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The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia on Students' Reading Comprehension in Narrative text


Academic year: 2017

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of MTsN II Pamulang)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

in a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (S1) in English Language Education


Tami Asriani

NIM: 1110014000074



Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini,

Nama : Tami Asriani

Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Jakarta, 23 Juni 1992

NIM : 1110014000074

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris / S1

Judul Skripsi :The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia on Students’ Reading

Comprehension in Narrative Text

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A.

2. Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan

saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.




(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II


A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Strata I

(Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education

By: Tami Asriani NIM. 1110014000074




The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

certifies that the “skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SUGGESTOPEDIA ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPRHENSION IN NARRATIVE TEXT” (A Quasi Experiment Study at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang), written by Tami Asriani, student’s registration number 1110014000074 was examined by the Committee on month, date and year. The

“skripsi” has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of “S.Pd” (Bachelor of Arts) in English language Education at the

English Department.

Jakarta, 2 April 2015




Tami Asriani (1110014000074). The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia on

Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang). Skripsi, Department Of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training of State Islamic University Jakarta, 2015

Advisor I : Dr. Atiq Susilo M.A,

Advisor II : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

Keywords : Reading comprehension, Narrative text, Suggestopedia

The objective of this study was to find out the empirical evidence whether using Suggestopedia was effective for students on reading comprehension of narrative text at MTsN II Pamulang. The study was conducted at MTsN II Pamulang in September-October 2014. The population of this study all MTsN II Pamulang students of the third grade were about 328 students, each class consisted of less 40 students and the samples of this study were thirty students at MTsN II Pamulang. The writer used two methods on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text. She used Suggestopedia in class 9.1 as the experimental class and class 9.4 as traditional method in controlled class. The method used in this study was quasi-experimental study using nonequivalent control group design. The data were taken by giving pre-test and post-test reading both of classes. The result of the calculation statistical hypothesis test that showed tvalue was higher than ttable (2.07>1.68) where the formula of significance level α=0.05. Besides, the effect size was to know the strength of suggestopedia as a treatment on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text by The Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator for a Student t-Test was 0.59 which means there was medium effect using suggestopedia based on the criteria of table effect size range. Therefore, it was concluded that there was a significance effect of using Suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang.




Tami Asriani (1110014000074). The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia on

Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang). Skripsi pada Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015

Pembimbing I : Dr. Atiq Susilo M.A.

Pembimbing II : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

Kata kunci : Pemahaman membaca, Teks narrative, Suggestopedia

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan metode Suggestopedia terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran pemahaman membaca teks narratif di MTsN II Pamulang. Penelitian ini sudah dilaksanakan di MTsN II Pamulang pada bulan September-Oktober 2014. Populasi keseluruhan kelas sembilan dari penelitian ini berjumlah 328 siswa-siswi yang masing-masing kelas kurang dari 40 siswa. Sample yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah siswa-siswi kelas sembilan MTsN II Pamulang. Penulis menggunakan dua metode dalam pemahaman membaca teks narratif yaitu kelas 9.1 sebagai kelas Eksperimen dan kelas 9.4 sebagai kelas Control. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi-experimental desain nonequivalent control group. Berdasarkan hasil kalkulasi hipotesis statistic menunjukkan bahwa tvalue lebih

besar daripada ttable (2.07>1.68) dengan formula signifikansi level α=0.05. Selain

itu, untuk mengetahui seberapa besar efek penggunaan suggestopedia sebagai treatmen pada siswa dalam pemahaman membaca teks naratif maka dapat diperoleh hasil 0,59 dengan menggunakan The Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator for a Student t-Test yang memiliki efek medium (sedang) penggunaan suggestopedia berdasarkan tabel kriteria effect size. Dengan kata lain, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan menggunakan metode Suggestopedia pada siswa dalam pemahaman membaca teks narratif








In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

All praise be to Allah the Lord of the world, who gives blessing and mercy

upon the writer completing this skripsi. Peace and blessing from Allah always be upon to His messenger, Prophet Muhammad, his families, his relatives and all his


The writer has finished her skripsi entitled “The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia on Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang)”. It is presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in a Partial Fulfiment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (Bachelor of Art) in English

Language Education.

The writer would like to express her greatest love and honor to her beloved

parents, Mr. Tugiran and Mrs.Sutarni, and also to her sister, Neisha Syailini, who

always give support, prays, and motivation to finish the writer’s study.

The great appreciation are delivered to her advisors, Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A

and Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd, for their patience in providing of guidance,

comments, helpful corrections and suggestion in finishing this skripsi.

In this occasion the writer would like to express deepest gratitude and the

greatest honor to all persons who have helped the writer in finishing her skripsi to:

1. All lecturers at Department of English Education, who have guided and

given her knowledge, motivation, chances in finishing her study at

Department of English Education Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of Department of English Education, Syarif



3. Zaharil Anasyi, M.Hum., the Secretary of Departement of English

Education and the Academic Lecturer of PBI B 2010, Syarif Hidayatullah

State Islamic University Jakarta.

4. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib, M.A., the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

5. Drs. Suhardi. M.Ag., the principal of MTsN II Pamulang, who has

allowance her doing to research. Also, all teachers at MTsN II Pamulang,

especially for Hj.Neneng Susilawati M.Pd, Dra.Iriastuti and Dra. Dewi

Widiyantari who has helped her to conduct this research.

6. The third grade students of MTsN II Pamulang who has assisted to collect

the data for this research.

7. Her friends, Siti Rohimah, Ricky Fajar, Sri Rahayu, Abdul Rahman, Arista

Suryani, Fathul Qorib, Soleh, Yulita, Indri Pangestuti, Kuswatun and all

friends in Department of English Education class B who always offer her

happiness, patience, sharing and support.

8. All people who give contribution to finish this study who cannot be

mentioned them one by one.

Finally the writer hopes that this skripsi will be useful for the readers and developing in education.

Jakarta, April 2015




Endorsement Sheet

Abstract ... i

Abstrak ... ii

Acknowledgments ... iii

Table of contents ... v

List of Table ... vii

List of Figure ... viii

List of Appendix ... ix

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of Problem ... 4

C. Limitation of Problem ... 5

D. Formulation of Problem………. . 5

E. Objective of Study ... 5

F. Significance of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Reading 1. Understanding of Reading ... 6

2. Reading Comprehension ... 8

3. Levels of Reading ….. ... 9

4. Purpose of Reading ... 9

5. Problem of Reading... 10

B. Narrative Text 1. Definition of Narrative Text ... 11

2. Features of Narrative Text ... 12



E. Technique of Suggestopedia……….. . 17

F. Theoretical Component of Suggestopedia…………. . 19

G. Advantages and disadvantages of Suggestopedia…. . 20

H. Previous Relevant Study……… . 20

I. Conceptual Framework………... . 22

J. Hypothesis of Study……… . 23

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Time and Place of the Study ... 24

B. Method and Design of the Study ... 24

C. Population and Sample ... 25

D. Instrument of Study ... 25

E. Data Collection ... 27

F. Data Analysis ... 27

G. Statistical Hypothesis of Study ... 32

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING A. Description of the Data ... 33

B. Analysis of Data………. . 36

C. Hypothesis of Test. ... 39

D. Discussion……….. . 40


B. Suggestion ... 42



Table 3.2 Criteria of Cohe’s d Effect ... 32

Table 4.1 Frequency distribution of Experimental and Controlled class (Pre-test) ... 34

Table 4.2 Frequency distribution of Experimental and Controlled class (Post-test) ... 36

Table 4.3 The Result of Normality test of the Pre-test ... 36

Table 4.4 The Result of Normality test of the Post-Test ... 37

Table 4.5 The Result of Homogeneity of Pre-Test... 38

Table 4.6 The Result of Homogeneity of Post-Test ... 38





Appendix 2: The score of Controlled class of Pre-test and Post-test

Appendix 3: Frequency distribution of Pre-test

Appendix 4: Frequency distribution of Post-test

Appendix 5: Statistical Hypothesis Test Calculation

Appendix 6 : Normality Test

Appendix 7 : Homogeneity Test

Appendix 8 : The Effect Size

Appendix 9: Kisi-kisi test of Pre-test and Post-test

Appendix 10: Lesson Plan of Experimental class

Appendix 11: Lesson Plan of Controlled class

Appendix 12: Recapitulation of analysis test

Appendix 13: Instrument test Pre-test

Appendix 14: Instrument test Post-test

Appendix 15: Table of t-student

Appendix 16: Surat Bimbingan Skripsi




Background of the Study

In Indonesia, English language is considered as an important subject and

the first foreign language that must be learned and has been taught from

elementary school as a local content subject, and junior high school, senior high

school and up university as compulsory content subject. Based on the Decree of

the minister of Education and culture number 22 of 2006 about content standard,

the graduation of standard competence and the objective of English teaching at

junior high school or MTs that called “Mengembangkan kompetensi

berkomunikasi dalam bentuk lisan dan tulis untuk mencapai tingkat literasi

functional,memiliki kesadaran pentingnya bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan

daya saing bangsa dalam masyarakat global”1

Besides that in learning process, Harmer said there are four basic language

skills which students have to learn. They are listening, speaking, reading and

writing. 2 In Kurrikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) reading in English Education in Indonesia is one of competence standards which should be learnt is:

to comprehension the meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of

narrative, descriptive text and news item in the context of daily activities. 3 Based

on kisi-kisi ujian nasional SMP/MTs 2014-2015 reading competence has been taught in junior high school especially in the third grade to contain those kinds of

texts and to comprehend them. Thus, students in the third grade have to

comprehend the kinds of text. One of them is narrative text to identify orientation,

complication and resolution.


Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP), Standar Isi, Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SMP/MTs, (Jakarta, 2006), p. 123


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching,(New York:Longman,1991),p. 16



However, reading is activity more people read to find out information from

newspaper textbook, internet and other source, to gain their knowledge to enrich

their vocabulary or just pleasure. According to Harmer, reading is not beneficial

for their career, study or simply for pleasure but also reading is useful for

language acquisition. 4 In English Education field, reading skill would be

improving students to understand the text or integrate new idea from the text.

According to Baumel, it does not need to comprehend the content of the message

but also need to understand the language used in the text. 5 However, some people or students’ in English Education in Indonesia get a difficulties in comprehend the text.

Based on the writer’s unstructured interview with English teacher in April 2014, the writer found the some problems in reading activities for students such

as: First, students have limited number of vocabulary. It is the problem for

students who make them fail to answer the question because they didn’t know the

meanings of many words on the text. Second, students have different background

knowledge that didn’t have connect with the unfamiliar text. Third, teaching and

learning environment are problems that make them not interest in the subject.

Based on preliminary study when the writer conducted PPKT, she found

that there were teachers who teach English in MTsN II Pamulang used reading

tests such as summative test, mid-test, final test to measure the students’ ability to

comprehend the text in English. Besides, the writer’s experience the students do

not understand the schematic structure of the story about orientation, complication

and resolution. Moreover, this problem that make them to get hard to concentrate



Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English New Edition, (New York:Pearson Edition, 2007), p. 99



Next, the students got bored when they read long paragraph, so students

tended to ask other students or use dictionary to get the unfamiliar vocabulary.

According to curriculum book of MTsN II pamulang has minimum mastering

criteria (MMC) score or Kriteria Ketuntasan minimum (KKM) in English subject the gains score 75 (seventy five). In the fact, the students’ on reading

comprehension in narrative text still low to comprehend the text. It is support by

the English teacher told me, about 10 students could achieve KKM but 26

students could not achieve KKM from 36 students in the third grade of regular


Teachers in Indonesia use a traditional method like grammar-translation

method to teach reading, such as teacher asked students to read and translate the

text into bahasa Indonesia. In addition, Sudjianto gives opinion from his article

said grammar-translation method still use in teaching of second language like

learning Japanese useful for translate other literature written and acquisition other

culture of target language.6 It is not completely bad method but students need

different atmosphere which makes them relaxed and motivate them in learning

process like a colorful, making music etc because grammar-translation method

emphases in grammar rules and translate from one language to other language.

Based upon the writer’s experience during the Praktek Profesi Keguruan

Terpadu (PPKT) at MTsN II Pamulang, almost six teachers in learning process didn’t give pay attention to make students relax and interest in reading activity. They gave the students exercise without create the atmosphere fun and interest for

them. Moreover, the students cannot focus on what they read during reading

activity because the environment of classroom does not support them to read well.

As the English teacher, the teacher has to create interesting model of

teaching and atmosphere of learning process which make student relaxed and fun

to student comprehending in reading narrative text. However, the writer arranges

to help students to comprehend of reading narrative text to decrease their anxiety


Sudjianto. “Metode Pengajaran bahasa Asing dan Implikasinya terhadap Pengajaran


by suggetopedia or dsuggestopedia. According to Jack Richard and Rodger,

Suggestopedia is a modern methodology in teaching foreign language that come

from Bulgaria.7

It is developed by a Bulgarian doctor and psychotherapist, Georgi

Lozanov. It involved physical activities, educational, artistic and musical8.

Students must be comfortably relaxed in learning process by using soft music or

classical as the background. The teacher brings the material and motivate for

students. To create the classroom comfortable in reading process without students

under pressure to get ideas from they read.

Therefore, based on the explanation above, the writer is eager to conduct

study about the effectiveness of suggestopedia on students’ reading

comprehension in narrative text (A Quasi- Experiment Study at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang) as her “skripsi” title.


Identification of Problem

Based on the description above, the problems can be identified as


1. Students have limited number of vocabulary that makes students

difficulties to comprehend in narrative text.

2. Students get difficulties to comprehend the story from narrative text.

They get hard to know the schematic structure of story.

3. Students don’t feel comfortable or relaxed in reading activity in

classroom. Teachers have to create the atmosphere of learning process

relax and fun.

4. Teacher uses methods that make students bored in reading activity and they don’t have motivation to read.


Jack C. Richard., and Theodore S. Rodger, Approaches and Methods in Language teaching.(New York: Cambrige University Press,1992), p.142




Limitation of Problem

Based on the problem identification above, the writer tends focus

on the effectiveness using suggestopedia method on students’ reading

comprehension in narrative text and the study focus on students’ reading

comprehension of text narrative text in literal level (the reader can

memorize approach new information of the text) for the third grade in

MTsN II Pamulang.


Formulation of Problem

The formulation of the problem in this study is “Is Suggestopedia

Effective on Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang?”


Objective of Study

The objective of study is to prove whether using suggestopedia is

effective on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at MTsN II



Significance of Study

The results of the study are expected for English teacher to use this

method as an alternative strategy to comprehend for students’ on reading

comprehension and be implementation in the classroom. To students, the

result of the study it will be to increase their interesting and knowledge in

learning English especially in reading comprehension. To other researcher

it will be reference for educational field especially to use this method in



This chapter the writer discusses the theoretical framework that focused on

reading, reading comprehension, narrative text, suggestopedia method,

previous relevant study, conceptual framework and hypothesis of the study.

A. Reading

1. Understanding of Reading

Reading is an activity to get ideas between the writer and the reader to

understand what they read. In English Foreign Language (EFL) reading is one

of the most important factors in assessing learner’s linguistic competence.

However, it is skill for reader should be master in good reading skills to get

information or ideas from the act of communication. According to Sandra

Silberstein, reading is a complex information processing skill in which the

reader interacts with text in order to (re) create meaningful discourse.1

On the other hand, Reading is an active cognitive process that does indeed

require using graphic (letters) and phonic (sounds) information; but for fluent

readers particularly, the language-based cues-semantic (meaning) and

syntactic (grammar)—seem far and away more important than graphic and

phonic cues.2 That means, reading is an activity or interaction between the

reader and the text to get information or meaning of the text depends on what

the reader need.

In addition, based on Harmer, reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes

and the brain. The eyes receive messages and the brain then has to work out

the significance of these messages.3 Similarly, He Ji Sheng said reading is the

process of recognition, interpretation, and perception of written or printed


Sandra Silberstein, Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading, (New York: Oxford American English,1994), p.12


Richard Allington and Michael Strange. Learning Through Reading in the Content Areas, (Canada: D.C Heath and Company,1980), p.16



material4. It involves the recognition of letters, words, phrases, and clauses,

and in some respects, it can be considered a simpler process than


In order words, in reading activity the reader have connected between

her/his eyes and brain to get the meaning of the text and the reader have to effort to understand of the text by the build reader’s critical thinking. Tung -Hsien mentions in his journal, reading is a searching and meaning-constructing process that requires effort on the readers’ part if they want to understand written texts.5 However, the reader automatically has connection

between the text get the meaning of information.

Reading is a number of special focuses to reader or students. Many

students often have reading as one of their important goal to be able to read

for information and pleasure for their career and for their study purposes.6

According to Grellet, reading is continuous process guessing7 . Moreover,

there are interacting dynamically from the reader to gets the information

depend on what the purpose of the reader and the process to understand the

text by guessing. Thus reading, an active or receptive skill rather than passive

skills because the reader automatically gets the information or ideas by doing

knowledge in his/her brain to get the ideas from the text.

From the explanation above, there are a lot of definitions about reading. It

can be concluded that reading is a process to understand the ideas between the

reader and the writer to get information from the text to draw a conclusion of

the information.

students’multiple goals, reading strategy use and reading comprehension, Journal of Research in Reading, ISSN 0141-0423, Volume 31, Issue 2, 2008, p 224

6 Jack C. Richard and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching, (New

York : Cambridge University Press,2002), p. 273 7


2. Reading Comprehension

In students’ environment, school, public place they have to find the symbol or information from the text. Unfortunately, they can read the text

without understanding meaning of the text. In reading there is an action of

understanding what you are read, it is called comprehension. It is hard to

understanding and building the new ideas or information from the text of the

writer and the reader’s background knowledge. Moreover, when person read

a text, he or she engages of cognitive process to comprehend or construct

meaning from the text.8

Cathrine Snow stated, reading comprehension as the process of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning though interaction and

involved with written language.9 Besides, comprehension is a process of

negotiating understanding between the reader and the writer. It is a more

complex psychological process and includes linguistic factors, such as

phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic elements, in addition to

cognitive and emotional factors.10 It means that, the writer and the reader

have to build the same ideas to comprehend or to get same perception which

is they read of information.

In addition, reading comprehension has been described as ‗a complex intellectual process involving a number of abilities. Readers must use

information already acquired to filter, interpret, organize, and establish

relationships with the new incoming information on the page, in order to

understand text, a reader must be able to identify words rapidly know the

meaning of almost all of the words and be able to combine units of meaning

into a coherent message.11

However, the reader comprehends the ideas from the text with the intellect

by analyzing and organizing ideas to get accurate ideas or information.


J. Brummit, What is Reading Comprehension, 2008. http://www.k12reader.com/what-is-reading-comprehension/


Cathrine Snow, Reading for Understanding Toward an R&D Program in Reading Comprehension, (New York: RAND Education, 2002). p.11


Brummit. Loc.cit



On the other hand, Allington and Strange said, reading comprehension is a

redundant phrase, because without comprehension, reading has not truly


Therefore, reading comprehension is the process to take meaning of the

text from writer that involves experience and prior knowledge that the reader

has. This process also can be harmonious with the purpose of reading.

3. Levels of comprehension in reading

According to Berry, there are some levels of comprehension. In this case,

levels mean different depths of understanding, different analysis of what is

meant. They are:13

a. Literal level

The basic facts are understood of reading comprehension. The question in

literal level can be answered by reading to approach the new information of

the text at glance because it is usually directly stated in the text

b. Inferential level

The reader is able to go beyond what is the written on the page, add

meaning, and draw the conclusion. The answers are not stated directly in text but it’s often implied in text.

c. Applied level

The reader is attempts to examine the message from the author and apply

the message in other setting such as article, essay, report etc.

4. Purpose of Reading

As the reader begin to read, they have to decide the purpose of reading

itself, it is important to make successful of reading comprehension. There are


Allington. Loc.cit


some purposes of reading. In line, William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller

divided some of reading purposes are:14

a. Reading to search for simple information b. Reading to learn from texts

c. Reading to integrate information, write and critique texts d. Reading for general comprehension

In addition, harmer said, the purposes of reading are: 15

a. Reading to confirm expectations

b. Reading to extract specific information c. Reading for communication tasks d. Reading for general understanding

e. Reading for detailed comprehension (information)

f. Reading for detailed comprehension (function and discourse)

5. Problem of Reading

There are some difficulties for readers to understand the ideas. Harmer

stated the problems of reading are:16

a. Language

The students get more difficulties to understand the text with the

longer sentences than with shorter ones. However, they have great

difficulties in understanding the text because they find unfamiliar

words which the text contains as a whole.

b. Topic and genre

The topic is not appropriate or not interesting for students. Besides,

students are not unfamiliar with the genre or the topic to dealing with.

They lack of engagement knowledge may be a major to successful in


c. Comprehension tasks

Comprehension task is a key feature in teaching receptive skills.

Sometimes, the teacher is trying to encourage students to improve their


William Grabe and Fredricka L.Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading.(New York: Pearson Education Limited, 2002),p.6


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English language Teaching New edition, (New York: Longman,1991), p. 191



receptive skills by giving task or text to accompany them far too easy

or far too difficult.

d. Negative expectation

The students have low expectation of reading and they are not going to

understand the passage in the book or on tape because they think too

difficult in reading activity.

B. Narrative Text

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is one type of text of taught for third grade in Junior

high school. In narrative text students are expected to understand about

the context and to find the moral value of the story. There are many types

of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both.

They may include fairy stories, horror stories, fable, legend, folktale,

short story etc.

Anderson said, narrative is a text that tells a story and in doing to

entertains audience. 17 Similarly, Alan Meyers argues that narrative is

telling a story and to be interesting, for readers to respond to some event

in your life as if it were their own.18

On the other hand, in narrative text can be presented as written or

spoken texts who told the story is called narrator. If narrator is one of the

characters in the story is said to be told in the first person and the person

outside from the story is called third person characters.

In addition, Drs. Pardiyono defines, narrative is a text to tell

activity in the past which increase problematic experience and solution to

amuse and give a moral value for the reader.19 So, narrative text is text


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3.(South Yarra: Macmillan, 2003). p. 3


Alan Alan Meyers, Gateways to Academic Writing, (New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2005), p. 52

19Drs. Pardiyono, Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing, (Yogyakarta: Penerbit


that tells a story which raises the problematic experience in the past and

resolution to amuse the reader which consist of some character, plot,

setting and action which have the problematic like fable, legend, folktale

etc and to teach the students of story’s lesson which divided into

orientation, complication, sequence of events and coda (moral value).

2. Features of a narrative

According to Anderson the steps for constructing a narrative text


a. Orientation

The storyteller tells the reader who is in the story, when the story is happening, where the action is happening and what happening from the story

b. Complication

The storyteller tells about conflict or crises arisen and will begin

chains of events that influences of the story will be happen.

c. Sequence of events

How the characters of the story react and what the characters do

something to the conflict or crises happen.

d. Resolution

The characters of the story solve the conflict or crises in the


e. Coda (moral value)

The message will be learning from the story.

3. Grammatical and Language features of narrative

The following grammatical features in narrative including: 21

a. Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story.

example: a beautiful princess, in the garden


b. Adjectives that provide accurate descriptions of the characters

and settings. Example: a nice princess who live in the palace c. Verbs that show the actions that occur in the story. Example: say,

walk, sleep etc

d. Time words (simple past tense) that connect events, telling when

they occurred. Example: once upon a time, two days ago etc

4. Sample of Narrative Text

This sample is taken from Drs. Pardiyono

Orientation: Once upon a time a fisherman named Batara Guru Sahala lived in Batak land. One day he caught a fish. He was surprised

to find that the fish could talk. It begged Sahala to let it free. He did


Description of events that leads to crisis (climax) :

As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She was

so beautiful that Sahala felt in love with her at once. He asked her to

marry him. The woman agreed to marry Sahala. However, she told him

that he must never let out the secret that she was once a fish. Sahala

promised her that he could not tell anyone about it.

They were happily married and had two daughters. Every

morning Sahala went out fishing. His daughters would bring his lunch.

One day, however, instead of bringing the food to their father, the two

girls ate his lunch.

When Sahala knew what they had done with the meal, he got very angry. He shouted at them saying,” you behaved exactly like the daughters of a fish”.

Resolution and consequence:


home and asked their mother about it. Their mother was very annoyed.

Although Sahala apologized to her later, she would not forgive him for

breaking his promise.

Then the earth began to shake and the volcanoes started to

erupt. The earth cracked and formed a big hole. People said that the hole become “LAKE TOBA”.

Coda (moral value) :

It is very famous as a piece of interest for domestic and foreign

visitor up to now. It has lovely view and natural beauty. This legend is

still well known for people of this country and is still held up as one of

the famous folk tales of the nation. 22

5. Purpose of Narrative text

According to Mark Anderson stated, “The purpose of narrative is

to present a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or listening”. 23

Similarly, the basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to

amuse and to hold readers’ interest. Therefore, narrative is a kind of

text which make the reader enjoy and interest with the story and to

teach or inform the reader narrativethe readers more than enjoy to read

kinds of story that them feel amuse and make them laughing.

C. Suggestopedia

Suggestopedia is a modern method which developed in 1970’s by the

Bulgarian doctor, psychotherapist and educator Georgi Lazanov.

Suggestopedia is derived from suggetology, as a science that concerned with

the systematic study of the nonrational and or noncouncious influence.24


Drs. Pardiyono, Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing, (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi, 2007), p. 105


Mark Anderson, Text Types in English 2. (South Yarra: Macmillan, 2003), p. 6 24


Lazanov believes in the learning process the students using an unconscious by

giving positive hypnosis to make the students relaxed and concentrate and the

use of rhythmic breathing before learning begin, it help them to mastering

some vocabulary in the learning process. On the other hands, using soft music, games, listening teacher’s story is helpful for students to create their imagination, relaxation and make a learning process cheerful. Gaston said the

suggestopedia is using music as a therapy to facilitate the establishment of

personal relations, to bring increase self-esteem. In suggestopedia there was a

technique memorization to students was directing in do communicate without

memorization of vocabulary.

Lazanov mentions, in suggestopedia students come to class with a

two-side mind of the mind for learning. He believes that the participant of the left

and right hemispheres of the brain in suggestopedic process of instruction.25

They can make optimal of the left and right brain to build their concentrate,

imagination in learning and recall the memorization. The students can process

some materials using relaxation. Besides, students can re-integrate these

reserves into the active personality by means of suggestion which increase

enormously the ability to learn. Moreover, as the teacher have to create

atmosphere of the class enjoy and before class begins the students have to

take a deep breathing and meditating by the soft music to make them relaxed.

In suggestopedia method the students need a relaxed and comfortable but

focused state as the optimum state for learning process. The teacher creates

the relaxed state by using games, role play, rhythmic music, positive

suggestion or using several pictures or poster colorful as a tool. The aims of

this method are make students fun and enjoy or without fears during learning

process. Music in the learning process background to make students focus,

concentrate of the material and relax.

25 Bancroft. W. Jane. The Two-Sided Mind: Teaching and Suggetopedia. Reports


Therefore, suggestopedia is a method to make students relaxed and fun by

using music, games, poster in the learning process with the positive

suggestion to create effectively in learning.

D. Characteristic of Suggestopedia

According to Richard’s view, some characteristics of suggestopedia


a. Decoration

The teacher should creative to decorate classroom with different

situation. It is make students more attention and attracted during

learning process by put the wall-picture or poster related with the


b. Furniture

The equipment is used to help students comfortable like table,

chair, lamp and whiteboard.

c. Arrangement of the classroom

The students can be arranging their chair of the classroom to make

students not bored and interesting.

d. The use of music

The students are invited to relax by listen some Baroque music. Music is useful to student’s therapy in suggestopedia method. The classical music also aids in the creation of a positive emotional

response to the program for memorization in learning process and

bring students into the optimum mental state for effortless acquisition

of material.



E. Technique of Suggestopedia

Diane Larsen-Freeman stated, the technique and the classroom

set-up of suggestopedia are27:

a. Classroom set-up

In the teaching-learning process the teacher should create the class

cheerful to provide the students as a positive mindset in the class.

b. Peripheral learning

The students provide grammatical information from decoration of the class like poster on the classroom’s wall. It is help the students learn many things indirectly and exposed themselves in the classroom or

outside classroom than teacher for language input.

c. Positive suggestion

The teacher has responsibility to arrange the suggestive factors in

learning situation with tell a positive suggestion like tells students are

going successful. It is make them get believe in her/his self and relax

without pressure in the learning process.

d. Choose a new identity

The students choose a target language name and an occupation. As the

course continues, they have an opportunity to develop a whole

biography about their fictional selves.

e. Role play

Students are asked to pretend became other character temporary with

someone else and to perform they role play to create their own lines in

target language is relevant to the situation

27Diane Larse-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language teaching, (Oxford


f. First concert (active concert)

In active concert teacher give a dialog to the students and reads the text. The students follow and focus students’ attention to some grammatical or words. After that the teacher will be read aloud to

students by follow the intonation of music.

g. Second concert (passive concert)

In particular, fulfills Williams in passive concert the students are

creating their “fantasy” with closing their eyes: a comfortable, quite

place, and instruction of teacher with a pleasing voice by slow-paced

presentation.28 . It means that the students have relaxed but do not

sleeping to create their imagination about the story that teacher’s read.

h. Primary activation

The students playfully reread the target language dialogue out load, as

individuals or in group. They can practice in front of the class with

many expression based on dialogue like angrily, sadly, cheerfully etc.

i. Creative adaptation

The students engage various activities designed to help them learn the

new material, to review and consolidate the leaning. The activities

include singing, dancing, dramatization, and games which students just

only focus in the communicative intent do not focus on the form of the

linguistic message.



F. Theoretical components of Suggestopedia

According to Bancroft, There are six principal components are

used in the classroom includes: authority, infantilization, double-

planedness, intonation, rhythm, concert pseudo-passiveness. 29

1. Authority

The students will remember and are influence from teachers. The

teacher has authority in the classroom to lead to greater expectancy and

higher motivation on the part of the students.

2. Infantilization

The teacher and students should have relation like parent to child to

build their self-confidence the teachers make a game for students like role

playing, games.

3. Double-Planedness

The students get stimulation from environment and teacher’s

manner. They are not only learning from the direct instruction but also

from the environment in which the instruction takes place.

4. Intonation

Intonation gives a rise or fall of the voice in the speaking to make

effect when the program to be memorized is presented in a rhythmical

manner with suitable pauses between the words or phrases30

5. Rhythm

The rhythm in presentation to give strong effect of the sound with

varying intonations then to maintains memorization at an optimal. It is

useful to induce boredom though monotony of repetition.

29Bancroft, Suggestopedia and language Acquisition variation on a theme, (Amsterdam :

The Gordon and Breach Publisher, 1999), p.33


6. Concert pseudo-passiveness

The create individual or students relaxed with the atmosphere in

learning process is pleasant by giving suggestion for elimination of

fatigue, stress and improvement of motivation and ability to work

G. Advantages and disadvantages of Suggestopedia

a. The advantages of using Suggestopedia in learning reading

comprehension of narrative text include:

1. Teacher can be optimal to elaborate the material by using some

instrument music to make students interest

2. Students are happy to join class when the setting of the class

different and colorful

3. Lazanov said, the students have a good memorizing of the


b. The disadvantages of using suggestopedia in teaching reading narrative

text include:

1. Teacher should be spend more time to prepare class setting by

suggestopedia method

2. Not all the school supported the aids to teach by using

suggestopedia need

3. More complex to prepare materials rather than other method

4. Some of students make noisy in the classroom and disturb other


H. Previous Relevant Study

1. A thesis has been conducted by Rahayu Windu Setiawati in 2011, the classroom action research (CAR) with the title “improving students’



vocabulary Mastery through Suggestopedia (An action research of Eighth Grade at SMP Negery 4 Widodaren Ngawi.”32

The aimed was her research to investigate the improvement students’ of vocabulary mastery using suggestopedia. This research conducted into two cycles which the subject was 36 students of the

eighth grade at SMP Negery 4 Widodaren Ngawi. The data of this

research are using observation, interview, and photograph and writing


After implementation suggestopedia increased in term of

vocabulary mastery in understanding of the meaning of the word,

using grammar in sentence, understanding the meaning relationship et.

The classroom activities are joining lesson, doing interaction between

students and teachers, paying attention to lesson.

The result of this research the suggestopedia can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery, build good attitude in teaching-learning process, and provide stimulation for variety of activity.

2. A journal has been conducted by Oka Pramarta, Padmadewi and

Suarnaja, an active journal of postgraduate of Ganesha University with

the title “The Effect of Desuggestopedia on the Writing Competence of

the Second Semester Students with Different Temperament, of FKIP UNMAS Denpasar” which was published volume 1 in 2013.33

This study investigated the effect of desuggestopedia on the

writing competence of second semester with different temperament. In

this study there were formulated two major of problems: the effect of

desuggestopedia on students’ writing and interaction between

desuggestopedia and the temperament.


Rahayu Windu Setiawati. Thesis ,improving students’ vocabulary Mastery through

Suggestopedia (An action research of Eighth Grade at SMP Negery 4 Widodaren Ngawi.Thesis, 2011


The study was designed with experimental research and

instruments being used were lesson plans, post-test, writing rubric and

questionnaire. It used intact random sampling which is one type of

probability sampling technique.

The sample of the study was randomly; two classes from seven

classes were chosen as a group experiment and control group. The

instruments were analyzed using descriptive analysis and Two-Ways


The results of this study that significant different effect on students’ writing competence between the students who were taught by desuggestopedia and by conventional technique. Second, there was not significant interaction effect between desuggestopedia and students’

temperament on students’ writing competence.

I. Conceptual Framework

The study focus on experiment to prove whether there is significant effect of using suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in

narrative text at the third grade of MTsN II pamulang or will be better

using traditional method. Reading comprehension for students is difficult,

they have to take meaning of the text from writer that involves experience

and prior knowledge that the students has. In the fact, the students just read

without knowing or comprehend with the text. It is essential in daily life

because without reading the students do not provide them any information

or ideas but depends on the purpose of students needed.

If suggestopedia is apply in teaching learning reading comprehension, the students will be fun with different atmosphere in the

classroom by using poster, relaxation by using music in reading activity, to

have develop the ideas and create the imagination. It is suitable to apply

suggestopedia as a treatment for narrative text because narrative text is a

text that tells a story, such as fairy tale, folktale, legend, fable, myth,


some problems with various experience in different ways which lead to

climax then turn into solution and to get the moral value from the story. In process on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text the students do not see symbols but also have to comprehend what they read. They

have to know the characteristics, setting, climax/problems and added the

moral value of the story. Moreover, the students or the readers should have

to build their experience and prior knowledge to get accurate information.

It should be supported by decorating the classroom with the cheerful

environment, to build their positive suggestion and listening music as a

therapy which make students relax and comfortable in the learning process

without pressure or bored. However, suggestopedia is a method giving a good suggestion to build students’ confident, active, enthusiast by making a different atmosphere in the learning process actually on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

J. Hypothesis of Study

Hypothesis of this study are:

a. Ho (Null hypothesis): There is not significant effect of using

suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at

the third grade of MTsN II pamulang.

b. Ha (alternative hypothesis): There is a significant effect of using

suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at



This chapter presents about research methodology. It consists of time and

place of study, method and design of study, population and sample of study,

instrument of study, technique of collecting data, technique of data analysis and

statistical hypothesis.

A.Time and Place of the Study

The study conducted at MTsN II Pamulang, for the third grade students

which located on Jl. Pajajaran No.31. It began on 15 September- 31 October 2014.

B.Method and Design of the study

The object is taught by using two methods on the students of the third

grade in MTsN II Pamulang. There are experimental group by using

suggestopedia method and control group by using traditional method. The data

was taken and analyzed by quantitatively to find the effectiveness on students’

reading comprehension in narrative text by suggestopedia. The method of study is

quasi-experimental study using nonequivalent control group design1

The experiment was designed as follows:

Tabel 3.1 Design of Study

Sample Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental Group


Control Group (CG) O1








O1 : Pre-test

O2 : Post-test

XE : The treatment of experiment group by using suggestopedia on students’

reading comprehension in narrative text.

Xk : The treatment of control group by using traditional method on students’

reading comprehension in narrative text.

C.Population and Sample

The population of the study was the third grade students in MTsN II

Pamulang. There are 10 classes which is less of 40 students in each class. Thus,

total of population is about 328 students.

The sample of the study is only two classes of third grade students. The

writer used purposive sampling to determine sample that took in first class is 9.1

as the experimental group and second class is 9.4 as control group. The writer

finally got both of class 9.1 and 9.4 from the English teacher’s recommendation

because both of class had the same characters and both of class have got the

material about narrative text. After the writer gave a pre-test both of class and the

writer found 9.4 got the highest score from 9.1. Finally the writer decided to chose

9.1 as an experimental class and 9.4 as a control class because 9.1 need improving

in reading comprehension of narrative text. On the other hand, the writer only

took 30 students both of class because some students absent and other reasons.

D.Instrument of Research

The writer collected the data by test as research instrument. There were

two tests; pre-test and post-test. The writer gave the same test for experimental

and control group.

The writer gave items tested to 34 subjects to measure validity and

reliability in pre-test and post-test. There were 25 items of multiple choices. The

score in each item was 4 for correct answer. Then, student will get 100 point if all


measure validity and reliability of the test. From the calculation using ANATES

program in pre-test the writer found score 25 significance of items and post-test

got score 28 significance of items.

1. Validity

Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it is intended to

measure: it relates to the uses made of the test scores and the ways in

which test scores are interpreted, and is therefore always relative to test

purpose. 2 In a research, validity is very important to measure what they

want to measure it using instrument. It means, a test is said to be valid if it

measures accurately what it is intended to measure.

In this study, the writer used ANATES program to know validity

of the test which consist of 40 items multiple choice. Therefore, 25 items

of multiple choices has been valid in pre-test was 0.63 and post-test was

0.78 which using the items test of valid and apply both of the class.

2. Reliability

Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces

stable and consistent result.3 Similarly, Hughes adds that to be valid a test

must provide consistently accurate measurement. It must therefore be

reliable. 4

It means that reliability was necessary in the research to assess the

good instrument or not. To achieve the reliability instrument, the writer

used ANATES program. From 25 items has been valid the writer got 0.77

(pre-test) and 0.88 (post-test) reliable of the instrument.


J. Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham and Dianne Wall. Language Test Construction and Evaluation, (New York: Cambridge University Press,1995), p. 296


Colin Phelan and Julie Wren. Exploring Reliability in Academic Assessment. Graduate Assistant, UNI Office of Academic Assessment. 2005-2006



E.Data Collection

a. Pre-test

The pre-test conducted both of the groups, experimental and control group in order to know students’ on reading comprehension in narrative text before treatment given.

b. Treatment

The writer taught reading narrative text both of experimental group and

control group. In experimental group the writer delivered the material by using

suggestopedia method except using suggetopedia in control group.

c. Post-test

The post-test was given after the teacher gave treatment to know whether or not the change on students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text.

F.Data Analysis

After the writer getting student’ scores of reading pre-test and post-test between experimental and control classes. The writer analyzes the data by

using requirement test before. It consists of normality test and homogeneity


1. Normality test

Normality test was to determine whether the data from population

normally or not.5 This test was purpose for ensuring the distribution of data

which were accomplished from the population had normal distribution or

not. Normality test used is the Liliefors test. The writer tested normality of test by using SPSS 18. The criteria of the testing follow:

If the value (p) > significant (α =0,05) it means that the sample

from the population, Ho was accepted and H1was rejected (normal


If the value (p) < significant (α =0,05)

it means

Ho was rejected

and H1was accepted (not normal distribution)



The steps were using SPSS 18 to measure normality test as follow:

- Open file

- Click analyze  Descriptive statistics  Explore on menu toolbar

- Click and input score of reading  dependent list and input the

other variable in the factor list

- Click Statistics and choose 95 % as descriptive confidence interval

for mean

- Click continue until it came back in the menu

- Click plots ( checklist normality plots with tests )

- Continue and Ok

2. Homogeneity test

Homogeneity test was done to know the variance in population of research homogeny or not. Homogeneity test was to measure the data of the

population homogeny or not. The writer used SPSS 18 in this research. The

criteria of the testing follow:

1) If the value (p) > significant (α =0,05), H0 is accepted, it means that

sample has homogenous variant which means, the students had the

same characters on reading comprehension in narrative text, moreover

the data was valid.

2) If the value (p) < significant (α =0,05), H0 is rejected, it means that

sample does not have homogenous variant which means, the students

had the same characters on reading comprehension in narrative text,

moreover the data was valid.

The steps were using SPSS 18 to measure homogeneity test as follow:

- Open file

- Click analyze  Compare means  One-way ANOVA on menu

- Click and input score of reading  dependent list

- Click the other variable  factor

- Click options and choose homogeneity of variance test


3. T-test formulation

The writer analyzed the scores between experimental and control

classes. This test assumed that the data normally distributed and fairly

robust to departures from normality. The technique of data analysis in this

study was statistical analysis with t-test to know the effectiveness

suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text which

significance α= 0,05. The formula is follow6:

̅ ̅

̅ ∑ ̅ ∑


= the price of t value

̅ = average score of experiment class ̅ = average score of control class

= variant data of experiment class

= variant data of control class

= standard deviation of both classes

= the total students of experiment class

= the total students of control class

After all the data calculated, the last of procedure was determining

of df (degree of freedom). The formula:

df = N1 + N2 - 2



The criteria of the testing are as follow:

If , H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected

If , H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted

4. Mean

Mean or average is sum of all score divided by number of scores. 7

Moreover, Charles and Dianne adds that mean is score on a test is what is commonly known as the average; that is the sum of all the students’ scores divided by the number of students8.

a. Determining mean of gained score of experiment group, the formula :

Mx =

b. Determining mean of gained score of control group, the formula :

My =

5. Range

The symbol of range (R) and range is the difference between

lowest score and highest score. 9

The formula is follow:

Range (R) = Rmax- Rmin

6. Variance

Variance is the amount of dispersion from standard deviation. The

formula is:


Prof. Drs.Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo, 2012), p. 79


Charles, loc.cit., p. 296 9


7. Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is the square root of variance. Standard deviation was aimed to measure the degree of dispersion data had from


The formula is:


or (S) = √S 2

8. Effect Size

The effect size is used to know the strong or weak of the difference

two groups or the relationship between two variables.10 Moreover, the

effect size of Cohen’s d has formula as follow:11



Pooled standard deviation =

(standard deviation of group 1 + standard deviation of group 2)


Beside that, there was a Statistical Calculators that called The Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator for a Student t-Test which automatically know the range of treatment’s effect.

The directions using The Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator for a Student

t-Test was :

- Search on google (The Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Calculator for a

Student t-Test or www.Daniel soper.com calculator web)


Daniel Muijis, Doing Quantitative Research in Education,(London: Sage Publications, 2004), p. 139



- Input mean score of group 1 and mean score of group 2


- Input standard deviation of group 1 and standard deviation of

group 2 (post-test)

- Click calculate and the result will be show

The criteria of effect size range are small, medium, or large. The

criteria are:12

Table 3.2 Criteria of Cohen’s d (Effect Size)

Effect size range Criteria

0.2 Small

0.5 Medium

0.8 Large

G. Statistical Hypothesis of Study

The statistical hypotheses of study are:

- Ho = X1 < X2 ; If (There is no significant difference

using suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative


- Ha = X 1 > X2 ; If (There is significant difference using suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text)




This chapter describes research finding which consist of the description of

data, the analysis of data, the test of hypothesis and the interpretation of data.

A. Description of Data

1. The result of experimental and controlled class (pre-test)

The writer obtained data pre-test from experimental and controlled

class by bar chart which consists of 30 students of the third grade after

conducting study1.

Diagram 4.1 Pre-test experimental and controlled classes

From the data above, the number of interval class and the length

interval were 6 classes. The table showed that students’ score in

experimental class of pre-test and controlled class. The lowest score from


Table 3.1 Design of Study ..............................................................................
Table 4.2 Diagram of Experimental and Controlled class (Post-test)  ............
Tabel 3.1 Design of Study
Table 3.2 Criteria of Cohen’s d (Effect Size)


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