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(A Case Study)

A Research Paper

Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of

Bachelor’s Degree in English Education Study Program


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho






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(A Case Study)


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra

© Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho 2015 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

April 2015

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(A Case Study)

Approved by: Supervisor

Prof. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph. D. NIP. 196609161990012001

Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRACT

This study investigates how the implementation of Process-Genre based approach can help develop eighth grade students’ ability in writing a Descriptive text. This study

also aims to find out students’ responses towards the implementation of this approach. This study uses a descriptive research design employing the characteristic of a case study. The data were obtained from several sources, including classroom observations (preliminary observation and the implementation of Process-Genre

based approach), interview, and collection of students’ writing products. The students’ writing products; diagnostic texts and students’ final writing products, from nine students representing low-, mid-, and high- achieving students were analyzed in terms of schematic structure and linguistic features of Descriptive text using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as proposed by Halliday (1994), Eggins (1994), Derewianka (2004), Emilia and Christie (2013), and Gerot and Wignell (1994). The findings reveal that Process-Genre based approach can help develop students’ ability in writing a Descriptive text in terms of schematic structure and linguistic features. All students wrote Descriptive text with a complete schematic structure consisting of identification and description element. In addition, personal comment element was

found in the students’ texts to show their affection towards the specific participant described (Emilia & Christie, 2013). In relation to linguistic features, the students could use appropriate linguistic features of Descriptive text: specific participant, present tense, technical terms, material process, mental process and relational process

were found in the students’ texts. Moreover, the students’ responses show that most students said that they got the benefits of learning process that helps them acquire the knowledge of genre and the experience of writing process including drafting, revising and editing, and feedback from teacher and peers as well as teacher’s conference.

Keywords: Writing, Process-Genre based Approach, Process-based Approach,

Genre-based Approach, Descriptive Text.



Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

beberapa sumber, termasuk observasi kelas (observasi pendahuluan dan observasi saat pengimplementasian pendekatan Process-Genre), wawancara dan hasil teks siswa. Teks siswa; teks diagnostik dan teks akhir siswa, dari sembilan siswa yang mewakili kategori bawah, menengah dan atas dianalisis dalam hal struktur dan ciri – ciri kebahasaan teks deskriptif menggunakan Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) yang diusulkan oleh Halliday (1994), Eggins (1994), Derewianka (2004), Emilia dan Christie (2013), dan Gerot dan Wignell (1994). Hasil yang didapat mengungkapkan bahwa pendekatan Process-Genre bisa membantu meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam menulis teks Deskriptif dalam hal struktur dan ciri – ciri kebahasaan. Semua siswa menulis teks Deskriptif dengan struktur yang lengkap dan tepat terdiri dari elemen identification dan description. Elemen Personal comment juga ditemukan pada teks siswa untuk menunjukan perasaan mereka terhadap benda yang dideskripsikan (Emilia & Christie, 2013). Dalam hal ciri – ciri kebahasaan, para siswa mampu menggunakan ciri – ciri kebahasaan yang tepat seperti specific participant,

present tense, technical terms, material process, mental process dan relational process. Selain itu, respon siswa menunjukan bahwa mereka mendapatkan


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu TABLE OF CONTENTS



PREFACE ... iv


ABSTRACT ... vii





1.1. Background of the Research ... 1

1.2. Research Questions ... 3

1.3. Aim of Research ... 3

1.4. Scope of the Research ... 3

1.5. Significance of the Research ... 3

1.6. Clarification of Related Terms ... 4

1.7. Organization of the Paper... 5


2.1. Nature of Writing ... 7

2.2. Approaches to Teaching Writing ... 8

2.2.1. Process-based approach ... 8 Basic Principles of the Process-based approach ... 9 The process... 10 The conference ... 10 Free choice topic ... 10 Time for writing ... 11 Teaching model under the Process-based approach ... 11


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2.2.2. The Genre-based approach ... 14 Basic Principles of the Genre-based approach ... 15 Language learning as social activity ... 15 Language learning as explicit teaching ... 15 Language learning as series of scaffolding ... 15 Language learning as bilingual eduction ... 16 Teaching model under the Genre-based approach ... 16 Critisisms over the Genre-based approach ... 20

2.3. The Process-Genre Based Approach ... 21

2.3.1. Teaching model of the Process-Genre based approach ... 23

2.4. Systemic Functional Linguistics as the Tool for Text Analysis ... 27

2.4.1. Transitivity system ... 27 Material processes ... 28 Relational processes ... 28 Mental processes ... 29 Verbal processes ... 29 Behavioral processes ... 30 Existential processes ... 30

2.4.2. Conjuntion ... 30

2.5. Descriptive Text ... 31

2.5.1. Social purpose of Descriptive text ... 31

2.5.2. Schematic structure of Descriptive text ... 32

2.5.3. Linguistic features of Descriptive text ... 32

2.5.4. Sample of the text ... 33

2.6. Findings on Related Study ... 34

2.7. Concluding Remark ... 36


3.1. Site and Participants of the Research ... 37


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.3. Data Collection Techniques ... 38

3.3.1. Classroom observation ... 38 3.3.2. Documentation of students’ text ... 39

3.3.3. Interview ... 40

3.4. Data Analysis Techniques ... 40

3.4.1 Classroom observation ... 40

3.4.2. Documentation of students’ text ... 41 Analysis of schematic structure ... 41 Analysis of linguictic features ... 42

3.4.3. Interview ... 42 3.5. Concluding Remark ... 43


4.1 Data from Classroom Observation ... 44

4.1.1 Data from preliminary observation ... 44

4.1.2 Data from the implementation of Process-Genre based appraoch ... 46 Building knowledge of field (prewriting/brainstorming) ... 47 Modelling (brainstorming) ... 49 Joint construction (planning, drafting, revising, conferencing, editing) ... 52 Independent construction (planning, drafting, revising, conferencing, editing, publishing) ... 54

4.2 Data from Text Analysis of Students' Writing Pruduct ... 57

4.2.1. Analysis of low-achieving students' text ... 58 Analysis of diagnostic text of Text 4.1 ... 58 Analysis of schematic structure of Text 4.1 ... 58 Analysis of linguistic features of Text 4.1 ... 60 Analysis of student's final writing product ... 61 Analysis of schematic structure of Text 4.2 ... 61 Analysis of linguistic features of Text 4.2 ... 63


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

4.2.2. Analysis of middle-achieving students' text ... 66 Analysis of diagnostic text of Text 4.3 ... 66 Analysis of schematic structure of Text 4.3 ... 66 Analysis of linguistic features of Text 4.3 ... 68 Analysis of student's final writing product ... 69 Analysis of schematic structure of Text 4.4 ... 69 Analysis of linguistic features of Text 4.4 ... 71 Summary of analysis of Texts 4.3 and 4.4 ... 73

4.2.3. Analysis of high-achieving students' text ... 74 Analysis of diagnostic text of Text 4.5 ... 74 Analysis of schematic structure of Text 4.5 ... 74 Analysis of linguistic features of Text 4.5 ... 76 Analysis of student's final writing product ... 77 Analysis of schematic structure of Text 4.5 ... 77 Analysis of linguistic features of Text 4.5 ... 80 Summary of analysis of Texts 4.3 and 4.4 ... 81

4.3 Data from Interview ... 82

4.3.1. Students’ responses towards the teaching and learning process of writing through Process-genre based approach ... 83

4.3.2. Students’ responses towards the learning sources and the teaching step of Process-genre based appraoch ... 84 Building knowledge of field (prewriting/brainstorming) ... 84 Modelling (brainstorming) ... 85 Joint construction (planning, drafting, revising, conferencing, editing) ... 86 Independent construction (planning, drafting, revising, conferencing, editing, publishing) ... 87

4.3.2. Students’ responses towards their improvement of writing a Descriptive text ... 87

4.4 Concluding Remark ... 88


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

5.1 Conclusions ... 89

5.2 Suggestions ... 90



LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Modelling Table Plan for Recount Text ... 18

Table 2.2. Examples of Conjunctions ... 31

Table 2.3. Text Sample ... 34

Table 3.1. Example of Schematic Structure Analysis ... 42

Table 4.1 Descriptive Text (Text 4.1) ... 58

Table 4.2 Process Type Employed in the Diagnostic Text (Text 4.1) ... 60

Table 4.3 Descriptive Text (Text 4.2) ... 61

Table 4.4 Process Type Employed in Final Writing Product (Text 4.1) ... 63

Table 4.5 Descriptive Text (Text 4.3) ... 67

Table 4.6 Process Type Employed in the Diagnostic Text (Text 4.3) ... 68

Table 4.7 Descriptive Text (Text 4.4) ... 70

Table 4.8 Process Type Employed in Final Writing Product (Text 4.4) ... 72

Table 4.9 Descriptive Text (Text 4.5) ... 75


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu LIST OF FIGURES


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER I


This chapter presents background of the research, research questions and aims of

the research. It also covers scope of the research, significance of the research, the

clarification of related terms and the organization of the paper.

1.1 Background of the Research

It is widely acknowledged that writing is a very important skill to fulfill various

purposes. For instance, writing can be a medium for expressing feeling, idea, and

thought from a writer to the readers (Donn, 1995, p.5). Through writing, the ideas

and feeling can be transfered, starting from the simplest to the most complicated

one. In addition, Saville-Troike (2006, p.163) states that writing is an important

productive skill for learners that will be used for “academic purpose”.

However, in practice, most students are identified to have problems in

writing a text, especially in English as Foreign Language (EFL) context (Kim &

Kim, 2005, p. 2). The students struggle with many structural issues including

selecting proper words, using correct grammar, generating ideas, and developing

ideas about specific topics (Kim & Kim, 2005, p. 2). Meanwhile in Indonesian

EFL classroom, the problems faced by students in writing is they do not know

what begining step in writing is. In addition, the students also face the difficulties

in brainstorming idea, building knowledge, having less confidence in writing and

having lack of knowledge about language and genre of text (Mirna, 2009). This is

getting worse because teaching writing in EFL classroom in Indonesia is mostly

focused on spelling, vocabulary, grammar and theories about writing which

disregards the content, students’ need and goal, and time to practice (Alwasilah,


In order to overcome the difficulties, the teacher is expected to be able to

select appropriate approaches to teach writing to students based on their needs and

goal and also give much time in practicing (Yan, 2005). There are two approaches


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

classroom; the process-based approach and the Genre-based approach to teaching

writing (Badger and White, 2000; Hyland, 2003; Nordin and Mohammad, 2006).

However, some experts argue that each approach has limitation. Process approach

tends to use the same process and ignore the target audience and the context of the

text (Badger & White, 2000). While, Genre-based approach “can lead to over

attention to written product” and “sees learners as passive (Badger & White, 2000,

p. 157; Hyland, 2003, p. 24).

Considering the limitation, Hyland suggests that it is possible to synthesize

more than one approaches to be applied in EFL classroom (2003, p. 33). It is in

line with Badger and White who propose a model of approach that concerns with

goal and step of writing from Process-based approach and Genre-based approach,

namely Process-Genre based approach (2000). This approach is aimed at giving

chance for “students to provide themselves with sufficient knowledge of certain

features of genre such as a specific context, purpose and audience, and the nature

of writing itself such as prewriting, planning, drafting, revising, editing and

publishing” (Nordin & Mohammad, 2006, p.79). Thus, it is expected that learners

will be aware that writing occurs in social context and it cannot be done in one


In accordance with that, some researchers have conducted studies

concerning the implementation of Process-Genre based approach. Balabola (2012)

finds out that there is a significant effect of Process-Genre based approach on the

performance in written English of computer science students involved in the

treatment. In addition Gupitasari (2013) reveals that students’ ability in writing,

especially in writing application letters has improved due to the implementation of

Process-Genre based approach. However, teaching writing through Process-Genre

based approach studies is still limited while the English curriculum requires

students to write different text type and one of them is Descriptive text as the

focus of the research.

Based on the aforementioned issues, the research has triggered to fill the

gap by implementing Process-Genre based approach to teaching a Descriptive text


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

whether Process-Genre based approach can help develop eighth grade students’

ability in writing a Descriptive text. It is also aimed at discovering the students’

responses towards the implementation of Process-Genre based approach to their

writing ability through case study.

1.2 Research Questions

The research was conducted to answer the following research questions:

1. Can Process-Genre based approach help develop students’ ability in

writing a Descriptive text?

2. What are students’ responses towards the implementation of Process

-Genre based approach to their writing ability?

1.3 Aims of Research

The aims of this study are:

1. To find out whether the Process-Genre based approach can help develop

students’ ability in writing a Descriptive text.

2. To find out the students’ responses towards Process-Genre approach in

their writing ability.

1.4 Scope of the Research

In order to specify this study, the scope of the research emphasizes two main

points. First, the content of the text is related to science subject, thus students can

relate what they got in science class to English class and vice versa. Second, the

analysis of the text is just focused on the schematic structure and linguistic

features of students’ diagnostic texts and final writing products. It is analyzed by

using the transitivity system of SFL (Halliday, 1994a). Due to the limited time of

research, each student wrote two writing drafts and one final draft. Nine students’

from three categories of achievement were chosen as the representative of text

analysis. The students were chosem based on the discussion between the reseacher


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.5 Significance of the Research

This study is aimed at discovering whether the Process-Genre based approach can

help develop students’ ability in writing a Descriptive text. The study is significant for theoritical and practical contributions. Theoretically, the research is

expected to have a significant impact on the theory enrichment of teaching

writing, especially in the one related to the implementation of Process-Genre

based approach in teaching Descriptive text. It is also expected to make

contribution to the understanding of basic principles and teaching model of

Process-Genre based approach for EFL classroom in Indonesia especially to

teaching writing.

Practically, the research is expected to make at least one major

contribution to the areas of English-writing-teaching in Indonesian context. It can

give the information to teachers to implement the Process-Genre based approach

to teaching writing for different text types and topics. It is also expected that the

research will provide various approaches for teachers to choose alternative

approach to teaching writing that suit the time and students’ ability.

1.6 Clarification of Related Terms

To make a clear understanding and avoid misunderstanding, these are some terms

that related to this research

a. Descriptive text

In this section, it is a clarification of Descriptive text that was used in this

study. Descriptive is “saying what something or somebody is like” (Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, 2008). According to Gerot and Wignell, Descriptive

is “to describe a particular person, place of thing” (1994).

In this study, the topic was about the flower structure that is still relate to

science course for junior high school since nowadays it is suggested to relate one

course to other course. The topic was still in line with English curriculum and

science curriculum for junior high school, the technical terms, other linguistic

features of Descriptive text that were given during Modeling and Joint


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

specifically on plant structure of flowers. As Lakrim said, “it is possible to enhance students’ understanding of the biology (science) context through writing”

(2006, p.21).

In conclusion, this student perceives Descriptive text as a text type that

describes a specific flower based on its appearance, its structure and its


b. The Process-Genre based approach

As the main focus in this study, this term has to be clarified to guide the

research. Process is “a series of things that are done in order to achieve something” (Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, 2008). Meanwhile genre is “particular style of type of literature, art, film or music” (Oxford Learner’s Pocket

Dictionary, 2008). Therefore Process-Genre based approach to writing is an

approach using series of action of writing to particular genre based on the social

purpose of the text.

According to Badger & White (2000), Process-Genre based approach

“cover the process by which writers decide what aspects of the topic should

be highlighted, as well as the knowledge of the appropriate language.”. It is a

synthesis of process-based approach and genre-based approach that involves

knowledge about language (genre approaches), knowledge of the context in

which writing happens and especially the purpose for the writing (as in

genre approaches), and skills in using language (as in process approaches)

(Badger & White, 2000). For further explanation, see Chapter II.

c. Students’ writing product

As mentioned earlier, students’ writing product was the main focus to see the students’ writing ability towards the implementation of Process-Genre based approach. In this study, diagnostic text and students’ final product will be

collected, analyzed and discussed based on the schematic structure and linguistic

features of Descriptive text. The topic was flowers structure based on science

curriculum for junior high school. Students went through two or three times of


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.7 Organization of the Paper

The research consists of five chapters. Each chapter is subdivided into subtopics

that will be moreover elaborated in the investigated problems.

CHAPTER I is the introduction of the research. It consists of background

of the study, research question, aims of the research, scope of the research,

significance of the research, the clarification of related terms and the organization

of the paper.

CHAPTER II is the theoritical foundation. It consists of nature of writing,

the review of approaches to teaching writing; process based approach and genre

based approach. Then, the elaboration of Process-Genre based approach as well as

the stage and teaching model of Process-Genre based approach are presented.

Moreover, the explanation of SFL GBA as the tool for analyzing students’ text is elaborated as a core element for exploring students’ writing products of

Descriptive text in terms of schematic structure and linguistic features. The

overview towards Descriptive text and the conclusion of the chapter are presented

in this chapter.

CHAPTER III presents some aspects related to research methodology that

was used in the study. Site and participants of the study, research design and

methods, data collection and data analysis techniques are elaborated. The

concluding remark is also put forward.

CHAPTER IV is the findings and discussions of the data collected. The

findings and discussions of the data were obtained from preliminary obervation

and the teaching phases of Process-Genre based approach. In addition, students’

writing products are discussed as well as the students’ responses towards the

implementation of Process-Genre based approach.

CHAPTER V is the conclusion and the suggestions from the finding and

discussion. It elaborates the conclusion of the research and what suggestion given


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III


This chapter presents some aspects related to research methodology that was used

in the research. Site and participants of the research, research design and methods,

data collection and data analysis techniques are elaborated. The concluding

remark is also reported.

3.1Site and Participants of the Research

The research was conducted in one state junior high school in Cimahi. The reason

for choosing the site was the school authorities allowed the researcher to conduct

the research. It was also accessible because a teaching practicum was conducted at

the school in the previous academic year. The researcher has been familiar with

the condition and the situation of the school. It helped researcher adapt to the

environment of the school and the students easily.

The participants of the study were the second graders of junior high school

and there were twenty seven students involved in the research. The class was

chosen as the recommendation from the English Teacher.

3.2Research Design and Methods

Based on the aim and research questions of the study, the research used

Descriptive research design as described by Hancock & Alqozzine (2006) that

Descriptive research design has an objective to discover the phenomenon which is

seen by the participant point of view within its context as well as employ the

characteristic of single case study since it is carried in the small cases and focused

on one particular instance of educational practice and not be generalized

(Cresswell, 2012). From the explanation above, this current research was

conducted to discover whether the implementation of Process–Genre based

approach helps develop students’ ability in writing a Descriptive text. Thus, in the

present research, the case is represented as a process of the implementation of


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

(writing) (Cresswell, 2012, p. 465). In other words, case study was conducted to

“gain in-depth understanding of situations and meaning for those involved”

(Hancock & Alqozzine, 2006, p. 16).

The research also searched for the explanation of students’ responses

towards the implementation of Process-Genre based approach in their abilities in

writing a Descriptive text to gain “in deep and varied sources of information”

(Hancock & Alqozzine, 2006, p. 16). The researcher played roles as the teacher

and observer (participant observation role) (Bernard, 2006). This study also can be

named experimental research because the researcher put a treatment to the subject

being investigated to achieve the object but this study did not attempt “to set up

experimental and control group” as in experimental research design (Nunan, 1992,

p. 82).

3.3Data Collection Techniques

As a single case study research, three data collections were used in this research;

classroom observation for five weeks, document analysis and interview conducted

on the last day of research.

3.3.1 Classroom observation

Classroom observation was conducted for five weeks, starting from September 6,

2014 to October 11, 2014. Classroom observation was conducted twice a week for

two-learning hour (80 minutes). Classroom observation was used in this study

because it sought to “answers the question being investigated and maximize the

usefulness of data are gathered” (Hancock & Alqozzine, 2006, p. 47).

The classroom observation was divided into two stages, preliminary stage

and the implementation of Process-Genre based approach stage. The preliminary

stage was conducted twice before the implementation of its approach. It sought on

how the teacher taught writing practice, students’ behavior towards writing practice, the difficulties in doing writing practice and the students’ writing

products before the implementation of Process-Genre based approach. The result


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

process during the implementation of Process-Genre based approach. In

Preliminary stage, the role of the researcher was as a nonparticipant observer. It

means that the researcher did not involve in the activities of the participant

(students) (Creswell, 2012). The researcher came as the outsider who sat to watch

and took a note the phenomenon under the study.

The implementation stage was proposed to set into practice of the

Process-Genre based approach. In this stage, the researcher acted as participant observer

since the reseacher observed and did all the activities done by the object of the

research that was implementation of Process-Genre based appproach. This is in

line with Creswell (2012) who stated that participant observer is an observational

role when “the researcher takes a part in the activities in the setting they observe”.

The researcher made observation field note during the implementation of

Process-Genre based approach to record the data right after the observation was finished,

thus, avoiding missing information from the research (Hancock & Alqozzine,

2006). The observation field notes (see Appendix B) focused on the activities that

have been done and the interaction between teacher and students in the classroom.

It aims to help “increase the researcher’s sensitivity to his own classroom behavior and its effects and influence on students” (Allwright, 1988, p. 77, cited

in Emilia, 2005).

3.3.2 Documentation of students’ text

Document analysis was also used in this research. The main documents analyzed

were students’ writing products consisting of diagnostic texts taken from

preliminary observation and final writing products taken from Independent

Construction stage. At the end of the implementation of Process-Genre based

approach, all students’ texts were submitted. Nine students’ texts were chosen to

be analyzed (see Appendix D). Due to limited space, six texts from three students

were chosen to be analyzed and discussed in depth in chapter IV as representative

of each category of achievements after the discussion with the teacher and looking

at the final writing products. It was aimed at seeking the impact of the


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

ability. Six sample texts (see Section 4.2) submitted from diagnostic texts and

final writing texts were analyzed. The analysis covers three categories of learners’

achievement, they are: low-, middle-, and high-achieving.

3.3.3 Interview

Interview was administered to get deeper information about students’ responses

towards the implementation of Process-Genre based approach. The interview was

conducted in two stages, including informal interview and formal interview.

Informal interview was conducted during the classroom observation at the end of

the session to seek students’ responses. In contrast, the formal interview was

conducted at the end of the implementation of Process-Genre based approach that

was recorded and transcribed. It was done in the form of individual interview.

At the end of the treatment, a semi structured interview was conducted

(Hancock & Alqozzine, 2006; Nunan, 1992) to gain the information from guided

questions that invite interviewee to answer openly and freely from their

perspective towards the treatment of Process-Genre based approach in writing a

Descriptive text. The interview was given to nine students representing three

categories of achievement by using interview guidelines which consist of 9 open

questions (see Appendix C). All interviews were audio recorded. It used

elaborated in several steps below.

3.4.1 Classroom observation

The description of preliminary observation and learning process in which

Process-Genre based approach was implemented were noted down using teacher’s

observation field notes (see Appendix B). The observation field notes of the


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

were transcribed. Then, the researcher summarized the activities done related to

the study and then matched the data with the research question. Finally data were

related to the theory of Process-Genre based approach. This data were also used to

support the students’ responses towards the implementation of Process-Genre

based approach and how the Process-Genre based approach was implemented.

3.4.2 Documententation of students’ text

The analysis of students’ writing products was divided into three steps and it

followed text analysis proposed by Christie (2005) and Emilia (2005). First, the

analysis started with analysis of schematic structure and social purpose of

diagnostic text, followed by analysis of linguistic features of Descriptive texts by

using Systemic Functional Linguistics, escpecially on experiential metafunction.

Second, students’ final text was analysed in terms of social purpose, schematic

structure, and linguistic features of Descriptive text by using Systemic Functional

Linguistics. Lastly, it was summarizing the diagnostic text and student’s final text

in order to see the developments of students’ ability in writing a Descriptive text. Analysis of schematic structure

In this step, the overall meaning construed and schematic structure found in the

samples of Descriptive texts was analyzed in order to find out the social purpose

of text. The samples of students’ diagnostic text and final writing product were

broken down into clauses and segmented into elements of Descriptive texts;

Identification and Description, as proposed by some experts such as Emilia

(2012), Gerot and Wignell (1994), Derewianka (2004), Knapp & Watkins (2005),

and Emilia and Christie (2013). Below is the example of the analysis of schematic

structure of Descriptive text taken from low-achieving student’s final writing


Wahyu Abdhi Nugroho, 2014

The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Table 3.1 Example of Schematic Structure Analysis

My Orchid Identification

1. My favorite flower is Orchid 2. I plant it in my garden


3. The color of the petal is pink 4. It has so many petals

5. The shape of the petal is oval tear shapes 6. My orchid has sepal

7. It is green

8. The pistil color is yellow

Personal Comment

9. I water my orchid in the morning 10.It is really beautiful flower 11.I love my orchid so much Analysis of linguistic features

After identifying the social purpose and schematic structure of the text, the next

step was identifying the linguistic features of texts using experiential

metafunction. The clauses in texts were analyzed using Transitivity system

analysis to investigate the interpretation of meaning from texts’ processes,

participants and circumstances as suggested by genre theorist, Christie (2005)

Halliday (1994) and Eggins (1994). The result of analysis were then related to the

criteria of Descriptive text’s linguistic features which is derived from by Emilia

(2012), Gerot and Wignell (1994), Derewianka (2004), Knapp & Watkins (2005),

and Emilia and Christie (2013). The following is an example of linguistic features

using Transitivity system analysis on Descriptive text taken from low-achieving

student’s final writing product.


My favorite flower is orchid

Token Pr: Int: Iden Value


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The Use Of Process-Genre Based Approach To Teaching Descriptive Text To Junior High School Students

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it has So many petal

Possessor Pr: Poss Possessed

3.4.3 Interview

The analysis of interview used descriptive analysis procedure (Sugiyono, 2008)

by transcribing the audio recording, interpreting it and concluding students’

responses. The analysis of interview data was done in several steps. First, the data

from interview were converted in written form. Second, the interview questions

and students’ responses were categorized based on the focus of the study; overall

comments towards the learning process of Process-Genre based approach, the

improvement of their writing ability, learning activities and learning source as

well as teaching steps of Process-Genre based approach. Third the data were

interpreted to answer the reseach question. Finally, the interview data were used

to figure out the students’ responses towards the implementation of Process-Genre

based approach.

3.5Concluding Remark

This chapter has discussed several important points of research

methodology of the study. This study is aimed at improving teaching writing in

classroom and improving students’ writing ability towards implementation of

Process-Genre based approach.

This chapter has explained the site and participants, research design and

method, data collection and analysis and the background of choosing the

techniques. Moreover, the guided procedure to analyze students’ writing product

has been explained as well as the data analysis of interview. After explaining the

research methodology, the next chapter is going to discuss and analyze the data


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This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions. It discusses the

conclusions that are drawn from the findings and discussions in the previous

chapter and from the research questions in Chapter I. It also gives the suggestions

for future research related to the use of Process-Genre based approach.

5.1 Conclusions

The single case study research has investigated the implementation of

Process-Genre based approach in teaching writing Descriptive text in one state of junior

high schools in Cimahi. The research is aimed at finding out whether

Process-Genre based approach can help develop students’ ability in writing a Descriptive text and finding out students’ responses towards the implementation of Process -Genre based approach.

The data collection from this study has drawn several conclusions related

to the research questions proposed in chapter I. The conclusions can be elaborated

as follows

From classroom observation data, Process-Genre based approach is

suitable for Indonesian Curriculum that requires students to write different kind of

text. It is in line with Emilia and Tehseem (2013) that the frameworks of

Genre-based approach and Process-Genre-based approach are complimentary rather than

contradictory to teach students writing any different text types. Besides,

Process-Genre based approach is used not only to improve students’ writing ability, but

also other skills, such as listening and reading comprehension were also taught

during the implementation stage (Emilia, 2012). From data observation,

scaffolding, billingual teaching, and explicit teaching were important to be

implemented in writing activity. Explicit teaching during modelling stage was

useful for the students in understanding the distinction of schematic structure of


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Data from Students’ writing product showed that students’ writing ability

of Descriptive text was enhanced and developed in majority. It could be seen on

students’ writing products that the students have applied the appropriate schematic structure and linguistic features of Descriptive text, and have achieved the social

function of Descriptive text. In terms of schematic structure, all students wrote

Descriptive text in good schematic structure, identification and description. They

also added personal comment element to show their affection towards the specific

participant being described (Emilia & Christie, 2013). In relation to linguistic

features, the students could use appropriate linguistic features of Descriptive text;

using specific participant, present tense, Material process, Mental process and

Relational process, and technical terms. It can be concluded that high-, middle-,

low-achieving students have developed their writing ability of Descriptive text.

However, for low-achieving students, as concluded in chapter IV, they need more

guidance and attention during modelling stage to strengthen their knowledge in

terms of schematic structure and linguistic features of Descriptive text.

From data interview, all of students thought there were improvements of

their writing ability of Descriptive text. They could differentiate the element of

schematic structure and linguistic features employed in Descriptive text. The other

developments are enriching vocabularies, understanding grammar, and expressing

their idea into a text.

Furthermore, the students gave positive responses towards the

implementation of Process-Genre based approach. The students thought that

learning process of this approach was very interesting and helped them understand

the Descriptive text. For the act of writing practice, it was their first time in doing

drafting stage, revising, editing and publishing their final writing product.

Learning sources and varied activities that were used in classroom during the

research facilitated students to learn English because it helped them gain new


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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 5.2 Suggestions

There are several suggestions given for the future research or studies related to the


1. For the present study, the implementation of Process-Genre based approach

can be conducted in a longer period and meeting to develop students’ need

and help students especially low-achieving students understand the topic.

2. Modelling stage should be conducted in three or more meeting to deal with

low-achieving students in understanding the schematic structure and

linguistic features of text.

3. Future researchers are expected to use more various data collection to make

finding more valid.

4. The use of Process-Genre based approach can be related to development of

critical thinking because Process-Genre based employed the characteristic of

genre based approach that takes an important role in developing critical


5. Future researchers are expected to use this approach to teaching other skills to


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Table 3.1 Example of Schematic Structure Analysis


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