that Natan loves Agnes because of her
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“Agnes was quite tall, skin so perfect and gray eyes. I thought she was very beautiful” (10).
It means that not only beautiful girls; Agnes is a tall woman, has skin so perfect and gray eyes. She is a waiter. This statement happens when Natan goes to meet Agnes in
cafe, the place that Agnes works. That features, Agnes appears with attractive performance. So that is not disowned that Natan fall in love with her beauty.
It this explained, that Agnes Magnusdottir has a very high intelligence, and knowledge and understanding of a very good about the Christian religion. But Agnes
does not follow the teachings and Agnes has a good presentation. “Nice presentation?”
“Here at write that Agnes has a very high intelligence and knowledge and understanding of a very good about Christian religion. But Agnes does not follow the teachings”
Toti ignore last comment the preacher “that is very high intelligence,” he repeats (121).
Toti visit in church Undirfell. And he visit in there to search information about Agnes Magnusdottir in the church records book. And Toti find some information about her,
but that information is not clear.
3.1.2 Agnes Magnusdottir Speech "What do you want?"
"Do not mean to anything. You're shivering." "You were watching me."
"I was not control you. You made me wake up. You're crying earlier." Agnes checks wiped tears from her cheeks. "Did I cry?"
Margret nodded. "You woke me."(67)
In this statement Agnes did not want to look weak and crying in front of Margret. She
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Margret fear her children because their children dislike Agnes. But Agnes remained humble and attention to the family.
3.1.3 Agnes’s Characterization Based on Her Behavior
Agnes‟s image in this story is also she does not believe in certain religion. It is
showed when Natan asks Agnes to marry.
“Couldn’t we be married privately some way? Then if anything happen to me or if you had a child.”
“There’s no way to be married except by church or state. We are married privately.”
You see, darling, it would mean everything to me if I had any religion. But I haven’t any religion.”(50)
Agnes Magnusdottir admits that she does not believe in certain religion, she has nor a religious person. Yet, for the first time when Agnes asks to marry, Natan wants to
marry Agnes by their selves, it means that there is no church or state that will bind their marriage, but they marry with their own way and not to follow the marriage‟s
rules in the church or state that will.
As an independent woman and does not believe in certain religion, Agnes is faithful woman. In her conversation before when she talks about her fiancé that was
died, Agnes has no boyfriend after. For one year, Agnes can take place her heart to Natan Ketilson.
“You know I don’t love anyone but you. You shouldn’t mind because someone else loved me.”
“I do.” “You shouldn’t be jealous of someone who’s dead when you have everything.”
“No, but I don’t want to hear about it.”
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That conversation means clearly, that there is no someone else except Natan after her fiancé. Agnes efforts to explain to Natan, that there is no else but except Natan.
Agnes is a loyal woman, and Agnes care about Natan when Natan got accident Agnes come in the hospital to look Natan. And Agnes prove to Natan if she falling in love
with him.
“Natan laugh.” Her house? Rosa, Agnes is my servant. " “Only a servant, is that right?”
“I do not want her taking care of our daughter.”
"I'm willing to take care of Thoranna , with pleasure , " I said “I dontcare what makes you happy, Agnes.(88)
Agnes has a humble and kind. Based on the above conversation Agnes remained willing to accept Thoranna daughter of Nathan with Rosa, although Agnes in
contempt by Rosa but Agnes remained humble and accept it. While Nathan actually call Agnes is a slave, but so far they‟ve been living together as husband and wife.
“Well, Mama. You'll be fine. " “Mama! You're bleeding! " “Let mama breathe.”
“Did you try gelatinous moss?” Agnes stood in the doorway, staring Lauga .
“I do not need anything, " Margret said hoarsely. "My lungs so much relieved.”
Lauga turned to face the doorway frowning. "Can you leave us?” Agnes did not listen. “Did you try jelly is it?”
“We do not need a your potion," snapped Lauga . Agnes shakes her head. "I think you need.” "What do you mean?" Lauga whispered.
Agnes breathed deeply. "Boil bit of moss that has been chopped, boiled long. Very long. Later, when it cools, lumutnya would be a blob of gray. It was not bad, but it can stop bleeding in the lungs."
"Whether Natan Ketilsson that teach you that?"
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This conversation shows that Agnes gives know Margret and Lauga that
Margret need a potion to can stop bleeding in the lungs. Margret and Lauga initially rejected the advice of Agnes, but eventually they receive advice from Agnes. Here
Agnes also has a character that is very attentive and do not give up easily, whereas Agnes equally hated them but Agnes still give sympathy to them. And they had to suspect Agnes would do anything to Margret but Agnes proves that she just wanted to
help them.
Nathan convinces Agnes that his love exceeds love for Rosa, and Nathan
has no want Rosa anymore.
"He made me choke," he said. "He wanted me to stay with her and her husband forever. But I need to create my own life. And here I have it. My farm myself, and freedom."
Nathan assured me that he had sent letters to Rosa, stating that he did not want her anymore. That he love for me far exceeds his love for Rosa. He just glad that I was an illegitimate child, destitute, a slave "You have to fight for everything," he said.
"You dare to challenge life, Agnes, you do not like Rosa."(70)
The statement above proves that Natan prefers Agnes of at Rosa, because
Agnes more braved life and changes her own life Agnes also able to fight for everything. The statement also said that Natan prefers Agnes whose life is
impoverished, the result of an illegitimate and she was a slave. But Nathan also prove
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3.1.4 Agnes’s Characterization Based on her Thought and Feeling
Agnes magnusdottir is not only a beautiful girl, but also she is kind woman.
She always smiles and speaks softly. That is known from her attitude to Natan, when Agnes allsNatan and has certain attitude to Natan.
I saw Agnes Magnusdottir coming down the hall, and stood up. She did not seem tall walking toward me but she looked very lovely. “Good-evening, Mr. Natan,” she said.
“How do you do” I said.
The orderly was listening behind the desk. “Shall we sit here or go out in garden?” “Let’s go out. It’s much cooler.”
I walked behind her out into the garden, the orderly looking after us. When we were out on the gravel drive she said, “Where have you been?”
“I’ve been out on post.”
“You couldn’t have sent me note?”
“No”, I said. “Not very well. I thought I was coming back.” “You ought to have let me know, darling.”(13)
This conversation happens between Agnes and Natan, it is the first time when
Natan directly invites Agnes to goes. Agnes accost Natan by giving greeting first and trying to assert Natan to the place that they want to talk together with her language, because the place will old. In the last conversation, Agnes allsNatan with “darling”.
Darling is lovely calling that only used by a couple that mutual loves or there is special relationship, in other word, darling is soft calling that shows sweetness. It can
be conclude that Agnes is kind charitable with her lover. Agnes show affection with her speaking to Natan.
Agnes alls Natan with “darling” just not two or three times, but in every opportunity.
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“Hello, darling,” she said, She looked fresh and young and very beautiful. I thought I had never seen anyone so beautiful.
“Hello,” I said. When I saw her I was in love with her. Everything turned over inside of me. She looked toward the door, saw there was no one, then she sat on the side of bed……. (39).
It happens Agnes never alls Natan with his name, in every moment; darling becomes usual calling to Natan. In some conversation above represent of little love expression
from Agnes to some who loves. Agnes also has apprehensive characteristic. The simple thing she shows by visiting Natan in the Agnes workplace.
However Agnes is like usual woman. As a woman, Agnes out her life as a woman life generally. She wants date or journey with someone who she loves. Agnes said “But get well quickly, darling, and we will go somewhere,” (43). Agnes says like
that to give motivation of Natan to get well soon, and they can together like before. Agnes feeling to Natan is too big, it can be known when Agnes willing to
sleep with Natan until some day she gives knows Natan about her pregnancy. “I’m going to have a baby, darling. It’s almost three months along.” “Is it all right?’
“Of course.”(69)
This statement shows that Agnes gives known to Natan that she is pregnant for three months. It signifies Agnes have relation with Natan long enough. There is apprehensive on Agnes that Natan will refuse about her pregnancy. Agnes makes sure
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“I’m not worried.”
“I couldn’t help it, and I haven’t worried about it. You mustn’t worry or feel badly,”
“That’s it. That’s what you mustn’t do. People have babies all the time. Everybody has babies. It’s a natural thing.”(77)
Different with Agnes that worries with Natan, Natan realizes natural condition that will be experienced every couple. Agnes has asked Natan to marry, but Natan
refuse to do that. But, in pregnant condition they do not marry.
After analyzing the Agnes‟s characterization through the methods stated by
Pooly (1967:538), the writer determines that Agnes‟s characterization in the novel Burial Rites by Hannah Kent is attractive: Agnes is described as a very beautiful girl.
In terms physical appearance looking face, skin perfectly, long hair. In terms
personality, Agnes is described as a kind, care, smart and Agnes though and feeling are mostly show that she is very falling in love with Natan. Therefore, the writer
concludes that Agnes is characterized as an attractive in Burial Rites novel by Hannah Kent.
3.2 Agnes Magnusdottir Struggle in her Life
In this sub chapter the writer will discuss about struggle Agnes Magnusdottir. Related to this topic, the writers correlate the Agnes Magnusdottir struggle with the
Hierarchy of Human Needs. Maslow (2006) classified the human being needs into a pyramid scheme that broadly known as Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Human Needs. Here
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According to the pyramid, there are five hierarchies of needs. The fist level of needs is physiological need includes need of food, air, and water. The second level
encompasses safety need. The third level of need is love and belonging. The fourth level is self-esteem. The fifth level is the need self-actualization, entails maximizing one‟s unique in life, Maslow (2006)
Related to the theory above, here the writer correlates Agnes‟s struggle with
pyramid of human need stated by Maslow (2006). Therefore, in this sub chapter the
writer presents some more sub chapter as follow: 1. Physiological need in Agnes‟s life
2. Safety need in Agnes‟s life
3. Love and belonging need in Agnes‟s life
4. Self esteem need in Agnes‟s life
5. Self actualization need in Agnes‟s life
3.2.1 Physiological Need in Agnes’s Life
As a usual woman she has other side in her life. Then other side from Agnes is Agnes has frightened to something. In this story is told that Agnes is afraid with
“That’s good. Because I’m afraid of the darkness” “Why?” I was sleepy.
“I don’t know. I’ve always been afraid of the darkness.” “I’ll always love you.”
“I’ll love you in the rain and in the snow and in the hail and—what else is there?”
“I don’t know. I guess I’m sleepy.”
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“No when I’m with you.” “Why are you afraid of it?” “I don’t know.”
“All right. I’m afraid of the darkness because sometimes I see someone who loves me died.”(58)
Agnes tells Natan that she is afraid of the darkness. Agnes thinks if she will see Natan
die in darkness. In that condition Agnes can change her mind if there is Natan beside her, she can break up her frightened when Natan with her, so she is not afraid
darkness anymore. That is also the proofs that Agnes loves Natan much and feels comfortable beside him.
3.2.2 Safety Need in Agnes’s Life
“I’m going to have a baby, darling. It’s almost three months along.” “Is it all right?’
“Of course.”(69)
This statement shows that Agnes gives known to Natan that she is pregnant
for three months. It signifies Agnes have relation with Natan long enough. There is apprehensive on Agnes that Natan will refuse about her pregnancy. Agnes makes sure
Natan that she is fine, so he does not need apprehensive about her condition. Yet, what Agnes thought is wrong, Natan feels glad to hear that.
“I’m not worried.”
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“That’s it. That’s what you mustn’t do. People have babies all the time. Everybody has babies. It’s a natural thing.”(77)
Different with Agnes that worries with Natan, Natan realizes natural condition that will be experienced every couple. Agnes has asked Natan to marry, but Natan
refuse to do that. But, in pregnant condition they do not marry.
In analysis before, it can be known that Agnes is a loyal person. It is said before, that Agnes has fiancé and they want to marry, but her fiancé dead in
accident. Agnes does not love other man after that.
“Good by,” I said. “Take care of yourself.” “Good by Agnes.”(34)
This statement happens when Natan comes out from home. “Good by,” I
said.”Take care yourself.” means Agnes wants Natan keep his self and be carefully.
Agnes has bad memory about her fiancé death in accident, in this condition Agnes
mush keep her pregnancy by herself without Natan.
3.2.3 Love and Belonging Needs in Agnes’s Life
In this story there is no explanation about her family. In this story just explain about Agnes‟s life and her story with Natan. Yet, Agnes has father and mother but her
parent not married.
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“So it is written here. Said, her father lived in the Storidalur but here there was no description of her mother” (120)
This conversation about Agnes Magnusdottir was born and about her parent. And her parent not married and Agnes the child outside marriage. From that conversation is
also known that Agnes has mother and father and her father lived in Storidalur but from the conversation there was no description about her mother.
Agnes Magnusdottir is not only a beautiful girl, but also she is kind woman. She always smiles and speaks softly. That is known from her attitude to Natan, when
Agnes alls Natan and has certain attitude to Natan.
I saw Agnes Magnusdottir coming down the hall, and stood up. She did not seem tall walking toward me but she looked very lovely. “Good-evening, Mr. Natan,” she said.
“How do you do” I said.
The orderly was listening behind the desk. “Shall we sit here or go out in garden?” “Let’s go out. It’s much cooler.”
I walked behind her out into the garden, the orderly looking after us. When we were out on the gravel drive she said, “Where have you been?”
“I’ve been out on post.”
“You couldn’t have sent me note?”
“No”, I said. “Not very well. I thought I was coming back.” “You ought to have let me know, darling.”(13)
This conversation happens between Agnes and Natan, it is the first time when Natan directly invites Agnes to goes. Agnes accost Natan by giving greeting first and trying to assert Natan to the place that they want to talk together with her language, because
the place will old. In the last conversation, Agnes alls Natan with “darling”. Darling is lovely calling that only used by a couple that mutual loves or there is special
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conclude that Agnes is kind charitable with her lover. Agnes show affection with her speaking to Natan.
3.2.4 Self Esteem Need in Agnes’s Life
In analysis before, it can be known that Agnes is a loyal person. Agnes does
not love other man after her fiancé dead. But after she meets Natan, she can move on her feeling to other man to be loved in her life. But Natan always hurt Agnes, not far from that case, Agnes to get freedom from Natan.
“Let me Nathan.” He ignored me.
"Let me go!" I rebel escape from his clutches.
"You should listen to yourself. You sound like an old woman, raving about the dreams and foreboding. (105)
This conversation that Agnes wanted Natan release but Nathan does not care Agnes who was pained by the grip Nathan. And then Agnes revolt and escape from the grip of Nathan. In order that “Let me,” I said. It means that Agnes wants Natan
waive from Natan but Natan ignored Agnes.
Natan quickly reached out and grabbed a handful, then use it to pull me closer.
"Natan! You're hurting me!"
but Natan attention distracted by something. "What is that?" he whispered.
"It is seaweed. Or dead seal. Remove the hair." "Shh!"
I let go of my hair out of its grasp, and I turned around to go back to the farm, but Nathan grabbed my sleeve, twist my body, and slapped my face with a landslide victory.
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"Do not ever talk like that to me again." Nathan's mouth presses against my ear, his voice low and cruel. "I should not have asked you to come here."(110)
In this conversation that Natan hurt Agnes again. And Agnes wanted to run away from Natan but Nathan exactly slap Agnes. Then Nathan reminds Agnes to not
speak thus about dream and a strange foreboding. But Agnes soothes Natan otherwise would no one harm him because Natan is not that important. And Agnes are fed up with the nature of temper but Agnes still loves him and remained at his side although
he was always tormented by Natan.
And there are other statement that describes Natan always hurt Agnes.
"I want you! I want to leave the valley because I want to be with you." I felt sick was so angry. "I cannot stand it any longer here."
"Then, go!" She took a step back and pulling my hand. "Get out! You've just cause trouble!"
"Let me go!"
"I'm just giving you what you want. You hate me? You want to go? Good! This is the door." (112)
It happened because Agnes thought Natan was always blaming her. And Agnes
cannot stand with Natan, who had only thought of her as him maid. Natan as Agnes could only cause problems in her life, Agnes considered as bitchy and Natan wanted
when he needed Agnes.
Sometimes Agnes asks again to Natan about her status and her position. "Do you love me?"
"You start to wander." "Answer."
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"Nathan." I begged him
"Am I going to ask you here if I do not want you here? ' "Yes, as a servant."
"You're more than a maid, Agnes." "You are lying."
"Turn off the lights." "No."
"You're annoying, Agnes."
In this statement, Nathan still does not want to talk about it. When Agnes asked about her position, Nathan always refused and angry he did not want to talk about it.
3.2.5 Self Actualization Need in Agnes’s Life
In this part, it will discuss about Agnes Magnusdottir choice that decides to
unmarried with Natan. In statement before that discussed, Agnes wants to marry with him own without any relation of church or state because Natan does not marry with Agnes, but Agnes always asks to Natan .So, until she is pregnant they do not marry.
“Couldn’t we be married privately some way? Then if anything happen to me or if you had a child.”
“There’s no way to be married except by church or state. We are married privately.”
You see, it would mean everything to me if I had any religion. But I haven’t any religion.”(50)
It is for the first time Agnes asks to Natan to marry legally, but Natan refuse because she has not religious and offers Agnes to marry privately, but Agnes refuse because marriage must in the church or state way, there is no marriage except in that place.
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“I suppose if we really have this child we ought to get married” Natan said. We were in beer place at the corner table. It was getting getting dark outside. It was still early but the day was dark and the dusk was coming early.
“Let’s get married now” I said
“No,” Natan said “Remember who you are Agnes!”(123)
In this statement, Natan refuses to marry because he does not believe in certain religion and he want to marry privately, but Agnes refuses. In the second time,
Agnes asks Natan again to marry, but Natan refuses with different reason. At the time, Agnesis pregnant in some months, because of that Agnes always ask to Natan.
But Natan always have different reason to ignore Agnes and if Agnes asks like that Natan always angry with Agnes. So, it can be conclude that Natan does not want to marry with Agnes.
For the three times, Agnes asks Natan to marry. But Natan refuses clearly, it can be known from the conversation:
“When will we be married?”
“Any time, we want to have a splendid wedding with every one thinking what a handsome couple.”
“And you’re not worried?” “Why should I be worried?”
“Please Agnes don’t make me angry, remember who you are! Remember your place!”(127)
As a woman Agnes wants to appear beautiful with body shape that she wants, especially in meaningful event like marriage. Feminist side of Agnes appears to
require her to marry in body shape like she wants. In this conversation, Agnes feels shy in pregnancy condition that woman‟s stomach will look big. But Natan ignore
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Some time Agnes asks Natan to marry again, and in same reason Natan refuses it.
“No we are not married.” “You don’t love me again?”
“Agnes, I always love you. But I can do this”
“Why Natan? Why? You can do this, and after we are married we life happy and together.”
In this statement signifies that Agnes wants Natan to marry her but Natan does not
marry. That conversation happens for the last Agnes asks him to marry. "You're playing me all these years."
"Turn off the lights Agnes." "You are cruel."
"I do not want this talk."
"You never intended to give the position as head of the household to me, is not it?"
"Turn off the lights, and let us sleep. Your eyes are like two small holes in the snow."(165)
This conversation shown that Agnes asks to Natan about her position, Natan
promised Agnes as head of household if Agnes wants to come with Natan to farm and live with him. But Natan never gives that position to Agnes.
From that analysis, Agnes makes decision in pregnant condition about her life and her status. Agnes has her own way to do her choice. In Islam religion also
organizes about this. It means how Islam looks Agnes Magnusdottir action in her life
with the all condition. In Islam, any sexual act outside of marriage is forbidden. According to Al-Quran in Surah Al-Isro ayah 32: “And do not approach unlawful
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ayah explains that unlawful sexual is forbidden, the word of “do not approach” means
Islam also explains in other Surah in Al-Quran in Surah An-Nur ayah 2: “The (unmarried) woman or (unmarried) man found guilty of sexual intercourse lash each
one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of believer‟s witness their punishment.” Allah gives big punishment to couple that found
guilty sexual intercourse. Allah organizes in al Quran that gives banyan tree to woman and mans that engage in illicit sex as many as one hundred lashes. The
punishment is done by men of faith and will be watched by other men of faith. This ayah to support Ayah and Surah before; Al-Isro‟ ayah 32.
It is very clear that perspective of Islam about the relation about man and
woman. From two ayah: Al-isro‟ 32 and An-Nur 2, explain about prohibition and its punishment to someone that do any sexual act outside of marriage. In this analysis it
is fatening upon between Agnes Magnusdottirsttitudes with NatanKetilsson until she is pregnancy is a wrong attitude in Islam. Agnes and Natan lives together without
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This chapter will draw a conclusion based on the discussion in the previous chapters. Based on the analysis done by the writer, the first it concluded that Agnes‟s
characterization is represented through her physical, speeches and actions, feeling and thought, and other character‟s thought toward her. Through those characterizations, it
is found that Agnes‟s characterizations are: smart, beautiful, pretty girl, and long hair.
Agnes described as a beautiful girl. Other character also explains that Agnes very
The second is finding about the struggle of Agnes Magnusdottir to get status from Natan Ketilson. Physiological needs clued of food, sleep, homeostatic, sex, and
breathing, water, and excretion. Agnes as one main character is suffered from Natan. Physiological Agnes must work get money to start up her live, Agnes consciously to
fulfill her physiological needs because money is key to get the food, home stay and beverages. Safety needs, everyone needs a safety to keep her, for her safety keep Agnes to keep her pregnant so that Natan not strike Agnes. Love and belonging needs
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involves emotionally based relationship in general, such as a friendship, intimacy, and family. Self-esteem, all humans have a need be respected and to have self-esteem
and self-respect. Also known as, the belonging need, esteem presents the normal human desire to be accepted and value by other. The last is self-actualization needs
that Agnes Magnusdottir wants to get status from Natan Ketilson and she can life together like other couple people. From the discussion, we can take some lessons; the first is motivation is needs for everyone to achieve the goal. The second is never
giving up getting what we wants, even we do not know the result, at least we have do the best to get the goals.
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Internet Source:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah Kent (July3, 2015 at 13.00)