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sylabus Man Science Lab


Academic year: 2017

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FRM / FM IPA/ 063-00 1 April 2010 Facult y : M at hemat ics and Nat ural Science

St udy Program : Int ernat ional Science Educat ion

Course / Code : Techniques and management nat ural science laborat ory/ 104

Credit : Theory: 2 (t w o) sks

Semest er : 3 (t hree)

Prerequisit e/ Code : -

Professor : Purw ant i W idhy H, M .Pd I. Course Descript ion

This course develops compet ency t o underst anding t he various t hings t hat relat e t o t he t echniques and management nat ural science laborat ory relat ed t o t he st ruct uring,

organizing equipment and act ivit ies in a variet y of laborat ory act ivit ies for learning nat ural science

II. St andard of Compet ence

1. St udent s are able t o underst and management laborat ory, design laborat ory, laborat ory safet y

2. St udent s are able t o underst and t he int roduct ion of laborat ory equipment , handling of chemicals in t he laborat ory

3. St udent s are able t o perform laborat ory ct ivit ies and respect t o laborat ory safet y III. Act ivit y

M eet ing Basic Compet ence

Essent ials Concept Learning St rat egy

Referrences Charact er I St udent s are

able t o underst and management laborat ory, design laborat ory

Int roduct ion t o M anagement

Laborat ory: definit ion and funct ion of general laborat ory

Lect uring A.1, B.1 Curiousit y


Techniques and management Science laborat ory:


definit ion and funct ion of

Lect uring & dicussion

A.1, A.2 appreciat ion of diversit y, confidence




management laborat ory


Administ rat ion

appreciat ion of diversit y, laborat ory

Safet y in nat ural Science Laborat ory


General safet y discussion & present at ion

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y, confidence

V St udent s are able t o underst and management science laborat ory, design science laborat ory

M anagement nat ural Science laborat ory - nat ural Science laborat ory in Junior High School

-Organizat ional St ruct ure junior high school laborat ory -design nat ural science laborat ory

Group discussion & present at ion

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y, confidence

VI St udent s are able t o underst and t he

int roduct ion of laborat ory equipment ,

Uses of equipment :


Kind n funct ion of

equipment in nat ural Science laborat ory


Basic t echnique t o uses equipment in science laborat ory (microscope)

Group discussion & present at ion

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y, confidence



M aint enance of

equipment and

Group discussion &

A.1, B.2, B1, A2


mat erial present at ion confidence

VIII First M id Term


Examinat ion appreciat ion

of diversit y, laborat ory act ivit ies

St erilizat ion:


Definit ion of

st erilizat ion


Kind of st erilizat ion


How use

equipment in st erilizat ion

Lect uring, discussion

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y,

solut ions

Lect uring, discussion

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y, discussion & present at ion

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y, confidence

XIII Herbarium :


Definit ion of herbarium


M ake herbarium

Lect uring, Group Project

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y,

Lect uring, Group Project

A.1, B.2, B1, A2

appreciat ion of diversit y, confidence

XV Present at ion Group


appreciat ion of diversit y, confidence


IV. Referrence

1. Bradbury, S. and Evennet t , P., Fluorescence microscopy, Cont rast Techniques in Light M icroscopy., BIOS Scient ific Publishers, Lt d., Oxford, Unit ed Kingdom (1996).Collet t e, Alfred T. & Eugene L. 2. Chiappet t a. (1994). Science int ruct ion in the middle and secondary schools. New York:

M acmillan Publishing Company.

3. Sund, Robert B. & Leslie W. Trow bridge. (1973). Teaching science by inquiry in t he secondary school. Second edit ion. London: Charles E. M errill Publishing Company.

A. Addit ional

4. Koesmadji Wirjosoemart o, Yusuf H. A., Bambang S., dan Riandi. 2004. Teknik Laborat orium. Bandung: UPI

5. Trow bridge, Leslie W. & Rodger Bybee. (1986). Becom ing a secondary school science t eacher. Columbus: M erril Publishing Company

6. Johansen, D.A. I940. Plant M icrot echnique. Ist ed. New York: M cGraw -Hill Publicat ions in t he Bot anical Sciences.

7. Saas. J.E. 1958. Bot anical M icrorechniques. 3 ed. Ames, Iow a: The Iow a St at e College Press

8. Indraw at i. 2008 .Penat aan Dan Pengadm inist rasian Alat Dan Bahan Laboratorium Kim ia.

V. Evaluat ion

No Componen Wort h

1 Part icipat ion 10 %

2 assigment 20%

3 M idt erm Exam 35%

4 Final Exam 35%


Yogyakarta, 1-08-2010 Lecture


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