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T1 Abstract Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Attributions of Successful EFL Learners in A Senior High School


Academic year: 2018

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Arya Avriandi Listanto


In the past, the researchers have investigated of students' attributions in various

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts. Nevertheless, the exploration of students'

attributions particularly in EFL contexts has never been done before in Senior High School

students in Indonesia. Attributions deal with how students explain the result of their learning,

especially how they explain success and failure, by attributing causes to them. This study

aims to investigate students’ attributions of the eleventh grade of Senior High School

students. The study particularly reflected on the male and female students attributions, and

the attributions differences between the two groups of students. The study used a

semi-structure interview as the research instrument. The result of the study found that the

attribution of male students mostly came from internal factors such as future interest, while

attributions of female students mostly came from external factors such as teachers’ influence.


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