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Academic year: 2018



Teks penuh






(case study: Tamansari, Bandung)

Wiwik Dwi Susanti1, Dyan Agustin2


Lecturer Dept of Arch, UPN “Veteran” Jatim 1 kampungkota’s society. These good characteristics are shown from the way they utilize their public space in the kampung kota. The inadequacy of present public space bounds to make the local resident want to utilize a vacant space under Pasupati Flyover that can accommodate their need for social space. The use of a vacant space under the flyover as public space is a form of local wisdom of the local resident. The development and management of the Thematic Park under the flyover is also an embodiment of the local wisdom. The theme will be chosen based on the neighborhood’s needs of the public space; the needs for recreational, sports, economics, social, and cultural activities. Furthermore, the management system of the Thematic Park cannot be separated from the local resident. So it can be said that the Thematic Park under the Pasupati Flyover is an image of the needs of public space.

Keywords: kampungkota, local wisdom, public space, Thematic Park, the Pasupati Flyover


The kampung kota of Tamansari has a very limited public services. Circulation paths (gang) of the kampung kota serves as a multifunctional space; for storing goods, gathering spot, etc. The inadequacy of present social space bounds to make the local resident of Tamansari want to utilize a vacant space under Pasupati Flyover. Public activities, which usually take place on gang, will now has more freedom in the new public space under Pasupati Flyover (Susanti, 2010).

The utilization of the public space under Pasupati flyover will be in the form of social and cultural activities, recreational activities, economics, etc. The management system will be assigned to the citizen to handle based on their mutual assistance. The kampung kota has certain characteristics and potentials. In respect to those characteristics and potentials, the planning of the public space shall be

based on those values (Roychansyah (2010) in “Sambodo”).

The development of the Thematic Park under Pasupati Flyover is a form of realization, providing a public space for the local resident. The theme will be chosen based on the neighborhood specifically, and also on the citizen of Bandung generally.

Local wisdoms of the kampung kota will be contributing factors of the development and management of this Thematic Park. This paper will explore local values of the kampung kota which is the background of the development and management of the Thematic Park.



Tamansari is a densely populated neighborhoods, located in the heart of Bandung.Cikapundung River passes through the middle part of the kampung city. The construction of Pasupati Flyover in 2005 turned out to produce a new public open space under it.The public space was originally a densely populated neighborhood.The Pasupati Flyover then forces the liberation of the nearby area

for safety reason based on the government’s policy (50 meters width along Cihampelas –

Tamansari) (Susanti, 2010).

The local resident then utilize the creation of the space under Pasupati Flyover. It is a image of unfulfilled need of public space in the kampung kota. The shape and condition of the slums limit the social space. There for the emergence of the new space under Pasupati Flyover is regarded as an opportunity. So the availability of public space under the flyover Pasupati regarded as an opportunity to meet the needs of the social space

Locality value at the kampung kota

Utilizing public space under Pasupati flyover

Thematic Park was built under Pasupati flyover

Thematic Park managed by local resident Utilizing social space at kampung kota The limitation social

space at kampung kota



Figure 1 : Framework of research


Figure 2 : Tamansari kampung kota




1. Local Wisdom of The Kampung kota Tamansari

Local wisdom is defined as a truth that has been a tradition in an area (Gobyah, 2003). Local wisdom is understood as human efforts in using his intellectuals (cognition) to act and to behave towards something, objects, or events that occur in a particular space (Ridwan, 2007).

Kampung kota as one of many images of the city’s lives, consists of various ethnics and races of Indonesia. The mentioned diversity has become the initial beginning in the creation of local characteristics of kampung kota.

A soul of togetherness and a sense of mutual assistance between citizens are the image of Indonesia. Kampung kota still has their social and cultural spaces, which is social spaces, where the fellow citizens improve their living quality, and where cross-generation learning communities take place. Public space is a space that will always exist in the neighborhoods of this archipelago. It is very essential, for it is a place for social activities based on the spirit of communality and solidarity (Najib, 2004).

Social space, in environmental arrangements and limitations, will always change based on the dynamic complexity and plurality of the actors in it. In the Indonesian archipelago, social spaces such as Tenean in Madura, Natar in Flores, or Natah in Bali, has been widely known. At the present time, the alleys of villages act as circulation space (gang) and also as social space (Prijotomo & Pangarsa, 2010).

Gang as a form of social space that describes the locality. The shape of gang as a social space utilization can be classified into six functions: (Ramelan, 2008)

1. As a Circulation

The form of public space at kampung kota is a path (gang) and used for circulation. Gang are made from the irregular house built process.

Figure 4 : Type of gang in kampung kota


Gang at kampung kota also used for economy activity. The finansial condition at the kampung kota are under the ideal so they has to utilizing gang for the economy activity.

3. As a playground

The limitation of social space at kampung kota was impact for the utilizing gang as playground. Despite of the size aren’t bigger but can accommodate all the need for playing.

4. As a social space

Socializing activity between neighbors is an activity often done by the resident kampung kota because the distance are very near.

Figure 5 : Gang as a trade center

Figure 6 : Gang as playground


6. As a public bathroom

The condition of their house at kampung kota are not complete with the bathroom. It used part of gang for public bathroom.

7. As a storage place

They used gang for the storage place because of the limitation the room size at the house. The public space can give more large space for what they need.

2. The Values of Local Wisdom Kampung Kota In Determining The Purpose of The Thematic Park Under The Pasupati Flyover

The local wisdom of the kampung kota, in utilizing the social space, affects the utilization of the public space under the Pasupati Flyover. The vacant place available under the flyover is measured as a potential in responding the inadequacy of social space in the kampung kota.

The nearby local resident are the initiators in utilization of the open space under the flyover. Their simple management system is proven to provide tremendous benefits for the neighborhood. Some of the activities created by them, which are to be retained in the future Thematic Park, are: sports, economics, recreational, social, cultural, and communal utility (Susanti, 2010).

Figure 8 Gang as public bathroom


Bawet (Bandung Wetan) football field is an example of a space built by the local resident. Initially, it was a vacant field used to play football. It was then built with plain construction independently by the local resident and the Rumah Cemara Community.

At a particular time, it’s used as a home for national football matches. Those national matches was

the origin of the developments of the facility which were initialed by the nearby local resident. Figure 9 Local resident are utilizing public space under Pasupati flyover

Figure10 Football field before Bawet field was built


The success of the national matches and the citizens’ spirit in making use of the field dragged the

attention of the sponsors and the government of Bandung. The sponsors then invest in developing the football field. The field eventually now become international standard futsal field.

3. The Values Of Local Wisdom Kampung Kota In The Management of Thematic Park Under Pasupati Flyover

The management of the Thematic Park are collaboration between local resident, City government of Bandung dan community. There are three aspect to preserved the local wisdom at Thematic Park. (Ernawi, 2013)

a. Governance

Every community generally has their own social system for regulating the social structure and the relationship among the community groups. The operating of the Thematic Park under the Pasupati

flyover can’t be separated from the governance established in Tamansari kampung kota. The

governance refers to the management in utilizing the Thematic Park. It is managed by the kampung kota members and coordinated by the neighborhood leaders. The management system is undertaken by the local residents.

The table shows that the management of Thematic Park is managed by the local resident, communities and the City Government of Bandung. Local residents have an important role in the management of Thematic Park. Types of management are:

1. Management of security system

2. Manage the maintenance of Thematic Park 3. Management in giving permission to use

No Type of Thematic Park Management

1 Jomblo park Local resident and City Government of Bandung 2 Skateboard park Local resident, community and City Government

of Bandung

3 Promotion area Local resident

4. Bawet field Local resident, community and City Government of Bandung


Value System constitutes of values that are developed by a traditional community for regulating the assessment of good and bad and right or wrong.

The application of value system in managing the Thematic Park in the basement of Pasupati flyover is similar to those values applied in the Kampung Kota. The assessment system is obviously seen when utilizing the Thematic Park (Bawet court, Skateboarding Park, Movie Park and Promotion Area) should obey some factors which are the time, payment system, and keeping clean, etc.

The operating time of the Thematic Park should be in agreement with the ethic exists in Kampung Kota. The operating times are limited that the users should aware. Thus, there is differentiation with other Thematic Parks outside the area of Pasupati flyover. In general, the other Thematic Parks are operated in more flexible.

The payment system uses a mutual-aid system. A mutual-aid system has been considered as the best way because it is part of Kampung Kota’s values.

The security aspect, in some circumstances, should be notified by local resident. The application of security system is undertaken by encouraging a common security system.

c. Procedure

There are celebrations which are maintained to show the local content of Kampung Kota. The celebrations are usually related to the Indonesian Independent day event, recitation, general election, and community services, etc. These celebrations have been held regularly in the Thematic Park under the Pasupati flyover. The Thematic Park is a manifestation of social space that can make significant contribution to preserve the celebrations containing local characters. The mutual assistance run the local resident to support the event.

d. Special Rule

Special rule is related with conservation and restriction to the sensitive area.

The Thematic Park under the Pasupati flyover is free from sensitive area.. It is a public area that there is no restriction for visitors.


The management of the Thematic Park are collaboration between local resident, the City Government of Bandung dan community. This collaboration are showed that Thematic Park still preseved the local wisdom. There are three aspect to preserved the local wisdom at Thematic Park:

1. The local wisdom kampung kota ‘s are determining the function of Thematic Park under Pasupati flyover.

A Desire the local resident are the key to determition of type and function Thematic Park. the crime rates are high When the public space under Pasupati flyover still vacant space Some of local resident are attempt to revived the vacant space with adding some activity. The activity are sport, entertainment, culture etc. City Government of Bandung are seen the chance to built the public space under Pasupati flyover. Eventually Thematic Park was built by Bandung government.

2. The values of local wisdom in the management kampung kota Thematic Park under Pasupati flyover


a. Gorvenance

The gorvernance of Thematic Park are collaborated between local resident, bandung govermen and community. The local resident has significant part in Thematic Park managing because They are the initiator of the Thematic Park built. The aim of this aspect are to increase the financial condition of local resident. The managing are include the security, mantaince, and schedule of used.

b. Value System

Value system at Thematic Park can’t be separated with the value system are applied in kampung kota. When the public space under Pasupati flyover are still empty space the crime rates are high. Eventually the public space under Pasupati flyover managed by the local resident, the crimes rates become lowed. The operating time one of the value was applied at Thematic Park. It has time limits when utilizing Thematic Park. The aim of consideration operating time are to give pleasant for the local resident.

c. Procedure

The procedure to preserved local wisdom at Thematic Park under Pasupati flyover are maintained the celebration containing local wisdom. Some of the celebration containing local wisdom are Indonesian Independent day event, recitation, general election, and community services, etc.

d. Special Rule

The function of Thematic Park are public space so there is no restriction for visitors.

The conclusion of research are the managing at the Thematic Park are containing intangible local wisdom. There is differentiation with other Thematic Parks outside the area of Pasupati flyover. Thematic Park under Pasupati flyover has meaning was emerged by the locality character.


Ernawi , Imam,2013, harmonisasi kearifan lokal dalam regulasi penataan ruang, Makalah pada

Seminar Nasional “Urban Culture, Urban Future : Harmonisasi Penataan Ruang dan Budaya Untuk

Mengoptimalkan Potensi Kota”Direktur Jenderal Penataan Ruang Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum

Geertz, C. (1992) Kebudayaan dan agama, Kanisius Press, Yogyakarta, 1992b.

Gobyah, I. Ketut (2003) ‘Berpijak pada kearifan lokal’, www.balipos.co.id.

Jeumpa, 2005, Persepsi penghuni terhadap dampak jalan layang Pasupati (Studi kasus: Segmen Surapati), Tesis magister ITB, Bandung


Figure 2 : Tamansari kampung kota
Figure 3 : Utilizing public space under Pasupati flyover
Figure 5 : Gang as a trade center
Figure 8 Gang as an extention of the house


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