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The Impacts of Love Traps in Tennessee Williams’ Summer and Smoke


Academic year: 2017

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The Impacts of Love Traps in Tennessee Williams’

Summer and Smoke




Approved and examined by the Examination Committee of the

English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Jember.

Jember, 27 January 2006



(Ikwan Setiawan, SS)

(Prof. DR. Suparmin, M. A.)

The Members:


Dra. Meilia Adiana, M.Pd.

( ……… )


Drs. Wisasongko, M.A.

( ……… )



This writing is dearly dedicated to the following:







The completion of this thesis has been a remarkable experience. It is for this prime reason that I solemnly praises and feels thankful to Allah SWT. His blessings have been constant companions for me in every step of the ways during the process of proposing, composing, and accomplishing the thesis. Humbly, I am also thankful for the following persons and institution:

1. ………….; my dearest father and mother, also ……….., who provided me with never-ending love and support so that I am finally able to arrive at this phase of life.

2. Dra. Meilia Adiana, M.A. and Drs. Wisasongko, M.A.; my first and second advisors whose inestimable contributions color the whole construct of the thesis.

3. Students of English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University most especially the class of 2000 for their comforting friendship and sincere appreciation.

4. The non-teaching staffs of English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University for their services.

5. Partners at work and personal life whose supports have been amazingly motivating.

6. The librarians of the Faculty of Letters, of the Jember University central Library, and of the Petra University library who have allowed me to make use any resources that I need.

7. ………



Chapter I: Introduction ... 1

1.1 Rationale... 1

1.7 The Organizations of The Thesis... 4

Chapter II: The Biography of Tennessee Williams and the Synopsis of Summer and Smoke ... 5

2.1 The Biography of Tennessee Williams ... 5

2.2 The Synopsis of Summer and Smoke ... 7

Chapter III: Love Traps and the Impacts in Summer and Smoke ... 11

3.1 The Love Traps... 11

3.1.1 The Love Story and Love Traps of Alma Winemiller ... 13 Alma’s Love Story ... 15 Alma’s Love Traps toward John... 17

3.1.2 The Love Story and Love Traps of Dr. John Buchanan, Jr. 22 John’s Love Story ... 23 John’s Love Traps toward Alma... 25

3.1.3 The Love Story and Love Traps of Rosa Gonzales ... 29 Rosa’s Love Story ... 29 Rosa’s Love Traps toward John... 31

3.1.4 The Love Story and Love Traps of Nellie Ewell... 32 Nellie’s Love Story ... 32 Nellie’s Love Traps toward John ... 33

3.2 The Impacts of the Love Traps... 34

3.2.1 The Impacts of Alma’s Love toward John ... 35

3.2.2 The Impacts of John’s Love Traps toward Alma... 43

3.2.3 The Impacts of Rosa’s Love Traps toward John ... 46

3.2.4 The Impacts of Nellie’s Love Traps toward John... 49

Chapter IV: Conclusion... 50


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