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How to Travel to Tropical Places


Academic year: 2017

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Traveling to commercial tropical areas is easy since they are populated by humans. However, traveling to rainforests is a bit more tougher and delicate.


tropical, tropical fruit, tropical island, tropical beach, tropical travel, the amazon

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How to Travel to Tropical Places

Traveling to commercial tropical areas is easy since they are populated by humans. However, traveling to rainforests is a bit more tougher and delicate.

Traveling to tropical countries: there are several countries that you can travel to with tropical beaches. You can either chose to travel to the South Americas or Southern Asia areas. Accommodation at these countries are fairly cheap. However, airfares tend to be pricier depending where you are coming from. It is best to look around online and at your agencies for the best deals and packages.

Traveling to The Amazon: The Amazon is located in the country of Ecuador (which is located in South America). There are six different regions where you can potential travel to depending on which areas are not restricted for tourists. The regions are: Sucumbios, Orellana, Napo, Pastaza, Morona, Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe. There are two cities in The Amazon: Tena and Coca. Busing to Tena is roughly around 6 hours. Usually the buses don’t take any stops during the whole trip. The cost is around $7. When traveling The Amazon, it is best to travel in groups for better safety. A tour guide with knowledge about the surrounding areas, plants and animals is also ideal.

There are also jungle lodges that you can stay in for a few days if you have the budget and time. These are based right inside the jungle! These packages usually include biking, canoe trips and fishing. The fees for these lodges are pretty decent, they range from $100USD to over $250USD per night, depending on the quality and packages that comes with the lodges. It’s best to book these packages while you are in Ecuador because they are much cheaper than booking them indirectly in your country.

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