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Making news script and writing and broadcasting article in rri Surakarta COVER


Academic year: 2017

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Internship Report

Submitted to meet a part of the requirements to obtain an Ahli Madya Degree in English Language


Rievan Ardian Yuda Dewantara C9313053

English Diploma Program Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Sebelas Maret University Surakarta



The undersigned below has approved that this internship report is ready for

examination. All the content in this report, however, is solely the responsibility of the writer.

Title of Internship Report:

Making News Script and Writing and Broadcasting Article in RRI Surakarta

Name of Intern:

Rievan Ardian Yuda Dewantara C9313053

Surakarta, 27 June 2016 Internship Supervisor


commit to user ACCEPTANCE

The undersigned below hereby state that this internship report has been approved and accepted by the Board of Examiners at English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University

Title of Internship Report:

Making News Script and Writing and Broadcasting Article in RRI Surakarta

Name of Intern:

Rievan Ardian Yuda Dewantara - C9313053

Date of Examination:

26 July 2016

Board of Examiners

Name, Position Signature

1. Mr. Agus Dwi Priyanto M.CALL



2. Mr. Yusuf Kurniawan S.S., M.A



3. Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M. Tourism



Approved by Dean, Faculty of Cultural Sciences,



First of all, the writer would like to say Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’ Alaminto express the writer’s highest gratitude to Allah SWT who has given the writer blessing and guidance to finish the final project report.

Else, this final project could not be accomplished without some help from the

people who support the writer and the institutions. I would like to express my highest

gratitude to:

1. Prof. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., PhD as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural


2. Mr. Agus Dwi Priyanto M.CALL, for the suggestions and advices in helping

me to finish the final project.

3. Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M.Tourism as my supervisor, for all patience and kindness

in helping me to finish the final project.

4. Mr. Dwi Harjanto as an instructor at RRI Surakarta, for his guidance during

the internship.

5. My teams during the internship in RRI Surakarta, for their greatest support

and advices in helping me to finish the final project.

6. My friend from S1 English Department, Siska Azhari, for her patience in

helping me to finish the final project.

7. My beloved mother, for her support and help both, the visible and invisible


Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all of people who have helped me in

finishing my study and final project.


commit to user ABSTRACT

Rievan Ardian Yuda Dewantara, 2016, Making News Script and Writing and

Broadcasting Article in RRI Surakarta, English Diploma Program, Faculty of

Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University.

The objective of this final project is to describe the activities of the writer as a

news script and article maker and broadcaster in RRI Surakarta focusing on the role of

translation. The internship was from on 18 January until 6 February 2016. Based on the

experience during the internship, this final project describes the way how to make a

news script for Morning English News program and article for English for You program

based on the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of RRI Surakarta. This final project








Chapter 1 Introduction ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. Background ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

B. Time and Place ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

C. Benefits ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 2 RRI Surakarta ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. Description of RRI Surakarta ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

B. Structure of Organization of RRI Surakarta ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

C. The Duties of Each Division in RRI SurakartaError! Bookmark not defined.

1. The duties of the Director of RRI SurakartaError! Bookmark not defined.

2. The General Duties of the Director of Each DivisionError! Bookmark not


3. The Specific Duties of the Director of AdministrationError! Bookmark not


4. The Specific Duties of the Director of Broadcasting DivisionError! Bookmark

not defined.

5. The Specific duty of the Director of News DivisionError! Bookmark not


6. The Specific duty of the Director of Media and Technology DivisionError!

Bookmark not defined.

7. The Specific duty of the Director of Organizational Service and Development

Division ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

D. Vision and Mission of RRI Surakarta ... Error! Bookmark not defined.


commit to user

A. Making News Script for Morning English News ProgramError! Bookmark not


1. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in Making News ScriptError! Bookmark

not defined.

2. News Script’s Formats ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Difficulties in Making News Script ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

a. Choosing the news ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

b. Determining the Tenses Used ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

c. Choosing Word and Effective SentencesError! Bookmark not defined.

d. Translating Technical Terms and Unfamiliar WordsError! Bookmark not


B. Making Article for English for You Program Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in Writing ArticleError! Bookmark not


2. Format of Writing the Article ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Difficulties in Writing Articles ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

C. Broadcasting the Article ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Pronunciation Problem ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. Intonation Problem ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 4 Conclusion and Recommendation ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. Conclusion ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

B. Recommendation ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. English Department ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. The Students of Diploma III of English Diploma ProgramError! Bookmark not


3. RRI Surakarta ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

References ... 28


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