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Health Benefits of Weight Training


Academic year: 2017

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The article talks about the the health benefits of engaging in weight training exercises. However injuries that may be developed from these activities are inevitable. These injuries are not a cause of concern because it can be treated with rest, medication, and physical therapy.


tramadol side effects

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People lift weights for various reasons. Some lift weights to build strength and endurance, improve their health, while others just want to look good. Whatever the reason, the health benefits of this exercise are just overwhelming. There are two basic types of weight lifting that produce different results. These principles become important for individuals who are training for certain sports. Exercisers who want to develop strength may train with heavy weights with fewer repetitions. On the other hand, individuals who want to develop muscle endurance may use light weights and more repetitions. Whatever the effect, heavy and light weight training may bring health benefits to anyone who engages in it. Medical studies show that light weight training may reduce the development of osteoporosis, an ailment that may cause brittle bones. This is possible because strength training may increase bone mass and decrease the possibility of osteoporosis. Lifting weights may also improve one’s balance and range of motion, help prevent exercise-related injuries, and help lose weight and keep them off.

Other health benefits of light weight training may include the following:

Develop strong bones. Strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Control your body fat. As you lose muscle, your body burns calories less efficiently ˙ which can result in weight gain. The more toned your muscles, the easier it is to control your weight. Reduce your risk of injury. Building muscle protects your joints from injury. It also helps you maintain flexibility and balance ˙ and remain physically independent as you age.

Boost your stamina. As you grow stronger, you won’t fatigue as easily.

Improve your sense of well-being. Circuit training can boost your self-confidence, improve your body image and reduce the risk of depression because it promotes the excretion of hormones called endorphins. Many professionals call this effect the ˆrunner’s high.˜ Get a better night’s sleep. People who strength train regularly are less likely to struggle with insomnia.

Injuries that may be developed from weight lifting are inevitable. These injuries can be treated with rest, medication, and physical therapy. One popular medication that is used to alleviate pain caused by injuries is Tramadol, a synthetic pain reliever that has gained the approval of many doctors across the United States. It works by binding the receptors of the brain which are responsible for transmitting painful sensations throughout the body. Several medical studies show that this medication has a low abuse rate compared to other pain relievers. In addition, Tramadol side effects are milder compared to other pain relieving drugs out in the market. These side effects may include nausea, constipation, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and vomiting. Individuals should consult their doctors before taking this medicine. Though Tramadol side effects are mild and bearable, may not be used by individuals with certain health conditions and medical history. This drug may also interact with other drugs which may lead to development of more unwanted side effects. Before engaging in fitness programs weight training, individuals who want to improve their health are encouraged to seek the advice of doctors and other health specialists. They may devise an exercise program and diet that are appropriate for one’s health needs. Understanding weight training of physical activities may lead to improved overall health and well-being.

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