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Academic year: 2017



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Corry Sepvia Br. Pasaribu 4123141016

Biology Billingual Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan




Corry Sepvia Br. Pasaribu was born in Rantauprapat on September 6th 1993. Writer is the second daughter of E. Pasaribu S.Pd and R.Tampubolon S.Pd. In 1998, the writer started her first educational experience in TK Perguruan Panglima Polem Rantauprapat and finished in 1999. The writer continued her

study in SD Swasta Perguruan Panglima Polem Rantauprapat in 1999 and finished in 2005. The writer continued her study in SMPN 2 Rantau Utara in 2005 and




Corry Sepvia Br. Pasaribu (SIN 4123141016) ABSTRACT

This study’s purpose was to compare the score result of completeness, breadth, and depth between Indonesian and Cambridge high school biology textbook for nervous system topic. This research type was descriptive. The samples were high school biology textbooks from different publisher, Esis, Erlangga, Ministry of Indonesia Education (Buku Standard Elektronik) and Cambridge. The data got by using instrument from Badan Standard Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). The result showed that book published by Cambridge got score 3, while three Indonesian’s book got score 4 in completeness assesment. All books got score 4 in breadth aspect. In Depth assesment, book published by Cambridge got score 3, while three Indonesian’s book got score 4. Eventhough the book published by Cambridge got score lower than three Indonesia’s publisher, the concept clearity is very understable in book published by Cambridge. Three Indonesian’s books did not explain the concept of impuls transmission, synapses’s role, receptor’s importance in nervous system clearly, but book published by Cambridge did.



Thanks to my extraordinary God, Jesus Christ, who always beside me when I wrote this thesis. Because of His love and grace, give me strength to complete this thesis with title “The Completeness, Breadth and Depth: A Comparison Between Indonesian and Cambridge High School Biology Textbook for Nervous System Topic”. This thesis I tribute for You.

First, thank you for the Dean of FMIPA UNIMED, Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Si, the Head of Biology Department, Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd, the Bilingual Program Coordinator, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si for their support in completing this thesis. Special thank you for my thesis supervisor Syarifuddin, M.Sc., Ph.D. for his guidance, motivation and support during write this thesis.

My greatest thanks for my parents, E. Pasaribu and R. Tampubolon for their pray, enthusiasm and funds. A big huge for my best sister, Juniar Pasaribu. They are my best motivator. Thanks to my best friend, Meichy Manik and Adventina Nababan for their motivation to me. Thanks to my team in thesis writing, Evi, Chandra, Dahlia, Lia for their idea. Also thanks for all friends in Bilingual Biology Education 2012, espesially for Arny, Carol, Nesya, Durriyah and Dwi Purwanti, and PPLT SMAN 2 Balige for their information and their support.

Medan, 20 July 2016 Writer




Authentication Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of contents v

List of Table vii

List of Figure viii

List of Appendix ix


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 3

1.3 Problem Scooping 4

1.4 Research Question 4

1.5 Research Objective 4

1.6 Research Significance 5

1.7 Operational Definition 5


2.1 Theoretical Framework 6

2.1.1 The Textbook Definition 6

2.1.2 The Textbook Writing and Evaluating 6

2.1.3 The Role of Textbook 8

2.1.4 The Textbook Research round the World 9

2.1.5 Nervous System 10 Organization of the Human Nervous System 10 Glia 13

(7) Nerve Communication 16 The Synapse 21 Disorder/Disease in Nervous System 25


3.1 Research Time and Location 27

3.2 Population and Sample 27

3.3 Research Type 28

3.4 Research Instrument 28

3.5 Data Accumulation Technique 29

3.6 Data Analyzing 30


4.1 Result of Data Analysis 31

4.1.1 Quantitative Data Analysis 31 Completeness Analysis 31 Breadth Analysis 32 Depth Analysis 33

4.1.2 Qualitative Book Analysis 36

4.2 Discussion 45


5.1 Conclusion 47

5.2 Recommendation 47




Page Table 2.1 Standard and Basic Competence of Nervous System 10

Table 3.1 Analyzed Biology Textbooks 27

Table 3.2 The Research Instrument 28

Table 3.3 Content Completeness Scoring 28

Table 3.4 Content Breadth Scoring 29

Table 3.5 Content Depth Scoring 29

Table 3.6 Score of the High School Biology Textbook Analyzing

Result Based On Completeness, Breadth, and Depth. 30




Figure 2.1 The Knee-Jerk Reflex. 11

Figure 2.2 The Vertebrae Nervous System 11

Figure 2.3 Ventricles, Gray Matter, And White Matter 12

Figure 2.4 Glia in The Human Nervous System 13

Figure 2.5 Functional Hierarchy Of The Human Peripheral Nervous

System 14

Figure 2.6 The Parasympathetic And Sympathetic Divisions Of The

Autonomic Nervous System 15

Figure 2.7 Synaptic Transmission 24

Figure 4.1 Completeness Result Graphic 31

Figure 4.2 Breadth Result Graphic 33




Appendix 1 The Books Analysis 51

Appendix 2 Quantitatif Data Instrument 87

Appendix 3 The Book’s Curriculum Comparison 95



Textbook is one of learning media which is used by teacher in the learning-teaching process. Textbook has function as a tool, tutor, guidebook and

gauge in the classroom. (Kulm, et al. 1999). The changing of Indonesia education paradigm from teacher center learning becomes student center learning makes

textbook present become more necessary (Muljono, 2007). Student center learning places teacher as the facilitator in the classroom. It makes the student must be more active by himself in mastering their knowledge. Textbook as a main source in the classroom will be determine the successful of knowledge transferring.

Textbook is also applied as principal curriculum and source of lesson by teacher around the world (Liang and Cobern, 2013). Chiappetta and Fillman (2007) identified that textbooks in all school grade are often applied as the subject matter fundamental coordinator which students are supposed to studied and give an complete description of subject to be informed. Supriadi (2001) determined that the student achievement in Indonesia has correlated with the textbook ownership.

Albach and Kelly (1998) in Ramnarain and Padayachee (2015) said that in science class, the textbook assist to interpret the intentions of curriculum to the class implementation by indicating the objective of science learning, such as understanding the nature of science and science content, developing inquiry skills, understanding the interrelationship of science, technology, the environment and society. It is usual use textbook in teaching biology (Kuechle, 1995). So, textbook is one of crucial factors to determine the biology student learning outcomes.


science literation, Indonesia was standing in 40 from 42 countries followed with score 406. Indonesia score in science is under the International average score, 500. Meanwhile in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011, Indonesia student has position in 42 from 45 country with score 428 (Driana, 2012). While, a study held by PISA (Progamme for International Students Assessment) in 2009 explain Indonesia’s student also don’t do satisfy. Indonesia ranked 57 in reading competition, 61 for mathematics, and 60 for Science from 65 countries (Kemdikbud, 2015).

The presence of textbook is crucial in classroom, the textbook quality must be considered more aggressively again. In Indonesia textbook quality assessment carried out by National Education Standard Agency (BSNP). Based on Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005, textbooks were evaluated by BSNP based on eligibility of content, language, presentation, and graphic in accordance with Minister Regulation. In addition, based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education good book is a book that can be used during a period of at least five years, both in terms of content and the physical. It is intended to accommodate the significant changes in the development of science and technology, and considerations in economic terms for users (Muljono, 2007)

Indonesia high school textbook quality is very diverse (Muljono, 2007). It because there are so many publisher in Indonesia, like Erlangga, Bailmu, Tiga Serangkai, Yudhistira, PT Wangsa Jatra Lestari, etc. Government has an effort to provide a qualified textbook. One of them is the textbooks assessment conducted by the Center Book of Education Department to school textbook. Although, there are many textbooks that have not been assessed and require an assessment in order to fulfill the standards set based on Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 and Minister Regulation No. 22 and 23 of 2006 (Muljono, 2007). This makes some of

Indonesia textbook do not have guaranteed quality.


sometimes found not fulfill the environmental conditions and student learning; used teaching materials is outdated. Adisendjaja (2009) also state that the published textbook is materialistic, not attract the student affective realization (emotional), although it has a strong cognitive domain, but can’t active the reader’s critical thinking and curiosity (teacher and student). This factor is founded in some Indonesia textbook

Research on the quality of the book is quite a lot in Indonesia. But studies simply compare the quality of books among fellow publishers in Indonesia as an

example of "Analysis of Conformity Textbook Biology Based on Content Standards KTSP grade X Semester I in Medan Senior High School" by Aryeni and Hasruddin (2012), "Analysis of Depth and Breadth of Content In Textbook of Biology Regarding the Concept of Middle and High School Digestive System of Food by Mulyani (2013). As for the comparative study of textbooks in Indonesia with foreign countries are very rare. In fact, Indonesia needs a reference from developed countries education about the quality of a good book.

Based on the previous statement, it is necessary to do a study to compare the content’s completeness, breadth, and depth of high school biology textbook between Indonesia’s publisher and overasea’s publisher. This study conducted in Nervous System topic. It has tightly relation to daily life and one of difficult topic to understand in biology learning (Tekkaya, et al. 2001). So, a study with a title “The Completeness, Breadth, Depth: A Comparison Between Indonesian and Cambridge High School Biology Textbook for Nervous System Topic” have been done.

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the previous background, there are identified problem such as: 1). Textbook is one factor that causes the rank of Indonesia’s student in science international competition and biology learning outcome is low

2). Student textbook in Indonesia has same concept although the curriculum change and out of date.


4). Nervous system is one of biology topic that is difficult to understand has tightly relation to daily life.

1.3 Problem Scooping

This research just discuss about the senior high school textbook that come from Indonesia’s publisher such as Esis, Erlangga and Ministry of Education

(Buku Standard Elektronik) and textbook from Cambridge’s publisher. The books is purposively selected because of its popularity while other books are

based on acknowledge by themselves Education Ministry and can be found in Indonesia. The book published by Cambridge was choosen because it was used by International school in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia and easily to found in researcher’s location. The area comparison in this research is just the completeness, breadth, and depth in each textbook. It will use the instrument based on the Badan Standard Nasional (BSNP) assessment to evaluate the best textbook and syllabus that used in each country. The topic that is researched just the nervous system.

1.4 Research Question

Based on the background and the problem scooping, the problem formulation is:

1). How is the difference of completeness aspect between texbook published by Indonesian and Cambridge in nervous system topic?

2). How is the difference of breadth aspect between texbook published by Indonesian and Cambridge in nervous system topic?

3). How is the difference of depth aspect between texbook published by Indonesian and Cambridge in nervous system topic?

1.5 Research Objective

The objective of this research is to:


2). Analyze the differences of the textbook’s content breadth Indonesian and Cambridge high school biology textbook for nervous system topic.

3). Evaluate the textbook concept’s depth between Indonesian and Cambridge high school biology textbook for nervous system topic.

1.6 Research Significance

The benefit in this research is:

1). to get the description of the completeness, breadth, and depth in Indoensian’s and Cambridge’s publisher, so government can make a review how to analyze the good textbook

2). Teachers can use the knowledge from this thesis to select the good textbook for student and it can be references for teachers if they want to write a book. 3). Publisher can use this knowledge for make the best textbook for student. 4). Be a references for teacher, government, and publisher to do correction for textbook especially to Indonesia.

1.7Operational Definition

1). Completeness is an aspect that assessing the textbook content completeness. It means all content cover all the material which present in Standard and Basic Competence.

2). Breadth is the assessment aspect which discuss about the scope of textbook content. The textbook content must reflect and support the Basic competence or learning outcomes.

3). Depth is the aspect which evaluates the present of the textbook material in detail, discuss the problems specifically not generally. The content must comprise of introduction, definition, output display, example, case, exercise, procedure and




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result and discussion, can be concluded that:

1. The book published by Cambridge is quite good, while the book published by

Esis, Erlangga and BSE is very good in the completeness aspect. 2. For the breadth aspect, all books are very good.

3. The three books from Indonesian publisher is very good while the book published by Cambridge is quite good again in depth aspect

5.2 Recommendation

Several suggestions based on the research result:

1. It is necessary to develop other instrument which more compatable to measure the quality of concept’s completeness, depth and breadth.

2. Publishers can use this data as a references to increase the book’s quality in concept’s completeness, depth and breadth.

3. The government should be more careful in assessing the content’s feasibility of book because the book is one source of student learning.



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Table 2.1 Table 3.1
Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2


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