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How To Get Six Pack Abs


Academic year: 2017

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Great tips on how to get six pack abs. You have to reduce abdominal fat to get that sexy, ripped look. Here’s how to do it fast.


abs,six pack abs,diet,exercise,weight loss,dieting,workout

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Want to know the secret of six pack abs? The truth is that there is no secret. Here’s how to get six pack abs in six simple steps. 1 - Diet Right

Trust me, you already have abdominal muscles. They’re just hidden under a layer of fat. Your first step to getting that sexy, ripped look is to eat less. Concentrate first on reducing snacking and when you do snack, eat high-fiber crunchy foods such as carrots or protein bars. By eating fewer calories each day than your body needs, you force your system to start metabolizing stored energy sources, one of which is fat. However, your body defaults to burning easier energy sources first such as glucose (sugar) and simple proteins.

That’s where Steps 2 and 3 come in. Exercise Right

You have to exercise the right way to get your body to burn stored fat. That’s the only way you’ll get rid of that layer of stubborn abdominal fat.

Start with a good all-around exercise program designed to strengthen your major muscle groups. You can do simple exercises at home without any special equipment. Remember gym class where pushups, sit-ups, squats, toe touches and running in place were part of the regular routine? Establish a regular routine of these every morning. Even 15 minutes will be a big help. Don’t overdo it in the beginning. Gradually increase the intensity of your workout and you are much more likely to stick with it.

Cardio Workout

To kick your body into the fat burning zone, you’ve got to include a variety of cardio workouts. Once you’re in reasonably good shape, start doing things that increase your heart rate for a 10 to 15 minute period. Avoid doing things with a steady rhythm like walking on a treadmill or jogging. Your body quickly learns to ignore these as requiring fat burning and uses other stored energy sources instead.

Instead, do things like jumping rope, play in pickup basketball games, jump on a stair climber, or use a rowing machine that varies the pace and strength required in different segments of the workout. Running wind sprints burns way more fat than jogging, so don’t be lazy with your cardio workouts.

Lower Appetite

The best way to lose weight is to reduce your appetite. You have to be careful with appetite suppressants though, as some place unusual stress on your body. Avoid supplements that include stimulants like ephedra or ephedrine as these can cause rapid heartbeat and other unpleasant side effects.

Stick with natural products like Hoodia that curb your desire for food without stressing out your body. Eat Right

Eating right is critical to burning fat. The best foods to eat are high-fiber products like oatmeal, steamed vegetables, fruits, and raw vegetables.


Abs Exercise

Once you’ve gotten your diet and exercise program well underway, then add some exercises specific to your abs. Start with leg lifts for overall slimming, then add oblique crunches to sharply define the rib cage transition area.

Doing these while resting your lower back on an exercise ball intensifies the workout and involves additional core muscle groups. Avoid overstressing these muscles in the beginning. Instead, work to gradually include using weights to increase the intensity of your abs workout over time. Summary

As with any other diet and exercise regimen, there are no overnight results. You spent years building up that layer of abdominal fat. Getting rid of it will take some time and effort. Make a commitment to reach your desired goal and follow these six simple steps. And that’s how to get six pack abs!

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