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An analysis of Janice Templeton`s reactions toward Elliot Hoover`s claim for her daughter as seen in Frank de Fellita`s Audrey Rose.


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education






There are no secrets to success. It is the result of

preparation, hard work, learning from failure

-Colin Powell-

To climb steep hills

requires slow pace at first

-William Shakespeare-



My greatest gratitude is for my Lord Jesus Christ. I thank Him for His never ending blessing and for being the one who is always with me time after time. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my major sponsor, Drs. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D., for his guidance, support, advice and assistance so that I could complete this thesis. My gratitude also goes to Drs. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A., my co-sponsor, for sharing his time reading and correcting my mistakes in this thesis. I thank all the lecturers of English Language Education Study Program for their guidance, and the secretariat staff of English Language Education Study Program for their aids during my study in Sanata Dharma University.

My special gratitude goes to my father, Stefanus Yogi Triwahyono, and my mother, Maria Amelia Darmastuti for their endless love, support, prayer, patience, attention and most of all for giving me freedoms to do the things I want to do. I also specially thank my sister, Maria Stephanie Astrid, and my auntie, Tante Atiek for their help and support, especially during the completion of my thesis.

My deepest affection and appreciation goes to Antonius Djatmiko. His presence, love, spirit, and support always help me when I have a problem.

I thank my best friends Rika, Nari, Vera, Nissa, Oscarita ”Mbirut”, Ria, Mbak Netta, and Chicha for always loving me the way I am and for sharing all the good times and bad times together. I also thank Andreas Dimas and I Gede Agus Ariutama for their kindness to be my second readers and revise my miserable grammar.


Finally, I would also like to thank my other friends in English Language Education Study Program and other faculties that I could not mention one by one, may God bless them all.

Maria Bernadette Betaningdyas











A. Review of Related Theories ... 7

1. Theory of Literature ... 7

a. Theory of Critical Approaches... 8

b. Theory of Character ... 9

c. Theory of Characterization ... 10

2. Theory of Psychology ... 13

a. Theory of Psychoanalysis ... 13

b. Theory of Personality... 15

c. Theory of Motivation ………19


B. Criticism ………..23

C. Context of the Novel ... 24

D. Theoretical Framework ... 25


A. Analysis on Janice Templeton’s Personality ... 32

a. Social Traits ... 33

B. Elliot Hoover’s Claim that Ivy Templeton is His Daughter’s Reincarnation as Janice Templeton’s Motivation to React ………..41


A. Conclusions ... 54

B. Suggestions ………..57

1. Suggestion for the Next Researchers ... 57

2. Suggestion for Teaching Implementation ... 58






Appendix 1: Summary of the Novel ... 64

Appendix 2: Cover of the Novel ... 66

Appendix 3: Biography of Frank De Felitta ... 67

Appendix 4: Lesson Plan of Teaching Extensive Reading II ... 68

Appendix 5: Material and Media ………..70



Betaningdyas, Maria Bernadette. 2009. An Analysis of Janice Templeton’s Reactions toward Elliot Hoover’s Claim for Her Daughter as Seen in Frank De Felitta’s Audrey Rose. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

The aim of the study is to find someone’s personality and to know how the personality motivates someone’s reactions by examining Janice Templeton’s motivation to react toward Elliot Hoover’s claim for her daughter in Frank De Felitta’s Audrey Rose.

To achieve the aim of the study, there are two problems to answer: 1). “How is Janice Templeton’s personality described?”, and 2). “How does Janice Templeton react toward Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is Hoover daughter’s reincarnation?”

The method applied in this study is a library research. The sources of information are found in the library. There are two kinds of sources. The primary source is the novel Audrey Rose (1976) written by Frank De Felitta, and the secondary sources are obtained from books on literary work and the internet. This study uses theory of character, theory of characterization, and theory of psychology. Psychological approach is used to discuss motivation, reactions, and personality.

The result of the first analysis shows that Janice is a rational woman who does not believe in any belief. Janice is a responsible and affectionate mother. She loves her only daughter very much. When her daughter is claimed as somebody’s reincarnation and has an unusual nightmare every night, Janice tries to save and heal her daughter. Moreover, Janice is a never-give-up, calm, and reclusive person. She does not want to involve her daughter in the problem. Janice will do anything in order to make her daughter happy, safe, and protected.

In the second analysis, it is found that Janice’s reactions are motivated by her desire to heal and save her daughter, Ivy. Janice’s reactions are also driven by immediate gratification of her safety need as well as her love and belonging need. Finally, besides giving suggestions for the future researchers concerning possible future research on the novel Audrey Rose, the implementation of the novel in teaching English is also suggested, especially in teaching Reading by using the novel Audrey Rose as the primary source.



Betaningdyas, Maria Bernadette. 2009. An Analysis of Janice Templeton’s Reactions toward Elliot Hoover’s Claim for Her Daughter as Seen in Frank De Felitta’s Audrey Rose. Yogyakarta:Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Tujuan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengungkap kepribadian seseorang dan bagaimana kepribadian itu dapat memotivasi reaksi seseorang dengan menganalisa motivasi Janice Templeton dalam bereaksi terhadap pernyataan Elliot Hoover tentang anaknya pada novel Audrey Rose.

Untuk mencapai tujuan skripsi di atas, saya merumuskan masalah dalam dua buah pertanyaan: 1). Bagaimana kepribadian Janice Templeton dideskripsikan?, 2). Bagaimana Janice Templeton bereaksi terhadap pernyataan Elliot Hoover tentang Ivy yang merupakan reinkarnasi seseorang?

Metode yang diterapkan dalam studi ini adalah studi pustaka. Prosedur penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan sumber-sumber informasi dari perpustakaan. Ada dua macam sumber yang digunakan dalam studi ini. Sumber utama didapatkan dari novel Audrey Rose karya Frank De Felitta, dan sumber kedua didapatkan dari buku-buku literature dan internet. Studi ini menggunakan teori tokoh dan penokohan serta teori psikologi. Pendekatan psikologis digunakan untuk mendiskusikan motivasi, reaksi, dan kepribadian.

Hasil dari analisa pertama menunjukkan bahwa Janice adalah seorang wanita rasional yang tidak percaya pada kepercayaan apapun. Janice adalah seorang ibu yang bertanggung jawab dan penyayang. Dia sangat mencintai putri semata wayangnya. Ketika putrinya dinyatakan sebagai reinkarnasi dari seseorang dan mengalami mimpi buruk yang tidak biasa setiap malam, Janice mencoba untuk menyelamatkan dan menyembuhkan anaknya. Selain itu Janice adalah seorang yang tidak pernah menyerah, tenang, dan tertutup. Dia tidak mau melibatkan anaknya dalam setiap masalah. Janice akan melakukan segalanya untuk membuat anaknya merasa senang, aman, dan terlindungi.

Dalam analisa kedua ditemukan bahwa reaksi-reaksi Janice dimotivasi oleh keinginannya untuk menyembuhkan dan menyelamatkan anaknya, Ivy. Reaksi-reaksi Janice juga didorong oleh kepuasan rasa aman dan keinginan cinta dan memiliki.

Akhirnya, disamping memberikan saran-saran untuk penelitian yang akan datang mengenai novel Audrey Rose, penerapan novel ini dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris juga disarankan, terutama dalam pelajaran membaca dengan menggunakan novel Audrey Rose sebagai sumbernya.



This chapter consists of five sections. The first one is Background of the Study. It explains the reason of choosing the topic of the study. The second section is Objectives of the Study which are the aims of the study. The next one is the Problem Formulation containing the problems discussed in this study. Benefits of the study are the fourth section. The benefits of the study identify who will obtain the advantage from the study. The last is Definition of Terms that are expected to clarify the important terms and to avoid any misunderstanding in this study.

A. Background of the Study

Literature is one of the works of arts. It communicates human’s problems, attitudes, feelings, and thoughts. By reading literature, readers can obtain much knowledge about real life described in literature. According to Hudson (1958: 10), literature is fundamentally an expression of life through medium of language. Literature like novels, poems, prose, short stories, etc deals with human imagination and also human’s real lives and experiences. Literature is often used to express the author’s thoughts and feelings. In producing them, the authors involve their emotions in the theme and the characters in their work. Through literature, they can share their valuable experiences to the readers. Then, hopefully the readers can learn from the author’s experiences and values about life.

As human beings, we have so many life experiences. Our life experiences do not only make us happy, but sometimes they can make us feel sad, lonely, fear,


disappointed, and desperate. The unpleasant feelings emerge when we face a problem in our life. The problems that emerge can be caused by our environment, family, friends, or even ourselves. Then, the most important thing is whether those problems can be solved or not. One of the strength to solve these problems comes from our own personalities. There are a lot of human’s aspects that can be counted as personalities, e.g. character, attitude, manner, etc.

Literature as one kind of art products may give inspirations to the readers especially when they have to solve a lot of problems in their life. Many people who have great personalities may react appropriately in facing the problems in their life. Sometimes, it is necessary for us to learn from the people, especially about the way they solve the problems. Hopefully, their success can be our inspiration to have the same success in achieving our dreams and solving the difficulties in our life.

People’s reactions emerge because of certain actions. Someone’s reactions can be beneficial for him or her in finding out effective or efficient way to solve the problems, but it also can be harmful and inefficient for him or her if the way chosen to solve the problem is wrong.


Because of that reason, the main character’s reactions in the novel Audrey Rose is chosen to be analyzed deeply.

Frank De Felitta’s Audrey Rose is one of the novels that tell us about a struggle of a mother in facing her daughter’s unusual condition. Janice Templeton, a mother who has a beautiful and perfect daughter, Ivy Templeton, has to face a reality that her beloved daughter is actually possessed by another soul. Janice does not believe in any belief. This novel also describes clearly about how Janice’s reactions toward someone’s claim that Janice’s daughter is somebody’s reincarnation, influence Janice in facing all obstacles in her life. In order to analyze the novel, some theories are needed. They are theory of literature and theory of psychology. Theory of literature uses theory of critical approaches, theory of character and theory of characterization. Meanwhile, theory of psychology uses theory of psychoanalysis, theory of personality, and theory of motivation. Those theories are needed when analyzing the novel.

B. Objectives of the Study

The study wants to show Janice Templeton’s personality in Audrey Rose as the main character. Besides, this study also aims at finding out someone’s reactions when her daughter is claimed as somebody’s reincarnation, as seen in Janice Templeton, the major character of Frank De Felitta’s Audrey Rose.

C. Problem Formulation

The problem in this paper can be formulated as follows:


2. How does Janice Templeton react toward Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is Hoover daughter’s reincarnation?

D. Benefits of the Study

It is hoped that the result from the discussion in this study will be beneficial for the writer as the researcher, for the readers, and for the other researchers.

Firstly, for the writer itself, the writer understands more about the novel that has been analyzed concerning a mother’s reactions when her daughter is claimed as somebody’s reincarnation. It also increases the writer’s awareness about reincarnation, faith, and belief which appear in the novel.

Secondly, the study hopes that the result will also be useful for the readers. Every human being, including a woman as a mother, must have problems in their life. However, problems are just common phenomena in someone’s life even though many of us cannot pass them. Some reactions emerge in facing a problem and they can be positive or negative. Hopefully this study can give some important lessons and values for the readers in facing the problems in their own lives.

It is also hoped that the next researcher, who are interested in analyzing the same novel or the same topic like reincarnation, faith, believe, affection, etc, will obtain some benefits from the thesis.

E. Definition of Terms


1. Reaction

Husaini and Noor (1981: 111) state that reaction is a measure or a contrast response from an action.

According to Encarta Webster’s College Dictionary (2001: 1204), reaction is divided into two, emotional and active responses. Emotional response is “an emotional or intellectual response that something arouses”, while active response means “a response to something that involves taking action, or an action taken in response to something”.

Reaction in this study refers to Janice Templeton’s reaction toward Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is somebody’s reincarnation.

2. Reincarnation

According to Indrahartanto (2008: 2), reincarnation comes from a Latin word,”incarnere”. It means a faith which believes that a soul will still be alive after the human being has died, or the soul will be reborn to the world in another soul, including animal.

Hinnels (1984: 269) states that reincarnation is the turning of a wheel. The belief in reincarnation teaches about “the destiny of the soul in the resurrection of the dead in a future age but saw man as having to experience a variety of rebirths before then in order to fulfill his tasks on earth”.


Reincarnation in this novel refers to Ivy Templeton, the daughter of Janice and Bill Templeton, who is claimed as the reincarnation of Audrey Rose, Elliot Hoover’s daughter who died ten years ago in a burning car.

3. Claim

According to Hornby (1974:151), claim is “an assertion of a right or assertion that something is a fact”.

In this study, claim means Elliot Hoover’s assertion to Janice Templeton that Janice’s daughter is Hoover daughter’s reincarnation.

Thus, this study analyzes Janice Templeton’s personality in the novel. It also deals with Janice Templeton’s reactions toward the claim that her daughter is somebody’s reincarnation. In addition to that, this study discusses the values of the novel as seen in Janice Templeton’s motivation to save her daughter, Ivy.




This chapter is divided into four major parts; review of related theories, criticism, context of the novel, and theoretical framework. Review of related theories consists of theory of literature and theory of psychology. Then, context of the novel explains the background of the novel. Meanwhile, criticism includes critics and comments on Felitta and his works. The last is theoretical framework is about problems the writer wants to solve and theories that are used in the problem solving.

A. Review of Related Theories

This part is divided into two major parts. They are theory of literature and theory of psychology. Theory of literature is divided into three parts. They are theory of critical approaches, theory of character, and theory of characterization. In theory of psychology, there are theory of psychoanalysis, theory of personality and theory of motivation.

1. Theory of Literature

In the theory of literature, some theories are needed. There are theory of critical approaches, theory of character and theory of characterization. Theory of critical approaches deals with the approaches usually used in the study of literature. In the second part, theory of character, explains any definition of character from many sources and also kinds of character in a story. The last part is


theory of characterization which deals with the definition and ways of characterizing in the literary works.

a. Theory of Critical Approaches

According to Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 3-15), there are five critical approaches. They are the formalist approach, the biographical approach, the sociocultural-historical approach, the mythopoeic approach, and the psychological approach.

The formalist approach demonstrates the harmonious involvement of all parts to the whole literature work and also describes how meaning is derived from structure and how matters of technique determine of structure. This approach is concerned with the ideas, personality, and development of the author, the conception, and discrimination of ideas through literary pieces in historical context.

Then, the biographical approach considers the author’s background to appreciate his or her work of literature. The sociocultural-historical approach considers the sociocultural-historical background, when the work is written, in order to understand the work.

Meanwhile, the mythopoeic approach tries to observe the universally repeated structures of the human thought, which they perceive that it can give an important meaning to the work of literature. The psychological approach is an approach that involves the effort to discover and illustrate this approach certain repetitive patterns.


b. Theory of Character

Van de Laar and Schoonwoerd (1957: 165) in An Approach to English Literature say that characters in a novel must be like actual human beings. The characters must be in some way recognizable men and women. Abrams (1981: 20) defines that “characters are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say (dialogue) and by what they do (action)”. In addition, Foster (1974: 30-32) implies that the character in a fiction is an author’s creation and it is considered to be similar to the real people in life.

According to Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 20-21), the characters can be described as flat and round character. Flat character remains stable, while round character is more complicated. Characters in a story may have various personalities and physical attributes, and they do things differently from what they have done in the beginning of the story to the end of the story. Therefore, there is no similar character of person in a story. All stories have some characters that are dominant to every event in the story and usually the events change the character’s behavior or the readers’ expectations toward the character itself. The flat character tends to be fixed and does not change within the story. The round character is usually protagonist. The protagonist is central in every action and the opposite of the antagonist character. The antagonist is another major character, which is not always a person, but it can be some external forces. They can be fate, environment, or something outside themselves.


characters are characters observed most often in the novel and whose appearances are frequent. By understanding them, the readers will understand the central experiences of the novel. He points out that the effectiveness of most novels depends upon the ability of the major characters to express and dramatize the human issues of the book. On the other hand, the secondary or minor characters are characters that perform more limited functions. They are generally less complex, or less intense, and drawn in shallower relief, present what is often only one side of the experience.

c. Theory of Characterization

Holman and Harmon (1986: 81-82) state that the process where an author creates a character is called characterization. Characterization is the creation of imaginary persons. They are created imaginatively, but they have to be seen real, so they exist for the readers as life like.


the character dramatically. The author describes the character through the way he or she behaves or speaks. In this novel, it is described clearly how Janice Templeton, the main character, reacts in facing her life problems. It seems that Abrams has the same opinion with Rohrberger and Woods on how to characterize. While Abrams (1981: 21) in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms says that there are two different methods in characterizing the person in a narrative, which are showing or dramatic method and telling method. In showing, the author just writes about what the characters say and do and lets the readers conclude by themselves what motives and dispositions lie behind the characters’ words and acts. Furthermore, in telling, the author gives the description, and often evaluation, about the motives and dispositional qualities of the characters.

Meanwhile, Murphy (1972: 61-173) in his book Understanding Unseen explains that there are nine ways used by the author to make his or her characters understandable to and come alive for the readers. They are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerism. Here, the writer will explain briefly about those characterizations.


The third characterization is speech. It is an important way that we can use to describe a character. The author gives us a description of the characteristic of one person in the novel through what the person says and the style of his or her speech. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he or she is in conversation with others, whenever he or she puts forward an opinion, he or she is giving us some clues to his or her character.

The fourth one is past life. A person’s character is influenced by their past life. This is the reason why the author often gives hints to certain events in the characters past life in literary work.

The fifth characterization is conversation of others. We can take clues of a person’s character through the conversations of the other people and the things they say about him or her. People talk about other people and the things they say often given as a clue to the character of the person spoken about.

The sixth characterization is reactions. Different characters will react differently if they are faced with problems. Each reaction toward the problems shows the character’s tendency and his or her tendency gives the readers a clue about the character’s personality. How character solves the problem can show his or her true character and motivation.

The next characterization is direct comment. The description by direct comment is different from the personal description. In the direct comment description, the author directly gives his or her personal reception and comment to the character that he or she creates.


The last one is mannerism. The author can also describe a person’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies in his or her fictional life can also describe the character’s personality.

2. Theory of Psychology

This part defines theory of psychoanalysis, theory of personality, and theory of motivation. The study needs to know the theory of psychoanalysis in order to explore the private personality or intrinsic motives that direct someone to do his or her reactions. Theory of personality is used in order to analyze the character more profoundly. This part is also completed by theory of motivation.

a. Theory of Psychoanalysis

According to Atkinson (1981: 395-396) in Introduction to Psychology, psychoanalysis theory explores the private personality or the unconscious motives that direct behavior. Psychoanalysis theory is also concerned with the way in which personality develops.


these impulses. Like a young child, the id operates on the pleasure principle that endeavors to avoid pain and obtain pleasure regardless of the external circumstances. It can be concluded that the actions based on the id are basic human instinct such as instinct of sexuality (life-instinct), aggression (death-instinct), and immediate gratification. Therefore, if the id is the only part of personality, an individual might seek pleasure and avoid discomfort in immediate and dangerously spontaneous way.

The second system is the ego. Children soon learn that their impulses cannot always be immediately fulfilled. Hunger must wait until someone provides food. The satisfaction of relieving bladder or bowel pressure must be delayed until the bathroom is reached. A new part of the personality, the ego, develops as the young child learns to consider the demands of reality. The ego obeys the reality principle, which tells that the gratification of impulses must be delayed until the appropriate environmental conditions are found. Ego is essentially the ”executive” of personality in that it decides what actions are appropriate and which id impulses will be satisfied in what manner. The ego mediates among the demands of the id, the realities of the world, and the demands of the superego.


Initially, parents control children’s behavior by reward and punishment. Through the integration of parental standards into the superego, behavior is brought under self-control. Children no longer need anyone to tell them it is wrong to steal. However, their superego tells them. Violation of the superego’s standards, or even the impulses to do so, produces anxiety over the loss of parental love. According to Freud, this anxiety is unconscious. The conscious emotion is guilt. If parental standards are overly rigid, the individual may be guilt-ridden and inhibit all aggressive or sexual impulses. In contrast, an individual who fails to incorporate any standards for acceptable social behavior will have few behavioral constraints and may connect in excessively self- indulgent or criminal behavior, such a person is considered to have a weak superego.

Sometimes the three components of personality are in the same position. The ego postpones the gratification that the id wants immediately, and the superego battles with both the id and the ego because behavior often falls short of the moral code it represents. More often, in the normal person, the three work together to produce integrated behavior. In addition, Kasschau (1995: 270) states that the id is concerned with what the person wants to do, the ego is concerned with planning what he or she can do, and the superego is concerned with planning what he or she should do.

b. Theory of Personality


impulsive, thus describing him or her by reference to his or her salient traits, or we may simply attach a type label and call him or her an extravert. These two kinds of description are also relevant to scientific study of personality. We shall first consider each in turn and then the distinction between them. We identify traits by observing individual behaving consistently in response to a variety of environmental conditions. To identify specific trait, we must observe a characteristic modus operandi, or style of behavior, which is evident in a large number of widely differing circumstances.

Kalish (1971: 52-69) states that the human personality can be studied and discussed in terms of processes, sections, characteristics, and pieces, but the human being behaves as a total entity. Moreover, he or she behaves as an organism interacting with his or her social environment and culture. Personality can be defined as the “dynamic organization of characteristic attributes leading to behavior and distinguishing one individual from other individuals”. Personality also refers to the total individual and includes (but is not limited to) needs, motives, methods of adjusting, temperament qualities, self-concepts, role behaviors, attitudes, values, and abilities. The human personality may be viewed in a variety of ways. We may see it as either enduring or arising from a specific situation, as either an integration of segments or a whole entity, as being motivated to come to rest or being motivated to grow and develop, as stemming largely from heredity or mostly from the environment or varying combinations of the two, as being totally determined by heredity and environment or as having freedom and choice.


as the characteristic patterns of behavior and modes of thinking that determine a person’s alteration to the environment.

Atkinson (1981) also states:

The term characteristic in the definition implies some consistency in behavior that people tend to act or think in certain ways in many different situations. For example, you can probably think of an acquaintance who seldom expresses anger, no matter what the provocation, and another who flies off the handle at the slightest irritation. (383)

It means that the consistency of behavior in someone’s personality may affect him or her to act or think in certain ways in different situations. Furthermore, characteristic relates to behavior in personality. Behavior is the result of interaction between personality characteristics and the social and physical conditions of the environment.

There are public and private personalities. Public personality includes expressive features and mannerisms, general disposition, the way you react to threatening situations, the attitudes, and much more. Someone may behave differently in large social gatherings than he or she does in a small group of close friends, but the public side of your personality still can be observed by others and can be measured in various ways. The private personality is a hidden part of personality. Private personality includes the fantasies, thoughts, and experiences that are not shared with others.


(sonat) his part. It suggests that the personality is the mask of one’s role in the comedy or tragedy of life and is not to be identified with the actor, for the persona is nothing more than a veil hiding his true nature.

According to Braun (1975: 404), psychologists use the concept of personality to find out not only what make individuals unique but also what it is that makes people seem to behave consistently in a variety of situations and over a long period of time. Personality may be defined as those continuing characteristics of the person that are significant for interpersonal behavior. There are also some views on attitudes as one part of a whole personality. These views are explained in order to avoid misunderstanding on the concept of behavior and attitudes as parts of personality. People have attitudes about an enormous number of subjects. We have attitudes about and opinions of general election, the value of college education, the lifestyle that we want, our teachers and friends, our families, and countless other topics. Moreover, character, attitudes, behavior and other terms are included in someone’s personality.


behavior. Clearly, behavior is determined by many factors of which our attitude is but one, and these other factors affect attitude-behavior consistency. One obvious factor is the degree of constraint in the situation where we must often act in ways that are not consonant with what we feel or believe. The strength and consistency of a person’s attitudes also determined how well they would predict behavior (Atkinson, 1981: 547-548).

Attitudes do not automatically exist in our mind. But they are obviously acquired from other persons through our views from situations in which we interact with others or merely observe their behavior. According to Baron and Byrne (1997: 131-136), attitudes can be acquired indirectly, from other persons and directly through direct experience.

c. Theory of Motivation

According to McClelland (1985: 4), motivation refers on one hand to conscious intents, to such inner thoughts as, I wish I could play the piano, I want to be a doctor, and I’m trying hard to solve this problem. On the other hand, looking at behaviors from the outside, motivation refers to inferences about conscious intents that we make from observing behaviors. Thus, if we see a young girl perform a connected series of acts such as walking into room, drawing up the piano stool, getting out some music, opening the piano, and starting to play, we assume that she wants to play a piano. If she stops playing after a while, we assume that she no longer wants to play the piano.


impulses, and purposes. Motivation also involves the persistence of behavior over time so that continued effort can occur if obstacles or setbacks occur. Emotion is related to motivation because it sometimes operates as motivating factors, and influences motivations in the process of response of something.

Beck (1978: 24) says that motivation is broadly concerned with the current determinants of choice (direction), persistence, and vigor of goal-direct behavior. In fact, someone’s behavior cannot be separated from his or her emotions.

According to Herbert L. Petri in his book Motivation and Research (1981: 302-304), motivation is the concept we use when we describe the forces acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior. There are five needs that motivate human activities. These factors are stated in the hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy of needs which is proposed by Abraham Maslow consists of physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.


become unimportant when one’s life is endangered, and our behavior reflects our attempts to remain secure. Maslow defines that everyone needs to feel safe from such harm as meeting with physical violence, having things he or she values taken away, or losing the care of parents or other protectors. Sometimes, an individual seeks for comfort and avoids pain to fulfill this need.

Third is love and belonging needs. When the safety needs have been adequately met, they become unimportant in the direction of behavior, and the love or belongingness needs emerge. These needs involve a hunger for affectionate relationships with others, a need to feel part of a group, or a feeling that one “belongs”. The love needs are not equivalent to sexual needs (which are physiological), though sexual intimacy can serve to satisfy one’s need to belong. The love needs require both the receiving and giving of love from another and someone to love. In addition, Kalish (1973: 44) defines that the needs of love and belonging include motives such as love and affection. As this need dominates, we feel a desire for friends, family, and social contact.

The next is esteem and self-esteem needs. If the love needs have been adequately met, they too slip into the background in relation to guiding behavior, and the esteem needs become dominant. The need for self-esteem motivates the individual to strive for achievement, strength, confidence, independence, and freedom. The related need of esteem from others involves a desire for reputation, status, recognition, appreciation by others of one’s abilities, and a feeling of importance.


48) states that the need to self-actualize motives people to grow and develop their talents.

According to Reaske (1966: 13) in How to Analyze Drama, motivation is defined as the character’s reason for doing something.

The first motive is hope for reward. It means that a major character desires to bring happiness and prosperity to him or her to those whom he or she loves. For example, someone who wants to work hard in order to buy his or her parents a house.

The second motive is love. It is an extension of the hope for reward. A character is motivated to do certain action because of the love which he or she has, the love which he or she wants or the love which someone has for him or her. The example of this motive is a mother who is willing to endure pain on her child’s birth just because she loves her child.

The third is fear or failure. This is an inversion of the hope for reward. A character works in a certain fashion because he or she fears that he or she will be crushed if he or she does not.

The next is religious feeling. It is found occasionally, but not frequently. The character acts with deep feelings and convictions that he or she acts as God’s commandments.

The last is revenge. It means that characters are usually willing to lose their own life if necessary, as long as they are able to murder or hurt someone who has hurt them or the one they love.


B. Criticism

Wellek (1956: 78) states that “a work of art may rather embody the ‘dream’ of an author than his actual life, or it may be the mask’ the ‘anti-self’ behind which his real person is hiding, or it may be a picture of the life which the author wants to escape”. From her statement, we can conclude that an author has some reasons to write his or her literary works. They can be the expression of the author’s dream, own life, or the situation that the author avoids from.

As one of two most popular novels of Frank De Felitta, Audrey Rose has been analyzed and criticized by some people who are interested in the novel. Unfortunately, any criticisms related to Janice Templeton’s character cannot be found. The criticisms found almost tell about the novel itself, Audrey Rose, and also the Ivy Templeton’s character.

The criticism is taken from the internet. Although the analysis does not have any direction with the writer’s analysis, the analysis can give more information about Audrey Rose novel.

“Audrey Rose was a fabulous book. This book is one full of pathos and yet with a lot of depth. The child in the book and her natural father are tied together with a tight string which even the fires and ashes could not burn. I would recommend this book to anyone who does not believe in the supernatural as a concept and yet has fears and doubts about its existence, those who believe in reincarnation and those who have doubts. It’s not a book hurting any religious sentiment and yet it is of the profoundest intensity.


different or can't easily be explained, my religion doesn't believe in reincarnation but I don't dismiss the idea of it and find the idea of maybe being able to come back and live life all over again interesting, of course it would be cool if you had the choice of whether you would want that or not”.

(Taken from www.google.com/audrey rose novel/analysis.html, accessed on Monday, August 4th, 2008)

C. Context of the Novel

The setting of Audrey Rose happens in New York during 1970’s. It is important to know the New York condition during that time in order to know the actual condition in which the setting of the novel happens.

In the early 1970 until 1979, New York has been through great changes in almost all aspects, from politics to environment. The citizens are modern and well educated since there are a lot of schools and universities that have been built. The government votes money for a new scholarship program, for reimbursement of parochial schools' costs for mandated state programs, and for increased aid to the City University of New York. Unfortunately, the great increases in education and politics are followed by the crimes and drugs addiction. Increased addiction leads to an extraordinary growth in street crime, to the point where city residents are fear to leave their homes at night. They spend millions of dollars on elaborate locks and doorjambs. Eight taxi drivers are murdered in holdups. The street crime is complemented by an ever more powerful organized criminal element in all the cities of the state, especially Italian mafia and gangster.


slowly begins to raise from its economical and social crisis. He allows people to show their creativity through legalize a lot of show business. The government also gives support for the arts by providing a total of $34.1 million.

As show business rapidly grows in New York, many screen play writers, song writers, and novelists involve in a tight competition to win contracts with major show business companies. They help New York to get out from economical crisis through their great amount of salary taxes.

This condition motivates Frank De Felitta in writing a novel entitled Audrey Rose. Audrey Rose novel tells about a mother whose daughter is claimed as the reincarnation of the other girl who passed away in a burning car. The mother, named Janice Templeton, does not believe in reincarnation, like some of modern people in New York also.

(Taken from www.ency.encarta.com/newyork/1970s., accessed on Monday, August 4th, 2008).

D. Theoretical Framework


characteristic and is described as an individual’s most striking characteristic, theory of character and characterization by Murphy is applied. These theories help the writer to analyze the personality character of Janice Templeton, the main character in the novel Audrey Rose. The second problem is the understanding of how the author describes Janice Templeton’s reactions toward Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is Hoover daughter’s reincarnation. To analyze this problem, theory of psychoanalysis by Freud and theory of motivation by Maslow are employed. From these theories, it can be concluded the reactions of Janice Templeton toward Elliot Hoover’s claim for her daughter. For the addition, the novel itself-Audrey Rose- is used as the primary reference in order to conduct this study.




The study will explain about the primary data, approach, procedures, and organization of the study that are used to write the thesis. This chapter consists of subject matter, approach, procedures, and organization of the study. In the first part, subject matter, the study explains the novel that is employed as the main source in analyzing this thesis in detail. The second part is approach, which contains the approach that is applied to analyze the novel. The third part is procedures, in which will be explained a series of steps the writer utilized in writing this thesis. The last part is completed by the organization of the study.

A. Subject Matter

The novel that is used in this thesis is Audrey Rose. This novel is written by Frank De Felitta and was first published in 1976 by William Collins & Co Ltd. It has 368 pages and is divided into 24 chapters. Audrey Rose has been reprinted several times. It was last reprinted in 1983, published by Pan Books Ltd, Cavaye Place, London, and printed by Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd, Bungay, Suffolk.

The Audrey Rose novel is a fiction novel written by Frank De Felitta. This novel has a wonderful story about reincarnation, faith, and belief. A girl named Ivy Templeton is a daughter of a young couple, Bill and Janice Templeton. In analyzing the novel, the character of Janice Templeton, the mother of Ivy


Templeton, is focused to be analyzed. Janice has to believe that her daughter is the reincarnation of Audrey Rose, someone who died in a car crash. Ivy Templeton was born on the same date of the same year, at the same time when the other girl died. Janice Templeton, who does not believe in reincarnation, is convinced to face the reality. This novel shows how Janice reacts toward a claim that her daughter is somebody’s reincarnation. It also shows Janice’s motivation which makes her able to react to save her daughter, Ivy Templeton, from her unusual nightmare.

B. Approach

This study applied Psychological Approach. Psychological Approach is applied in order to find theory of psychological aspects of human that is related to accomplish the thesis. This study uses theory of personality in order to analyze the character more profoundly. Psychological Approach also provides some explanations on the kind of reactions which happened in the main character’s life through the theories from psychology that are theory of psychoanalysis and theory of motivation. By applying this approach, the writer could reveal Janice Templeton’s reactions toward Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is Hoover daughter’s reincarnation.

C. Procedures


necessary data in order to support the thesis. The writer also tried to find the information from the other sources, from the internet.


D. Organization of the Study

This analysis is divided into five chapters. Chapter I, introduction, tells about background for choosing the topic and the novel Audrey Rose. Then, objectives of the study state the goal in this study. It is followed with problem formulation that states the discussion in this study. Next, benefits of the study explain the advantages of this study for the writer, the readers, and other researchers. The last part, definition of terms is the information to clarify some terms discussed in the study.

Chapter II contains four major parts. They are review of related theories, criticism, context of the novel, and theoretical framework. Review of related literature is divided into two parts. The first part is theory of literature, which consists of theory of critical approaches, theory of character, and theory of characterization. Theory of psychology is the second part. It consists of theory of psychoanalysis, theory of personality, and theory of motivation. Then, criticism states people’s opinion and comments about this novel. Next, context of the novel explains the real situation of the novel setting. The last major part is theoretical framework.

Chapter III consists of four parts. First, subject matter states physical condition of the novel. The second is approach. It deals with the implementation of the approach to achieve the objectives of this study. Third, procedures explain steps that the writer took in analyzing this study. Last, organization of the study states all chapters in this thesis.


part describes the Janice Templeton’s personality in the novel; the second part discusses the reactions of Janice Templeton toward Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is a reincarnation of Elliot Hoover’s daughter as analyzed from the novel Audrey Rose.

Chapter V presents the conclusion and suggestions. The conclusion of study states the answer to the novel analyzed. In the suggestions, the writer gives suggestions for future researchers concerning possible future research on the novel Audrey Rose. Besides, the implementation of the novel in teaching English is also suggested, especially in teaching Reading by using the novel Audrey Rose as the primary source.



This chapter analyzes the two problems stated in Chapter I. The first part discusses how Janice Templeton is described in the novel. The second part discusses Janice Templeton’s reactions toward Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is the reincarnation of Hoover’s daughter. Character, attitudes, behavior, and other terms are included in someone’s personality. Based on that understanding, then, the combination of all those terms will be applied in order to know the clear description of Janice’s personality.

A. Analysis on Janice Templeton’s Personality

According to Atkinson (1981: 383), personality is defined as an individual’s most striking characteristic. A character has an essential part in a novel. Janice Templeton is a character in the novel as in accordance with Abram’s definition (1981: 20). She is one of the people in the novel that disposition qualities expressed in what she says and does. Based on Henkle’s definition (1977: 88), Janice is one of the major characters in the story. She has an important role from the beginning until the end of the story. Janice’s characters are observed most often in the novel and her appearances are frequent. According to Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 3-15), Janice Templeton is described as round character since her character changes within the story. The significant change shows that Janice starts to believe in Elliot Hoover’s claim that Janice’s daughter is Hoover daughter’s reincarnation.


In order to understand how the author describes a character, there are nine ways suggested by Murphy (1972: 161-173). They are through his or her personal description, his or her character as seen by other character, his or her speech, past life, conversations of others, reactions, direct comments, thought, and mannerism. Thus, in describing Janice Templeton’s personality, some of the ways are applied. The discussion on Janice Templeton’s personality is performed by making the list of her characteristics. It is based on the findings of the analysis social traits, physical appearance, and personality traits.

a. Social Traits

In the novel, Janice Templeton is described as both a wife and a mother of Bill and Ivy Templeton. She is a housewife. Janice and her husband, Bill, first meet at a matinee of La Traviata in San Fransisco. Both of them are opera fans. They also cannot abide TV, love bridge, and own a fabulous library of records (15). For eleven years, Janice always feels happy, safe, and protected, because she always thinks that her family is perfect and loved. Unfortunately, this situation does not last long. Suddenly, a mysterious man, named Elliot Hoover, claims Ivy as his daughter who died ten years ago in a burning car. Ivy is claimed as Audrey Rose’s reincarnation, the name of Hoover’s daughter. Hoover is very persistent in his claim. He says that he has met two psychics who say that his daughter, Audrey Rose, is still alive. The first psychic says “Your daughter is still alive and she’s come back” (69). The second psychic also says that Audrey Rose is reincarnated into a girl, named Ivy Templeton.


my daughter, very detailed–descriptions of the kind of clothes she wore, and the friends she had-but it was my daughter, in your daughter, born again.” (70-71)

After Hoover’s claim, Janice’s life becomes a nightmare. In one side, she does not believe in reincarnation and faith, but in the other hand, her daughter shows unusual behaviors and has an unusual nightmare almost every night. This situation later on brings destruction to Janice’s family.

b. Physical Appearance

Janice is a type of modern woman. She is a smoker and loves to drink a scotch in her leisure time. She is beautiful and stylish with her soft brown hair and light complexion skin. The author shows Janice’s physical appearance as follows:

At eleven forty she stood before the door mirror in their bedroom surveying the finished product and was gratified by what she saw. Although the handsome blue and burgundy plaid pants suit was last year’s purchase, it not only fitted her well, but did superb things for her figure. Her soft brown hair and lightly cosmeticized skin completed the portrait of a bold and, she had to admit quite beautiful woman. (47)

c. Personality Traits 1. Affectionate

Before Elliot Hoover comes to Janice’s life, Janice always thinks that her family is the most perfect family in New York. Since she has everything that she needs, no frights, no sudden shocks, no miseries, always feels safe, and protected (17).


plague Ivy when she was toddler, not sickness, or want, or fear, or desire” (17). In Ivy’s nightmare, she attacks herself unconsciously. After Hoover’s claim, Ivy’s nightmare happens almost every night. Janice tries to take Ivy to a doctor and a psychiatrist, because Janice worries of Ivy’s condition. The doctor and the psychiatrist say that Janice does not need to worry of Ivy’s health. Janice believes in what they said, although after a long time, she feels uncertain about that.

Elliot Hoover’s claim shocks Janice. As a person who does not believe in reincarnation and faith, Janice tries to disregard Hoover’s claim. Elliot Hoover claims that Ivy’s attitudes, habits, and appearances are completely the same as his daughter, Audrey Rose. Hoover says that Ivy’s nightmare is not expressing some special fears of separation from Janice, not even sickness “I think your daughter may be in far greater trouble” (104). He believes that Ivy’s nightmare is caused by Audrey Rose “Ivy is experiencing the same anguish that Audrey experienced in that terrible fire, and Audrey will continue to abuse Ivy’s body until Audrey Rose’s soul is set free” (147). Moreover, Hoover says that Audrey will ruin Ivy’s body.

“She will keep pushing Ivy back to the source of the problem; she’ll be trying to get back to that moment and will be leading Ivy into dangers as tormenting and destructive as the fire that took Audrey’s life.” (147)

Of course, Janice pays no attention to what Hoover said about Audrey Rose, because Janice only cares about her daughter’s condition and health. She will do anything to make her daughter feels safe, protected, healthy, and happy.

2. Responsible


Janice always brings Ivy to school and picks up her after school every day (9). When Ivy is sick, Janice always takes care of her daughter passionately “It was just above normal, yet Janice thought it best to keep her home from school (18)”. When Elliot Hoover comes to their life, Janice becomes more strictly in protecting Ivy. Janice always worries that Hoover will take her daughter over from her life. As a responsible mother, Janice tries to save Ivy from Hoover’s interference. Janice is always beside Ivy every time. Janice is afraid that the man is watching and waiting for her daughter in front of her apartment building. Hence, every time Janice enters her apartment, she will double lock and bolt the door (11). She does not want the mysterious man enter her apartment when she is only with Ivy.


3. Calm

The presence of Elliot Hoover in Templeton’s family makes Janice feel uncomfortable. She always thinks that Hoover does not have good purposes for her daughter, Ivy. In Janice’s mind, the man will kidnap her daughter and destroy her perfect family. Hence, Janice is always careful on her daughter’s life and protects her daughter strictly. Until one day, when Janice is playing a scrabble with her daughter, Hoover contacts Templeton’s home. Hoover does not say anything on the telephone, but for Janice, the call is a kind of terror. Although Janice starts to panic at that time, she tries to control herself in order to make her daughter not to feel panic.

Janice picked up the phone on the fourth ring.

She stood there, eyes shut, steeling herself against the wave of utter panic about to overwhelm her. It was the man. She knew it was he. It could be no one else. He had found their unlisted number. Somehow. She felt trembling. Control! Control! She must not let Ivy see her like this!

A small, static smile affixed to her face, Janice gracefully squatted down to resume the game. (27)

Janice’s reaction to control herself is clearly seen when she talks to herself that she has to control herself not to worry in front of her daughter.

4. Rational


burning car. According to Janice, Hoover’s claim is an effort to take Ivy over from Bill and Janice. Therefore, Janice does not want it will be happened.

“All right”, she said quietly. “I do not believe in reincarnation. I believe that Elliot Hoover is a dedicated, persuasive man with a single purpose in his life. For some reason, he wants our child. With all his sweet, poetic, religious talk, he’s got a fire burning inside him that won’t let him quit till he gets what he wants.” She heard her voice quiver and felt fears sting at her eyes. “So you’d better stop him….before he destroys us all…” (99)

Moreover, Janice has a problem in her life. She has to believe in what she cannot believe. When Elliot Hoover asks her about her belief, she says that she does not believe in religion and faith. She says that she is a rational woman who always believes in science, and so is her husband. Her rational thinking can be found in her conversation with Elliot Hoover below:

“You may think that, Mr. Hoover, but we do not. We believe in our doctor, have confidence in her training and experience, and trust her completely.” “Furthermore”, Janice continued, “We believe in medical science, not in superstition.” And then Hoover said, “Do you have a religion, Mrs. Templeton?” “No, I don’t believe in religion.” “Were you always an atheist?” “Yes, always.” “And I really appreciate if you’d stop sending me your religious books, your flowers, your sayings, or anything else regarding your beliefs, as I have absolutely no interest in the subject.” (104)


5. Never-Give-Up Woman

Janice Templeton is also a never give up person, especially when she has to deal with everything related to her daughter’s nightmare. Janice will do anything to obtain her desire to make her daughter feel happy, safe, and protected. She will never stop trying to achieve her goals, which are to take care of her daughter and to cure her daughter’s nightmare.

Janice and her husband try to take their daughter, Ivy, to a doctor and a psychiatrist, because Janice worries of Ivy’s condition. The doctor and the psychiatrist say that Janice does not need to worry of her daughter’s condition. They say that Ivy is expressing fears of loosing Janice (105).

Janice also does not want to involve her daughter in the problems. She lets her daughter look like a normal child. That is why when a lot of people try to talk about Ivy’s case, Janice sends Ivy to a parochial school for girls which has a dormitory and led by Sister Veronica Joseph (194). Janice does not want Ivy to listen from other people about what happened to her when she gets her nightmare. Janice wants to protect her daughter and wants her daughter’s behaviors are the same as a normal girl. However, Ivy’s nightmare becomes worse. Janice decides to take Ivy back to their home.


God’s mercy (136). Janice follows what the priest has said, although it means that she has to change her belief.

One night, Ivy gets her nightmare and Janice cannot overcome it. She prays to God “Oh, God! she said, nearly voiceless, her eyes blurring with dizziness” (141) and to Holy Mary, asks some help”Help me” she cried to herself “Dearest Mary, help me to help my child!” (141). Suddenly, Hoover comes and wants to help Janice. Janice thinks that her prayer has been answered “She had asked for God’s help, and He had answered” (144). God has sent Hoover as a helper for Janice and her daughter. Janice will do anything in order to heal her daughter, included opposing her husband’s way of thinking. Her husband is angry with her because of her reaction to let Hoover helps herself and her daughter. Janice is disappointed with Bill. She thinks Bill do not care with their daughter. Janice says that she has no choice at that time. She is afraid about Ivy’s condition which will kill herself if it cannot be stopped “For God’s sake, I was there, you weren’t! Ivy was going crazy, I was afraid she’d kill herself” (172). Furthermore, Janice has a reason why she did that “I had to let him in because only he could help her! Is it possible you still don’t understand that?” (172). Janice wants Bill to understand and accept the reality that only Hoover who can help Ivy from her unusual nightmare.

6. Reclusive


first time she does not believe in what Hoover’s said about reincarnation, but Ivy’s nightmare every night and also Ivy’s unusual behaviors force her to believe in Hoover’s claim (135). She always says that she does not believe in him, but Hoover knows she think differently. Janice hides the truth in front of him. She just wants to show that she is a rational woman and does not want other people know that in her mind, she feels vague about the psychiatrist’s and the doctor’s theories. Janice individually starts to give explanation for Hoover’s claim.

Janice shook her head dazedly and wondered which was the more incredible: that it could all be true, or that she was willing to accept it as being true? She was not a gullible person, had never been a believer in the occult or the supernatural. But this was different. She was directly involved, an eyewitness, a participant in Audrey Rose’s little game of spiritual hide and seek. But deep inside, she knew differently. And Hoover knew that she knew. ………….your fear keeps holding you at arm’s distance from what…you know…to be truth. He was right. (154-155)

B. Elliot Hoover’s Claim that Ivy Templeton is His Daughter’s Reincarnation as Janice Templeton’s Motivation to React


Janice Gilbert Templeton, the main character in the Frank De Felitta’s Audrey Rose, is a rational woman. She does not believe in any belief, religion, and faith because she has a traumatic experience when she was a child. Janice was born in a religious Catholic family. When she was a child, she was frightened by the nun’s talk about death and resurrection. Janice always thinks that her church, St. Andrews which is hewn out of ancient and silent stone and also covers with fungus, looks like a Dracula’s castle. She leaves her church and all rituals before high school. Of course her parents are pained by her decision, but they do not say a word (105-106). Janice meets her husband who is also a rational person and does not believe in religion. It makes her think more rationally. When a mysterious man, named Elliot Hoover, claims Ivy Templeton, Janice’s daughter, as his daughter’s reincarnation who died ten years ago in a burning car, Janice does not believe it. Later, she has a problem in her life that she has to believe in what she cannot believe in order to save and heal her daughter’s life.

Janice is described as a modern woman. She is beautiful with her soft brown hair and lightly cosmeticized skin (47). Like her husband, she cannot abide TV, loves bridge, and owns a fabulous library of records. She has a husband named Bill Templeton, and their only daughter, Ivy Templeton. Ivy is the prettiest and happiest daughter in all New York. Janice always thinks that she is the luckiest woman in New York, because she has everything. Money, security, and prettiest Ivy are Janice’s valuable things. She will do anything to make her family happy.


Janice never worries about anything related to her family, except one problem which has to be faced. Ivy, her daughter, has a nightmare when she was two years old. The nightmare is not a usual nightmare. Ivy attacks herself unconsciously in her nightmare. One day, a man, named Elliot Hoover, claims Janice’s daughter as his daughter’s reincarnation who died ten years ago in a burning car “In effect, you are saying that our daughter, Ivy, is really your daughter, Audrey Rose” (71-72). Hoover is very certain about his claim after he has observed from Ivy’s habits, appearances, and behaviors for many years, in order to convince that Ivy is really his daughter (89). After Hoover comes to Janice’s family and claims Ivy as his daughter’s reincarnation, Ivy’s nightmare starts over again and happens almost every night. In her nightmare, sometimes she scraps her hands of something, sleepwalks or even runs around her bedroom, falls over furniture, shouts, sobs, pleads and babbles repeating words “Daddydaddydaddyhothothothothot”, and also the worst things happened are that she tries to get to a window, then pulls away, and seeks to get out or even burns her fingers and pounds on a mirror in her bedroom until her fingers are bleeding (139-144). As a responsible and affectionate mother, Janice wants to heal Ivy. She is afraid of Ivy’s condition and health will be worse if the nightmare happens for a long time.


“For God’s sake Bill-“ Janice exploded. “You honestly think that what’s been happening to Ivy is nothing more than a simple illness like…like the flu?” “Do it again”, Bill mumbled and, picking up the fresh drink, quaffed of it in one gulp.

“Let me tell you a little more about what I really believe. I am a firm believer in things as they are.” He raised the glass and finished the drink down to the olive. “I believe that up is up and down is down. I’d believe that if I stood on this table and dived off headfirst, I’d probably break my neck. There’d be no guardian angel around to cushion my fall. If I died, I would be either be cremated or planted in the ground, and it would be the end of me. Finis! (127-128)

Janice becomes more confident after Bill has said that everything in this world can be explained in a rational way, no exception. She tries not to pay attention to Hoover’s claim about her daughter. She just cares about healing her daughter from the nightmare.

Janice tries another way to save Ivy. She sends her daughter to a parochial school which is led by a nun named Mother Veronica Joseph. Janice wants to keep her daughter away from Hoover. She does not want her daughter know about Hoover and his claim. But this cannot work well, Ivy is sick. She has a fever and a cold which developed into a severe bronchial infection. It is stated clearly when Janice is testified her evidence to support Hoover in a court that Ivy shows her unusual behavior

“Most of the girls at the school had colds, but Ivy’s cold developed into a severe bronchial infection. She was up half the night-having terrible coughing spasm. And she had a fever.” (329)


Then, they stay in a hotel. One night, Janice is awakened by a noise coming from Ivy’s room. When Janice goes to investigate, she finds Ivy in the bathroom, is standing naked in front of the mirror, looking at herself, giggling and whispering, “Audrey Rose”, as if Ivy is calling to her, as if Audrey Rose is hiding somewhere inside Ivy’s body and Ivy is trying to reach her. Janice sees the whole things happened as a ploy caused by Audrey Rose to get Ivy back to the city where Hoover lives. Moreover, Ivy tries to hurt herself by walking into the fire when her school friends are celebrating what is called “a crowning and melting ceremony”. Mother Veronica Joseph tells Janice that Ivy literary walks and then crawls into the fire, and if it has not been for the custodian, Mr. Calitri, who rushes in after Ivy and pulls her out, she has been killed (332). Janice feels fear. She does not want the worse things are happened again. Before everything gets worse, she decides to take her daughter back to their house.

Since Janice is a never give up person, she tries the other way to heal her daughter. She meets a priest and tells her problem about her daughter. Janice says that she regrets her decision to leave her religion and church. She wants a help for her daughter. The priest asks what happened to her daughter. Janice tells the story about her daughter’s nightmares and also Hoover’s claim that her daughter is a reincarnation of somebody. That for the first time Janice does not believe in what Hoover said, but as time goes by, Janice finds that Hoover is right and she starts to believe him.

“And you believe what this man has told you to be true?”

“Things…strange things have happened that convince me that it may be true, Father.”


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