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Website Design in Order to Introduce Pencak Silat to Americans as a Martial Arts Form of Indonesia.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted by Patrick Daniel Johnson

NRP 0864166

Martial arts are one key to understanding the art and culture of a country. Pencak silat is a traditional martial arts form that can be used to understand Indonesian culture. Pencak silat is not well known outside of Indonesia and as such has been under threat from martial arts forms from other countries. In this global world, what is seen in international movies and television often becomes what people want to emulate.

As such this promotion will endeavor to introduce pencak silat to the people of the United States of America, as one of the countries that helps to drive global culture. The people of The United States of America have very rarely heard of pencak silat and need to gain more knowledge about pencak silat.

The main method used to introduce pencak silat to Americans is through a dedicated website. This project designed a website using photography and videography suitable for American youth. A website was chosen since television and print promotions would prove too costly and book sales among the target audience of 16 to 20 year olds have been plummeting. The website will feature mostly photographic and video material and be of an introductory nature.





Patrick Daniel Johnson NRP 0864166

Seni bela diri adalah salah satu kunci untuk mengenali seni dan budaya dari suatu negara. Pencak silat adalah salah satu bentuk seni bela diri yang dapat menjadi jalan bagi seni dan budaya Indonesia. Pencak silat kurang dikenal di luar Indonesia dan terancam oleh seni- seni bela diri dari negara lain. Di dunia global, hal yang sering dilihat dari film dan tayangan televise internasional yang sering ditiru.

Promosi ini akan memperkenalkan pencak silat ke khalayak Amerika Serikat, sebagai salah satu Negara yang berperan besar dalam budaya global. Masyarakat Amerika sangat jarang mendengar tentang pencak silat dan perlu mengetahui lebih lanjut.

Metode utama untuk memperkenalkan pencak silat adalah melalui situs maya. Proyek ini merancang sebuah situs menggunakan teknik fotografi dan videografi yang sesuai untuk kaum muda Amerika. Media situs dipilih karena media televisi dan cetak terlalu mahal. Ditambah jumlah penjualan buku untuk target 16-20 tahun menurun tajam. Situs ini akan akan menampilkan foto dan video yang mampu memperkenalkan pencak silat.






ABSTRACT ... iii



PREFACE ... vii






1.1 Background ... 1

1.2 Problem and Scope ... 3

1.2.1 Problem ... 3

1.2.2 Scope ... 4

1.3 Goal of the Design ... 4

1.4 Sources and Data Gathering Techniques ... 4

1.5 Design Process Chart ... 5





3.1 Data and Facts ... 21

3.1.1 Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Jawa Barat ... 21

3.1.2 Relevant Data ... 23

3.1.3 Similar Project Comparison and Critique ... 30

3.2 Analysis of the Problem Based on the Data and Facts ... 35

3.2.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Media Types ... 35

3.2.2 Media Delivery Type ... 38

3.2.3 Type of Website ... 40

3.2.4 Website Updating ... 41

3.2.5 Target Audience Segmentation ... 42

3.2.6 Targeting ... 42

3.2.7 Positioning ... 43


4.1 Communication Concept ... 44

4.2 Creative Concept ... 45

4.3 Media Concept ... 45

4.3.1 Description of Website ... 46

4.3.2 Print Media ... 47

4.3.3 Rollout Schedule ... 47

4.3.4 Budget ... 49

4.4 Final Artwork ... 49

4.4.1 Logo ... 49

4.4.2 Website ... 54

4.4.3 Supplemental Media ... 59


5.1 Conclusions ... 69

5.2 Suggestions ... 70

Bibliography ... 71




Picture 1.1 Design Plan …………... 5

Picture 2.1 A Round Element in a Website Layout ... 11

Picture 2.2 Woman wearing a sari ... 15

Picture 2.3 Closer: final photograph for the Photo Essay The Country Doctor ... 16

Picture 3.1 Logo Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika ... 22

Picture 3.2 Management Structure for DISKOMINFO ... 22

Picture 3.3 Website for Al-Azhar School of Pencak Silat ... 31

Picture 3.4 Website for Suanda Academy International ... 31

Picture 3.5 Website for Pentjak Silat USA ... 32

Picture 3.6 Website for PCK Silat ... 33

Picture 3.7 Website for Silat Martial Arts Academy ... 34

Picture 3.8 Videos available on Al-Azhar Silat School website ... 35

Picture 4.1 Tangkisan atas position ... 50

Picture 4.17 Fat Skyscraper Advertisements ... 61

Picture 4.18 Poster 1 ... 63

Picture 4.19 Poster 2 ... 64

Picture 4.20 Poster 3 ... 65

Picture 4.21 Poster 4 ... 66




Table 3.1 Print media use over time ... 26

Table 3.2 Print media by Demographic ... 26

Table 3.3 Computer use over time ... 27

Table 3.4 Computer Use by Demographic ... 27

Table 3.5 Cell phone ownership over time ... 28

Table 3.6 Cell phone use for media by demographic ... 28

Table 3.7 Multitasking for 7th-12th graders ... 29

Table 3.8 SWOT Analysis ... 41

Table 4.1 Target Audience Characteristics and Project Concept Comparison ... 45

Table 4.2 Project Timeline ... 48








1.1 Background

Art and culture grow up together, they cannot be separated. This can be seen in the fact that different groups with different cultures usually create art that is radically different from other cultures’ art. One group, for instance Chinese painters, will use bold black lines and limited or washed out color, while Renaissance painters will use more form based painting and representative colors, with no outlines at all. While it is possible to have a culture that didn’t have any form of visual art, every culture produces art. The simplest cultures have stories and myths they pass down through the generations. A society cannot have art without culture. This is true since art is an expression of a culture. When an artist paints a picture or writes a poem they do so using forms that are culturally defined, images and language are used in ways that people in that culture understand. It is often difficult for someone from a culture that varies greatly from another to understand the art from that other culture. They may find it may be interesting or beautiful but they will not understand it the way someone from that culture will. This can also be seen through how art changes when one culture assimilates features from other cultures.


2 practice Chinese martial arts but in Japan they were reserved only for the elite classes (Kostynick, 1989).

Indonesia is no exception to the culture giving rise to martial arts. Since each culture develops its own martial arts, the diverse cultures that make up the diverse country of Indonesia created many different styles of martial arts. These different forms of martial arts have continued to grow and change as the conditions in which they existed changed. Today these diverse forms of martial arts have been recognized to have similar characteristics and have been grouped under the term Pencak Silat. Pencak silat has had difficulties developing throughout modern history due to its almost continual subjugation by foreign powers, first by the Dutch and then the Japanese. Also due to the fact that the various forms were often only taught to family members, pencak silat in Indonesia has suffered from recognition. It is also losing ground in Indonesia to foreign forms of martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu (Fatimah, 2014). If this trend continues it is possible for Indonesia to lose an important art form, an art form that is a direct result of its culture.

One important reason for the preference of Indonesians to choose a foreign form of martial arts is global pressure, a push to emulate what is popular in the world. As Indonesians see what is in the movies and television, they want the same things. Martial arts in other countries have benefited from exposure on the world stage. Kung Fu, Ninjitsu, Kendo (Samurai) and other forms of Chinese and Japanese martial arts have regularly been used in feature films coming from America and elsewhere. Through this exposure many people have been drawn to look deeper into those cultures beyond the martial art (Kostynick, 1989). There has to date only one movie “The Raid” and one episode of the television program “Fight Quest” has featured pencak silat.


3 conducted with several pencak silat schools in the USA confirms that most Americans have no or little knowledge about pencak silat.

Indonesia stands to gain artistically and culturally if pencak silat is better known and appreciated throughout the world. Not only will the rest of the world better appreciate Indonesian culture and arts, but as this happens Indonesians themselves can take pride in their own culture and art. Through that increased pride, Indonesians themselves may develop more interest in Indonesian arts and culture instead of looking to the rest of the world.

Visual Communication Design is an excellent vehicle for promoting pencak silat in the world and specifically in the USA. There are two dominate reasons for this, first since pencak silat is a predominately physical art form, visual media is perfectly suited for portraying it. How many words would it take to describe a starting stance? One photograph or illustration can instantly show the proper stance. More importantly than the relationship between the visual and physical is the current condition of the modern world. The internet has created opportunities where none existed before. In the past 50 years if someone wanted something to be known worldwide, it had to be in a film, it was almost the only media that was distributed worldwide. Now anyone with a computer can reach the world, but not everyone with a computer can reach the world in a way that the world will pay attention to. In the current environment of media clutter, only good design will draw the attention of the audience.

1.2 Problem and Scope

1.2.1 Problem

Considering the knowledge of Americans about pencak silat, it is clear that an artistic and cultural gem has failed to be recognized and appreciated. This raises the several problems:



• How can pencak silat stimulate interest in Americans towards the art and culture of Indonesia?

1.2.2 Scope

This project will be applied globally with a focus on The United States of America.

1.3 Goal of the Design

The goals of this design are:

• Introduce pencak silat to the American people through effective use of media in America

• Through pencak silat, to introduce Indonesian art and culture as something exotic, beautiful and worthwhile.

1.4 Source and Data Gathering Techniques

• Data research will include books, magazines, newspapers, demographic studies, and internet sources.

• Pencak silat practitioners will all come from the City of Bandung and outlying areas.

• Further demographic information will be gathered through survey of silat schools both in the USA and Indonesia.


5 1.5 Design Process Chart

Diagram 1.1 Design Plan (Source: Document)

Problem Background:

Martial arts are one avenue to entering and understanding a culture. Pencak silat is a martial art which has developed in the Indonesian cultural context,

but is relatively unknown in the United States of America


A website devoted to introducing pencak silat to Americans


How to introduce pencak silat to Americans as a springboard into

Indonesian art and culture slideshow form as well as in a gallery format

•Video in a gallery format

•Social Media (Facebook, martial art on the whole of

his life. The focus of the story will be on the person who practices pencak silat

not on the specific techniques of the martial art

Target Audience

Americans between the ages of 16 and 20 who have had limited exposure to a specific martial art

Middle class and up (access to internet enabled devices).

Goal:to introduce pencak silat to Americans Message: pencak silat as well as other forms of Indonesian art and culture are beautiful and valuable.

Identify the Problem:


•Theory of media choice for promotions

•Theory of web design

•Theory of photo essays and their adaptation to the internet Research Methods:

• Questionnaire for target audience and pencak silat teachers in the USA

• Observation: the lives of silat teachers and practitioners

• Literature research


•Americans’ knowledge of pencak silat is very small

•The amount of money spent by Americans on martial arts related items is very small

•Digital media use in the USA is growing rapidly

•Use of printed media is steadily declining in the USA Competition from many other

forms of martial arts Other forms already have significant exposure

External Threats Internal Threats

Budget constraints

Spreading awareness about the website


According to pencak silat teachers in the USA, silat is mostly unknown,

additonally young people answered that they did not know about Pencak



• Identify the best media platform to use: print or electronic

• Understand the media use of the target audience

• Understand best ways to use the media platforms





5.1 Conclusions

With the current situation of pencak silat in Indonesia and the world, this project has the potential to increase its status in both. If awareness of pencak silat can increase there is more of a chance that it will become popular in the global media. As this awareness and popularity increases, Indonesians may also find their own culture more interesting.


70 cost avenue to connect directly with the target audience. The use of banner, skyscraper and other sized advertisements on websites is prolific, and often represents the way these sites make money. By selectively placing advertisements on the sites that share target audiences with Pencak Silat Indonesia the cost benefit ratio can be kept very favorable.

The Pencak Silat Indonesia website is an excellent medium for delivering a coordinated message to the youth of The United States of America. With ongoing support and updates, the site could become an entertainment outlet for the youth of the USA. While it is only the first step of a long journey, it is a good first step; one that moves in the right direction.

5.2 Suggestions

It must be remembered that this is only an introduction to pencak silat, it is not the end goal. As such it is highly recommended that ongoing study accompanies and follows the implementation of this project. This ongoing study will be needed to understand what the next step is and when to begin to take it. Careful consideration will need to be given to how to move from introducing the youth of the USA to pencak silat into action.

In conjunction with researching and considering the next step, this website must be maintained and updated in line with the schedule laid out in this study. In addition to the research into the future, careful study must accompany the implementation of this site to insure that updates are effective and timely. This will insure that the viewer is not overwhelmed by new information but at the same time does not become bored with too little new information.


71 Bibliography


Blakeman, Robyn, 2011, Advertising Campaign Design, Just The Essential, New York, M.E. Sharpe

Calder, B. (2008) Kellog on Advertising & Media. Hoboken, NJ, United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Kindle Version

Freeman, Michael (2012). The Photographer's Story: The Art of Visual Narrative. The Ilex Press Ltd. Kindle Edition.

Lesmana, Ferry (2012). Panduan Pencak Silat 1. Riau, Indonesia: Zanafa Miller, B. (2011). Above the Fold: Principles of Successful Web Site Design.

Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America: How Books

Straubhaar, J. LaRose, R. Davenport, L. (2013). Media Now (7th ed.). Boston, MA, United States of America: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Academic Article

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2010) Generation M2: Media in the lives of 8- to 18- year old. Menlo Park, CA. United States of America: Rideout, V.

Foehr, U. Roberts, D.

Kostynick, Dimitri, (1989) A Cultural-Historical Overview of the Martial Arts in

Far East Asia: An Introduction to China and Japan. Journal for the

Anthropological Study of Human Movement 5.2: pars. 13 Feb. 2014. Maryaono, O’ong (1999). The Origin of Pencak Silat as told by Myths. Rapid

Journal 4(2) 38 – 39 http://www.kpsnusantara.com/rapid/rapid2.htm Newspaper

Fatimah, Siti (2014, Januari 11). Segera Daftarkan Pencak Silat ke UNESCO. Tribun Jabar, p1,11


Martial. (2005). Oxford University Press, Inc., New Oxford American Dictionary. Martial art. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2014, from

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/martial art

martial arts. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved April 01, 2014, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/martial arts photo-essay. 2014. Merriam-Webster.com. Retrieved February, 17 2014.


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72 Internet

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TABLE OF PICTURES .............................................................................................


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