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makanan khas Indonesia tiap provinsi


Academic year: 2018

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makanan khas Indonesia tiap provinsi. 1.Aceh

Terkenal dengan Mie Acehnya. Mie kuning tebal dengan irisan daging disajikan dalam sup sejenis kari yang gurih dan pedas. Makanan ini kaya bumbu dan nikmat abis!

2. Sumatera Utara

Makanan khas di Sumatera Utara khususnya Medan adalah Bika Ambon. Bika Ambon ini enak banget! Kadang juga dijual dengan rasa lain, seperti durian dan keju. Rasanya manis dan lembut.

3. Sumatera Barat

Sumatera Barat terkenal dengan makanan Padang yang berasal dari kota Padang. Makanan yang banyak rempahnya ini mempunyai rasa yang kuat. Rendang adalah salah satu masakan Padang yang menjadi favorit banyak orang Indonesia bahkan sampai luar negeri.

4. Jambi

Gulai Ikan Patin adalah masakan yang populer di masyarakat Jambi.Gulai ini dimasak dengan menggunakan tempoyak yaitu daging buah durian yang telah difermentasi. Tetapi ada sebagian orang yang memilih untuk mengganti tempoyak dengan santan kelapa untuk menghindari bau dan rasa tempoyak yang cukup menyengat.

5. Bengkulu

Makanan khas Bengkulu ini terbuat dari ikan dibumbi dengan bumbu yang beraneka ragam. Pendap ini memiliki rasa pedas dan gurih. 6. Riau


Otak-otak adalah salah satu makanan khas di Kepulauan Riau, baik di Batam, Tanjung Pinang, maupun di Pulau Penyengat. Di sini terdapat dua jenis otak-otak yaitu otak-otak yang terbuat dari ikan dan dari cumi yang lebih pedas. Otak-otak ini

dibungkus dengan daun berwarna hijau sekalian dengan lidinya, yang kemudian dibakar dengan bara api. Bikin ketagihan!

8. Sumatera Selatan

Di Sumatera Selatan terkenal makanan Pempek. Pempek terbuat dari ikan dan sagu. Penyajiannya ditemani dengan kuah coklat yang disebut cuko. Cuko terbuat dari air yang dididihkan, kemudian ditambah gula merah, udang ebi dan cabe rawit tumbuk, bawang putih, dan garam.

9. Bangka Belitung

Mie atau Mi Bangka adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak ciri khas masyarakat pulau bangka, terbuat dari mie basah (kuning) biasa yang disiram dengan kuah berbumbu yang biasanya terbuah dari ikan, udang, cumi, atau kepiting. dan seringkali ditambahi dengan toge atau kecambah, mentimun atau timun, dan kerupuk, lezat bila dihidangkan waktu masih panas, dan ditambahi rasa pedas dari cabe. 10. Lampung

Seruit adalah makanan khas provinsi Lampung, yaitu masakan ikan yang digoreng atau dibakar

dicampur sambel terasi, tempoyak (olahan durian) atau mangga.

11. Banten

Sate Bandeng merupakan makanan khas Banten. Berbeda dengan ikan bandeng biasa, daging sate bandeng empuk dan tidak bertulang. Sate bandeng menggunakan gula coklat dan santan. Karena kekhasannya, sate bandeng menjadi oleh-oleh dari Banten.

12. Jakarta

Kerak Telor adalah makanan asli daerah Jakarta (Betawi), dengan bahan-bahan beras ketan putih, telur ayam, ebi (udang kering yang diasinkan) yang disangrai kering ditambah bawang merah goreng, lalu diberi bumbu yang dihaluskan berupa kelapa sangrai, cabai merah, kencur, jahe, merica butiran, garam dan gula pasir. Saya sudah pernah coba dan ini enak banget!

13. Jawa Barat

Serabi Kadang biasa disebut srabi terbuat dari tepung beras dan kuah cair manis. Manis dan menggugah selera!

14. Jawa Tengah

Lunpia adalah makanan khas Jawa Tengah khususnya kota Semarang. Makanan ini berisi rebung, telur, dan daging udang. Setelah dibungkus bisa dimakan langsung, bisa juga digoreng. Saya suda pernah makan lunpia di Semarang dan rasanya bikin ketagihan!


Nasi Gudeg, makanan khas D.I. Yogyakarta yang terbuat dari nangka muda yang dimasak dengan santan. Gudeg dimakan dengan nasi dan disajikan dengan kuah santan kental (areh), ayam kampung, telur, tahu dan sambal goreng krecek. Mantap! 16. Jawa Timur

Rujak Cingur adalah salah satu makanan

tradisional yang mudah ditemukan di daerah Jawa Timur, terutama daerah asalnya Surabaya. Cingur sendiri berrati mulut. Makanan ini memang menyajikan mulut sapi. Biasanya dihidangkan dengan sayuran kemudian diberi bumbu yang terbuat dari olahan petis udang, air matang,

gula/gula merah, cabai, kacang tanah yang digoreng, bawang goreng, garam dan irisan tipis-tipis pisang biji hijau yang masih muda (pisang klutuk). Rsanya sedap!

17. Bali

Salah satu makanan khas Bali adalah ayam betutu. Ayam betutu adalah lauk yang terbuat dari ayam yang utuh yang berisi bumbu, kemudian dipanggang dalam api sekam. Nikmat dan mantap! 18. Nusa Tengara Barat

Ayam Taliwang adalah makanan khas Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat yang berbahan dasar ayam yang disajikan bersama bumbu-bumbunya berupa cabai merah kering, bawang merah, bawang putih, tomat merah, terasi goreng, kencur, gula Jawa, dan

garam. Biasanya disajikan bersama makanan khas Lombok lainnya seperti Plecing kangkung.

19. Nusa Tenggara Timur

Catemak Jagung adalah makanan khas Nusa Tenggara Timur. Catemak jagung adalah makanan penutup yang terbuat dari jagung, labu lilin, dan kacang hijau yang dimasak dengan bumbu masak penyedap rasa. Rasanya asin tapi lezat!

20. Kalimantan Barat

Bubur Pedas Sambas adalah makan khas dari wilayah sambas di Kalimantan Barat. Meski nama makanan khas tersebut berbanderol kata “pedas” yang akan membuat pencinta kuliner yang tidak suka rasa pedas bergidik ngeri, saat disuguhkan pasti akan minta tambah lagi. Karena, bubur pedas adalah bubur yang terbuat dari campuran sayur mayur dan saat diolah tidak ada dicampurkan bahan cabai sedikitpun.

21. Kalimantan Selatan

Soto Banjar adalah soto khas suku Banjar,

Kalimantan Selatan dengan bahan utama ayam dan beraroma harum rempah-rempah seperti kayu manis, biji pala, dan cengkeh. Soto berisi daging ayam yang sudah disuwir-suwir, dengan tambahan perkedel atau kentang rebus, rebusan telur, dan ketupat. Melihatnya saja sudah tidak tahan untuk mencoba. Soto banjar enak dan mantap!


Juhu Singkah adalah makanan khas masyarakat Dayak, Kalimantan Tengah, yang sangat lezat. Makanan ini bisa dijumpai di Kota Palangkaraya, Kalteng. Makanan yang terbuat dari umbut rotan ini lebih lezat bila dipadukan dengan ikan betok. Umbut rotan diperoleh warga dengan mencarinya di sekitar hutan tempat mereka tinggal.

23. Kalimantan Timur

Ayam Cincane adalah salah satu kuliner andalan di kota Samarinda. Biasanya, kuliner ini dijadikan hidangan utama ketika masyarakat Samarinda menyelanggarakan pesta pernikahan atau acara menyambut tamu kehormatan. aging ayam kampung yang disajikan bersama bumbu berwarna kemerahan menjadi ciri khas tersendiri dari Ayam Cincane. 24. Sulawesi Selatan

Sup Konro adalah masakan sup iga sapi khas Indonesia yang berasal dari tradisi Bugis dan

Makassar. Sup ini biasanya dibuat dengan bahan iga sapi atau daging sapi. Masakan berkuah warna coklat kehitaman ini biasa dimakan dengan ketupat kecil yang dipotong-potong terlebih dahulu. Warna gelap ini berasal dari buah kluwek yang memang berwarna hitam. Bumbunya relatif “kuat” akibat digunakannya ketumbar. Sup ini mantap abis! 25. Sulaweisi Tengah

Sup Ikan Jantung Pisang adalah makanan khas sulawesi tengah, Tepatnya di kota Palu. Makanan dengan cita rasa yang asam pedas yang segar ini, menggunakan ikan kakap sebagai bahan utama. 26. Sulawesi Tenggara

Lapa-Lapa adalah makanan khas sulawesi

tenggara, lapa-lapa mempunyai rasa yang guri dan enak, apalagi dikonsumsi dengan ikan

kaholeonarore (ikan asin) semakin menambah selerah makan.

27. Gorontalo

Binte Biluhuta adalah makanan khas Gorontalo. Makanan ini biasa juga disebut dengan milu siram, karena terbuat dari milu (bahasa setempat berarti jajung). Makanan ini terbuat dari jagung, udang, kelapa setengah tua, belimbing sayur, daun bawang, daun kemangi, bawang merah, jeruk nipis.

28. Sulawesi Utara

Tinutuan atau Bubur Manado adalah makanan khas Indonesia dari Manado, ibukota Sulawesi Utara. Tinutuan merupakan campuran berbagai macam sayuran, tidak mengandung daging. Tinutuan biasanya disajikan untuk sarapan pagi beserta berbagai pelengkap hidangannya. 29. Maluku

Ikan Asar adalah ikan cakalang atau tongkol yang dipanggang dengan asap. Karena proses

pembuatannya diasap, terkadang disebut juga ikan asap.


Gohu Ikan adalah Salah satu masakan khas Ternate. Penyebutannya harus lengkap: gohu ikan. Soalnya, kalau hanya disebut gohu, maka artinya adalah rujak pepaya muda yang juga populer di Sulawesi Utara. Gohu ikan khas Ternate dibuat dari ikan tuna mentah. Tidak heran bila banyak orang menyebutnya sebagai sashimi Ternate.

31. Papua Barat

Ikan Bakar Manokwari adalah makanan khas Manokwari, Papua. Tidak seperti ikan bakar yang biasa kita temui di kebanyakan warung ataupun rumah makan, ikan bakar ini memiliki rasa khas yang bisa membuat lidah bergoyang karena tambahan sambal khas Papua yang disiramkan di atasnya. Ikan yang biasa dijadikan bahan masakan ini adalah ikan tongkol.

32. Papua Timur

Papeda atau Bubur Sagu, merupakan makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan Papua. Makanan ini terdapat di hampir semua daerah di Maluku dan Papua. Papeda dibuat dari tepung sagu. Papeda biasanya disantap bersama kuah kuning, yang terbuat dari ikan tongkol atau ikan mubara dan dibumbui kunyit dan jeruk nipis.

33. Papua Tengah

Kue Sagu atau Bagea adalah kue yang berasal dari papua, bahan dasar pembuatan kue ini adalah tepung sagu. Kue sagu ini agak keras saat digigit tetapi kalau sudah ada di dalam mulut atau di celup ke air akan cepat lunak/ lembek.

34. Kalimantan Utara

Di Kalimantan Utara khususnya kota Tarakan, terkenal dengan hidangan laut. Salah satu yang patut dicoba adalah Kepiting Soka. Kepiting ini bisa kita makan keseluruh bagian tubuhnya. Kepiting Soka memiliki cangkang yang lunak sehingga bisa

dimakan. Kepiting ini juga bisa di buat camilan atau kerupuk.

Makanan internasional



1. Ayam parmigiana

Ayam Parmigiana adalah sebuah hidangan klasik Italia yang terkenal dengan kelezatannya. Makanan ini terdiri dari daging ayam goreng yang garing digabung dengan spageti dan keju. Ayam Parmigiana mirip dengan chicken cordon bleu. Namun apabila pada chicken cordon bleu terdapat keju di dalam ayamnya, pada parmigiana terdapat keju yang berada di atas ayamnya. Daging ayam dibumbui dengan saus napolitan yang terbuat dari tomat.


Salah satu saus Italia yang paling terken seperti Fettuccini. Jenis masakan Fettuc 1920an oleh Alfredo di Lelio di Roma. R segar, dan keju parmesan. Resep ini teru

3. Lasagna

Lasagna adalah salah satu hidangan klas Kelezatan kulit Lasagna yang dibuat dar ini. Resep Lasagna banyak dikembangk laut, ricotta, mozzarella dan keju parmes

4 Linguine alle Vongole

Linguine adalah makanan tradisional Ita berbentuk datar yang mirip dengan Fettu lebar jika dibandingkan dengan fettuccin alle Vongole atau Linguine dengan Saus kerang dicampurkan dengan bawang pu

5. Veal Marsala

Saus Marsala adalah saus anggur Italia y Saus ini biasanya dimasak dengan dagin dengan saus marsala adalah daging sirlo

6. Ayam Saltimbocca

Dalam istilah bahasa Italia, "Saltimbocc sangat cocok digunakan karena hidanga Kebanyakan cara memasak hidangan in keju mozzarella.

7. Pasta primavera

Pasta primavera adalah salah satu hidan semi sehingga hidangan ini merupakan k warna musim semi.

8. Shrimp fra Diavolo

Saus pedas berwarna merah di makanan Italia berarti iblis. Makanan ini berupa u

enal adalah saus Alfredo yang banyak digunaka tucini yang paling terkenal adalah Fettucini Alfr

a. Resep Fettuccine Alfredo yang asli terdiri dar erus dikembangkan di seluruh dunia hingga sek

asik Italia yang dapat mencerminkan cita rasa dari tepung terigu dan dipanggang di oven meru gkan dan dibuat dengan daging sapi, sosis, sayu


Italia yang berasal dari Genoa dan Liguria. Lin ettuccine. Pasta ini lebih lebar daripada spaghet cine. Di Italia Linguine juga dapat disebut trene aus Kerang adalah masakan yang paling terkena putih dan minyak saus untuk disajikan dengan p

ia yang terkenal dengan campurannya yang beru ging sapi atau ayam. Daging sapi yang terkenal irloin.

cca" berarti “melompat ke dalam mulut seseora gan ini sangat lezat dan digemari banyak orang ini adalah menggabungkan daging ayam denga

angan vegetarian yang paling terkenal di Italia. n kombinasi sayuran dan pasta dengan berbaga

an ini membuatnya mendapatkan sebutan “diav a udang yang dimasak dengan pasta dan saus de

akan untuk makanan mie lebar lfredo yang dibuat pada tahun dari mentega, krim, lada hitam


sa orang yang membuatnya. erupakan daya tarik makanan

ur-sayuran, ayam, makanan

inguine merupakan pasta etti, namun sedikit kurang enette atau bavette. Linguine enal. Dalam masakan ini saus

n pasta.

erupa jamur dan daun bawang. al digunakan untuk masakan

orang”. Nama makanan ini ng di seluruh dunia.

gan prosciutto ham, bayam, dan

ia. “Primavera” berarti musim gai saus yang cerah layaknya



9. Penne alla Vodka

Penne alla vodka adalah hidangan pasta tomat, bawang, dan sosis atau daging. S beberapa tahun terakhir. Biasanya saus i berwarna kemerahan adalah berwarna g

10. Spaghetti saus tomat

Makanan tradisional Italia yang paling t ini sederhana, murah dan bisa ditambah sapi. Spaghetti dengan saus tomat dapat

11. Pizza Margherita

Pizza Margherita adalah makanan tradis mempunyai modifikasi resep saus sendi kombinasi saus dan keju yang tepat dap

12. Gelato

Gelato adalah makanan Italia yang beru menjual gelato. Gelato dianggap lebih le sehingga hanya 10% udara masuk dari t dibandingkan es krim biasa. Di Italia Se dikonsumsi saat ini. Berbagai campuran

13. Makanan Romawi

Makanan Romawi dikenal sebagai "Tur bervariasi di masing-masing restoran. B (pasta pilihan Anda), secondo (daging d ini biasanya berkisar antara 12 sampai 2

14. Tiramisu

Seperti gelato, Tiramisu mempunyai ber kue dan krim. Beberapa restoran membu krim dan satu lapisan tipis kue.

sta Italia yang dibuat dengan vodka dan penne p . Saus vodka sangat populer digunakan di berb us ini terdiri dari campuran marinara, krim, kem a gurih.

g terkenal dan paling banyak dimasak adalah sp ahakan bahan sesuai selera seperti bakso, jamur pat dimasak dengan cepat dan baik untuk jadi hi

isional Italia dengan rasa dan tekstur yang kha diri untuk membuat. Meskipun dapat dibuat de apat menjadiak pizza ini menjadi masakan Italia

rupa es krim. Gelato banyak dijual di gelateria h lezat daripada es krim karena memiliki overru ri total volume adonan. Tekstur Gelato lebih pad Selatan banyak dibuat gelato bebas lemak hewa ran gelato antara lain adalah buah, nutella, kacan

urista Menu". Menu ini biasanya terdiri dari 4-. Biasanya tahapan pertama dimulai dengan anti g dengan lauk), dolce (penutup) dan minuman. H

i 20 Euro.

berbagai ukuran dan rasa. Sebagian besar lapisa buat tiramisu dalam gelas es krim yang memili

e pasta dengan krim kental, rbagai makanan Italia dalam emangi dan vodka. Saus vodka

spaghetti saus tomat. Hidangan ur, brokoli, sosis, atau daging i hidangan keluarga di rumah.

has. Setiap keluarga di Italia dengan cara sederhana,

lia terlezat.

ia atau untuk toko yang khusus rrun yang sangat rendah

padat dan lebih lezat wani yang sangat banyak cang-kacangan, dan biskuit.

-5 tahapan makan yang ntipasto (pembuka), primo n. Harga keseluruhan makanan


15. Pasta Carbonara

Pasta Carbonara dikenal sebagai pasta d anatar lain adalah menggunakan telur, b Pasta carbonara versi asli Italia dianggap sudah dimodifikasi.

16. Kopi Italia

Kopi Italia dikenal disebut caffee di neg seluruh dunia. Banyak bar di Italia yang memesan kopi cappuccino dan penggem kafe Italia biasanya menghabiskan 4-6 €

17. Risotto

Risotto dapat ditemukan di banyak kota Risotto seafood dan jamur adalah spesia yang sedang berlangsung di Italia, misal berbagai bumbu dan sayuran musim sem

18. Ravioli

Ravioli diciptakan di era Romawi, tetap Cina. Kebanyakan ravioli banyak dimas dan vegetarian. Agar benar-benar kenya

19. Prosciutto

Jika Anda menyukai daging, prosciutto adalah campuran pasta yang dielilit keju yang segar di wilayah Emilia-Romagna.

20. Gnocchi

Gnocchi, pangsit tepung yang dibuat da

a dengan tekstur krim kental di banyak negara-, baconnegara-, dan anggur putih yang dicampur denga gap memiliki rasa lebih lezat dibandingkan den

egara asalnya. Espresso adalah jenis kopi Italia ng menyajikan espresso tradisional Italia. Peng emar kopi hitam dapat kopi americana. Untuk d

€ per minuman.

ota di Italia, tetapi jenis masakan yang paling po sialisasi para juru masak di Venice. Risotto seri isalnya saat musim semi atau musim panas risot semi seperti asparagus.

tapi baru populer di Italia sampai kembalinya pe asak dengan ricotta dan bayam. Makanan ini co yang, umumnya orang Eropa makan dua hingg

to adalah makanan favorit Italia dengan bahan d eju dan daging. Makanan ini dikenal mengguna na.

dalam berbagai rasa dan gaya. Kaum vegetarian

-negara. Kombinasi pasta ini gan rigatoni atau mie spaghetti. engan versi Amerika yang

lia yang paling terkenal di nggemar minuman susu dapat k duduk dan menikmati kopi di

populer di terdapat di Venice. ering dimasak sesuai musim sotto ditambahkan dengan

penjelajah Marco Polo dari i cocok bagi penggemar sayur gga tiga ravioli sekali makan.

n dasar daging. Prosciutto nakan produk daging babi Italia


gnocchi "gaya pomodoro," saus dan keju. Penggemar daging dapat menikamti gnocchi daging pada banyak menu di seluruh Italia


1. Crepes

Crepes adalah panekuk tipis versi Perancis. Makanan ini dapat diberi topping apa saja seperti krim, stroberi, ham dan keju. Meskipun makanan ini sekarang mudah ditemukan di mana saja, crepes adalah salah satu makanan yang wajib dicoba ketika berada di Perancis. Crepes memiliki rasa yang lezat dan dapat dimakan untuk sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam.

2. Baguette

Bagi orang Perancis, makanan paling lezat adalah baguette yang baru keluar dari oven. Baguette adalah salah satu jenis roti Perancis yang paling populer di seluruh dunia. Roti ini mempunyai ukuran panjang dan teksturnya sangat renyah. Diameter standar baguette kira-kira 5 atau 6 cm. Baguette terpanjang dapat mencapai 1 meter. Ketika berada di Perancis, kamu akan melihat banyak warga Perancis membawa roti ini di berbagai kesempatan.

3. Café au lait

Salah satu jenis kopi Perancis yang paling terkenal adalah café au lait. Popularitas kopi ini sangat tinggi dan bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan kopi ini di berbagai kafe di seluruh dunia. Café au lait dibuat dengan mencampur kopi hitam kental dengan susu panas. Perbandingan susu dan kopi dalam café au lait adalah 1:1 sehingga rasa dari kopi tidak pahit.

Café au lait hampir sama dengan caffé latte, namun tidak menggunakan campuran espresso melainkan kopi hitam. Café au lait diproses dengan menyaring kopi giling bersama dengan chicory yaitu tanaman yang akarnya dapat dibakar. Setelah itu kopi disaring dengan kain berbahan katun dan dicampur dengan susu. Biasanya warga Perancis meminum café au lait saat sarapan.

4. Escargot

Escargot adalah makanan terkenal Perancis yang menggunakan bahan dasar bekicot. Bekicot mungkin bukan makanan yang lezat bagi banyak orang, namun apabila dimasak dengan tepat dapat dibuat menjadi makanan lezat. Daging bekicot sangat kaya protein, vitamin B2 dan mengandung asam amino yang baik untuk tubuh. Daging bekicot sudah dikonsumsi secara luas di berbagai negara seperti Jepang dan Cina yang biasa memasaknya dengan jahe, cuka dan kecap. Escargot di Perancis biasanya dimasak dengan mentega dan bawang putih yang membuat rasanya benar-benar lezat.


Fromage adalah bahasa Perancis untuk keju. Perancis memiliki ratusan varietas jenis keju dengan berbagai rasa yang berbeda. Kamu dapat bereksperimen dengan memesan porsi beragam keju Perancis hingga menemukan yang benar-benar cocok dengan selera. Keju di Perancis biasanya disajikan setelah hidangan utama. Secara umum, jenis keju terdiri dari keju awetan yang keras, keju lunak dan keju biru. Biasanya keju dinikmati dengan segelas anggur agar kelezatannya lebih terasa.

6. Bouillabaisse

Bouillabaisse adalah makanan khas Perancis dengan bahan dasar ikan yang disajikan dengan sup. Makanan ini awalnya berasal dari Yunani kuno. Bouillabaisse dikonsumsi pertama kali oleh para pemancing di Goudes, di wilayah kota Marseille. Makanan ini menjadi salah satu yang paling dicari oleh penggemar kuliner tradisional di Perancis. Ikan biasanya disajikan secara terpisah bersama dengan saus rouille dan roti panggang yang dapat ditambahkan ke dalam sup.

7. Gaufres

Gaufres adalah salah satu makanan jalanan paling populer di Perancis. Makanan ini mirip dengan wafel Belgia yang disajikan dengan selai cokelat dan gula bubuk sebagai topping. Harga Gaufres sangat terjangkau dan mudah ditemukan di jalanan berbagai kota di Perancis. Memakan Gaufres sambil berjalan-jalan di Perancis pada malam terang bulan dapat menjadi kenangan indah dalam hidupmu.

8. Foie gras

Foie gras terbuat dari hati bebek atau angsa dan merupakan salah satu makanan terlezat di Perancis yang pernah ada. Foie gras tidak terlalu populer di Indonesia, tapi, makanan ini sangat penting di sejarah kuliner Eropa terutama di Perancis, Bulgaria dan Hongaria. Foie gras tergolong makanan paling tua di Eropa. Orang Bulgaria telah memasaknya sejak 2000 tahun lalu. Foie gras adalah makanan yang wajib dicoba jika berada di restoran Perancis meskipun harganya cukup mahal.

9. Pain au chocolat

Jika kamu menyukai cokelat, mentega dan croissant, maka pain au chocolat adalah makanan Prancis yang cocok. Pain au chocolat adalah roti gulung manis yang terdiri dari berlapis-lapis adonan ragi dengan satu atau dua potong cokelat di tengahnya. Pain au chocolat terbuat dari adonan berlapis yang mirip dengan croissant. Makanan ini biasanya dijual selagi hangat dari oven dan dijual bersama croissant di berbagai toko di Perancis.


Croissant adalah salah satu roti Perancis yang paling populer di seluruh dunia. Kata “croissant” dalam bahasa Perancis berarti bulan sabit, sesuai dengan bentuk roti ini. Roti croissant bisa didapatkan dengan mudah di toko roti, supermarket, hingga hotel berbintang. Jenis roti ini sangat beragam seperti croissant keju, croissant coklat, croissant almond dan croissant sandwich. Di negara-negara lain juga sangat mudah menemukan croissant, namun croissant asli Perancis mempunyai rasa yang khas dengan mentega yang sangat lezat.

11. Soupe à l'oignon

Soupe à l'oignon adalah makanan tradisional Perancis berupa sup yang terbuat dari bawang dan kaldu daging sapi. Makanan ini biasanya disajikan dengan crouton dan keju di atasnya. Soupe à l'oignon mulai dimasak sejak zaman Romawi dan sangat populer bagi disajikan bagi keluarga-keluarga Perancis pada abad ke-18. Rasa yang luar biasa dari sup ini muncul karena adanya proses karamelisasi.

12. Wine

Perancis adalah negara yang sangat kaya dengan hasil alam berupa anggur sehingga produksi wine di negara ini sangat tinggi. Di Perancis terdapat berbagai jenis wine seperti wine merah, wine putih dan champagne. Wine biasa dinikmati dengan keju dan dapat memperkaya rasa masakan yang sedang dimakan. Wine dapat membuat suhu tubuh menjadi lebih hangat dalam cuaca dingin.

13. Boeuf bourguignon

Boeuf bourguignon adalah makanan tradisional Perancis berupa sup yang terbuat dari daging sapi yang direbus dalam anggur merah dan kaldu sapi. Makanan ini dimasak dengan bumbu bawang putih, bawang, rempah segar dan jamur.

14. Flamiche

Flamiche adalah kue tradisional yang berasal dari Prancis Utara di dekat perbatasan Belgia. Kue ini berupa pie yang diisi dengan keju dan sayuran. Menurut resep klasik di Perancis, isian pie terbuat dari daun bawang.

15. Confit de canard

Confit de canard adalah makanan Perancis yang lezat dengan bahan dasar kaki bebek. Proses pemasakan daging bisa mencapai 36 jam. Cara memasak confit de canard adalah mencampur daging bebek dengan garam, bawang putih dan thyme yang dimarinasi selama lebih dari satu hari agara aromanya dapat menyerap. Setelah itu, daging bebek biasanya digoreng atau dipanggang. Confit de canard disajikan dengan kentang panggang dan bawang putih di sisinya.

English Indonesian


Rice spatula Sendok nasi

Mortar Cobek (cowek)

Pestle Mutu (uleg-uleg)

Sifter Ayakan

Tea pot Moci/ cerek

Knife Pisau

Chopping block Papan ranjang (telenan)

Chopper Pisau ranjang/ pecincang daging

Bamboo steamer Kukusan

Rice cooker Pemanak nasi

Tooth pick Tusuk gigi

Stove Kompor

Pan Panci

Cooking pot Panic

Frying pan Wajan

Frying skillet Wajan tipis (bergagang satu)

Stir fry pan Wajan besar (untuk nasi goreng/ mi)

Spatula Sudip (Javanese: suthil)

Stainer Saringan goreng (serok)

Spoon Sendok

Fork Garpu

Plate Piring

Soup ladle Sendok sayur (irus)

Saucer Cawan

Cup Cangkir

Spice container Tempat bumbu

Toothpick holder Tempat tusuk gigi

Match Korek api

Kerosene Minyak tanah

LPG Liquid petroleum gas

Mixer Alat pengaduk

Grinder Alat penggiling

Grater Parut

Vacuum flask Termos

Chef’s Knife

If you’ve only ever used a cheap chef’s knife for your cooking needs, switching to a high quality knife will be a night and day difference. Seriously, when we upgraded to a high quality chef’s knife we couldn’t believe how much sharper, heavier, and easier it was to cut and chop with the quality knife.

And since you can use a chef’s knife for all of your cutting needs (and use it every time you cook), one high-quality purchase will serve you for years to come.

We’ve tested several different chef’s knives with different price points and designs, and our recommended option is the German-made Wusthof 8 inch classic chef’s knife. It’s an absolute workhorse, comes at a very reasonable price, and won’t disappoint you.


For those of you looking for an even higher end option, the German-made Wusthof Ikon Series 8 Inch Chef’s Knife is our pick. This is Wusthof’s higher-end line of kitchen knives, and both the aesthetics and quality of the knife won’t disappoint you.

Chef’s Knife (Budget)

Coming in much cheaper than our recommended or premium options, the Wusthof Pro 8 Inch Chef’s Knife is a steal of a deal. It’s not as high quality as the other options but it’s a great entry level knife that’s loads better than a comparable $25 knife. You can’t go wrong with this starter chef’s knife.

Additional Resources

Purchasing a quality chef’s knife is a great first step. But, you’ll want to learn how to use it properly and how to take care of it so it lasts you a lifetime. For general knife education, check out:

• The 4 Knife Cuts Every Cook Should Know

• An Edge in the Kitchen: The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Knives

• Wusthof Knife Skills With Norman Weinstein (9 part series)

For supplementary knives and knife tools, click the following to jump:

• Honing steel

• 2 stage knife sharpener

• Paring knife

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One of the most basic tools you need in your kitchen is a good cutting board. You’ll be using it every time you cook (just like your chef’s knife) so it’s important to choose one that’s durable and well designed.

The OXO good grips cutting board is dishwasher safe and is built from odor-resistant polypropylene – meaning it will last a long time. Pick this inexpensive cutting board up and you won’t regret it.

Cutting Board (Premium)

Now if you’re looking for the Ferrari of cutting boards, look no further than this Proteak edge grain cutting board. If you haven’t tried a cutting board like this before, it’ll be hard to understand just how different – and how much higher quality – it really is. But we can confirm that upgrading to a cutting board like this will bring you joy in the kitchen every time you use it.

You have to take better care of this cutting board than our plastic recommendation; by cleaning it immediately after use and avoiding the dishwasher. But this item is unique and will last you a long time, so if you’re ready for an upgrade from the usual plastic cutting boards most home cooks sport nowadays, this one gets our vote.

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It’s not often that a piece of cookware brings you joy every time you use it. But that’s exactly what this can opener from Kuhn Rikon does! This is a 5-in-1 can opener that pulls tabs, crowns caps, unscrews tops, and opens jar lids and cans safely, easily, and cleanly.

We have one of these beauties in our kitchen (Mealime green, of course) and it is an absolute pleasure to use. We actually look forward to opening cans, believe it or not. Pick up this multi tool today and you won’t regret it (just read all the great reviews!).

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Measuring Cups

Measuring cups are used for precisely measuring the volume of liquid or solid cooking ingredients. You may not think that measuring cups can be anything special. Any set will do, right? Well as it turns out, great design can extend all the way down to measuring cups. This stackable set of measuring cups from Kitchenmade has all sorts of smart features that eliminates the small frustrations that measuring cups often bring about.

With high quality one-piece stainless steel construction, a thin profile and pouring lip, nesting capabilities, and a 5 star rating over 1,000 reviews on Amazon, you can’t beat the quality of these measuring cups. Pick these up today and never replace your measuring cups again.


Measuring Spoons

Measuring spoons are used to precisely measure smaller amounts of liquid or solid cooking ingredients than measuring cups. This set of 5 stainless steel measuring spoons from Prepworks contains measurements of ¼ tsp all the way up to 1 tbsp. They’re magnetic and nested so you can put them away easily without losing any of them (which can often happen for the smaller spoons).

They’re also designed to be double sided to accommodate both liquids and solids and are dishwasher safe. After testing different measuring spoons, we settled on this set ourselves and use them in our kitchen every single day. Highly recommended!

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Mixing Bowls

For mixing together salad dressings, spice rubs, marinades, sauces, and even for storing leftovers, a set of high-quality mixing bowls is a must.

This 9-piece mixing bowl set from Luminarc can be used to do pretty much anything and won’t absorb stains and odours because it’s made of glass. Plus, these bowls stack easily for simple storage.


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For draining pasta or washing vegetables and salad greens, a colander is an essential piece for your minimalist kitchen. This 5-quart stainless steel colander from OXO Good Grips is well designed and has ergonomic non-slip handles and “feet” so it doesn’t slip all over the place.

This is an item you’ll use forever and couldn’t break even if you tried, so pick up this 5 star reviewed colander and forget about buying another in your lifetime.

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Vegetable Peeler

A vegetable peeler can really speed up your preparation time, whether you’re using it to peel potatoes, carrots, or any other vegetables.

We love this pirahna “Y-Peeler” from Kuhn Rikon because it’s so simple. No multi-tasking here, but this is a high quality peeler that will stand the test of time. It’s dishwasher safe and ergonomically designed, just like all of our other recommendations.

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Potato Masher

Although a potato masher is a great tool, it usually has a very inconvenient and bulky shape that makes closing your drawer difficult. We chose this flip potato masher from Prepara for a few important reasons.

First, it “flips”, which means that it’s not a bulky tool to store in a drawer, like most potato mashers are. Second, it’s of high quality stainless steel (with no BPA) and is dishwasher safe for easy cleaning. Third, it has only 5 star reviews on Amazon and is very highly recommended. You can’t go wrong with this quality potato masher.

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A whisk is often one of the most used items in your kitchen, so it’s important to have one that’s ergonomically made. This 9-inch whisk from OXO Good Grips fits great in the hand and is perfect for whisking together salad dressings, sauces, eggs, desserts, and much more.

Plus, it’s dishwasher safe so you don’t have to worry about the handle melting or warping in the heat.

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A salad spinner is your best friend when it comes to having a crisp salad. To prevent your greens from going soggy, you’ll need to dry them and “spinning” them is by far the easiest way to do it.

Made by OXO Good Grips, this salad spinner can be used by simply pressing the button on the top. It’s very easy and simple to operate, and even features a brake and locking mechanism for easy storage.

We especially love this salad spinner because the strainer basket can be used for draining pasta and the bowl for serving. It’s a great multi-purpose tool!

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For cutting up a whole chicken and other meats, to vegetables, to stripping herbs, to even cutting the stems off of flowers, these kitchen and herb shears from OXO Good Grips are fantastic.

They’re extremely sharp, heavy duty, and comfortable. The blades even separate for easy cleaning. With 200 reviews and a 5 star rating, these shears are a fantastic value and deserve a spot in your kitchen.

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Citrus Juicer

Sometimes it’s the seemingly insignificant tasks in the kitchen that provide way more hassle than they should. Juicing a lemon or lime is one of those tasks!


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Garlic Press

We still have this garlic press from Kuhn Rikon but use it less than we used to. If you don’t like playing with garlic and want the quickest solution, pick up this highly rated garlic press and you’ll be good to go. But if you don’t mind crushing and chopping your own garlic, you may want to pass on this item.

We’ve gone back and forth with garlic presses over the years and are currently on the “non-essential” train.

Basically, a garlic press is nice to have and does make crushing garlic easier. But it’s really not that difficult to cut / press your own garlic with just your chef’s knife, and it’s oddly satisfying to do so as well.

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Paring Knife

A paring knife is a kitchen knife with a short blade that can be used for a multitude of tasks. You can peel and chop with it, and the small tip is great for fine work like coring strawberries (or similar).


Paring Knife (Premium)

The premium version of our recommended paring knife is from Wusthof’s Classic Ikon line.

We recommend Ikon knives for all of our premium knife recommendations, and this knife is no exception. Both the recommended and premium versions of this paring knife will work well for you, and the difference in price is fairly close. Pick whichever one you prefer.

Paring Knife (Budget)

For a much cheaper alternative to both our recommended and premium paring knife options, the Wusthof Pro paring knife is a great buy.

Coming in at less than $10 yet still full of German engineered quality, it’s a wonderful purchase on a budget.

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Honing Steel

If you’re going to purchase a quality chef’s knife (which you should) you’ll want to take care of it so it lasts a lifetime. It doesn’t take many tools or much time to maintain a quality knife, and this 10-inch honing steel from Wusthof is one of those tools.

Contrary to popular belief, a honing steel doesn’t actually sharpen your blade. Rather, it realigns your knife’s edge quickly and efficiently. When you need a new edge, that’s when a sharpener will be needed. Purchase both (next up is a sharpener) and you can maintain the sharpness and edge of your chef’s knife for a very long time.

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Knife Sharpener

For those times that honing your blade isn’t enough, a 2-stage sharpener is your ticket to a sharper knife in minutes.

Our recommended option is Wusthof’s precision 2 stage sharpener, coming in at just under $15. For the value you’ll receive, this sharpener is (in our minds) a no-brainer.

Knife Sharpener (Premium)

The premium knife sharpener we recommend is Wusthof’s Ikon knife sharpener. It’s beautiful and very sturdy, which adds quality to the sharpening experience.

We have this one in our kitchen and it’s a joy to use. Well worth the price.

Knife Sharpener (Budget)

Our budget option is a fantastically well-rated sharpener from KitchenIQ that has a near 5 star rating over 3000+ reviews and costs only $6.


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Cookware & Bakeware

(click to jump)

Stainless Steel SkilletSauté PanSmall SaucepanMedium SaucepanLarge PotCast Iron SkilletGrill PanBaking Sheet PanCasserole DishBroiler PanStockpot

Stainless Steel Skillet

A stainless steel skillet will likely be the workhorse of your kitchen. You will be using this cookware for frying, searing, sautéing, and browning, among other functions. For this reason, it’s important to pick a high quality stainless steel skillet that you can use for a lifetime.

We like Cuisineart’s Multiclad Pro line for all of our cookware, and their skillet is no exception. It is made of high quality stainless steel and even has a “helper” handle that makes it easier to carry heavy loads without tipping. Plus, it comes at a fantastic price for the quality. Highly recommended.


All Clad’s take on the stainless steel skillet is, as with all of their other products, high quality and a joy to use.

We’ve used our All Clad stainless steel skillet for years now and can tell that’s it’s going to continue being used for years to come. Highly, highly recommended.

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Sauté Pan

A saute pan is different from a skillet in a couple of important ways. It has a wide flat bottom and vertical sides that generally go up much higher than a skillet’s flared sides do. This makes it easier to cook sauces and sear and braise meat than a skillet.

We recommend Cuisineart’s Multiclad Pro series sauté pan because of its superior value relative to our premium alternative. It won’t let you down and will last a lifetime of cooking.

Sauté Pan (Premium)

Our premium pick is All Clad’s 4-quart tri-ply bonded sauté pan. Just like the other All Clad picks in this article, we chose this pan because of its high quality construction, fantastic reviews, and made in USA quality guarantee. You can’t go wrong with All Clad.


Small Saucepan

For small portion cooking of soups, stews, pastas or sauces, a lightweight and easy to handle saucepan is necessary. Cuisineart’s Multiclad Pro 1 ½ quart saucepan is our recommended small saucepan pick for your minimalist kitchen.

There’s not much more to say about the Multiclad series after promoting them in our other recommended

cookware. Suffice to say, this small saucepan is fantastic value and is a high quality item that will last you as long as your cooking career lasts (which we hope is a very long time!).

Small Saucepan (Premium)

Our premium small saucepan pick is All Clad’s 1 quart tri-ply bonded sauce pan. You’ll notice by now that we recommend All Clad products for most of our premium

recommended picks. Their made in USA high-quality construction and beautiful design sets them apart from their competitors, but their prices are set to match their quality. Choose this small saucepan if you want the best quality cookware that money can buy.

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Just like most of our recommended cookware options we suggest purchasing from the same line, this 4-quart Multiclad Pro series saucepan from Cuisineart is our recommended pick for your medium saucepan needs.

It’s made of solid stainless steel and aluminum and has been designed to pour easily (a big frustration saver!). It is dishwasher and oven safe and can even be put under the oven broiler.

Medium Saucepan (Premium)

Our premium medium saucepan pick is by All Clad. It is made in the USA from stainless steel and has nothing but glowing reviews from its 5 star rating on Amazon.

Our recommended pick will likely be enough for all of your cooking needs, but if you’re interested in upgrading to the best, we highly recommend this 4-quart medium saucepan from All Clad.

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For cooking large dishes like soups, stews, pastas or sauces, you’ll need a large pot to handle the volume.

When it comes to stainless steel pots and pans in general, we’re big fans of Cuisineart’s Multiclad Pro series. They’re extremely durable and cook evenly, thanks to their solid stainless steel and aluminum construction. And because they’re made in China (rather than in the USA, like our premium brand recommendation), Cuisineart is able to keep costs down for a decidedly premium product.

This large pot is perfect for cooking pasta, large dishes, or even for making your own broth. It is dishwasher and oven safe (even on broil) and was designed with simple pouring in mind. Pick up this “steal of a deal” pot and relax knowing you purchased a high-quality item at a fantastic price.

Large Pot (Premium)

For a made in USA high-quality large pot that you simply can’t go wrong purchasing, look no further than All Clad.

This 6 quart tri-ply bonded pot will last a lifetime and you’ll never tire from using it – take it from us that all All Clad products are a joy to use in the kitchen.

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Cast iron skillets have been workhorses in kitchens all over the world for over 2,000 years. Modern cast iron skillets are made from heavy cast iron and pre-seasoned (so food doesn’t stick); with impressive heat retention abilities these skillets are favoured for use on both the stovetop and oven alike.

You’ll never need another cast iron skillet in your lifetime as these are insanely durable and can cook anything. The best part? Our recommended cast iron skillet is made of high-quality materials in the USA and is very reasonably priced! You can’t go wrong with Lodge’s 12 inch cast iron skillet. We use ours often as well as their grill pan when we fancy burgers.

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Grill Pan

Grill pans have gained popularity in recent years. And why not? They’re great for those without a barbecue (or who don’t want to grill outside in the winter) but who still want those nice grill marks on their food.

For summer dishes like burgers, roasted salmon, meatballs, and marinated vegetables, a grill pan is a must. It creates tantalizing grill lines in your food, just like a barbecue does. But it’s much easier than barbecuing because you don’t have to leave the comfort of your kitchen and it only requires a stovetop element – no propane, gas, charcoal, or intense cleaning necessary.

This 12-inch cast iron grill pan from Lodge is high-quality made in the USA and is a great value, just like its cast iron skillet counterpart.

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Baking Sheet Pan

A baking sheet pan (or sheet pan, baking tray, baking sheet) is a flat, rectangular metal pan that is used for roasting and baking food in the oven. From quickly roasting

cauliflower, broccoli, or squash to whipping up a tasty treat if you’re inclined to bake, a high quality baking sheet pan is an essential item for a minimalist kitchen.

This 100% pure aluminum sheet pan from Nordic Ware is commercial quality and a large size – perfect for spacing out your food and getting that delicious browned effect. This sheet pan is easy to clean, lightweight, sturdy, won’t bend or buckle like cheap alternatives, and will last a lifetime.

We use two of these sheets in our kitchen while testing new recipes. After plenty of use, they still look great and perform perfectly.

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Casserole Dish

A casserole dish is a large, deep dish with high edges that is used for baking or serving. For those lazy times you want to throw a one-dish meal into the oven (like lasagna or a casserole), a quality casserole dish is a must.

This casserole dish from HIC is made of fine white porcelain and is broiler, microwave, and dishwasher safe. That means that a lazy one-dish meal also is simple to clean. What could be better?

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A broiler pan is a rectangular metal pan for use under the high-heat broiler in the oven. It is much thicker than a typical baking sheet pan so it doesn’t warp under the high high-heat, and contains grooves and a draining pan that sits below to catch any fat that drips through (so your oven doesn’t get stained).

Broiling is great when you want your food to get a nice brown crusty top. Our experience with this broiler pan from Range Kleen is that it is sturdy and easy to clean (you can even throw it in the dishwasher). It can handle broiler heat (500 degrees fahrenheit or more) without warping, feels very high quality, and is something you’ll never have to replace.

Plus, this pan is super inexpensive. Pick one up today and you’ll likely never use it enough that you’ll have to replace it.

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A stockpot is a very large pot (usually 12 quarts) that is ideal for homemade broth or large portions of soups. Anytime you want to make an extra large meal is also a great reason to use a stock pot. But because most cooks don’t tend to make their own broth (though they should, it’s easy!) this is not an essential item for a minimalist kitchen.


Stockpot (Premium)

Our premium pick is this 12-quart stockpot from All Clad. It is made in the USA and comes with the high quality guarantee that covers all All Clad purchases. Once again, this is an optional option, but if you often make stock, broth, and soups, this is a great premium pick.

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Cooking Tools & Kitchen Utensils

(click to jump)

SpatulaStirring SpoonTongsLadleOven MittsTrivetSplatter GuardThermometer


A spatula is a small cooking implement with a wide, flat, flexible blade that is used for mixing, spreading, and turning.


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Stirring Spoon

Going back to the wonderful design of Tovolo products, their stirring spoon is just as good as their slotted spatula.

With their trademark stainless steel and silicon construction, it will last for a very long time and won’t melt in different places (like other products do). Instead of stocking up on several spoons, choose one that is durable, heat resistant, dishwasher safe, and won’t scratch cookware or pans. This stirring spoon from Tovolo one will do great!

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For easily flipping meats and vegetables, a good pair of tongs that can handle all kinds of different sized foods is a must. It’s important for them to have silicone tips to prevent scratching and a high degree of heat-resistance so they don’t melt away after frequent use.


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A ladle is essentially a very large, long-handled spoon. It is used for serving liquid dishes like soups, stews, or sauces.

This ladle from Tovolo is strongly built with a unique combination stainless steel and silicone, which means that it won’t melt if you leave it in your pot or pan or place it in the dishwasher.

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Oven Mitts

Oven mitts are used in order to protect your hands from being burned when transferring hot food to and from the oven. No longer will you have to wrap your hand in a tea towel and try not to spill your dish (or get burned) as you pull it out one handed.

Our recommended oven mitts from Kitchen Elements are made of silicone with a cotton interior and are


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A trivet is a heat resistant pad that you place hot dishes on, so you don’t burn your table. We love Bambri’s bamboo trivets because they’re both functional and fashionable and do what they’re supposed to do.

Instead of ugly cloth trivets that get stained easily, pick up these beautiful bamboo trivets that will last a long time and are easy to clean.

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Splatter Guard

A splatter guard is a device that is placed on top of skillets or sauté pans during high heat cooking in order to stop splattering hot oil and food from coating your stovetop.

Let’s face it, cooking can get messy. How many times have you had to clean your oven top and cupboards from splattering grease and oil? With this fine mesh splatter guard from Progressive International, these clean up days are over. It will fit most pans, is simple to clean and much sturdier than other splatter guards out there, and even has feet so you can set it down after use without leaving a mess on your countertop.


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A quality meat thermometer is a must if you often cook meats and want to stop guessing at when they’re done.

With this ultra fast and accurate thermometer, you’ll have a very accurate temperature reading in just 4 seconds. As the #1 best seller meat thermometer on Amazon, this has scores of 5 star reviews and only comes in at $25. Great buy.

Immersion Blender

An immersion blender (also known as a stick blender) is used to blend or puree food in the container its is being prepared in.

We use our immersion blender all the time. From blending soups and sauces directly in the pot, to whipping up homemade whipped cream for dessert, to easily making mayonnaise for hard boiled eggs, our recommended pick is a versatile two-speed blender from Conair that’s a cinch to use (and is even easier to clean). Plus, it’s very reasonably priced.


blender with attachments, look no furthe It comes with a variety of useful attachm turn your immersion blender into an ext

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Kitchen Scale

small, lightweight, scale is needed. Look With a bright LED display, highly incre is perfect for most weighing functions y

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If you’re looking to purchase a multi ther than the Breville all-in-one processing stati

hments that are all ergonomic, high quality, and extremely versatile tool. We love this package d

For precisely measuring raw food (an ook no further than American weigh scales digi cremental measurements in US and metric units

s you’ll ever need.

-speed all-in-one immersion tation.

and very easy to clean. They e deal!

(and coffee beans, in my case) a igital pocket scale.



If you’re a fan of making smoothies, sauces, dips, or soups, you’ll likely want a powerful blender instead of using a food processor every time.

Our pick is the Oster Versa blender that comes in at less than ½ the price of a Vitamix (our premium pick and the de facto standard for powerful blenders) and performs just as well.

This is a stylish blender with a 1,400 watt motor that pulverizes anything you can throw at it. This is a great purchase for the price, and we highly recommend it.

Blender (Premium)

Our premium pick is the Vitamix Professional series 750 blender. If you’re in to blenders at all, there’s not much to be said about Vitamix. They’re the best, and they command a premium price.


Blender (Budget)

If our recommended pick is still a bit more than you’d like to spend for a blender, the Ninja Professional Blender is a great budget alternative.

Coming in at only $80, this powerful blender will do much of what its higher priced counterparts will do at a fraction of the price. It’s a great buy on a budget.

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Other Kitchen Essentials

(click to jump)

Food Storage ContainersAluminum FoilParchment PaperTowelsSpongesHeavy SpongesDish RackIce Cube TraySmall Trash BagsLarge Trash BagsSmall Trash BinLarge Trash Bin

Food Storage Containers


containers from Kinetic are dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, freezer, and oven safe and are made from environmentally friendly glass (instead of plastic).

This is a set of three containers with locking lids, which is great for a single cook who plans on taking their lunch to work. If you cook for your family or significant other and need more than three containers containers, try our premium option which comes in a bigger set.

Food Storage Containers (Premium)

You can purchase these highly rated glass food storage containers from Snapware in sets of 10, 16, and 18. They’re reasonably priced, made in the USA, and are also dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, freezer, and oven safe and are made from BPA free Pyrex glass.

Plus, the reviews are amazing! Pick these up and you’ll have quality food storage containers for years to come.

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Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil can be used in the kitchen for all sorts of different purposes. From cooking to cleaning, protecting, scrubbing, lifting, or steaming, this is one versatile kitchen essential. As as important as aluminum foil is, however, it’s also one of those items that you can easily forget to re-stock up on, leading to expensive impulse purchases at your local grocery store.

For this reason, we recommend stocking up on high quality foil from Reynolds. With two rolls and 500 square feet of high quality, inexpensive foil, you’ll be able to relax and get back cooking without worrying about re-purchasing for a long time.


Everybody needs towels in their kitchen for drying dishes, wiping up spills, dusting, and regular cleaning. But towels aren’t something most people give much thought to when stocking their own minimalist kitchen.

After much searching and testing, we found these “flour sack” towels and haven’t looked back. They’re 100% cotton, very reasonably priced, and work exactly how kitchen towels should.

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Just like with kitchen towels, when it comes to sponges most people choose one type and don’t look back. But as with all of our other recommended kitchen items, some sponges are better than others.

In all of our searching and testing, Scotch-Brite’s Dobie all purpose pads are the clear winner. They have just enough scouring ability that you don’t need a dedicated scouring pad, but work just as well as a delicate sponge does. Plus, they have a 5 star rating on Amazon over several hundred reviews, so we’re not the only happy customers out there!

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If our all-purpose sponges aren’t enough for a heavy job, Scotch-Brite’s heavy duty scrub sponges will be able to scour any tough job you have to do. These sponges are tough and will last a many tough jobs in the kitchen.

If they get smelly all you have to do is put them in the dishwasher, run a cycle, and they’ll come out as good as new. For lasting quality that doesn’t break apart on the tough jobs, these sponges are our winners.

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Dish Rack

Even if you have a dishwasher you’ll still need to hand wash some items or to give cookware a quick rinse. A quality dish rack is needed because you can place your dishes on the rack and have it drain the water back into the sink.

Our recommended dish rack is Polder’s advantage dish rack. It comes with a typical dish rack design that we’re all familiar with, and it looks stylish and works as it should.


If you want to fancy your dish rack up, the Zojila Rohan dish rack is the ferrari of dish racks. It’s made of brushed stainless steel and features an innovative drain system that differs from the typical design you see in most dish racks today. This is a pricey purchase, but the positive reviews back it up.

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Ice Cube Tray

You probably haven’t given much thought to ice cube trays. They’re all the same, right? Well, if you’ve ever tried Rubbermaid’s ice cube trays, you’ll know that there are better options out there!

These trays allow you to release the cubes with a single, simple twist that will get the entire cube out. Never again do you have twist and hit your trays to get broken ice cubes out.

You may think that ice cube trays won’t make much of a difference to your life, but if you often use ice cubes these trays will make the process a whole lot easier.


Now if you’re an ice cube aficionado and want the best of the best, OXO’s silicon ice cube trays are what you should buy.

The silicon lid seals water into the tray before freezing which allows you to place the tray any way you like in the freezer. Popping the cubes out is an extremely simple affair, and the reviews of this tray are glowing.

Name Alternative names

Purpose in food

preparation Design Image

Apple corer

To remove the core and pips from apples and similar fruits

Apple cutter

To cut apple and similar fruits easily while simultaneously

removing the core and pips.

Cf. peeler


Used during cooking to cover meat in its own juices or with a sauce.

An implement resembling a simple pipette, consisting of a tube to hold the liquid, and a rubber top which makes use of a partial vacuum to control the liquid's intake and

release. The process of drizzling the liquid over meat is called basting – when a pastry brush is used in place of a baster, it is known as a

basting brush.

Biscuit cutter

Biscuit mould, Cookie cutter, Cookie mould

Shaping biscuit dough

Generally made of metal or plastic, with fairly sharp edges to cut through dough. Some biscuit cutters simply cut through dough that has been rolled flat, others also imprint or mould the dough's surface.

Biscuit press Cookie press

A device for making pressed cookies such as spritzgebäck.

It consists of a cylinder with a plunger on one end which is used to extrude cookie dough through a small hole at the other end. Typically the cookie press has


Blow torch Blowtorch,


Commonly used to create a hard layer of caramelized sugar in a crème brûlée.[2]

Preventing liquids from boiling over outside of the pot

A disc with a raised rim, designed to ensure an even distribution of temperature throughout the pot. This preventing bubbles from forming in liquids such as milk, or water which contains starch (for instance if used to cook pasta). Can be made of metal, glass or ceramic materials.

Bottle opener

Twists the metal cap off of a bottle


To hold food, including food that is ready to be served

A round, open topped

container, capable of holding liquid. Materials used to make bowls vary

considerably, and include wood, glass and ceramic materials.

Bread knife To cut soft bread

A serrated blade made of metal, and long enough to slice across a large loaf of bread. Using a sawing motion, instead of pushing force as with most knives, it is possible to slice the loaf without squashing it.

Browning tray

Browning plate, Browning bowl

Used in a microwave oven to help turn food brown

Generally made of glass or porcelain to absorb heat, which helps colour the layer of food in contact with its surface.

Butter curler


Cake and pie server

Cake shovel, pie cutter

To cut slices in pies or cakes, and then transfer to a plate or container

This utensil typically features a thin edge to assist with slicing, and a large face, to hold the slice whilst

transferring to a plate, bowl or other container.

Cheese knife Used to cut cheese.

Cheesecloth To assist in the formation of cheese

A gauzed cotton cloth, used to remove whey from cheese curds, and to help hold the curds together as the cheese is formed.

Chef's knife

Originally used to slice large cuts of beef, it is now the general utility knife for most Western cooks.


pitter Olive stoner

Used for the removal of pits (stones) from cherries or olives.

Chinois Chinoise

Straining substances such as custards, soups and sauces, or to dust food with powder

A conical sieve


Hacking through bone or slicing large

vegetables (such as squash). The knife's broad side can also be used for crushing in food preparation (such as garlic).

A large broad bladed knife.


Used for draining substances cooked in water


Corkscrew Pierces and removes a cork from a bottle.


cracker Lobster cracker

Used to crack the shell of a crab or lobster

A clamping device, similar in design to a nutcracker but larger, with ridges on the inside to grip the shell.[2] Cutting


A portable board on which food can be cut.

Usually smaller and lighter than butcher's blocks,

generally made from wood or plastic. and remove dough from a worksurface

Most dough scrapers consist of handle wide enough to be held in one or two hands, and an equally wide, flat, steel face.

Egg piercer

Pierces the air pocket of an eggshell with a small needle to keep the shell from cracking during hard-boiling. If both ends of the shell are pierced, the egg can be blown out while

preserving the shell (for crafts).

Egg poacher

Holds a raw egg, and is placed inside a pot of boiling water to poach an egg.

Egg separator


Egg slicer

Slicing peeled, hard-boiled eggs quickly and evenly.

Consists of a slotted dish for holding the egg and a hinged plate of wires or blades that can be closed to slice.[3]

Egg timer

Used to correctly time the process of boiling eggs.

Historical designs range considerably, from

hourglasses, to mechanical or electronic timers, to

electronic devices which sense the water temperature and calculate the boiling rate.

Fillet knife

A long, narrow knife with a finely serrated blade, used to slice fine filet cuts of fish or other meat.

Fish scaler Urokotori

Used to remove the scales from the skin of fish before cooking

Fish slice Spatula, turner

Used for lifting or turning food during cooking

Flour sifter

Blends flour with other ingredients and aerates it in the process.[4]

Food mill Used to mash or sieve soft foods.

Typically consists of a bowl, a plate with holes like a colander, and a crank with a bent metal blade which crushes the food and forces it through the holes.


Used to channel liquid or fine-grained

substances into

containers with a small opening.[2]

A pipe with a wide, conical mouth and a narrow stem.

Garlic press

Presses garlic cloves to create a puree,


Grapefruit knife

Finely serrated knife for separating segments of grapefruit or other citrus fruit.[5]

Grater Cheese grater,



strainer Gravy separator

A small pouring jug that separates roast meat drippings from melted fat, for making gravy.[2]

Herb chopper

Chops or minces raw herbs.


dipper Drizzles honey.


A ladle is a type of serving spoon used for soup, stew, or other foods.


Used to slash the tops of bread loaves in artisan baking.

Lemon reamer

A juicer with a fluted peak at the end of a short handle, where a half a lemon is pressed to release the juice.

Lemon squeezer

A juicer, similar in function to a lemon reamer, with an attached bowl.

Operated by pressing the fruit against a fluted peak to release the juice into the bowl.

Lobster pick Lobster fork


table. We love A trivet is a heat resistant pad that you place hot dishes on, so you don’t burn your Bambri’s bamboo trivets because they’re both functional and fashionable and do what they’re supposed to do


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