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ISGH 3 | Vol 3. No. 1 | Oktober 2019 | ISSN : 2715-1948


Dr. Yayat Suryati, S.Pd., S.Kp., M.Kep.1*, Witriani Ajeng Ayu2 ysuryati065@gmail.com

1Associate Professor Department of Maternity Nursing High School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi.

2Bachelor nursing Student High School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi


Background: Every year there are 25 million women throughout the world experiencing menopause (WHO).

In 2010 in Indonesia there were 16 million women experiencing menopause. It is estimated that the number will continue to increase to 30 million women will experience menopause in 2025. Husband's social support is one of the factors that influence the level of anxiety.

Objective: The aimed to determine the relationship between husband's social support and maternal anxiety levels in the menopausal phase

Method: Analytical Survey research design with Cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was 91 respondents using purvosive sampling techniques with the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The research instrument was a Likert scale model, and data analysis was carried out through two stages, namely univariate and bivariate (Somers'd).

Results: The results showed that as many as 53.8% respondents received husband's social support in the moderate category and as many as 47.3% responded experiencing mild anxiety. The results of the correlation test show that there is a significant relationship between the social support of the husband and the mother's anxiety level in the menopause phase (p value = 0.001 <α 0.05).

Conclusions: show that there is a significant relationship between husband's social support and maternal anxiety levels in the menopause phase, advised to improve health promotion especially for husbands so that husbands can get appropriate information and can provide more optimal support to their wives.

Key word: Anxiety, Husband's Social Support, Menopause INTRODUCTION

Health development towards healthy Indonesia in 2025 aims to increase awareness, willingness and ability in healthy living for everyone so as to realize the highest increase in the level of public health as indicated by the impact indicator, namely the increase in Life Expectancy (UHH). In 2014 the life expectancy of Indonesian people will reach 72 years, while in 2017 the life expectancy of women reaches 73 years. (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2019).

The increase that occurs in life expectancy (UHH) can also increase the population of menopausal women in Indonesia. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showing that every year there are around 25 million women worldwide experiencing menopause, the number of people aged 50 years and over is expected to increase from 500 million at present to more than 1 billion by 2030. By In 2010 it was known that the total population of women aged over

50 years reached 16.29 million people or 12.27% of the total population, while in 2025 there would be 60 million women who would experience menopause (Indonesian Health Profile, 2011).

Menopause is a normal condition experienced by women that occurs as they age. menopause itself means that a woman has stopped menstruating and is a sign of the end of her reproductive period.

Menopause occurs at the end of the last menstrual cycle but women are said to have menopause if the menstrual cycle has stopped for 1 year (Haryono, 2016). The average age of a woman will experience menopause around the age of 45-50 years.

When a woman enters menopause, there will be a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels, which will affect other hormones. Hormonal changes that occur in women entering menopause can cause clinical and psychological symptoms that interfere with daily activities and cause a negative impact on quality of life (Rosenthal, 2009). The


results of the Rostiana study and study (2009), obtained data that 75% of women will experience problems or disorders during menopause. Disorders that occur in menopausal women include, irritability, fear, anxiety, anxiety, and irritability (90%), hot flushes (70%), depression (70%), headaches (70%), easy tired, difficult to concentrate, easy to forget, lack of energy (65%), bone and muscle pain (50%), impaired decreased libido (30%). Decreased libido is a disorder in menopausal women related to sexual activity.

Decreased libido will cause pain during sexual intercourse which triggers anxiety in menopausal women (Mulyani, 2013). In addition to disorders during sexual intercourse, along with the many changes that occur in menopausal women will cause a loss of pride as a woman and arise worrying about the interference and these changes will affect the relationship with her husband and can not perform the role of a housewife as before . From these worries anxiety will arise in menopausal women (Suparni & Astutik, 2016).

Anxiety is a feeling of confusion, worry about something that will happen with an unclear cause and is associated with feelings of uncertainty and helplessness (Suparni & Astutik, 2016). The results of Suparni & Trisnawati's research (2014) in Dawuhan Village, Purwosari Subdistrict, Kediri Regency "showed that 67.9% of women experience anxiety when facing menopause. While the results of the study of 30 respondents most of the respondents experienced severe anxiety as many as 14 people (46.7%) and 9 people (64.3%) were at the menopause fese.

Anxiety that occurs in menopausal women will disrupt and inhibit their daily activities. In addition, the effects of anxiety that occur can affect the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body.

The hormone that is very influential is the hormone estrogen, this is very important in important metabolism in several organs including the skin, bones, heart system, and blood vessels. Anxiety that occurs in mothers who are in the menopause phase can be influenced by age, cultural and spiritual values, education, coping responses, past experiences, developmental stages, knowledge, and one of them is social support, Stuart & Sudden in (Rini, 2019). Social support provided to menopausal mothers can help reduce anxiety that occurs. One of the most important sources of social support for menopausal women is the husband's social support because the husband is a family member closest to the menopausal mother.

Social support can be interpreted as a support that comes from other people who can provide physical and psychological comfort so that it can indirectly reduce or reduce women's anxiety at menopause (Suparni & Astutik, 2016). The types of social support that can be provided by husbands include emotional support in the form of empathy, care and concern for mothers facing menopause, appreciation support in the form of positive respect and appreciation, instrumental support includes direct assistance in accordance with needed such as borrowing money or helping with work and finally informative support such as advice, advice, knowledge and information as well as guidance.

(Suparni & Astutik, 2016). So that the husband's social support is very much needed during menopause (Rosenthal, 2009). Husband's social support is the best external factor in helping a wife to go through menopause without excessive anxiety.

A husband who does not require his wife to appear with physical perfection and can be convincing in both words and actions will be very helpful to believe that there is nothing to worry about when menopause comes (Lianawati in Prabandani, 2009).

Data from the Cimahi City Health Office in 2018, the number of women aged 45-59 years in Cimahi City was 52,563 people.


The study design used was an analytic survey with a cross-sectional approach by means of a point time approach or data collection approach. Samples were 91 people aged 45-55 years old in the area of Cipageran Health Center, North Cimahi, Cimahi City. Data collection used Questioner.


Overview of Husband's Social Support for Mothers in the Menopause Phase at Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City

Table 1 Frequency Distribution of Husband's Social Support to Mothers in the Menopause Phase

at Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City Dukungan Sosial Suami Frekuensi (n) Persentase (%)

Rendah 11 12,1%

Sedang 49 53,8%

Tinggi 31 34,1%

Total 91 100%

Differentiate the results of the analysis in table 1 obtained from 91 respondents, most of the mothers who are in the menopause phase at the Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City get social


support from husbands with moderate categories, namely 49 (53.8%) mothers who are in the menopause phase.

Description of the Anxiety Level of Women in the Menopause Phase in Cipageran Health Center, Cimahi City

Table 2 Frequency Distribution of Maternal Anxiety Levels in the Menopause Phase at Cipageran Health

Center in Cimahi City Tingkat


Frekuensi (n)

Persentase (%)

Berat 0 0%

Sedang 10 11,0%

Ringan 43 47,3%

Tidak Cemas 38 41,8%

Based on the results of the analysis in table 2 it can be concluded that from 91 respondents nearly half of the mothers who were in the menopause phase at the Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City experienced mild anxiety levels of 43 (47.3%) mothers who were at the menopause phase experienced mild anxiety levels.

The Relationship of Husband's Social Support with the Level of Mother's Disease in the Menopause Phase at Cipageran Health Center, Cimahi City.

Table 4.3 Relationship of Husband's Social Support and the Anxiety Level of Mothers in the Menopause Phase at Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City

Dukungan Sosial Suami

Tingkat Kecemasan


P Value

Sedang Ringan Tidak cemas

N % N % N % N %

Rendah 7 63,6% 4 36,4% 0 0% 11 100%


Sedang 2 4,1% 36 73,5% 11 22,4% 49 100%

Tinggi 1 3,2% 3 9,7% 27 87,1% 31 100%

Total 10 11,0% 43 47,3% 38 41,8% 49 100%

The statistical test results obtained p value = 0.001 (<α 0.05), this shows the correlation between husband's social support with the level of anxiety of mothers who are at the menopause phase in Cipageran Health Center, Cimahi City,


1. Mothers who are in the menopausal phase in Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City, most mothers get social support in the medium category, namely 49 (53.8%) respondents, this is because the husband can provide good enough support where the husband always gives understanding to the mother who are in the menopause phase and understand that physical changes that occur in mothers who are in the menopausal phase are normal so that the husband always accepts each of these changes and does not much demand to mothers who are in the menopause phase. In addition to providing an understanding of the changes that occur in the manopause phase, the husband also pays attention both to health or any needs of menopausal mothers, so that mothers who are in the menopause phase feel that they are valuable

and are always accepted by their husbands despite the changes that have occurred in him caused by the menopause phase, this can be seen from the answers to the questionnaire given by mothers who are in the menopause phase, where the average mother who is in the menopause phase gives a statement that she feels valuable to her husband and family.

2. Description of the Anxiety Level of Women in the Menopause Phase in Cipageran Health Center, Cimahi City in 2019. Mothers who are in the menopausal phase at Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City experience mild to moderate anxiety. mild to moderate anxiety experienced by the majority of respondents can be caused by changes in themselves such as the presence of a sense of sensitivity which is a psychological impact on menopausal mothers, physical changes such as wrinkles and pain in the joints, in addition to those that affect the level of anxiety that occurs in mothers who are in the menopause phase, namely the fear of not being able to do their role at home as a good mother and wife for their family due to the limitations


that occur after the mother is in the menopause phase.

3. Relationship of Husband's Social Support with the Anxiety Level of Mother who is in the Menopause Phase at Cipageran Health Center, Cimahi City in 2019. Mothers who are in the menopausal phase need social support, especially social support from their husbands.

Because the husband is one source of strength of the wife in dealing with anxiety that arises at menopause. Husband's social support greatly influences the level of anxiety experienced by mothers who are in the menopause phase where the higher the husband's social support given to mothers who are in the menopause phase will reduce the level of anxiety experienced by mothers who are in the menopause phase.


1. Dukungan sosial suami terhadap ibu yang berada pada fase menopause di Puskesmas Cipageran City Cimahi, from 91 respondents 49 respondents 53.8% of mothers received moderate support.

2. The level of anxiety of mothers who are in the menopause phase in Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City, from 91 respondents 43 respondents 47.3% of them experienced mild anxiety.

3. There is a relationship between social support of the husband and the level of maternal anxiety in the menopause phase at the Cipageran Health Center in Cimahi City, this is seen from the p value = 0.001 (α <0.05).


Based on the results of research and discussion that has been presented and the conclusions above, the researchers provide the following suggestions:

1. Theoretical benefits

The results of this study can be used as a reference for health education institutions and can add library studies to further optimize the material, especially regarding menopause so that it can prepare professional nursing staff and can provide the best health services for clients.

2. Practical advice

a. For mothers, it is recommended to mothers who have not entered the menopause phase or have entered the menopause phase to prepare themselves as early as possible by seeking information about menopause such as by asking health workers at the health center or

following counseling about menopause so that when the mother is in the menopausal phase of the mother understand that menopause is a natural thing that will happen to mothers who enter pre-elderly who do not need to worry, so that it can reduce the level of maternal anxiety in the face of menopause.

b. For husbands, it is recommended for husbands to seek information about menopause that will or has happened to their wives so that the husband will better understand that menopause is a natural thing and will happen to wives who have entered menopause and it is recommended for husbands to be able to provide support appropriate, both emotionally, appreciation, information and instruments needed by a wife who is experiencing menopause, because social support from her husband is something that can affect the level of anxiety of mothers who are in the menopausal phase.

c. For puskesmas, it is recommended that puskesmas can improve health promotion through counseling, especially for mothers and husbands to be given information about menopause that their wives will or are currently experiencing.

d. For educational institutions, the results of this study can be used as reference material for the element of new information about the development of knowledge that is used as a basis for application in health care practices, especially in the field of nursing.

e. For further researchers it is recommended to conduct an analysis of the factors that can affect the level of anxiety of the mother who is in the menopause phase so that it can be known which factors have more influence on the level of anxiety of the mother who is in the menopause phase.


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