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Academic year: 2022



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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : XII / 5

Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

Satandar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate

Kompetensi Dasar : C.1 Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu

Indicator :

 Melakukan dan menangani pemesanan (Making and Taking Reservation)

I. Tujuan Pemelajaran

Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat :

 Melakukan dan menangani pemesanan (Making and Taking Reservation)

II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar

 Phonology :

Segmaentals : Segamntals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used

Supra Segmentals : Pronounciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

 Vocabularies :

 Terminology used in the following fields : hotel, restaurant, travel and transportation, movie, etc.

 Expressing used in making and taking reservations :

 What can I do for you, Sir?

 Can I have your name?

 I beg your pardon.


 Could you spell your name?

 Grammar

 Future Perfect :

 The order will have arrived at the harbor by the first of the month.

 Mr. Purwanto will have been managing this section for three years by the end of this year.

III. Metode Pemelajaran 1. Question and Answer 2. Role Playing

3. Observation 4. Lecture

IV. Sekenario Pemelajaran

1. Kegiatan awal (5-10 menit)

 Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alas an/penyebabnya)

 Apersepsi dan motivasi : membuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa.

 Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.

2. Kegiatan Inti

 Listening

 Matching the pictures with statements about restaurant.

 Listening to short talks and choosing the best answer to each question.

 Listening to the song and completing its lyric.


 Speaking

 Role playing dialogs about how to make and take reservations.

 Making short dialogs based on the pictures given.

 Making and taking reservations based on clues given.

 Reading

 Reading a dialog(in hotel, restaurant, travel agent)

 Writing

 Filling in the reservation form

 Writing a reservation

 Arranging words in the correct order to make sentences about reservation

 Completing conversations about how to make and take reservations

3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)

 Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

 Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

 Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar

1. Modul Bahasa Inggris level Intermediate, Kode Modul C1 2. Global Access to the World of Work

3. Grammar in Use


VI. Penilaian

a. Making conversation based on this pictures and practice it in front of class.

b. Fill I the gaps use one of these words for each sentence.

1. I’m phoning to _______ my reservation for Friday night.

2. I’m sorry, that the last point is not very clear to me. Could I ask you to _______ it?

3. He says his company will buy our products. However I’d like to _______ that by saying that we still need government approval.

Key answer :

1. Confirm 2.Clarify 3. Qualify

Mengetahui :

Kepala SMKN 3 Metro

Drs. KAYADI NIP. 131856347

Metro, 3 Januari 2006

Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris





Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : XII / 5

Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

Satandar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate

Kompetensi Dasar : C.1 Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu

Indicator :

 Pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum (general information) yang terkait dengan monolog periklanan (advertisements) dijawab dengan benar.

I. Tujuan Pemelajaran

Setelah pemelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat menjawab :

 Pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum (general information) yang terkait dengan monolog periklanan (advertisements) dijawab dengan benar.

II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar

 Phonology :

Segmaentals : Segamntals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used

Supra Segmentals : Pronounciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

 Vocabulary :

Relevant vocabulary in advertisement.

 Grammar

 Gerunds as Subjects :


“Jogging is a simple sport.”

 Gerunds as Objects :

“Do you mind joining us to the beach?”

 Gerunds as Complements :

“Her job is sorting the mail.”

 Gerunds as Prepositions :

“Are you interested in collecting used stamps?”

III. Metode Pemelajaran

1. Question and Answer (Tanya Jawab) 2. Lecturing (Ceramah)

3. Task (Penugasan)

IV. Skenario Pemelajaran

1. Kegiatan awal (5-10 menit)

 Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alas an/penyebabnya)

 Apersepsi dan motivasi : membuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa.

 Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.

2. Kegiatan Inti

 Listening

 Matching the pictures with statements about advertisements.

 Listening to the song and completing its lyric.

 Speaking

 Creating and role playing on making advertisement.

 Making an advertisement based on the pictures given.


 Reading

 Reading for information about job advertisement.

 Writing

 Writing an advertisement based on the pictures given.

 Arranging jumbled statements into a good advertisement.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)

 Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

 Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

 Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar

1. Modul Bahasa Inggris level Intermediate, Kode Modul C1 halaman 1-7 2. Global Access to the World of Work

3. Grammar in Use

VI. Penilaian

a. Pictures : identify the best statement with the pictures below!


a. This advertisement tells us about the new film of Harry Potter.

b. You can send you your app letter CDB district.

c. You should have good skills, such as fluency in English and can operate computer window 2000.

d. You can get good salary after work two years.


An assistant secretary with good skills, fluency I English, available to work 24 hours, had has an experience minimum 2 years, and able to operate computer windows 2000.

Send your app letter to Centra Mulia Building, 1stfloor, or contact Rasuna Said Telp. 777898.


b. Complete this advertisement bellow with the suitable phrase from the box.

c. Choose the best answer.

8. ______ an information about the scholarship from advertisement.

a. Alice got c. Alice’s to get b. Alice getting d. Alice gets 9. “How do I turn on the TV?”

“_______ the button at the right.”

a. from pushing c. you pushing b. by pushing d. to push

Key Answer :

1. C 2. Are you 3. Do you 4. Can you

5. looking for 6. starting salary 7. full details

8. D 9. B

Mengetahui :

Kepala SMKN 3 Metro

Drs. KAYADI NIP. 131856347

Metro, 3 Januari 2006

Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris


NIP. 460023788 JOBS VACANT

(2) _____ efficient, reliable, smart, and diligent?

(3) _____ have a good telephone manner?

(4) _____ type and operate a computer?

Our hard-working, energetic sales manger is (5) _____ a lively secretary with initiative.

Good (6) ____

Three weeks holiday.

Write with (7) ____ to :

Barbara Roberts, Personnel Officer, Of-Op Ltd, 100 Mowbray Road, London WCIB 4BJ.

Are you starting looking for Can you salary do you

Full details



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : XII / 5

Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

Satandar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate

Kompetensi Dasar : C.1 Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu

Indicator :

 Pertanyaan mengenai isi monolog (detailed information) yang terkait dengan laporan-laporan (Reports) dijawab dengan benar.

I. Tujuan Pemelajaran

Setelah pemelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat menjawab :

 Pertanyaan mengenai isi monolog (detailed information) yang terkait dengan laporan-laporan (Reports) dijawab dengan benar.

II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar

 Phonology :

Segmaentals : Segamntals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used

Supra Segmentals : Pronounciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

 Vocabulary :

Relevant vocabulary in reports.

 Grammar Antonym :

 Small >< Big

 Go >< Back


Synonym :

 Features = Facilities

 Sensible = Reasonable

III. Metode Pemelajaran

1. Question and Answer (Tanya Jawab) 2. Lecturing (Ceramah)

3. Task (Penugasan)

IV. Skenario Pemelajaran

1. Kegiatan awal (5-10 menit)

 Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alas an/penyebabnya)

 Apersepsi dan motivasi : membuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa.

 Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.

2. Kegiatan Inti

 Listening

 Completing cloze report with oral (recorder) information.

 Matching oral statements with pictures given.

 Listening to the song and completing its lyrics.

 Speaking

 Creating and role playing based on the given situations.

 Acting out the monolog about how to be a reporter.

 Reading

 Reading for information about top last news.


 Writing

 Completing reports by choosing verb phrase given.

 Writing the answer based on given questions.

 Making reports based on the pictures.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)

 Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

 Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

 Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar

1. Modul Bahasa Inggris level Intermediate, Kode Modul C1 2. Global Access to the World of Work

3. Grammar in Use

VI. Penilaian

a. Practice to be a newscaster based on monologs given.

The truth behind the labels

Whether motivated to "buy American" by patriotism or by recent safety and health alerts about goods made abroad, readers have let us know that they're concerned about the birthplace of the products they choose. But locating that homeland isn't always easy.

The federal agencies (there are at least five) that oversee and enforce the rules on what's "made in the U.S.A." don't always see eye-to- eye. Consider beans grown in the U.S.; dried, rehydrated, and canned in the Dominican Republic; and sent back to the U.S. for sale. The Food and Drug Administration considers the Dominican Republic the country of production (and the beans would be labeled "Product of Dominican Republic" and not "Made in the U.S.A."), but Customs and Border Protection considers those beans American (though no one we contacted at that agency clarified exactly how its handling of imported beans would differ). Moreover, the components of today's products come from all over. The Braun Pulsonic shaver we found at Wal-Mart, for example, included parts made in Germany, Ireland, Hungary, and China.

Labeling rules can be daunting. The context of the claim and whether it's likely to mislead a reasonable consumer are key factors, according to the Federal Trade Commission, which is responsible for protecting consumers from false or deceptive claims. When a company is


cited for misleading consumers, it usually agrees to change its behavior without admitting wrongdoing. The FTC investigates "a couple of dozen"

complaints a year about made-in-America labels, says agency attorney Laura Koss. Consumers can e-mail such complaints to musa@ftc.gov.

b. Questions 1 – 3 refer to the following reports

In October, markel on-line acquired Peptel visual of berlin, one of Europe's leading educational software companies. The deal calls for markel (a $49 milliontoronto-based company) to pay $5 million up front for peptel and as much as $5 million more over the next few years, depending on the German company’s performance. Peptel posted $4.2 million in sales last year.

1. If Pepted performs well, what is the largest total markel will have to pay?

(A) $4.2 million (C) $10 million (B) $5 million (D) $49 million 2. Peptel is based in

(A) Canada (C) gread britan (B) the united states (D) germany 3. What flied are these companies in?

(A) computer software (C) visual arts

(B) postal service (D) toy manufacturing

Key Answer :

1. B 2. D 3. A

Mengetahui :

Kepala SMKN 3 Metro

Drs. KAYADI NIP. 131856347

Metro, 3 Januari 2006

Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris


NIP. 460023788



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : XII / 5

Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

Satandar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate

Kompetensi Dasar : C.1 Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu

Indicator :

 Monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu ditulis dalam bentuk intisari/summary (taking notes)

I. Tujuan Pemelajaran

Setelah pemelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat memahami :

 Monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu ditulis dalam bentuk intisari/summary (taking notes)

II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar

 Phonology :

Segmaentals : Segamntals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used

Supra Segmentals : Pronounciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

 Vocabulary :

Relevant vocabulary in reports.

 Grammar

Prefixes and suffixes to form verbs : en-; -en; -ize; -fy; etc.

 You should ensure him about this matter.

 Why don’t you shorten your visit to the branch office?


 How will you classify these documents?

 We must localize the trouble.

III. Metode Pemelajaran

1. Question and Answer (Tanya Jawab) 2. Lecturing (Ceramah)

3. Task (Penugasan)

IV. Skenario Pemelajaran

1. Kegiatan awal (5-10 menit)

 Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alas an/penyebabnya)

 Apersepsi dan motivasi : membuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa.

 Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.

2. Kegiatan Inti

 Listening

 Listening to recorded short talk talks.

 Matching oral statements with pictures given.

 Listening to the song and completing its lyrics.

 Speaking

 Creating and role playing based on the given situations.

 Discussion to make summarize of passages given.

 Reading

 Reading for the passages about reports, advertisements, announcements, etc.


 Writing

 Completing passages given.

 Writing the answer based on given questions.

 Making summarize based on the passages given.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)

 Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

 Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

 Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar

1. Modul Bahasa Inggris level Intermediate, Kode Modul C 1 2. Global Access to the World of Work

3. Grammar in Use

VI. Penilaian

a. Praktek : menceritakan kembali apa yang telah dibaca.

Congressional reports originate from congressional committees and deal with proposed legislation and issues under investigation. There are two types of reports:

House and Senate Reports: Reports of congressional committees concerning proposed legislation and/or contain findings on matters under investigation.

Senate Executive Reports: Reports of the Committee on Foreign Relations relating to Treaties between the United States and foreign nations which have been submitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification, or are reports of various Senate Committees regarding nomination of individuals.

GPO Access contains House, Senate, and executive reports from the 104th Congress (1995-96) forward. The database for the current Congress is updated irregularly, as electronic versions of the documents become available. Reports are available as ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files.


b. Questions 1 – 4 refer to the following passage 1. What is the congressional report ?

(A) The database (C) Proposed legislation (B) Portable document (D) Electronic version 2. What might happen to the Congressional?

(A) it may be bought (C) it only issue under investigation (B) it may be change (D) it may become international 3. How many types of the report?

(A) 3 reports (C) 4 reports (B) 2 reports (D) 6 reports

Key Answer :

1. C 2. C 3. B

Mengetahui :

Kepala SMKN 3 Metro

Drs. KAYADI NIP. 131856347

Metro, 3 Januari 2006

Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris


NIP. 460023788



KEOMPETENSI DASAR C.1 (Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 Menit)


When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.





Questions 3 – 6 refer to the following advertisement.


We introduce and distribute your products To 125,000 distributors in 155 countries, FREE !

For a FREE information kit call :

Tel: (310) 553-4434 Ext. 105 fax (310) 553-5555 GRAND TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED

3. Who is the advertisement written for ?

(A) Distributors (C) Manufactures

(B) Seles representatives (D) Information specialists

4. How many countries are mentioned ?

(A) 125 (C) 310

(B) 155 (D) 501

5. Where we must call for information?

(A) Tel: (310) 730-8967 (C) Fax: (310) 553-7625 (B) Fax: (310) 408-7635 (D) Tel: (310) 553-4434

6. How many distributors are mentioned?

(A) 750,500 (C) 250,000

(B) 350,000 (D) 125,000

Questions 7 – 10 refer to the following advertisement.

The report 'Air pollution in Europe 1990–2004' analyses changes in air pollutant emissions and their possible health or ecosystem impacts in Europe. The report covers the period 1990–2004. In the 32 EEA member countries measured concentrations of particulate matter and ozone in the air have not shown any improvement since 1997, despite a decrease in emissions. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is now generally recognized to


be the main threat to human health from air pollution. As sulphur emissions have fallen, ammonia emitted from agricultural activity and nitrogen oxides from combustion processes have become the predominant acidifying and atrophying agents affecting ecosystems.

7. What is the passage talk about?

(A) Impacts in Europe (C) Information specialists (B) Air pollution in Europe in ’90-‘04 (D) Manufactures

8. What does the report analyses?

(A) Impacts in Europe cause air pollution (B) Air pollution in Europe in ’90-‘04 (C) Information specialists

(D) Ecosystem impacts in Europe

9. What does happen with ozone now in Europe?

(A) Decrease to better

(B) Air pollution in Europe in ’90-‘04

(C) Have not shown any improvement since 1997 (D) Ecosystem impacts in Europe

10. What have become the predominant acidifying?

(A) As sulphur emissions have fallen (B) Ammonia and nitrogen oxides (C) Agricultural activity

(D) Combustion processes



1. C

(A) Advertisement is written only for children (B) Flit can kill your boyfriend

(C) Feen-a-mint is the laxative which can chew like gum (D) Mrs. Winslow Syrup can make you headless

2. B

(A) A woman makes the reservations (B) A woman wants to change their room (C) A woman wants to take the room (D) A woman is crying alone

3. C 4. B 5. D.

6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B


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