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SOAL SBMPTN 1 www.englishiana.com


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Galileo Galilee was born in 1564 into a Europe wracked by cultural ferment and religious strife. The popes of the Roman Catholic Church, powerful in their roles as both religious and secular leaders, had proven vulnerable to the worldly and decadent spirit of the age, and their personal immorality brought the reputation of the papacy to historic lows. In 1517, Martin Luther, a former monk, attacked Catholicism for having become too worldly and politically corrupt and for obscuring the fundamentals of Christianity with pagan elements. His reforming zeal, which

appealed to a notion of an original, ―purified‖ Christianity, set in motion the Protestant Reformation

and split European Christianity in two.

In response, Roman Catholicism steeled itself for battle and launched the Counter-Reformation, which emphasized orthodoxy and fidelity to the true church. The Counter-Reformation reinvigorated the church and, to some extent, eliminated its excesses. But the Counter-Reformation also contributed to the decline of the Italian Renaissance, a revival of arts and letters that sought to recover and rework the classical art and philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome. The popes had once been great patrons of Renaissance arts and sciences, but the Counter-Reformation put an end

to the church‘s liberal leniency in these areas. Further, the church‘s new emphasis on religious

orthodoxy would soon clash with the emerging scientific revolution. Galileo, with his study of astronomy, found himself at the center of this clash.

Conservative astronomers of Galileo‘s time, working without telescopes, ascribed without deviation to the ancient theory of egocentricity. This theory of astronomy held that the earth (―geo,‖ as in ―geography‖ or ―geology‖) lay at the center of the solar system, orbited by both the sun and the

other planets. Indeed, to the casual observer, it seemed common sense that since the sun ―rose‖ in the morning and ―set‖ at night, it must have circled around the earth. Ancient authorities like

Aristotle and the Roman astronomer Ptolemy had championed this viewpoint, and the notion also

coincided with the Catholic Church‘s view of the universe, which placed mankind, God‘s principal

creation, at the center of the cosmos. Buttressed by common sense, the ancient philosophers, and the church, the geocentric model of the universe seemed secure in its authority. The Ptolemaic theory, however, was not impervious to attack. In the 16th century, astronomers strained to make modern observations fit Ptolemy‘s geocentric model of the universe.

Increasingly complex mathematical systems were necessary to reconcile these new observations

with Ptolemy‘s system of interlocking orbits. Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish astronomer, openly

questioned the Ptolemaic system and proposed a heliocentric system in which the planets

―including Earth‖ orbited the sun (―Helios‖). This more mathematically satisfying way of arranging




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Ultimately, Galileo‘s telescope struck a fatal blow to the Ptolemaic system. But, in a sense, the telescope was also nearly fatal to Galileo himself. The Catholic Church, desperately trying to hold the Protestant heresy at bay, could not accept a scientific assault on its own theories of the universe. The pressures of the age set in motion a historic confrontation between religion and science, one which would culminate in 1633 when the church put Galileo on trial, forced him to recant his stated and published scientific beliefs, and put him under permanent house arrest.

1. The term ―ferment‖ in line 1 most

2. Which of the following was NOT a

reason for Martin Luther‘s attack on the

Catholic Church?

A. pagan elements in its practices B. the amorality of its leadership C. its excessive attention to piety D. its corruption and worldliness E. the political involvement of the


3. Which of the following best explains why the Catholic Church started the Counter-Reformation?

A. to fight scientific heresy B. to clean out its own ranks C. to reinvigorate artists and


D. to elect a new pope

E. to counter Protestant challenges 4. In the second paragraph, the passage

implies that during the Renaissance, the Catholic Church

A. saw little conflict between its own goals and those of the arts and sciences

B. promoted the arts as a way to limit the social influence of scientists

C. supported Martin Luther‘s views on religion and the church

D. had limited interaction with the religious affairs of commoners E. focused on spirituality as opposed to

worldly matters

5. The author‘s description of Galileo‘s

telescope as having ―struck a fatal blow‖

is an example of

6. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?

A. Science always conflicts with religion.

B. Science is vulnerable to outside social forces.

C. Ideally, scientific theories should reinforce religious doctrine. D. Science operates in a vacuum. E. Advanced technology is the only

route to good scientific theories. 7. The author‘s tone in this passage can




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The Lemonade Detox diet first became effective, strangely, when its creator, Stanley Burroughs, recommended it for the healing of stomach ulcers. He goes on to share how he first come to test the Master Cleanse diet on a patient who was suffering from ulcer for three years. Left with no other recourse, the patient approached Stanley who recommended that he undertake the cleanse. After eleven days, the patient was totally healed to the amazement of the doctors.

Many other cases followed with same consistent and astounding results corrected within ten days. Of particular note also was that those undergoing the Master Cleanse also experienced a

reduction in weight. If there have been doubts as to the reality of Stanley Burrough‘s claim of

the Lemon Detox diet‘s effectiveness, there have been testimonies over the years of its efficacy.

Of recent vintage is Tom Woloshyn‘s work, ―The Master Cleanse Experience‖. This book briefly mentions Woloshyn‘s experience in advising clients who have undergone the Master

Cleanse program and provides among other insights health benefits which include better sleep, positive outlook, clarity of mind and freedom from addictions. He, thus, advocates keeping a journal to monitor developments as well as a reference for future use when undergoing the program for the second or many more times over.

The Master Cleanse operates on the principle that, for disease to be addressed, cleansing must be undertaken. Simplifying and correcting disorders through this process is actually a way of correcting every disease. Developments in nutrition and science have clearly identified improper diet, negative mental attitudes and inadequate exercise as the factors that create the conditions to produce toxin build up over time. That is way the Master Cleanse is not an end to itself. It is actually just the tip of a long chain of healthy decisions of those who wish to undertake it. Observing a healthy diet, regular exercise as well as stress reduction is essential in maintaining the gains that the Master Cleanse Detox diet can offer.

8. From the whole text we can infer that …. A. those who take Lemonade Detox

always avoid diet rich in fiber

B. those who take Lemonade Detox diet are people who suffer from obesity C. the Master Cleanser is a complete

guide for the Lemonade Detox diet takers

D. Stanley Burroughts has once experienced stomach ulcers E. the Lemonade Detox diet has been

recommended by doctors to reduce weight

9. Another way of saying ―for disease to be

addressed: ….‖ (paragraph 3. line 1) is


A. for the illness to be cured B. with very acute disease to face C. in the effort to identify the disease

D. addressing the best therapy E. without any risky disease

10. How does the author organize the idea in the text? He presents a case followed

upwith an explanation on ….

A. vows of success with the detox program and the need to do accompanying sports

B. evidence of successful healing based on the program and detox principles C. claims of health healing on the

program and the methods in Lemonade Detox

D. the work of Woloshyn‘s and other factors that need considering in the program




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11. The paragraph following the passage

will likely talk about ….

A. further information on how to take the program, the Master Cleanse diet B. the biography about the author of the

book ‗The Master Cleanse‘

C. other programmers of detox diet from different experts

D. further testimonies from patients using the lemonade detox diet E. age group of people who might be

recommended to take the Master Cleanser


The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean. It stretches southward across the largest and northernmost state in United States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport village nearly 800 miles from where it begins. It is massive in size and extremely complicated to operate. The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of delicate tundra that top the frozen ground. It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky crags, makes its way through thick forest, and passes over or under hundreds of rivers and streams.

The pipe is 4 feet in diameter, and up to 2 million barrels (or 84 millions gallons) of crude oil can be pumped through it daily. Resting on H-shaped steek racks called ―bents‖ long sections of the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the frozen earth. Other long sections drop out of sight

beneath spongy or rocky ground and return to the surface later on. The pattern of the pipeline‘s up -and-down route is determined by the often harsh demands of the arctic and subarctic climate, the tortuous lay of the land, and the varied compositions of soil, rock, or permafrost (permanently frozen ground). A little more than half of the pipeline is a elevated above the ground. The remainders is buried anywhere from 3 to 12 feet, depending largely upon the type of terrain and the properties of the soil. One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately $8 billion and is by far the biggest and most expensive construction project ever undertaken by private industry.

In fact, no single business could raise that much money, so 8 major oil companies formed a consortium in order to share the costs. Each company controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields and paid into the pipeline construction fund according to the size of its holdings. Today, despite enormous problems of climate, supply shortages, equipment breakdowns, labor disagreements, treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been completed and is operating.

12. The author mentions all of the following

as important in determining the pipeline‘s route EXCEPT the ….

A. climate

B. lay of the land itself C. local vegetation D. kind of soil and rock E. labor

13.Which of the following determined what percentage of the construction costs each member of the consortium would pay?

A. How much oil field land each company owned

B. How long each company had owned land in the oil fields

C. How many people worked for each company

D. How many oil wells were located on

the company‘s land




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14. How is the information in the text organized?

A. Each question is provided with an example

B. Scientific questions are followed by studies

C. Each case is followed by research findings

D. Scientific facts are presented from specific to general

E. Objects are described by supporting details

15. The part following the passage will likely discuss about ….

A. The operation of Alaska pipeline B. The construction of Alaska pipeline C. The cost spent for the Alaska

pipeline construction

D. The location to set up new pipeline E. The team constructing Alaska



Paul Bunyan is perhaps America‘s best known folk hero. A fictional logger of incredible strength,

he was most likely based on an actual nineteenth century logger from the northern United States or Canada. As a folk hero, he struck a chord with Americans on some level, perhaps because he problems, and fun-loving.

Though there is evidence that Paul Bunyan tales were part of oral tradition in the nineteenth century, Paul Bunyan stories did not appear in written form until the early twentieth century.

Journalist James McGillivray included descriptions of Bunyan in a series of essays entigled ―The Round River Drive.‖ which appeared in a number of Midwestern newspapers between 1906 and 1910. However, it was through as extensive advertising campaign that Paul Bunyan moved solidly into print.

Recognizing the appeal of Paul Bunyan as a figure for his company‘s advertising, William laughed, and advertising executive for the Red River Lumber Company, initiated a campaign that consisted of a series of publications featuring Paul Bunyan. For several decades, the company distributed these publications free of charge and made no attempt to obtain a copyright on them. In fact, the company vigorously encouraged other writers to make use of Paul Bunyan because it felt that the use of this character enhanced the name recognition of the Red River Lumber Company in as much as the name of the folk hero and the name of the company had become interwoven.




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16. This purpose of this passage is to .... A.present the actual feats of a real-life


B. discuss a ―larger than life‖ folk hero C.describe logging in North America D.provide and overview of American


E. encourage reader to write similar folk hero

17. It is NOT stated in the passage that Paul Bunyan is known for his ....

A.unusual strength B.dedication to work

C.ingenuity in difficult situations D.serious nature

E. hard working

18. The passage states that Paul Bunyan tales first appeared ....

A.in oral stories B.in a series of essays C.in newspapers D.in advertising E. in an editorial

19. The writers tone in writing the passage is ....

A.skeptical D. serious B. scientific E. appreciative C.neutral

20. The word ―them in ... free of charge and more no attempt to obtain a copyright on

them.‖ (paragraph 3) refers to ....

A.writers D. campaign B.tales E. publications C.competitions


There are many legends about how William Shakespeare got his start in the theater. One states that

he began by holding gentlemen‘s horses at the playhouse door. Others say that he was a servant, a prompter‘s assistant, or a call boy. In the period between 1592 and 1594, theatrical companies were somewhat disorganized; Shakespeare apparently decided to take advantage of this situation and, casting off the garb of a servant, presented himself as a poet. His two narrative poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, were published during this period, in 1593 and 1594 respectively.

In 1594, Shakespeare made the change from player and poet to actor and playwright. There were two principal theatrical companies at this point in the Elizabethan Age, the Lord Chamberlain‘s

Men and the Lord Admiral‘s Men. By 1595, Shakespeare was a leading member of one of the two, the Lord Chamberlain‘s Men, and a sharer in that company. It was a position of both promise and profit inasmuch as the company was soon to become the King‘s Men with the accession to the throne of King James I.

Known today as one of the greatest playwrights of the English language, Shakespeare was a vital

part of the King‘s Men and played a major role in its success and popularity. In the beginning, his

primary role with the company was as a superb actor and great draw. However, after 1603 his name as the principal actor no longer appeared in the credits; from that time on his chief contribution to the company, and to the world, was his plays. His work was the most substantial of

the King‘s Men repertoire during that period and continues to this day to bring the public out to the




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21.This passage is mainly about how William Shakespeare___

A. presented himself as a poet. B. was a vital part of the King‘s Men. C. became a successful playwright.

D. was a sharer in the Lord Chamberlain‘s Men

E. became an actress.

22.According to the passage, Shakespeare was all of the following except___

A. a poet C. a player B. a horseman D. a playwright

23. Which of the following words or phrases in the passage that is closest in meaning to B. was a great playwright C. was a superb actor D. was a player and poet E. was a principal

25. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discussed___

A. The rule of King James I.

B. The disorganization of theatrical companies.

‗This allowed him to benefit financially as the company became more popular.‘

Where would it best fit into the paragraph?

A. After - In 1594, Shakespeare made the change from player and poet to actor leading member of one of the two, the

Lord Chamberlain‘s Men, and a sharer

in that company.

D. After - It was a position of both promise and profit in as much as the company was soon to become the

King‘s Men with the accession to the

throne of King James I.

E. Before - In 1594, Shakespeare made the change from player and poet to actor and playwright.


The most common of tsunamis are under-earth quakes. To understand underwater earth-quakes, you must first understand plate tectonics. The theory of plate tectonics suggests that the lithosphere, or top layer of the Earth, is made up of a series of huge plates. There plates make up the continents and seafloor. They rest on an underlying viscious layer called the astheno-sphere.




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capable of producing earthquakes and volcanism, which, when they occur at the bottom of the ocean, are two possible sources of tsunamis.

When two plates come into region known as a plate boundary, a heavier plate can slip un-der a lighter one. This is called subdiction. Un-derwater subdiction often leaves enormous ―handprints‖ in the form of deep ocean trenches along the seafloor. In some cases of subdiction, part of the

seafloor connected to the lighter plate may ―snap up‖ suddenly due to pressure from the sinking

plate. This results in an earthquake. The focus of the earthquake is the point within the Earth where the rupture first occurs, rocks break, and the first seismic waves are generated. The epicenter is the point on the seafloor directly above the focus.

When this piece of the plate snaps up and sends tons of rock shooting upward with tre-mendous force, the energy of that force is trans-ferred to the water. The energy pushes the water upward above normal sea level. This is the birth of a tsunami. The earthquake that generated the December 26,2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean was a 9.0 on the Richter scale - one of the big-gestin recorded history.

27.Which of the following best states the topic of this text?

A. The birth of a tsunami B. The magnitude of tsunamis C. Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean D. Series of huge plates on earth E. Lithosphere and asthenosphere 28. The main idea of this text is that ….

A. deep ocean trench is a result of an earth-quake

B. the energy of subdiction can lead to earthquakes

C. plate tectonics lead to an earthquake and volcanism

D. tsunamis in the Indian Ocean are the biggest in the history

E. strong movements of undersea fault lines cause tsunamis

29.Implied in the text is that the earthquake will

never occur when ….

A. the subdiction is evidenced B. seismic waves are generated

C. no fault line of plate tectonics happens

D. heavier plates and lighter ones break up E. ocean trenches lie along the seashore 30.The following information is true about

tsu-namis mentioned in the text, EXCEPT that

tsunamis are ….

A. predictable following any incidence of earthquakes

B. close to the rise of sea levels from the sinking plate

C. connected to deep ocean trenches along sea floors

D. related to strong movements of plates tectonics

E. highly linked to underwater earthquakes 31. The word vicious in the paragraph 1 has




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that excludes books such as the Bible and the Koran). In time, the book would sell 120 million copies in over 100 countries— quite a leap from its humble beginnings.

In its early years, the book set its sights on satisfying man's innate curiosity about the natural world around him. Its two principal fact finders, twins Norris and Ross McWhirter, scoured the globe to collect empirical facts. It was their task to find and document aspects of life that can be sensed or observed, things that can be quantified or measured. But it is not just any things. They were only interested in superlatives: the biggest and the best. It was during this period that some of the hallmark Guinness Records were documented, answering such questions as "What is the brightest star?" and "What is the biggest spider?"

Once aware of the public's thirst for such knowledge, the book's authors began to branch out to cover increasingly obscure, little-known facts. They started documenting human achievements as well. A forerunner for reality television, the Guinness Book gave people a chance to become famous for accomplishing eccentric, often pointless tasks. Records were set in 1955 for consuming 24 raw eggs in 14 minutes and in 1981 for the fastest solving of a Rubik's Cube (which took a mere 38 seconds). In 1979 a man yodeled non-stop for ten and a quarter hours.

In its latest incarnation, the book has found a new home on the internet. No longer restricted to the

confines of physical paper, the Guinness World Records website contains seemingly innumerable facts concerning such topics as the most powerful combustion engine, or the world's longest train. What is striking, however, is that such facts are found sharing a page with the record of the heaviest train to be pulled with a beard. While there is no denying that each of these facts has its own, individual allure, the latter represents a significant deviation from the education-oriented facts of earlier editions. Perhaps there is useful knowledge to be gleaned regarding the tensile strength of a beard, but this seems to cater to an audience more interested in seeking entertainment than education.

Originating as a simple bar book, the Guinness Book of Records has evolved over decades to provide insight into the full spectrum of modern life. And although one may be more likely now to learn about the widest human mouth than the highest number of casualties in a single battle of the Civil War, the Guinness World Records website offers a telling glimpse into the future of fact-finding and record-recording.

32.Which of the following statements would best serve as the headline for this passage?

A. The encyclopedia of the extremes reflects the changing interests of modern society.

B. A book of simple origins makes it to the top as sales total a staggering 120 million copies.

C. Facts are often displayed in a boring, uninteresting manner, but not in the Guinness Book of Records.

D. The Guinness World Records website proves itself a valuable resource for insight into the full spectrum of modern life.




C. the most powerful combustion engine D. the Guinness Book of Records

E. the Guinness Book of Records website 34. According to the author, the most

significant difference between older editions of the Guinness Book of Records

A. Students give presentations about their favorite subjects for a grade. Amy Newhouse receives an 87% for her presentation, while Dustin Lincoln receives a 92%.

B. Although sharks are significantly bigger and have razor-sharp teeth, dolphins are smarter and can therefore successfully evade attack.

C. The lake holds a contest to see who can catch the biggest fish. Tommy wins, having caught a 6 lb. 5 oz. smallmouth bass.

D. A man built an enormous house of cards. It took him 44 days and 218,792 individual playing cards to complete. E. Although elephants are significantly

bigger and have sharp trunks, they are smarter and can therefore successfully evade attack.

37. Using the passage as a guide, it can be inferred that the author most likely believes reality television to be___ the organization of this passage?

A. introduction, history, conclusion

B. history, examples, explanations, conclusion

C. introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs, conclusion

D. introduction, history, exposition, conclusion

E. introduction, complication, conclusion 40. As used in paragraph 5, which is the best




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Ini adalah words-in-context question,sehingga kita harus melihat makna kata tersebut berdasarkan konteks kalimatnya. GalileoGalilei was born in 1564 into a Europe wracked by cultural ---- and

religious strife. Oleh karenannya kata-kata yang tepat dan berhubungan dengan wracked dan strife

yang bermakna peperangan dan keos adalah turmoil.

2. Jawaban: C.

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada baris 5 –7 kita dapat mengetahui bahwa Luther menyerang gereja karena having become too worldly and politically corrupt and for obscuring

the fundamentals of Christianity with pagan elements. You can eliminate A, B, D, and E easily.

The answer is C. CARA JAWAB

Stated detailed question. Cari detai kata kunci di dialog.

3. Jawaban: E.

Ini adalah pertanyaan tentang tema dan argument-argumen, baca kembali teks tersebut, bacalah kata kunci yang ada dalam teks, dan cobalah jawab terlebih dahulu dengan jawabanmu sendiri kemudian cocokan dengan pilihan jawaban. Secara spesifik, pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang kemampuan anda membedakan penyebab dan akibat dari Counter-Reformation. Jawaban A,B, dan C merupakan akibat dari Counter-Reformation, bukanlah penyebab. Berdasarkan isi teks, maka Jawaban E lah yang paling benar. (Paragraf 1 dan 2)


Unstated detailed question. Cari detai kata kunci di dialog.

4. Jawaban: A.

Ini adalah pertanyaan tentang kesimpulan tentang informasi-informasi yang ada. Pada paragraph ke dua, pennulis mengatakan bahwa during the Renaissance, the church was a great patron of the arts and sciences.” Pernyataan ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa gereja pada masa itu menerima masuknya seni dan ilmu pengetahuan. Oleh karenanya, opsi yang paling tepat berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut adalah opsi A.

5. Jawaban: C.

Pada pertanyaan ini, a telescope—sebuah benda yang tidak bisa bergerak sendiri—digambarkan menjadi seperti manusia ketika penulis mengatakan having struck a fatal blow. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut kita dapat ketahui bahwa gaya bahasa yang dipakai penulis adalah personifikasi. Oleh karenanya, jawaban C yang paling benar.

6. Jawaban: B.

Berdasarkan keseluruhan isi wacana dapat kita ketahui bahwa teks tersebut bercerita tenatng

―Penemuan Galileo dalam dunia keilmuan secara khusus, dan ilmu pengetahuan secara umum,

dipengaruhi oleh tekanan-tekanan agama dan social pada masa tersebut.

7. Jawaban: A.




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pendapat-pendapat yang berbeda dan tak pernah memuji / berpihak pada Reformasi ataupun Galileo. Tulisannya tetap ditulis secara netral, sehingga dapat kita simpulkan bahwa tone penulis pada teks tersebut adalah neutral.

8. Jawaban: C

Berdasarkan keseluruhan wacana soal tersirat informasi bahwa Master Cleanser adalah panduan lengkap bagi mereka yang mengkonsumsi Lemonade Detox Diet (The Master Cleanser is a complete guide for the

Lemonade Detox diet takers).

9. Jawaban: A

Ungkapan: ―for dsesease to be addressed…‖ dapat dinyatakan kembali sebagai ―for the illness to be cured ‖ (untuk penyakityang akan disembuhkan).

10. Jawaban: C

Dalam memaparkan wacana soal, penulis memaparkan sebuah kasus yang diikuti dengan penjelasan tentang bukti–bukti (kisah/testimoni) penyembuhan dengan menggunakan metode Lemon Detox.

11. Jawaban: A

Bentukan soal adalah transition question (the topic of the following paragraph). Untuk mengetahui tema paragraf selanjutnya dapat merujuk kepada kalimat terakhir paragraph terakhir wacana soal sehingga dapat diprediksikan bahwa topik paragraf setelah wacana soal akan membahas informasi umum tentang bagaimana melaksanakan program Master Cleanser (further information on how to take the program, the Master Cleanser diet).

12. Jawaban: C

Paragraf ke-3 wacana soal memaparkan hal-hal penting dalam menentukan jalur pipa, yaitu: iklim, lahan, jenis tanah dan batuan,tenaga kerja. Hal yang tidak disebutkan adalah vegetasi lokal.

13. Jawaban: A

Paragraf terakhir wacana soal memaparkan bahwa yang menentukan presentase biaya konstruksi yang harus dibayarkan oleh tiaptiap anggota adalah seberapa banyak lahan minyak yang dimiliki perusahaan (Howmuch oil field land each company owned).

14. Jawaban: E

Dalam mengorganisasi wacana soal penulis mengetengahkan objek yang didukung oleh detailnya

(Objects are described bysupporting details)

15. Jawaban: A

Bentukan soal adalah ‗transition question‟ (the topic of the following paragraph). Untuk mengetahui tema paragraf selanjutnya dapat merujuk kepada kalimat terakhir paragraph wacana soal sehingga dapat diprediksi bahwa topik paragraf setelah wacana soal akan membahas operasi jalur pipa di Alaska




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16. Jawaban: B

Penulis memaparkan wacana soal dengan tujuan membahas dengan pembaca mengenai seorang

tokoh cerita rakyat yang dianggap sebagai ‗pahlawan‘ dalam dunia cerita rakyat, yaitu Paul Bunyan

(discuss a ‟larger than life‟ folk here). Gagasan ini tertera di keseluruhan isi wacana soal.

17. Jawaban: D

Dari pemaparan penulis pada wacana soal, dipaparkan bahwa Paul Bunyan dikenal dengan

kekuatannya yang tidak biasa (unusual strength); dedikasi terhadap pekerjaan (dedication to work); kecerdikannya dalam situasi sulit (ingenuity in difficult situation); dan kerja keras (hard working) yang dipaparkan pada paragraf ke-4 wacana soal. Dengan demikian yang tidak merupakan karakter yang dipaparkan pada wacana soal adalah sifat yang serius (serious nature).

18. Jawaban: A

Kalimat pertama paragraf ke-2 menyebutkan: Though there is evidence that Paul Bunyan tales

were part of oral tradition in the nineteenth century… dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa cerita Paul Bunyan pertama kali muncul dalam kisah lisan (in oral stories).

19. Jawaban: E

Nada (tone) penulis dalam memaparkan wacana soal menggambarkan penghargaan terhadap sosok Paul Bunyam (appreciative).

20. Jawaban: E

Kata ―them‖ pada kalimat soal mengacu pada frasa benda jamak di kalimat soal yang sama, yaitu ―publications

21.Jawaban: C

Pokok pikiran dalam teks adalah tentang kesuksesan William Shakespeare dalam melulis cerita. (became a successful playwright..

22.Jawaban: B

One states that he began by holding gentlemen‟s horses at the playhouse door. Dari kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa salah satu prediksi tentang awal karir Shakespeare adalah ketika dia menjadi penjaga kuda di depan pintu teater dan bukan menjadi penunggang kuda (horseman).

23.Jawaban: C

The words or phrases in the passage that is closest in meaning to „style of dress‟ is garb (line 4) yang artinya adalah berpakaian.

24.Jawaban: D

“In the period between 1592 and 1594, theatrical companies were somewhat disorganized;

Shakespeare apparently decided to take advantage of this situation and, casting off the garb of a




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paragraph gtersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebelum tahun 1954 dia adalah seorang pemain teater dan pujangga.( was a player and poet).

25.Jawaban: C

What Shakespeare did before he got into the theater.

26.Jawaban: C

“It was a position of both promise and profit in as much as the company was soon to become the King‟s Men with the accession to the throne of King James I.” This allowed him to benefit financially as the company became more popular.’ Kalimat bercetak tebal paling tepat jika ditambahkan pada ahir paragraph ke 2.

27.Jawaban: A

Topik wacana membahas tentang kemunculan/ kelahiran tsunami karena gempa earthquake atau pun volcano activity.

28.Jawaban: E

Pokok pikiran dalam teks adalah adanya pergerakan lempeng bumi dibawah laut dapat memicu tsunami. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan pada paragraph 2 line 7-9

29.Jawaban: C

Teks menyatakan bahwa earthquake tidak akan pernah terjadi jika tidak adanya patahan lempeng bumi tectonic plate.

30.Jawaban: A

Pernyataan yang salah dalam teks adalah tsunami dapat di prediksi.

31. Jawaban: E

Vicious dalam konteks kalimat bermakna besar vicious layer. Jadi makna yang sesuai untuk mengantikannya adalah tremendous= besar

32. Jawaban: A

Secara keseluruhan, wacana soal memaparkan tentang sebuah encyclopedia yang membahas tentang perubahan kebutuhan masyarakat moderen (The encyclopedia of the extremes reflects the changing interests of modern society.)

33.Jawaban: B

The word ‗the latter‘ refers to the record of the heaviest train to be pulled with a beard. ini dapat dirujuk dari penggalan paragraf berikut: “What is striking, however, is that such facts are found

sharing a page with the record of the heaviest train to be pulled with a beard. While there is no





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denying that each of these facts has its own, individual allure, the latter represents a significant deviation from the education-oriented facts of earlier editions.”

34.Jawaban: D

“According to the author, the most significant difference between older editions of the Guinness

Book of Records and the new Guinness World Records website involves a shift in focus from educational to entertaining material.” Pendapat ini dinyatakan oleh penulis pada pargraf ke 4.

35.Jawaban: C

As used in paragraph 2, the best definition for empirical is option C (derived from experience)

36.Jawaban: C

“But it is not just any things. They were only interested in superlatives: the biggest and the best.” Berdasarkan makna dari superlative pada kutipan kalimat tersebut maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah:“The lake holds a contest to see who can catch the biggest fish. Tommy wins, having caught a 6 lb. 5 oz. smallmouth bass.”

37.Jawaban: D

A forerunner for reality television, the Guinness Book gave people a chance to become famous for accomplishing eccentric, often pointless tasks. Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pointless task adalah tugas – tugas yang tidak ada artinya atau mendekati makna shallow.

38.Jawaban: A

The word ‗confines‘ in line 20 can alternatively replaced with limits

39.Jawaban: D

Which of the following best summarizes the organization of this passage?

(introduction, history, exposition, conclusion). Dari keseluruhan teks dapat kita simpulkan bahwa penulis menyusun teks tersebut mulai dari perkenalan topik, sejarah, pendapat, lalu kesimpulan.

40.Jawaban: E CARA JAWAB Rumus Mundur


Baca konteks kalimat untuk menemukan makna terdekat


Baca konteks kalimat untuk menemukan makna terdekat





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As used in paragraph 5, the best definition for evolved is option E (Developed)



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