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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TREASURE HUNT GAME TO IMPROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT’S ENGLISH VOCABULARY MASTERY (Quasi Experimental Research of the Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang in the Academic Year 2016/2017) - Unissula Repository


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A Final Project



(Quasi Experimental Research of the Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang

in the Academic Year 2016/2017)

Prepared and Presented by:

Dewi Masitoh 31801200410

This final project has been approved by the advisor to be examined

Approved by: Semarang, April 3rd , 2017




A Sarjana Pendidikan Final Project on



(Quasi Experimental Research of the Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang

Prepared and Presented by:

Dewi Masitoh 31801200410

Defended before the board of Examiners On April

and declared acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairman : Choiril Anwar, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________________ Secretary : Huyi Intan Sari, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________________ Member : Kurniawan Yudhi N., S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________________

Semarang, April 3, 2017 Dean of FBIK Sultan Agung Islamic University



Hereby, I honestly declare that the undergraduate final project I wrote does

not contain the works of other people, except those which are citied in the

quotations and references as a scientific paper should. If my statement is not valid

in the future, I absolutely agree to accept an academic sanction in the form of

revocation of my paper and my degree obtained from the paper.

Semarang, April 3, 2017

The Researcher



Masitoh, Dewi. 2017. The Effectiveness of Treasure Hunt Game to Improve Elementary School Student’s English Vocabulary Mastery (Quasi Experimental Research of the Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang in the Academic Year 2016/2017). English Language Education Study. Facuty of language and Communication Science. Program Bachelor Degree. Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang. Advisor: Choiril Anwar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

The objective of this study was to find out whether the use of Treasure Hunt Game is effective to improve students’ English vocabulary mastery in the fourth graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. The researcher used quasi experimental method and chose two classes as the sample, they were: IVA grade as experimental class with 36 students and IVB grade as control class with 37 students. In this study, the researcher collected the data in three steps: pre-test, treatment, and post-test to look for the data, then they were analyzed by using SPSS for Windows Version 21.0. The result of this study showed that there was a significant difference in the mean score of post-test in both group. The mean of post-test in experimental group was 88.00. Whereas the mean of post-test in control group was 76.32. Based on independent t-test, the result of independent sample t-test for post-test showed that t-value was 3.411. The sig (2-tailed) of t-test for equality of means = 0.001 < 0.05. It means that there was a significant difference in the mean score student’s skills achievement between the experimental and control group. So, it could be concluded that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected, meaning that the use of Treasure Hunt game was effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.



Masitoh, Dewi. 2017. The Effectiveness of Treasure Hunt Game to Improve Elementary School Student’s English Vocabulary Mastery (Quasi Experimental Research of the Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang in the Academic Year 2016/2017). Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Bahasa dan Ilmu Komunikasi Sarjana Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang. Pembimbing: Choiril Anwar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan penggunaan “Treasure Hunt Game” efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa di Kelas IV SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang pada tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Peneliti menggunakan metode quasi experimental dan memilih duakelas sebagai sampel, kelas tersebut adalah kelas IVA sebagai kelas eksperimental dengan 36 siswa dan kelas IVB sebagai kelas control dengan 37 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengumpulkan data dalam tigat tahap: pre-test, treatment, dan post-test untuk mencari data kemudian mereka dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 21.0 untuk Windows. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perpedaan yang signifikan dalam hasil post-test di kedua kelas tersebut. Nilai rata-rata post-test untuk kelompok eksperimentala dalah 88.00 Sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test untuk kelompok control adalah 76.32. Hasil T-value post-test t-value 3.411. Sig (2-tailed) dari t-test equality of means = 0.001 < 0.05. Hal tersebut menunjukan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pencapaian kemampuan belajar siswa antara experimental dan control grup. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa H1 diterima dan H0 ditolak, dalam artian Treasure Hunt Game efektif dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa.



“Whoever came out to seek knowledge then he is on the path of Allah”


DEDICATION This final project is especially dedicated to:

 My beloved parents Bapak Moh.Umar and Ibu Ngatimah who always give me spirit, support, prayers and motivation to finish this final project.



Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the world for His mercies and blessings to enable the researcher to finish this final project

completely. In this opportunity, the researcher would be very grateful to many

people who helped her in finishing this final project. The researcher would like to

express her sincere gratitude to:

1. H. Anis Malik Thoha, L,C., M.A., Ph.D. as the Rector of UNISSULA.

2. Hartono, S.S., M.Pd. as the Dean of Language and Communication Science.

3. Dian Marhaeni Kurdaninsih, S.Sos., M.Si as the secretary of of Language and

Communication Science.

4. Kurniawan Yudhi Nugroho, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Head of English Education

Program of Language and Communication Science.

5. Choiril Anwar, S.Pd., M.Pd. as her advisor who always gave her guidance

and help to finish this final project.

6. Huyi Intan Sari, S.Pd., M.Pd., who has given guidance in completing her

proposal writing.

7. All of lecturers and staffs of Language and Communication Science

UNISSULA, who have given motivation, lesson, support and precious


9. Siti Munasyaroh, S.Pd.I and Dian Noor Ekowati, S.Pd. as teacher in SD Islam

Darul Huda for his help and cooperation during her study.

10. Researcher’s family and especially her beloved parents and sister for loving,

supporting and giving her motivation in finishing my final project.

11. Her best friend Kariyan A.J.F. who always support her.

12. For all of my friends, Niswa, Fadhilah, Afifah, Lala, Amel, Lutfi and all of

my friends in E1 class who always give support and knowledge that had

shared with her.

13. The great family of Education Program 12 of College of Languages.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this final project has not been still being

perfect. However, the researcher hopes that this final project will be useful for the


Semarang, April 3, 2017



1.1 Background of the Study...1

1.2 Reasons for Choosing Topic...4

1.3 Research Question...4

1.4 Objective of the Study...5

1.5 Hypothesis...5

1.6 Limitation of the Study...6

1.7 Significance of the Study...6

1.8 Definition of the Key Terms...7

1.9 Outline of the Study...7


2.1 Teaching and Learning English at Elementary School...9

2.1.1 The Definitions of Elementary School Student...9

2.1.2 The Characteristics of Elementary School Student...10

2.2 Teaching Vocabulary...12

2.2.1 Definition of Vocabulary...12

2.2.2 Ways to Improve Students’ Vocabulary...13


2.3.1 Games as a Teaching Strategy...17

2.3.2 Kinds of Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary...18

2.4 Treasure Hunt Game...19

2.4.1 The Use of Treasure Hunt Game in Learning...20

2.5 The Advantages of Using Treasure Hunt Game...22

2.6 Review of Previous Studies...22


3.1 Research Design...25

3.2 Variables of the Study...26

3.3 Subject of the Study...27

3.3.1 Population...27

3.3.2 Sample...27

3.4 Instrument of the Study...28

3.5 The Validity and Reliability of the Study...28

3.6 Procedures of the Study...29

3.6.1 Try Out...29

3.6.2 Pre-test...30

3.6.3 Treatment...30

3.6.4 Post Test...36

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis...36


4.1 The Description of SD Islam Darul Huda...39

4.2 The Respondent...40

4.3 Instrument Validity and Reliability...40

4.3.1 Validity...40

4.3.2 Reliability...41

4.4 The Research Activity...42

4.4.1 Pre-test...42

4.4.2 Standard of Normality...43

4.4.3 The Standard of Homogeneity...45


4.4.5 Treatment...47 Treatment of Experimental Class...47 Learning Activity of Control Class...48

4.4.6 Post-test...49

4.4.7 The Independent Sample t-test of the Post-test...50

4.5 Analysis of Result...52


5.1 Conclusion...53

5.2 Suggestion...53



This chapter discusses background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic,

research question, hypothesis, objectives of the study, limitation of the study,

significance of the study, definition of key terms, and outline of the study.

1.1 Background of the Study

English is the first foreign language taught to students of elementary school.

Teaching English in elementary has been accepted in Indonesia in line with the

government’s plan on the nine years basic education. In the elementary school,

English is taught as one of the local content. The aim of it is to motivate them to

be ready and have self confident in learning english at higher level education.

Students of elementary school just learn English in simple pattern (vocabulary,

grammar, pronunciation, etc.) since they learn it for the first time.

In communication using english, students need vocabulary which can support

them to produce and use meaningful sentences. That is why vocabulary very

essential to be mastered. The more the vocabulary students have, the better they

are able to comprehend their foreign language. Rich of vocabulary make students

are able to master English skill. In other side, poor vocabulary can be the major

cause of failure in learning foreign language.

Vocabulary is very important for foreign language learners. Webster (1966:22)


employed by a language in group or individually in work and in relation to a

subject. Vocabulary is one of the elements to support language teaching process,

because vocabulary is a basis of learning English. To learn language, we have to

master vocabulary to know the meaning of the words and to use them in

sentences. Vocabulary is also useful in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Without vocabulary, learners cannot produce sentences. For example, when a

student wants to say something, he or she does not know how to say it

appropriately. Developing student’s vocabulary is one of the most important tasks

for english teachers. It means vocabulary must be taught earlier. In this way,

teacher is expected to be imaginative and creative to make the English lesson

more exciting.

In learning English, vocabulary is being the main priority to be taught to the

learners from the early stage. As stated by Fauziati (2010: 91), children in primary

or elementary school are at the concrete operational stage of cognitive

development and classroom activities should create and offer opportunities to

learners for learning. Learners need to be actively involved in the learning

process and they have to take responsibility to expand their vocabulary by

themselves. Consequently, the teacher should use appropriate technique in

teaching vocabulary which is relevant and motivating the learners. One of

interesting games which can be used to teach vocabulary is Treasure Hunt.


the list – usually without purchasing them or perform tasks or take photographs of

the items, as specified (Wise, 2003: 158).

Basically, children like playing and learn things while playing. So, games are

effective ways for teaching language (Fauziati, 2010: 92). Furthermore, Fauziati

(2010: 91) states that they learn through hands or experience and through

manipulation of object in the environment as well as they primarily learn by doing

activities. So, in teaching vocabulary, words ar e not enough and the teacher will

need to have plenty of objects and pictures to work with (Scott and Ytreberg,

2004: 5). In SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang, the students of class VI of English

just one meeting on one week, so the students have limited vocabulary. When

they are just given or provided a list of words to be written in their book, they tend

to be lazy and finally for a short time they have forgot it because they do not want

to learn again at home. So, it is needed an interesting technique in teaching

vocabulary to them and one of the techniques is Treasure Hunt. It is due to some

reasons, such as: (1) the students have limited vocabulary; (2) in order to make the

learning situation more enjoyable with various activities; (3) in order to give

learning experience to the students through indoor activities and outdoor

activities. Based on the facts and theories above, the writer would like to

investigate the effectiveness of Treasure Hunt Game to improve student’s


1.2 Reasons for Choosing Topic

Some reasons why writer chose the topic “The Effectiveness of Treasure Hunt

Game to Improve Student’s Vocabulary Mastery in Academic Year 2016/2017”


Vocabulary is a basic component in learning a foreign language.

A lot of students have difficulty in mastering vocabulary.

The writer tries to make it easier for the student’s to improve vocabulary by using

Treasure Hunt Game.

The treasure hunt game has not been used intensively in SD Islam Darul Huda


“Is Treasure Hunt game effective to improve English vocabulary mastery of the

Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang?”

1.4 Objective of the Study

Based on the research problem above, the objective the research is as


“To find out the effectiveness of Treasure Hunt game to improve English

vocabulary mastery of the Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang. ”

1.5 Hypothesis

The hypothesis of the research paper can be formulated as follows:

H0 = There is no significant difference in the mean score of vocabulary test

achievement between students taught by using Treasure Hunt game and those

taught without using Treasure Hunt game.

H1 = There is a significant difference in the mean score of vocabulary test

achievement between students taught by using Treasure Hunt game and those


1.6 Limitation of the Study

This study is limited to find out whether or not Treasure Hunt game is effective to

enhance vocabulary mastery of the Fourth Graders of SD Islam Darul Huda

Semarang in the Academic Year of 2016/2017.

1.7 Significance of the Study

On the basis of the objective above, the significance of the study can be stated as


For the student, teaching vocabulary by using Treasure Hunt game can motivate

them in order to be more interested in learning vocabulary.


1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

There are some terms included. In this study which need to be defined to avoid

misunderstanding. They are defined as follows:


According to Hornby (1963:1120), vocabulary is the number of words which

kinds of rules for combining them to make up a sentence. It contains in every

book and text. Vocabulary is a range of words known to or used by a person in a

trade, profession etc.

Treasure Hunt Game

According to Kohen (2012: 4), Treasure Hunt is a type of game in which

participants are challenged to identify specific sites according to clues and to

reach these sites. An additional activity could be assigned at the sites as a

condition to advance in the game. The game could be played by individuals or by



Within education, the term children are generally used for learners between the

ages of about 2 to 14 (Harmer, 2007: 14).

1.9 Outline of the Study

To enable the researcher to arrange the research and to make it easy to understand,

the writer divides this research proposal writing into three chapters, they are as


Chapter I is introduction which presents the background of the study, reason for


objectives of the study, significance of the study, definition of the key terms, and

outline of the study.

Chapter II is Review of Related Studies. This chapter consists of Teaching and

learning english at elementary school, Teaching vocabulary, games, Treasure hunt

game, The advantages of using treasure hunt game, Review of previous studies.

Chapter III is research method. It consists of research design, the steps in research,

population and sample, variable, instrument of the study, procedure of data

collections, validity of the test, scoring of the test, and analysis of standard



This chapter concerns with Teaching and learning english at elementary school,

Teaching vocabulary, games, Treasure hunt game, The advantages of using

treasure hunt game, Review of previous studies.

2.1 Teaching and Learning English at Elementary School

2.1.1 The Definitions of Elementary School Student

Now, English is not only taught at High School but also Elementary School.

According to Kasihani (2007: 4), there are two functions of English subject. First,

English subject as vehicle to the students’ development in the field of science,

technology and culture. Second, English as one of local content subject function

to improve students competence based on their region. Besides, the earlier the

students learn English the more knowledge and skill in English they will have and

the society or people in certain district the necessity of English to be taught at

Elementary School students.

There are some experts who define the Elementary School students. Elementary

school students here are categorized as beginners or young learners. Piaget

(1963:26), defines that “Young learners are the students who learn English as a

local content subject at Elementary School that they are between six to twelve

years old”. Philips (1993: 3 ) explains that “Young learners mean children from

the first year of formal school (five or six years old) to eleven of twelve years of


students who learn English at Elementary School students that they are between

six to twelve years old.

According to Kasihani (2007: 4), young learners are divided into two groups:

younger group (6-8 years old) and older group (9-12 years old). Based on the

level of class, Kasihani divides young learners into two groups: lower class

(students are in the 1, 2 and 3 classes), and upper class (students are in the 4, 5

and 6 classes). Besides, according to scott and Ytreberg in Kasihani, they divide

young learners in to level one (5-7 years old) and level two (8-9 years old). Based

on this explanation, the researcher concludes that elementary school students are

categorized at beginner level.

2.1.2 The Characteristics of Elementary School Student

Teaching elementary school students is different from teaching adults because

they have different characteristics. According to Brumfit (2008: 10), the

characteristics of young learners are:

Children respond the language well through concrete things (visual things) rather

than abstract things,

Children need physical movements and real activities to stimulate their thinking,

Children will be enthusiastic if they are taught using fun activities or being

involved in activities,

Children love to play, and learn best when they are enjoying themselves,

Children learn well through something that is close to their culture,


Children of Elementary school are children at the age 7 up to 12. They are in the

smart age and often show what they know and are proud of it. The researcher

wants to add several characteristics based on Mary and Jane (2003: 5), that they:

are learning to read and write in their own language,

are developing as thinkers,

understand the difference between the real and the imaginary,

can plan and organize how best to carry out an activity,

can work with other and learn from others and,

can be reliable and take responsibility for class activities and routines.

Teacher can help them with:

encouraging them to read in English (stories, comics, reading games),

encouraging them to work meaning out for themselves,

explaining things about language, but only very simple things,

using wider range of language input as their model for language use,

encouraging creative writing and help them to experiment with language, and

explaining your intentions and ask them to help with organization of activities.

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the elementary school

students still need a specific guide from their teacher and people around them

especially their parents in order to follow the lesson well. In addition, they get


2.2 Teaching Vocabulary 2.2.1 Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language components which have to be mastered by

students of all level of school in Indonesia in learning a new language. They will

get difficulties in using English if they are lack of vocabulary. As we know the

language learners want to be success in studying language. Furthermore, they

must master lists of vocabularies. If students did not have more vocabulary, they

cannot communicate effectively of express their ideas both oral and written form.

Vocabulary is a listing of the words used in some enterprise.

According to the Hornby (1995: 1337), vocabulary is the total of words you know

in particular language. According the definitions above, the researcher concluded

that vocabulary is a stock of words in language, written or spoken with the

meaning that considered as cultural meaning used by group or individual

community because it uses of the people to communicate and interact to other


Learning is the process of changing behavior; it is headed to behavior well and

headed to bad behavior. Learning is the development of new associations as a


2.2.2 Ways to Improve Students’ Vocabulary

According to Nunan (2003: 135), building up our vocabulary is arguably the most

important part of a language learning process. If we do not have a basic

vocabulary to work with we cannot study grammar, we have absolutely no use for

spelling or pronunciation exercises and writing or reading is definitely out of the

question. That is why it is crucial to have a good vocabulary work-up at the

beginner of our studies but also to keep building it up as we go. Here are a few

ways for us to improve students’ vocabulary:

1. Translated Texts

This is great method to use in the beginning of our studies, when we cannot

handle reading (and understanding) a text solely in the foreign language we are

emphasizing on. Translated textsact as a natural dictionary as they will

involuntary form connections as we read the two versions of the same text. The

downside however is that if the texts are too ambiguous or too complicated, we

risk misunderstanding entire phrases or mistakenly attributing meanings to certain

words. That is why it is extremely important that the translated text we’re working

with is well written and does not have any slang, confusing words, words with

different meanings and so forth. We should also look for the most basic translated

texts at first. Do not worry if you find it silly to translate “It is hot during the

summer”, it is a starting point and we will not be better off skipping it.

2. Vocabulary Games

Vocabulary games are a great way to enhance our word base, but they should

usually be used only as an additional method for this purpose. The fact with


say translated texts or other methods that deal with improving your vocabulary,

but they can be a fun alternative to take during those study breaks. Also,

remember that everything we learn while relaxing and having fun is

assimilated a lot easier and for a longer period of time.

3. Foreign Language Media

Nunan (2003:135) stated, media is obviously a strong source of vocabulary gain

and the fun fact about it is that you will not be shedding a sweat learning the new

words, as they will come naturally. Every bit of radio, TV, stationary add,

computer game or any other type of media we can watch or hear in the foreign

language we are studying should be treated as an opportunity to improve

vocabulary. Obviously, some languages will be harder to learn through this

method, whereas other will be extremely easy English. If you find a good

learning source, we could use foreign language media as main method of

vocabulary increase, but if these sources are scare, we shouldn’t rely solely on it.

Based on the theories above, there are three alternative ways to improve students’

vocabulary. They are translated text, vocabulary games, and foreign language


2.2.3 Teaching Vocabulary at Elementary School

According to Nunan (2003:135), learners see vocabulary as being a very

important part of language learning and one of the difficulties in planning the

vocabulary component of a course is making sure that is does not overwhelm


These can be applied in course where there are parts of the course deliberately set

aside for vocabulary development or in course where vocabulary is dealt with as it

occurs in skill-focused or content focused lessons.

2.2.4 Types of Vocabulary

As we know, vocabulary is one of the important factors to study english. If

students can master vocabulary more and more, it will be easier for them to study

and understand english.

According Finnochiaro (1974: 87), student’s vocabulary can be divided into two

kinds of vocabulary, namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active

vocabulary refers to students understanding it. They can pronounce correctly and

use them constructively in speaking or writing. Active vocabulary is appropriate

for the intermediate students because to improve their oral skill. The teacher can

help them to enrich active vocabulary by applying appropriate method.

On the other hand, passive vocabulary is kinds of words in which students can

understand about it when they are reading some English text, listening in target

language. It does not used in writing or speaking. Actually, passive vocabulary is

appropriate for the advanced learner because they had mastering active

vocabulary first before starting to learn passive vocabulary. The teacher can

explain the differences between active vocabulary and passive vocabulary clearly.

Based on the definition above, the researcher concludes that the more vocabulary

the learners have, the easier it is for them to develop their four skilss (listening,


2.3 Games

2.3.1 Games as a Teaching Strategy

Teaching should not be always based on one or two strategies.

They can be various, where teacher asked to be creative so that the class will not

be passive and students will be stimulated to be more interested in learning and

the result expected from the process of teaching and learning will be well

transferred to students.

Huyen and Nga (2003) said that learners of English have to deal

with unfamiliar vocabulary during their language acquisition, so they should

participate in different task-based activities in their classroom such as vocabulary

games which especially focus on helping learners develop and use words in

different context by making the lesson enjoyable.

In other hand, Slattery and Jane (2001) explained that game can

help the learners to create context in which the language is useful and meaningful.

He also argues that in increasing vocabulary, teachers should need media to be

used. One of them is game. Game can makes students more focus in learning

because they do not feel they are forced to learn.

In addition, Shaptoshvili (2006) said that game not only engage students in an

enjoyable and challenging activity with a clear goal but also can provide practice

in another key area i.e. vocabulary. Such games facilitate initial practice and

periodic revision of vocabulary in an enjoyable context, thus making classroom

vocabulary study an amusing and satisfying experience for teacher and student


From those explanations, the researcher concludes that games as teaching

strategies can increase vocabulary and student will be more interested in learning


2.3.2 Kinds of Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary

Game is an activity that you do to have some fun. According to Wright (2006),

there are some kinds of games for language learning to improve students’

vocabulary. They are:

Matching: The students match the words based on the picture

Crossword puzzle : The games that guess the words or letters by filling the boxes

Colour chain: The game that consists of some groups, each group should sit in

lines and the leader of the group whisper the colour down the line. The last player

on each team must tell the colour.

Miming: the teachers Randomly ask one learner from one team to mime an action

(or sequence of actions).

Riddle Game: the teachers ask questions about the characteristics of an unknown

object, in an attempt to identify it.

Songs: Songs can be media to teach vocabulary. The teacher may choose some

songs related to the topic being taught. Using a song, the student are motivated to

learn english more enthusiastically.

Crossword puzzle: The teacher gives a crossword puzzle related to the theme of


Treasure Hunt Games: Treasure hunt/scavenger hunt game is a game in which the

organizers (teacher) prepare a list defining specific items, which the participants,

individuals or teams seek to gather all items (treasure hunt) on the list.

2.4 Treasure Hunt Game

According to Kohen (2012: 4), Treasure Hunt is a type of game in which

participants are challenged to identify specific sites according to clues and to

reach these sites. An additional activity could be assigned at the sites as a

condition to advance in the game. The game could be played by individuals or by


According to Marlene (2007: 5), treasure hunt can be played as individuals or

teams competing for time. But in this study we play this game in group. Each

group must find a correct picture of the treasure (vocabulary) list that the teacher

gave to each group. The one of member of team read aloud about the treasure list

and the other member must find a correct picture then there’s a time limit for


2.4.1 The Use of Treasure Hunt Game in Learning

According to Susannah (2016: 26), treasure hunt is a favorite game among foreign

language learners. It allows them to work cooperatively in a group effort to find

the items required.

Before we start the game, firstly the teacher demonstrates the idea of a treasure

hunt game for the class. So, the teacher describes something (place, person, fruit,

animals or part of body) and then the students find a correct picture of the treasure

(vocabulary) list that the teacher gave to each group.

The researcher tries to makes students find get answer based on picture on the

blackboard well by the treasure hunt game, and this is the treasure hunt game in

the writer’s class:

Material needed:

Paper carton picture (fruit, animals, sport or part of body)


Words cards

Sticky note


The rules of the game are:

Teacher makes a treasure map (or list of direction). There are ten treasure and the

students have to find all the treasure.

In the map there are some picture and There are ten treasure and the students have


The students find the new vocabulary.

The following steps are taken in organizing a treasure hunt game are:

Divide the class into some groups.

Teachers will on stuck carton picture on the board and the first group will look at

the picture.

A time limit should be given (3 minutes).

Say “go” to indicate when the groups can begin their search.

They must stuck on the answer on the blackboard in sequence from numbers 1

until 10.

At the end of the time limit, or when the first group returns, everyone gets

together to check each item, giving points (one picture one points from ten


2.5 The Advantages of Using Treasure Hunt Game

According to Marlene (2007: 5), The advantages of using this game in the

classroom are:

Could improve student’s vocabulary mastery.

Communication and cooperating skill

Encourage students to think, interact and communicate.

2.6 Review of Previous Studies

The researcher found some studies in the previous years that support the

research in vocabulary mastery through treasure hunt game, they are:

First, a study that was done by Ardiana (2010), entitled “The Effectiveness of

Treasure Hunt Game in Teaching English Spelling to the Seventh Year Students

of SMPN 1 Gembong”. She found that teaching vocabulary in junior high school

students by using treasure hunt game as media in teaching English spelling

strategy was effective than teaching vocabulary by using conventional strategy.

This experimental research also used two classes as sample of the research. The

experimental group was taught by using treasure hunt game as media in teaching

English spelling strategy and the control group was taught by using conventional

strategy. In this field of study, the result proved that the students are able to

improve their vocabulary mastery. The score was increased after they who were

taught by treasure hunt game as media in teaching english spelling strategy. Other

thing, the scoring was adapted from different sources. In this study, the mean

score of pre-test in experimental group was 66,00 and control group was 63,14,


So, we concluded that the mean score of control group is lower than experimental


The second, a study that was done by Irmawaty (2015), entitled “The

Effectiveness of Using Treasure Hunt Games in Teaching English Vocabulary at

SMP Negeri 1 Tahuna”. She found that teaching English vocabulary in junior

high school students by treasure hunt games as media in teaching English

vocabulary strategy was effective than teaching English vocabulary by using

conventional strategy. This pre-experimental research used only one classes as

sample of the research. In this field of study, the result proved that the students are

able to improve their vocabulary mastery. The score was increased after they who

were taught by treasure hunt game as media in teaching English vocabulary

strategy. Other thing, the scoring was adapted from different sources. In this

study, the mean score of pre-test and post-test were analyzed and it showed a

significant improvement. The mean score of post-test was 70.96 but pre-test


From the review above, there are same similarities among those two previous

studies above that all the previous studies used treasure hunt game as media

strategy to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. However, there are also

some differences among them. They are:

In her study, Ardiana (2010) conducted the research by using an experimental

design without followed by out in and the writer also without followed by

try-out. She conducted it at junior high school, while the researcher will conduct at


In her study, Irmawaty (2015) conducted the research by using an

pre-experimental design without followed by try-out in and the writer also without

followed by try-out. She conducted it at senior high school, while the research

will conduct at elementary school.

In conclusion, this study entitled “The Effectiveness of Treasure Hunt Game to

Improve Elementary School Student’s Vocabulary Mastery at the Fourth Graders

of SDN Islam Darul Huda Semarang in the Academic Year of 2016/2017” is



In this chapter, the researcher will present with the method of study, which is

important as a guideline to attain the objectivity of the study. It provides with

Research Design, Variables of the Study, Subject of the Study, Instrument of the

Study, Procedure of Data Collection, Method of Collecting Data, Technique of

Data Analysis. Will be mentioned as follows:

3.1 Research Design

The design of this study is experimental research. Experimental research is the

blueprint of the procedures that enables the researcher to test hypothesis by

reaching valid conclusions about relationships between independent and

dependent variables (Best, 1981: 68).

In this study, the researcher will use quasi experimental design. It means that in

choosing the sample the researcher did not use randomization. It would involve

two groups; experimental and control group. An experimental group received a

treatment while the control group not receive a treatment. Below is the design of

the study:






Notes :

E : Experimental group

C : Control group

01 : Pretest for the experimental group

02 : Posttest for the experimental group

03 : Pretest for the control group

04 : Posttest for the control group

X : Treatment for experimental group using Treasure Hunt Game

3.2 Variables of the Study

Variables are the conditions or characteristics that the experimenter manipulates,

controls, or observes. According to Arikunto (2010: 161) state that variable is the

object of the research or the focus of a research. There are two variables in this


Independent Variable

It is a variable that stands alone and it was not influenced by other variables. So

that Treasure Hunt Game was selected as independent variable because it will not

be affected by other variable and other factors (such as what students learn, how

often the students learn and how much the students' knowledge) are not going to

change a Treasure Hunt Game. In this case, (Airasian, 2000:151) states that

independent variable is a variable that influences or causes of change or


Dependent Variable

It is a variable that depends on an other variable. Therefore, Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery is selected as dependent variable, where this variable can be affected by

the independent variable (Treasure Hunt Game). So that Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery can be changed any time by Treasure Hunt Game. In this case (Brown,

2004: 10) states that dependent variable is a variable of focus on which other

variables will act if there is any relationship.

3.3 Subject of the Study

3.3.1 Population

According to Arikunto (2010: 173) “The population is the total subjects of the

research”. The researcher can conclude that population is the group that will be

researched. This research will be conducted in SD Islam Darul Huda Genuk

Semarang. The population of this study was the students of the fourth graders of

SD Islam Darul Huda Genuk Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017. The

total number of the population are 60 students which were divided into two

classes IV A and IV B.

3.3.2 Sample

Sample is a small proportion of a population selected for observation and analysis.

Airasian (2000: 140), said that “Sampling is the process of selecting a number of

individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger

group from which they were selected”.

There were two kinds of sampling, they were random sampling and non-random


nonrandom sampling. They are convenience, purposive, and quotas sampling and

the writer chose purposive sampling. According to Airasian (2000: 138),

purposive sampling is also referred to as judgment sampling in which the

researcher selects a sample based on his or her experience or knowledge of the

group to be sampled.

Based on that statement, the researcher took two classes; A and B class as the

sample of this study which each class consists of 30 students. Class A is an

experimental group and class B as control group. The reason for choosing these

classes was based on the experience from the teacher that taugth in the classes

which these clasess have the characteristics that this research needed.

3.4 Instrument of the Study

Instrument is a device that will use to collect the data and make the work become

easy to process (Arikunto, 2010: 203). By Applying good and appropriate

instruments, the researcher can get valid and reliable data so that the research

results would also be accurate and beneficial.

The researcher will use a test in order to get data needed. Test is a method to

measure person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown,

2004: 384).

3.5 The Validity and Reliability of the Study



when the result of the test was similar between the data reported by researcher

with the data that was actually happening on the object of research.

Three types of validation were important to be known: content validity, face

validity and construct validity. In this present study, the researcher would analyze

the test from content validity. If the test requires, the test-taker to perform the skill

that was being measured.


Reliabilty of the test is one of important thing to show necessary characteristic of

any good test. A test could be called reliable if the result of the test shows


According to Bungin (2006: 96) reliability is the compability of the instrument to

what it is measured, so that the instrument can be trusted and be relied on.

3.6 Procedures of the Study


3.6.2 Pre-test

Pretest will give before the treatment. The researcher made 20 items of

Multiple-choice. The pretest will be run for 40 minutes. It is aim to find out the basic ability

before students get treatment.

3.6.3 Treatment

This treatment will be gives in four times. The schedule of the treatment

can be shown below:

Table 3.1

The Schedule of Treatment Activity


3.6.4 Post Test

Post test conducted after students get treatment. The duration was as long

as that of pretest. This test was similar level with the pre-test. It is aim to examine

whether the treatment works to the students or not.

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data of all respondents. The next step is comparing the

data of the experimental and control group. The researcher gives 20 question for

both them. The researcher will give score 1 for the right answer and 0 for the

wrong answer. The score will calculate with in the formula:

TS = X 100

Notes :

TS : Total score

SC : Students’ score

MS : Maximum score


71 – 80 Good

61 – 70 Fair

51 – 60 Poor

Less than 50 Very Poor

(Weigle, 2002: 35)

From the criteria above, the level of achievement shows the level student’s

achievements. After getting the score, it will be processed statically. The

statistical computation is used to analyzed the data of two group, namely the

control group and the experimental group. Firstly, both of group are analyzed the

multivariate normality by using one-sample Kolmogorov-smirnov.

The standard normality was 0.05. according to Ghozali (2009:32), the distribution

is normal, if sig (2-tailed) > 0.05. On the contrary, if sig (2-tailed) <0.05, the

distribution is not normal. The criteria of hypothesis are if sig score >0.05, it

means that H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected if sig score <0.05, it means H0 is

rejected and H1 is accepted.

After the data is normal, the researcher than applying the homogeneity test in

which to know that the experimental and control group have the same variance.

Homogeneity test became important if the writer wont to generalize the result of

the study and the data is taken from different group in one population. After the

data are normal and homogeneity, the writer can apply the T-test to identify

whether the treatment effect is significant or not.

In this research here are some criteria of hypothesis, they are:

If t-vale > t-table and sig < 0.05, it means that hypothesis is accepted



In this chapter, the researcher explains the analysis of results including

description of the school, the respondent, the experiment, and the analysis of


4.1 The Description of SD Islam Darul Huda

This study was conducted at SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang which is


schools which is based on Islamic teaching. The headmaster is Mr. Slamet Nurul

Aini, S.Pd.I, while the total teacher of this school are 15 persons.

The vision of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang is preparing students’

knowledge and insightful public or religion, while the mission is preparing a cadre

of Muslims who are intelligent, knowledgeable, have good deeds, noble and able

to apply the teachings of Allah and the Prophet in life. The facilities of SD Islam

Darul Huda are office of headmaster and teachers, classroom, library, mosque and

school health unit.

Many students of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang have the skill,

competence and ability which could be seen from the achievements which the

students reach in academic and non-academic programs. They are also active in

joining extra-curricular such as students’ organization as Pramuka, Computer,

Tilawah, Drum band, Seni lukis and Seni Tari. It showed that there were efforts

from the teachers and the students to reach the vision and mission of the school.

4.2 The Respondent

The researcher conducted the research in SD Islam Darul Huda Genuk

Semarang. This school has 10 classes, the two classes are for each grade with total

number of student was 73 students. As his research the researcher chose 2 classes.

They were grade IV A as experimental class with 36 students and grade IV B as

control class with 37 students.

Table 4.1

The Data of the Samples


Male Female

IV A (Experimental) 23 students 13 students

IV B (Control) 21 students 16 Students

44 students 29 students

Total 73 Students

4.3 Instrument Validity and Reliability

4.3.1 Validity

The researcher used the content validity because the test was given based

on the material which students learned and also related to the curriculum. The

researcher also used construct validity, the researcher used test for scoring


The researcher gave multiple-choice test, matching, and cloze test. The

researcher also asked an approval from the English teacher of SD Islam Darul

Huda Semarang to validate the test that was used in this study. There is the

validation rubric used by the researcher as the following:

No. Rubric Validity Yes No

1. Soal sudah mencakup kaidah tujuan dalam silabus

bahasa Inggris kelas IV semester genap.

2. Soal vocabulary, dan Fitur kebahasaan sudah melalui

pengecekan dari dosen pembimbing.

3. Soal vocabulary, dan Fitur kebahasaan sudah melalui

pengecekan dari guru bahasa Ingris.


5. Soal vocabulary sudah melalui persetujuan dari guru

bahasa Inggris.

4.3.2 Reliability

Reliability is to measure the consistency of the test which is given to the

students that is used to collect data. Reliability of the test that was used to show

the consistency of the score result of the students in the test. The reliability of

the test used rater reliability in which the students’ performance were scored by

the researcher with tryout test to evaporate the reliability research. In this study,

the score result of the test analyzed by SPSS 21. It could also be seen in table


The research activities done by the researcher were doing pre-test,

treatment, and post-test.

4.4.1 Pre-test

Both of experimental group and control group were given a test at the

same time. The purpose of pre-test was to know the vocabulary mastery of the

students before getting the treatments. The pre-test was conducted on January 31st,

2017. The researcher gave multiple choice test, matching, and cloze test. The


matching, and fill the blank test. Then, the researcher scored them.

Based on the table above, there were 73 students who participated in this

activity. The instruction of the pre-test every students had to do the test. The result

of the pre-test can be summarized statistically in the table below:

Table 4.4

Descriptive Statistics of Pre-test

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

EXPERIMENTAL 36 24 98 74.67 19.660

CONTROL 37 18 98 70.54 19.797

Valid N (listwise) 36

The pre-test of experimental class was done by 36 students (N), the

minimum score in experimental class was 24 while the maximum one was 98. The

mean score in experimental class was 74.67 with the standard deviation 19.660.

The students doing the pre-test in control class was 37. The minimum score in

control class was 37. and the maximum score was 98. The mean score of control

class was 70.54 with standard deviation 19.797.

4.4.2 Standard of Normality

After getting the pre-test result of experimental and control class, the

researcher analyzed the normality of the data. The researcher used One-Sample

Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test to know the normality standard of the groups. The

probability of this test was:


Table 4.5

Table 4.5 of pre-test score of experimental class showed that the total

number of students (N) were 36, the mean score was 74.67 and the standard

deviation was 19.660. The Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.498. It meant that Sig. (2-tailed) >

0.05; H0 was accepted; the data distribution of the experimental pretest score was

normal. Then, pre-test score of control class showed that the total number of

students (N) were 37, the mean score was 70.54 and the standard deviation was

19.797 The Sig. (2-tailed) was 0,175. It meant that Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05; H0 was

accepted; the data of the distribution of control pretest score was normal. It was

concluded that the normality data distribution of both experimental class and

control class were normal. It could also be seen in histogram normal curve below: One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .498 .175


Fig. 4.1 Score Distribution of Pre-Test in Experimental and Control Class The graphs showed that both of classes had relatively the same score in the

mean. It mentioned that the experimental class students got average score of 74.67

and the control class students got average of 70.54. The homogeneity of the test

can be seen on the table of homogeneity of variences.

4.4.3 The Standard of Homogeneity

Homogeneity analysis or Levene’s Test was used to analyze the variance

pre-test data of both experimental and control class. It tested whether they were

homogenous or heterogeneous. The probability of this was:

If Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05, the variance of two data were the same and homogenous.

If Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, the variance of two data were the different and heterogeneous.

Table 4.6

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene


df1 df2 Sig.

.062 1 71 .804


homogeneity of the data had been reached.

4.4.4 Analysis of t-test

After getting the homogeneity and normality of the data statistics, the

researcher then examined the t-test. The result of t-test in the pretest can be seen

in the table below:

t-test for Equality of Means



As the table 4.7 showed, there were two groups: the experimental and the

control groups. The experimental group consists of 36 students and the control

group consists of 37 students. The mean of pre-test for the experimental group

was 74.67 meanwhile the control group was 70.54. The standard deviation of the

experimental group was 19.660 and 19.797 for the control group. Mean difference

was 4.126. Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.375 > 0.05, it means there was no significant

difference between two groups. The degree of freedom (df) = 71 and t-value =


4.4.4 4.4.5 Treatment

The treatment was given in four meetings. It was conducted on January

31st, 2017 until February 9th 2017 for IV A as experimental group consist of 36

students and IV B as control group consist of 37 students. In experimental class,

this study taught using Treasure Hunt Game to improve elementary school

students’ vocabulary mastery, and the control group taught by the conventional

technique. The researcher taught two classes in different time, the time allocation

for each meeting was 70 minutes. Treatment of Experimental Class


After that, the teacher gives simulation about the game. Students play the Treasure

Hunt Game by themselves with the teacher supervising them. Next, the teacher

gave evaluation by mentioning the name of fruits based on the picture. Then,

researcher closed the class.

The second meeting was conducted on February 2nd, 2017. The researcher

talked about the previous lesson and gave material about animals. Next, researcher

gave explanation about animals. Under the teacher’s supervision, the students

played Treasure Hunt Game with the vocabulary of animals. Next, the teacher

gave Evaluation through matching picture test. Then, researcher closed the class.

The third meeting was conducted on February 7th, 2017. Researcher asked

them about the previous lesson Under the teacher’s supervision, the students play

Treasure Hunt Game with the vocabulary of sports. Then, Evaluation through

matching picture test. Next, the researcher and students concluded the material

what they have learnt that day. Then, researcher closed the class

The fourth meeting was conducted on February 9th, 2017. The teacher

asked them about the previous lesson and under the teacher’s supervision, the

students played Treasure Hunt Game with the vocabulary of fruit, animal and

sport. Next, Evaluation through matching picture test. Then, researcher closed the

class Learning Activity of Control Class

The first meeting was conducted on January 31st, 2017. The teacher talked

vocabulary about fruits. Then, the teacher explained the material about fruit. After


the teacher gave evaluation by mentioning the name of fruits. Then, researcher

closed the class.

The second meeting was conducted on February 3rd, 2017. The researcher

talked about the previous lesson and gave material about animals. Next, researcher

gave explanation about animals. After that, the teacher gave question about

animal, and students answer question. Next, the teacher gave Evaluation through

mentioning animals. Then, researcher closed the class.

The third meeting was conducted on February 7th, 2017. Researcher asked

them about the previous lesson Under the teacher’s supervision, the students

writing the kind of sports then mention it orally. Then, Evaluation through

mentioning sport together. Next, the researcher and students concluded the

material what they have learnt that day. Then, researcher closed the class

The fourth meeting was conducted on February 9th, 2017. The teacher

asked them about the previous lesson. The goal of this activity was to give

students good behavior to greet each other and to increase their memorizing and

understanding. Then the researcher gave explanation about fruit, animal and sport.

After that, the teacher gives question about fruit, animal and sport. Next,

Evaluation through mentioning fruits, animal, and sports. Then, researcher closed

the class

4.4.6 Post-test

The post test was conducted on February 13th 2017 for the experimental


was done. The researcher conducted the post-test to measure the progressing

ability in vocabulary after being taught by Treasure Hunt Game. To assess the

test, the students were given multiple-choice, matching, and fill the blank

questions. Level of the test is same as pre-test.

Based on the table above, there were 73 students who participated in this

activity. The instruction of the post-test was similar to the pre-test. Every students

had to do the test. There is the summary of the post-test result:

Table 4.9

Descriptive Statistics of Post-test

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

EXPERIMENTAL 36 70 100 88.00 9.184

CONTROL 37 20 100 76.32 18.430

Valid N (listwise) 36

The post-test of experimental class was done by 36 students (N), the

minimum score in experimental class was 70 while the maximum one was 100.

The mean score in experimental class was 88.00 with the standard deviation

9.184. The students doing the post-test in control class was 37. The minimum

score in control class was 20 and the maximum score was 100. The mean score of

control class was 76.32 with standard deviation 18.430.

4.4.7 The Independent Sample t-test of the Post-test

The researcher used t-test to compare the data of the post-test in the

experimental and control class whether there was a difference of post-test score

between the experimental and control class using independent sample t-test.The


and control group. If there was a difference between both score of the

experimental and control group, the next table was analyzed whether the

difference was significant. The probability of this test was:

H0 : if Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05, there is no significant difference in the mean score of

post-test between experimental and control class.

Ha : if Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, there is a significant difference of post-test scores

between experimental and control classes.

Table 4.10 Group Statistics

GROUP N Mean Std.

Deviation Std. ErrorMean


CONTROL 37 76.32 18.430 3.030

Table 4.11

t-test for Equality of Means



The table above shows that the means of experimental group was 88.00

and control group was 76.32. The mean difference between the experimental

group and the control group was 11.676. It means that the achievement of the

experimental group was higher than the control group. Furthermore, the result of

independent sample t-test for post-test showed that t-value was 3.411.

The sig (2-tailed) of t-test for equality of means = 0.01 < 0.05, it means

that the H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It can be concluded that there was a

significant difference between mean score of the experimental group and the

control group after the treatment. The researcher then concluded that Treasure

Hunt Game is effective to improve elementary school student’s vocabulary


4.5 Analysis of Result

The aim of this study was to find out the effectiveness of Treasure Hunt

Game to improve elementary school students’ vocabulary.

This study found that Treasure Hunt Game had positive effect in improve

students’ vocabulary for the fourth graders of SD Islam Darul Huda Semarang. It

could be concluded from the result of the research. At the first time, this study

held pre-test in order to know the first condition of the students. The result


the pre-test, then the students in the experimental group were given treatments

continuously. The last process was post-test conducted to find out the result after

they got the treatment. The result of independent sample t-test showed that there

was a significant different in the mean score of students’ vocabulary between the

experimental and control group.

Thus, they indicated that using Treasure Hunt Game to improve students

vocabulary was effective for students. Finally, from the result above, this study

found that using Treasure Hunt Game had positive effect to improve student’s l.


In this chapter, the researcher would present the conclusion and the

suggestion of what have been discussed in the previous chapters.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the finding and discussion in chapter IV, it could be concluded

that the use of Treasure Hunt Game can improve the students’ vocabulary. Based

on the result of the study, there was a significant difference between the result of

the post-test in the control class and experimental class. Whereas from the

calculation of post-test the average of experimental group was 88.00, and the

average of control group was 76.32. It showed that t-value: 3.411 and Sig.

(2-tailed) 0.01 for significant 0.05, (0.01 < 0.05). It means that the use of Treasure


It could be concluded that H1 was accepted where the use of Treasure Hunt

Game could improve the students’ vocabulary in the fourth grade of SD Islam

Darul Huda Semarang in academic year 2016/2017.

5.2 Suggestion

From the result of this study, it is expected that this study could provide a

meaningful contribution to open a new perspective. Eventually, it could be useful

for English teacher of elementary high school in teaching vocabulary.

With regard to the use of Trasure Hunt Game, the researcher would like to

give some suggestions to improve students’ vocabulary for English teachers,

students, and readers. They are as follows:

1. For the teacher, Treasure Hunt Game is one of the easy ways for the

teacher to improve students’ vocabulary that they can enjoy in learning

English. Thus, by having the situation, they are expected to be able to

improve their vocabulary mastery and expected to be able to motivate to

learn more about vocabulary.

2. For students, in teaching and learning process by using Treasure Hunt

Game, the students are expected to be relaxed and enjoyed, because this

situation can make the students are easier to absorb the course.

Furthermore, this method can help students to master the vocabularies.

3. The writer hopes the readers got inspiration from this game and conduct

some research by developing Treasure Hunt Game for improving



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