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Avoiding Dirt Bike Accidents


Academic year: 2017

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The quick answer to this questions is no, you will inevitably have a dirt bike accident during your time as a dirt bike racer. It´s simply a matter of time, however you should be able to limit the number and severity of your accidents by the way you ride and the attitude you have when you´re on the back of your bike.

Keywords: dirt bikes

Article Body:

Is there any way I can avoid dirt bike accidents?

The quick answer to this questions is no, you will inevitably have a dirt bike accident during your time as a dirt bike racer. It´s simply a matter of time, however you should be able to limit the number and severity of your accidents by the way you ride and the attitude you have when you´re on the back of your bike. Does attitude really play a part in reducing dirt bike accidents?

Absolutely, but there´s a fine line that you need to be on, and riding on either side of the line can result in an accident. If you have little or no confidence then you are probably going to crash, albeit at low speed but even low speed accidents can hurt; especially if you are hit by someone who isn´t doing such a low speed. A lack of confidence usually tends to mean a lack of practise so practise somewhere very quiet and gain as much confidence as you can in both your ability and your bike´s behaviour. On the other flip side of the coin, though, you can be too confident and become reckless and dangerous. This will probably lead to more dangerous accidents for you and possibly other riders around you. The trick here is to be confident but not too cocky when it comes to your riding.

Knowledge is power, even concerning dirt bike accidents.

The more you know all the factors involved in your dirt bike racing the more chance you have of dirt bike racing being a fun and less dangerous sport. Get to know your bike´s abilities, your own abilities and as much as you can about the course before you start trying to break any records or win any races. This is where the fine line comes into it. If you´re racing a track blind you still need to have the confidence to get out there and ride fast enough to make an impact. If possible walk around the track before and see what you´re up against, even better watch some riders practising and see what they´re doing; where they´re going wrong and where they´re doing well. Dirt bike accidents can hurt like hell and do damage to you and your bike. If you know enough about your bike and your track and you have the right level of confidence then there is no reason why you shouldn´t be able to race for years with only a few less serious accidents; but do bear in mind that accidents are basically a part and parcel of dirt bike racing and they will happen to you eventually.

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