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Academic year: 2022



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A. Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is an activity for sharing information, messages, ideas and express emotions in a structured grammar and in a written form, writing also one of the tools to communicate. Writing is one of the Englih skill that mut be mastered by the students.

As indicated by Harmer (2004:31) "Writing is an approach to create language and express thoughts, sentiments, and suppositions." Harmer (2001:13) additionally makes reference to that writing includes arranging what we will compose. To start with, is drafting. Next is looking into and altering what we have composed and creating a last form. Writing is the psychological work of developing thoughts, pondering to communicate them, and sorting out them into articulations and passages that will be obvious to a reader. (Nunan, 2003: 88).

As indicated by Rivers (1981: 294), writing is passing on data or articulation of unique thoughts in a back to back route in the new dialect. Brown, (2001: 336) additionally guaranteed that writing is a reasoning procedure. Besides, he expresses that writing can be arranged and given with a boundless number of updates before its discharge. In addition, Elbow (1973) in Brown (2001: 336) additionally says that writing is a two-advance process. The primary procedure is making sense of the


importance and the subsequent procedure is placing the importance into language.

Writing speaks to what we think. It is on the grounds that the creative cycle reflects things, which remain in the brain. Students who are hesitant to record things frequently languish over this action. The students find troubles when they begin searching for certain motivations to write and delivering written sentences. Another importance of writing ability is moreover portrayed by Urquhart and Mclver and besides Harmer.

Urquhart and Mclver (2005: 5-6) express that writing is a recursive process, which implies students reexamine all through the procedure, every now and again moving to and fro among the stages. At that point, students ought to learn systems for creation and disclosure, and teachers should assist students with producing content and find a reason.

Additionally, it is expressed that readers, reason, and event characterize all kinds of writing and viable writing satisfies the author's goal and meets the reader' needs.

It implies that writing is an unpredictable procedure and it appears to be sensible to anticipate, at that point, that the instructing of writing is perplexing also.

Additionally, Harmer (2004) states that writing urges students to concentrate on exact language use. It is on the grounds that students consider the language use when the students take part in their writing process. This movement will incite language improvement in light of the fact that the students settle issues what writing places in students' brains. As indicated by Tarigan (1985:5) writing is a profitable expertise, for composing a roaming correspondence and the possibility of the character is through and through unique in relation to that conveyed by talking honestly,thusly composing is incorporated a capacity. Harmer (2001:79) says that writing is a type of comunication to


convey throught or to express inclination through composed structure. It implies that writing is gainful aptitudes that express inclination through composed correspondence.

Based on the above definition, it can be said that writing is a productive process that involves some degree, the first search and find ideas, feelings, thoughts and shaping it in written form. the second, revising errors in writing such as incorrect gramaar and sentence order. writing is formed from text that can be read by readers which can be useful for readers.

Another meaning of writing is proposed by Nation (2009:112) who expresses that writing is an action that can helpfully be prefared for by work in different abilities of listening, speaking, and reading. This planning can make it workable for words that have been utilized responsively to come into profitable use. It implies that writing can be expanded through learning the other language viewpoints. Academic accomplishment or (academy) execution speaks to execution results that show the degree to which an individual has achieved explicit objectives that were the focal point of exercises in instructional conditions, explicitly in school, college, and university (Meares and Fanklin 2010).

Writing accomplishment is the outcome score of writing capacity of the students. Writing accomplishment has a standard score from the teacher to be passed by the understudies recorded as a hard copy. Writing accomplishment is estimated by a comprehensively scored writing test (Shell, Duane F.; Murphy, Carolyn C.; Bruning, Roger H. 1989). The outcomes from students writing capacity in the wake of being tried is called writing accomplishment. The terms of writing capacity have a few


implications. Numerous specialists have proposed the definition and clarification of writing.

Widdowson (1978:62) states that writing is the demonstration of making up right sentences and transmitting them through the visual medium as imprint on paper.

Hornby (1974: 996) states that writing is in the feeling of the action word “write‟. Write is to make letters or various pictures (egideographs) on a surface, especially with a pen or a pencil on a paper.

2. The Importance of Writing

The purpose behind encouraging writing to students of English as an unknown dialect incorporate fortification, language advancement, learning style, and the above all composition as an ability all alone right. (Harmer, 2002: 79 as indicated by Harmer, (2004: 31-33) there are some significance writing.. Those are:

a. Writing urges students to concentrate on exact language since they think as they write, it might be incite well improvement as a settle issue which composing puts at the forefront of their thoughts.

b. Writing is regularly utilized as a methods for fortifying languge that has been thought. they use composing aptitude to cause a note about what they to have realized while learning process occurs.

c. Writing is every now and again usefull as a preparartion for some other movement.

d. Writing can be utilized as a basic part of a bigger action where the emphasis is on something different, for example, language work on, acting out or speaking.


e. Writing additionally utilized in questionaire-sort of exercises. Writing is critical to face questionaire test. In the examinaton, students are solicited their answer in the written form structure.

3. The Purpose of Writing

Recorded as a writing, the author has purposes to pass on messages to the reader. No matter what sort of writing the author does, he/she ought to has a particular and clear reason. It very well may be finished by choosing right words and reasonable sentences structure to pass on the proposed meaning. The reason for a bit of writing will decide the logical structure picked for it. As indicated by Grenville, there are three reasons for writing: to engage, to educate and to persuade

1. To engage

Writing to engage by and large appears as fanciful or experimental writing. It implies that the author needs to utilize his/her innovativeness. It must not make the readers chuckle, yet connect with their inclination here and there.

2. To educate

Writing to educate has direction to inform the peruser regarding something. This sort of enlightening writing can concentrate on objects, spots, techniques, and occasions. It very well may be found in paper and articles, logical or business reports, guidelines or methodology, and papers for school and college.

3. To convince

The author attempts to persuade the reader of something that a perspective is legitimate by introducing the reality/information with the goal that readers follow


author's conclusions and follow up on it. Taking everything into account, the motivation behind writing can't to communicate the thoughts, feeling or then again thought in composed image yet it has likewise explicit purposes, for example, to engage, to advise and to convince the readers. Tarigan (1994: 24) also condense the motivation behind composition, those are :

a. Assignment purpose

The authors will begins writing when somebody gets some information about something. Hence the thought which will be writed by the authors doesn't originate from writers itself

b. Altruistic purpose

The design is to engage the readers, to move the readers bitterness with the author works.

c. Persuasive purpose

It has direction to persuade the reader about the genuine sentiment introduced.

d. Information purpose

The motivation behind writing is to give data, clarification to the readers.

e. Self expresive purpose

The object is to present the author.

f. Imaginative purpose

The authors need to achiecve masterful, estimation of craftsmanship.

g. Critical thinking purpose


This writing is utilized to tackle the issue looked by the authors. Authors need to clarify and watch cautiously about his/her idea and thought to be comprehended and acknowledged by the readers.

4. Prosess of Writing

Harmer (2005: 4) proposes the way toward writing into four principle components. They are planning, drafting, editing (reflecting and overhauling), and final form.

1. Planning

Prior to beginning to write or type, they attempt to choose what it is they going to state. When arranging, authors need to consider three fundamental issues. The first of everyone else they need to think about the reason for their writing since this will impacts not just the sort of content they wish to deliver, yet in addition the language they use, and the data they decide to incorporate. Also, experienced authors think about the reader they are writing for, since this will impact the state of the composition, yet in addition the decision of language. Thirdly, authors need to think about the substance structure of the piece, how best to arrangements the realities, thoughts, or contentions which they have chosen to incorporate.

2. Drafting

Allude to the principal form of a piece writing as a draft. This initially go at a text is regularly done on the suspicion that is will be changed later. As the composing process methodology into drafting, various drafts might be delivered while in transit to the last form.


3. Editing (reflecting and changing)

After authors have delivered a draft, generally read through what they have written to see where it works and where it doesn't. Reflecting and updating are regularly helped by different readers (or editors) who remark and make proposals. Another reader's response to a bit of writing will help the author to make proper modifications.

4. Final forms

When authors have altered their draft, rolling out the improvements they reader being important, they created their last form. This may look significantly unique in relation to both the first arrangement and the main draft, since things have changed in the altering procedure. In any case, the author is presently prepared to send the composed content to its target group.

Futhermore, according to Oshima and Ann Hogue (1999: 10-12) there are four stages that ought to be finished by authors:

1. Prewriting

Prewriting is an approach to get thoughts. Right now, pick a point and gather thoughts to clarify the point.

2. Arranging (illustrating)

In the arranging stage, the author needs to compose the thoughts created by conceptualizing. The best method to compose the thoughts created is that making a diagram from conceptualizing

3. Writing and updating drafts


Subsequent to doing conceptualizing and sketching out as the principal draft and the second procedure of writing, the author can begin to write and amend a few drafts as often as possible until the author has delivered a last duplicate to turn in.

4. Writing the last draft

The last stage is that to write the last duplicate or item to turn in. In light of the specialists' depiction about the way toward composing above, it is reasoned that there are four significant components of composing, they are author's point of view, topic, reader and the type of language. Moreover, the are four steps recorded as a hard copy process, they are pre-writing, arranging, writing – changing drafts also, writing the last draft.

5. Types of Writing

There are four sorts of writing. They are narration, description, exposition furthermore, letter writing. The students in a bit of writing utilize one of these modes solely, yet normally they are found in mix, with a couple of dominating to accomplish the author's essential logical reason and working objective. Fachrurrazy (1990: 38) clarify the kinds of writing are:

1. Narration

Narration tells "what occurred". It recounts to a story. It is the sort of writing found in books, short stories, and biographies. Portrayal typically follows time request.

2. Descripction


Descrption tells what something looks like or believes or sounds. It discusses such highlights as size, shape, shading, sound, or taste. Description now and again follows space request.

3. Exposition

Exposition is a writing that clarify something. It regularly answer the inquiries what, how, and why. Its motivation is to introduce thoughts and to make them as clear as would be prudent. It very well may be said that work follows consistent request. This implies that sections are masterminded so that the reader can comprehend the author's idea. In sensible request, the author directs the reader starting with one thought then onto the next.

4. Recount

Recount to tell past occasions to educate or engaging. Occasions are typically organized in a worldly succession. It's generally found or introduced in diaries, journal, personal letter, bioghraphy, travel report, police report, sport report, history, and so on 5. Letter writing

There are three principle kinds of letter, specifically: formal letter, business letter, individual letter. Formal letter is regularly utilized for solicitations to animportant supper, move, or other function and is expressed in the third individual. Business letter must be above everything clear and without any problem comprehended. They ought to be communicated in plain normal English. Individual letter is written in a casual, well disposed approach to somebody whom we know. The style might be nearly as casual and everyday as though we were talking to the individual.


According to Brown (2004: 220) there are four classifications of written execution that catch the range of written creation are considered here. Every class takes after the classifications defmed for the other three abilities, yet these classifications, as usual, mirror the uniqueness of the expertise zone.

1. Imitative

To create written language, the student must accomplish aptitudes in the funqamental, essential undertakings of writing letters, words, accentuation, and brief sentences. This class incorporates the capacity to spell accurately and to see phoneme- grapheme correspondences in the English spelling framework. It is a level at which students are attempting to ace the mechanics of writing. At this stage, structure is the essential if not elite center, while setting and importance are of secondary concern.

2. Intensive (controlled).

Past the essentials of imitative writing are aptitudes in delivering proper jargon inside a specific circumstance, collocations and colloquialisms, what's more, right linguistic highlights up to'the length of a sentence. Meaning and context setting are of some significance in deciding accuracy and suitability, however most appraisal errands are progressively worried about an attention on structure, and lare rather carefully constrained by the test plan.

3. Responsive.

Here, appraisal errands expect students to perform at a restricted talk level, interfacing sentences into a section and making an intelligently associated grouping of a few passages. Undertakings react to academic orders, arrangements of criteria,


diagrams, and different rules. Sorts of writing incorporate brief stories and descriptions, short reports, lab reports, synopses, brief reactions to reading, and translations of diagrams or charts. Under indicated conditions, the author starts to practice some opportunity of decision among elective types of articulation of thoughts. The author has aced the basics of sentence-level language structure and is increasingly centered around the talk shows that will accomplish the destinations of the composed content. Structure centered consideration is for the most part at the talk level, with a solid accentuation on setting and importance.

4. Extensive

Extensive writing suggests fruitful administration of all the procedures and techniques of writing for all reasons, up to the length of a paper, a research project, a significant research venture report, or even a postulation. Scholars center around accomplishing a reason, arranging and creating thoughts sensibly, utilizing subtleties to help or delineate thoughts, exhibiting syntactic and lexical assortment, and by and large, captivating during the time spent multiple drafts to accomplish a fmal item. Concentrate on linguistic structure is restricted to periodic altering or editing of a draft.

6. The Function of Writing

Agreeing Chodiyah (2012: 2) written language serves a scope of capacity in regular daily existence, including the accompanying:

1. Essential for activity

Open sign, for example on streets and stations; item marks and guidance on nourishment, devices or toys bought, plans, maps, TV and radio aides charges; menus,


phone registries, voting form papers, PC manual screens and printouts. To socials contact. Individual correspondence letters, postcard, welcoming cards.

2. Fundamentally for data

Paper (news, publication) and current undertakings magazines, interest magazines, true to life books, including reading material, open takes note, ad, and so forth.

3. Fundamentally for diversion

Light magazines, funny cartoons, fiction books, verse and show, paper highlights, film captions, games (counting PC games).

7. Teaching Writing

Ur (1996: 162) states the target of the instructing of writing in a remote language is to get students to get the capacities and aptitudes they have to procedue a scope of various types of written text to picked an informed individual would be expexted to have the option to strategy their own language. 2013 educational plan places reading and listening as receptive skill while speaking and writing as productive skill.

Harmer (1998: 79) states the purpose behind teaching writing keeping in touch with students of English as unknown dialect incorporate support, language advancement, learning style, also, above all, writing as an ability in its ownright.

Training writing can developt students capacity, for example, the students can improve their skill in writing as a hard copy some content. From schedule one of Basic Competency (KD) is create oral and composed writings, to communicate and ask about the activities/exercises/occasions without referencing the guilty party in a logical book,


considering the social capacity, the structure of the content, and right semantic components and in setting. It implies that in educational program 2013 create students capacity recorded as a hard copy, since writing is productive skill.

8. Assessing Writing

One technique that can be utilized in evaluating writing is test. Testing writing abilities are mind boggling and something hard to educate, requiring authority not just of linguistic and logical gadgets yet in addition of calculated and critical components (Heaton, 1991: 135). Coming up next are changed aptitudes essential for composing great writing as proposed by Heaton (1991):

a Language use: the capacity to write right and suitable sentences.

b Mechanical aptitudes: the capacity to utilize effectively those shows impossible to miss to the composed language, for example accentuation, spelling.

c Treatment of substance: the capacity to think imaginatively and create musings, counting all insignificant data.

d Stylistic skills: the capacity to control sentences and passages, and use language adequately.

e Judgment skill : the capacity to write in a fitting way for a specific reason considering a specific crowd, together with an action to choose, sort out, request the important data.

Hamp - Lyons (1991) states that the appraisal had a positive gathering among students, faculty, consultants and other network individuals since it mirrors the worries of and is effectively deciphered by these differed voting demographics. In writing test,


the authors steps through the examinations in free writing. The materials that is destined to be tried identifies with the describe content since it has been educated in Senior High School particularly in the first year students.

Followings are scoring rubrics as per to Jacob ET AI (in Sara, 2002: 116) Esl Composition Profile

Student : Date : Topic :

Score Level Criteria Comment






learned, substantives, through advancement of theory,

applicable to parceled out point GOOD TO AVERAGE: some information on subject

,satisfactory range, constrained improvement of theory, for the most part significant to point however need detail

FAIR TO POOR: constrained information on subject, little substance, lacking advancement of proposition

VERY POOR: doesn't plant information on subject, not appropriate, or insufficient to assess





familiar articulation, thought plainly, expressed/upheld, efficient, legitimate sequincing, durable


Fairly rough, inexactly sorted out however principle thoughts stick out, constrained bolstered, intelligent yet inadequate sequencing

FAIR TO POOR:Non-familiar, thoughts befuddled or

disengaged, need legitimate



sequencing and advancement VERY POOR: doesn't convey, no association, or insufficient to assess






sophiticated range's powerful word figure of speech decision and use, word ranch authority, fitting register.


sufficient range, intermittent blunders of word/figure of speech structure, decision use yet meaning not darkened.

FAIR TO POOR: restricted range, visit blunders of

expression of maxim structure, decision, use but menaing not clouded.

VERY POOR: basically

interpretation, little information on English jargon, saying word structure, or insufficient to assessed.





viable complete guidance, barely any mistakes of understanding, tenses, number, word

request/work, articles, pronoun, relational word


successful yet basic

development, a few mistakes of understanding, tenses, number, word request/work, articles, pronoun, relational word however clouded FAIR TO POOR: serious issues in straightforward or complex development, a few mistakes of understanding, tense, number, word request/work, articles pronoun, relational word or potentially parts run-ons



identifications, which means befuddled

VERY POOR: essentially not authority of sentence

development rules, ruled by mistakes, doesn't convey, insufficient to assess






shows of authority of show, barely any mistakes of spelling, accentuation, capitalization, paraghraphing


intermittent mistakes of spelling, accentuation,

capitalization,paragraphing however meaning not clouded FAIR TO POOR: visit blunder of spelling, accentuation, capitalization, paraghraphing, poor penmanship, which means cinfused or clouded

VERY POOR: no authority of show, commanded by mistakes of spelling, accentuation, capitalization, paragraphing , penmanship indecipherable or insufficient to assess

B. Recount Text

1. The Definition of Recount Text

As per Anderson (in Dwi, 2010: 16) recount text is speaking or writing on past occasions or a bit of content that retells past occasions, for the most part in the request which they occurred. The point of the content is retell the past occasion or to tell somebody's involvement with sequential request.


Recount text is a text that recounting to the reader around one story, activity or action. Its will probably engaging or illuminating the reader or recount text is a text which retells occasion or encounters previously. (British Course, 2020). This sort of content can't utilized at school yet in addition at other media composed and electronic, it's utilized in numerous genuine social settings. For instance is utilized in journal, blog, letter, life story, travel report, police report, sport report and so on.

a. Types of Recount Text

According to Barwick (1999: 4-5) there are various kinds of relates with differing levels of language and substance as indicated by the crowd and reason.

1. Personal Recount

An individual relate retells an action that the author or speaker has experienced.

It has individual and emotive remarks and tales included what's more, may appear as an oral story, a letter or a journal section. It is writed in the main individual utilizing individual pronouns, I and we. Subtleties of who, what, when, where and some of the time why are incorporated however the succession of describing may change.

2. Factual Recount Text

A factual recount text relate records a progression of occasions successively and assesses their essentialness. This can be introduced as a recorded relate, science explore, traffic report, sport report or in film, TV and video. At this stage describes include point by point look into about new themes for which students ought to utilize print and innovative assets. Fitting specialized language, exact subtleties of time, spot and way what's more, retelling with suitable clarifications and legitimizations helps readers to


precisely recreate what occurred. The emphasis is on language that shows time grouping (before moving, while they were, after a number) utilizing evaluative language (significance, criticalness, impact, accomplishment) and underlining evaluation language (stunning, victories impact, achievement).This relate is normally written in third individual utilizing pronouns he, she and they. It might be written in the detached voice.

3. Imagnative Recount text

The imaginative recount text of an artistic or story relate are set in a reasonable setting. Character advancement is stressed with the storyteller reacting emotively to the occasions. The grouping of subtleties might be changed yet who, what, when and where are as yet included. The abstract relate is commonly written in the principal individual utilizing me or us, building up a connection between the author and reader or speaker and audience, for model my journal as a youngster in space.

4. Procedural Recount

Procedural recount record, in an oral or written structure, the successive advances expected to accomplish an outcome. This is writed after the finishing of a system. Procedural describes are found in data books, TV, movies and books that clarify how things were made. The emphasis is on the precise request of succession, the determination of the right language for the subject and the utilization of time conjunctions. Outlines and drawings are frequently included to help with the explanation of the stages.

5. Critical Recount


A critical recount takes a gander at an issue and remarks and assesses negative furthermore, positive angles. Chosen subtleties are incorporated to suit the contention, however this relate may not be sequenced sequentially. It is commonly composed in the first or third individual utilizing me or we yet might be written in the detached voice.

For instance, a describe of investigation in Antarctica may fundamentally evaluate the harm caused to the earth and biological system by this investigation.

b. Generc Structure of Recount Text The describe content has three sections:

1. Orientation

Direction takes in the First section that give foundation data about who, what, where and when.

2. Event

Determine what occurred and in what arrangement. A record of occasions for the most part described in sequential request, named; event 1, event 2, event 3.

3. Re-orientation

4. Comprise of discretionary conclusion of events/ending.

While Hardy and Klarwein (in Emilda, 2010: 13) express the conventional structure of describe content comprise of direction, arrangement of occasions and re- direction. In direction, the author sets the describe in time and spot. While the arrangement of occasions organized in a transient succession and regularly communicated in wording. The reorientation is the discretionary component.

c. Language Features of Recount Text


Barwick (1999: 6) clarifies that language highlights of describe content are:

1. Formal people, places or things and pronouns recognize individuals, creatures or things. for example Mr. Lawrence, the mailman, his racquet, she.

2. Bigger and progressively complex thing bunches develop portrayals. for example the marathon runner, Lionel Drill.

3. Word families are utilized to construct point data. for example smoke signals, drums, phone, TV.

4. Changed activity action words are utilized to assemble word chains. These might be equivalent words, antonyms or redundancies. for example she hopped, she jumped, she slithered.

5. Engaging words include insights regarding who, what, when, where and how.

for example The previous evening in the Blue Crib café, the bothered man indignantly tossed the severed plate the recolored table.

6. Qualifiers and word intensifying expressions arrangement occasions in time and demonstrate place. for example In 1927, On 6 June 1824

7. Specialized (the thorax, the belly) and conceptual language (excellence) are used to add confidence to the writings.

8. Writings are written in past tense to retell past occasions. for example she grinned.

9. Conjunctions (when, yet) to join statements and connectives to arrangement occasions (first, at that point, at last) are utilized.

10. Noteworthy occasions are incorporated and superfluous subtleties are prohibited.


11. Cited and detailed addresses are utilized. For example 'We are off on a trip tomorrow,' said Mrs. Sheridan energetically. Mrs. Sheridan excitedly included that they would be going on a trip the following day.

12. Evaluative language is utilized in true and individual describes. For example Skipper Arthur Phillip was a reasonable and simply man. The excursion was a great experience.

13. Sentences ought to be organized with the emphasis on the significant data toward the start. For example The last outing he at any point made was In 1909 they initially entered.

14. The passive voice is utilized now and again to permit the author to forget about the individual doing the activity

C. Think-Talk-Write

1. The Definition of Think-Talk-Write (TTW)

Ansari (2003: 36) states that, TTW is one of system presented first by Huinker and Laughlin. The fundamental of TTW method is think, talk, also, write. Its system can offer offices to the students in oral ability or non-oral aptitude. It implies that TTW system is a procedure which creating thinks and the students to improve writing capacity. TTW system is learning forms which offer chance to the students look for of issue. From that point forward, the students should conversation with companion about the issue find. The last, the students ought to write the consequence of conversation.


TTW can help the students into thoughts, thoughts of association, furthermore, creativities.

a. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Think-Talk-Write Technique There are a few points of advantages as follows:

1 The upside of Think-Talk-Write procedure is to hone the whole visual reasoning aptitudes.

2 Develop an important arrangement so as to comprehend the instructing materials.

3 Can create basic and imaginative considering aptitudes students.

4 By associate and talk about with the gathering will connect with students effectively in learning.

5 Allowing the understudies to think and speak with companions, teachers, and even with themselves.

The disadvantages of Think-Talk-Write Technique is when students work in- gathering, they are anything but difficult to lose the capacity and certainty, in light of the fact that ruled by well-off students, and teachers should set up all media to develop so as to execute Think Talk-Write.

b. The Procedure of Think-Talk-Write Techique 1 The teacher disclose about TTW method to the students 2 The teacher tells the learning point

3 The teacher disclose the material to be talked about at the look


4 The educator separates understudies into some gathering. Each gathering comprises of 3-4 students.

5 The teacher gives worksheets or partitions the perusing content that contains the issue circumstance, the guidance and the systems for usage to every student. The students read worksheets, comprehend the issue exclusively and make little notes (THINK).

6 Ask the students to cooperate with their gathering to talk about substance of worksheets. The students are approached to distinguish the content (TALK), the researcher as go between of learning condition.

7 Ask every one of the students to write their innovative thoughts dependent on the picture (WRITE).

8 The teacher requests that each gathering present their work.

9 The teacher asks students from different gatherings to react the appropriate response from different gatherings.

In light of the clarification over that strategy of TTW strategy has ninth steps. In strategy of TTW system consistently throught three stages, because this means is principle steps of TTW system.

D. Small Group Discussion

1. The Definition of Small Group Discussion

Small group discussion is one of helpful language procedures in which students work in bunch s there are three or four a little gathering conversation is a little


individual from people, cooperate through connection whose autonomous relationship permits the to accomplish a shared objective. According to Sagala (2007: 20), he said that "small group discussion is progressively successful if the gathering comprise of 3-4 students, empower students to offers their thoughts or thoughts to another students without any problem". besides Brown (1988: 167) expressed that small group give chances to students' initiation for face to face, give and take, for training in negotation of significance of broadened conversation trades. So the students are more certainty to offer input in every one of their small group. They meet as little assembling or as breaks-out of enormous gathering and are offered numerous chances of creatives, adaptable exchange of thoughts and exuberant, significant participation. The primary concern is setting up a conversation is to ensure that each gathering part takes part.

Furthermore, Fowler (1980: 310) expressed that small group is at least three individuals collaborating face to face, with or without a doled out pioneer so that every individual impacts, and is affected by someone else in the gathering. In short, it can be said that small group of conversation is comprise with at least three individuals of gathering to trade a spoken or writed messages in an attepmt to impact each other. By utilizing small group discussion, it could be simpler for the students to effectively take an interest and little gathering of conversation give the student opportunity to get other students' point of view.

2. Types of Small Group Discussion


According to Ernest (1997: 25-26) there are some types of small group discussion as follows:

a. Cooperative Learning Group

In cooperative learning, a small group of members cooperate to accomplish a shared objective. agreeable learning works on the reason that member accomplish more when they cooperate. The objective of agreeable learning are sure freedom, up close and personal nteraction among particpants, singular accountablity inside the group, and relational and small group aptitudes. This showing strategy encourages subjective improvement in the territories of maintenance and accomplishment and emotional advancement through socialization and confidence.

b. Problem Solving Group

These group exist so as to participate, find, request and think fundamentally. For example, a few members may cooperate to take care of numerical issues through investigation. The motivation behind critical thinking bunches is to move toward genuine issue with a proper methodology. The members find numerous ways to deal with the issue and test them for the conceivable arrangement.

c. Group Investigation

This moderator splits members up into small group dependent on specific intrigue. each group has certain classification, and they accumulate data and break down it for significance. The members at that point get ready and convey an introduction to the class about what they found. The procedure instructs members to cooperate, hear


one out another, and bolster every others' work and assessments. This is a group expertise building instructing technique that strenghtns peer associations.

E. Hypothesis

In the line with the subject of the examination, the specialist plans two theories that can be tried by "t" test. A theory, characterized by Bryman and Bell (2011) is "an educated hypothesis, which is set up to be tried, about the conceivable connection between two additional factors". It is as often as possible derived from the hypothesis and is tried (Ibid). theories are defined to draw a connnection between two factors.

There are two sort of factor, that are invalid theory (Ho) and elective speculation (Ha) that can be depict underneath :

Ho = there is no effective after applying “Think-Talk- Write” technique on students’

language features and writing ability in recount text at SMKN 1 Kediri

Ha = there is effective after applying “Think-Talk-Write” technique on students’

language features in recount text and writing ability in recont text at SMKN 1 Kediri


References :

- Anderson, Mark and Kathy Anderson. 1997.Text Types in English. New York:


- Ansari, Bansu Irianto. 2003. Menumbuhkembangkan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa SMU Melalui Strategi Think-Talk

Write.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

- Ary, Jacobs et al. 2002. Introduction To Research In Education. Belmont:


- Barwick, J. (1999). Targeting text. Clayton, South Vic: Blake Education.

- Brewer, Ernest W. 1997. 13 Proven Ways to get Your Message Across: The Essential References for Teachers, Trainers, Presenters and Speakers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Inc.

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