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Answers Is more than the sequel to the international bestselling book Messages: The World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story. When Stan Romanek walks in to do a UFO conference, he brings more than his whole life with him; he also brings the concealed story of our inseparable connection with extraterrestrial beings and celestial guides. If you listen, he will tell you why Oneness is the only true reality. As a species, humans have forgotten who they are and where they are going. It is now their time to awaken. If you listen, he'll reveal the story of probable futures and how our planet is inextricably connected to the evolution of our galaxy. His latest book Answers is his new conversation with all of us. It will pull life as you know it down to the quantum level, and, if you're open-minded enough, allow your everyday beliefs to unfold into inner and outer spaces of interminable beauty and possibility.

Sales Rank: #972931 in Books

Dimensions: 9.00" h x .57" w x 6.00" l, .76 pounds

Stan Romanek (Colorado) has been interviewed on Larry King Live, 20/20, Coast to Coast, and other national television and radio programs. He has been invited to speak at UFO conferences across the country. His unique story has appeared in UFO Magazine, MUFON Journal, and other periodicals.

Most helpful customer reviews

66 of 72 people found the following review helpful. Human Revolution Underway in 2012 to the Future By Robert robert.snare@earthlink.net

I just got the three latest books. Am halfway through "Answers" and am dumbstruck. I have no adequate words to describe the monumental events unfolding. I can't summarize what the book reveals. You must read it for yourself.

Everything I thought I knew about science, religion, history, politics and the nature of us has been shattered. All lies. There is only a single source for the Truth. About US. What our future can be. And WHY "they" are so frightened of us. And the unknown and untapped POWER we have. To change our world. By our thoughts.


Someone recently talked to a group I attended about the Elephant-in-the-room. Everyone is aware of the issue (UFOs, alien life and Human History) but are afraid to discuss it. Afraid of intimidation, jokes made fun of, scorned whatever. We have to get past that.

Fortunately for me I able to attend regular *meetings of like minded folks. Many whom have had real experiences with alien contact, visitations, visions, whatever. And can share their stories with friends who understand what they are feeling, what their fears are, and why they may feel like they are losing their minds. I encourage you to find other people to relax with. To talk about the hard things. Share your commonality. We are all human beings. We deserve to understand why our lives have been turned upside down. Lose our fears. Generate positive thoughts as a group. Ten people meditating about a common fear are like may 1,000 individual persons meditating alone. It has been called the power of prayer and it is proven to work.

Therein lies the big scam. Why our schools are turning out less educated graduates. Why do films, TV and major news outlets ignore crucial events we all know are happening. To dumb us down to the lowest common denominator. To shrink our brain power. To control us through fear. Stupid people believe whatever is told to them. To make the Illuminati more powerful and richer. And yes they are real and have been around for hundreds of years.

They poison us. Remember when fluoride was introduced into our drinking water in the '50s? We were told it made our teeth stronger. Not true. It migrates to our braincells to dull them.

Aerial spraying of unknown stuff? Pathogens to sicken and weaken us. How about children getting doped up every day in school? With who knows what. Makes the docile. Slows down the brain.

Trillions of dollars spent on cancer research? And nothing to show for it but new hospitals, rich insurance companies, rich researchers, drug companies, and lawyers and scientists and manufacturers and governments. It is all about money.

We live too long. But there is money to be made in those last years of our lives.

The population is unsustainable. We know that. Their plan is to weaken us to the point of desperation. But still force us to do their work.

We can change that! Our mental capacities have been so screwed up that we need to learn how to develop the abilities we all have.

I used to believe in a few sincere men of science, about what is happening to us. With no regret two of the three are unimportant. Not that they do not know the Truth. They know enough to promote their own agenda. Power, money fame whatever. Ignore them.


47 of 51 people found the following review helpful. Strange brew

By A. W. Mesokosmos

I read Messages when it first came out. It seemed like a layman's crash-course into all thing strange. For those who have followed discussion in the fields of the fantastic most of it was, at least intellectually, familiar territory. And for a seasoned fringe-area reader some aspects came out as little odd. Romanek's co-writer, whom the reader was told to be a connoisseur of the paranormal, never seemed to want to "pollute" the protagonist's mind with his own large knowlede of the field. Romanek came across as sincere enough, but he was at the time working with a co-writer because of his severe, self-confessed, diagnosed dyslexia. That's why I find it a little weird that in Answers he lets go on his own with no explanation of the improved lexical ability, and does not seem to have any problem writing fluent, sometimes eloquent english. Now his focus (apart from the subject matter) seems to be on giving the impression of being the Average Joe to whom stangeness just happens. I am about the same age as Romanek, hailing from Finland, a social-democratic welfare state in northern Europe that has been deemed the worlds second happiest and the least corrupt country in the world by several American studies this year. I have studied comparative religion and theology in the university of Helsinki and spent half my life pouring over the works of the likes of Joseph Campbell, Erich von Däniken, Jacques Valleé, Secharia Sitchin, and lately I've worked my way through Whitley Strieber's and Dolores Cannon's oeuvres, which are impressive.

Answers is a truly problematic book for me. It has at times brilliant document-like composition, lots of interesting characters, several (unnecessary) cliffhangers and intense approach on the subject matter. And here comes the but. There are screaming illogicalities in the book. It is too just too tightly composed in some parts, and elsewhere it throws away all modesty. For example when it is trying for some reason to indoctrinate the reader with alleged research into the vast network of all kinds of esoterica. As a avid reader in gnostisism my ears get hot when someone unnecesseralily namedrops stuff like Nag Hammadi library, the book of Enoch and several other rather obscure sources (the Emerald tablet of Hermes Trismegistus) like they wanted to mesmerize the reader with a sense of awe for the eruditeness of the writer. You just don't have to do this Mr. Romanek. Trust our reader. Don't get academic. Or the "Knowingness" he calls it. Moreovere every aspect of UFOlogy and conspiracy theories are presented at some point or other. And this from a writer who just few years ago told he had whatsoever no interest or literacy in these matters, as he keeps telling in Messages. Then a wise old man character is introduced, and presented as a mysterious know-it-all -sage. Not much different from Strieber's Master of the Key. And the next second the wise-man character starts spewing forth david-icke-esque conspiracy theories with a vengeance. Even the European style free healh-care is numbered among the Illuminati plot to forward evil schemes of the "reptilian" aliens. Badly photoshopped alien images are reproduced. (And if the girls in the pictures are real, they are wreaking havoc with digital cameras! That I would believe.) Prophecies about great cataclysmic events are given, but among the reasons for the events you find no mention of global climate change, not anything about the problems brought about by the end of oil-powered agriculture, nor any words about world poverty. And then sudden bile is heaped upon president Obama, then liberals in general and then upon the odd enviromentalist too. The main whistleblowers of modern era, the club of Rome are at one point named among warmongers of this world. Among builders of totalitarian future. They were the first to alert the westerners to coming times on change, forgodssake. Quite a weird approach in a book that preaches peace, understanding and new consciousness. To present concerned and serious people intent on spiritual growth semi-fascists. I just don't get it. At one point Romanek's wife if quoted saying: "not all can be rebublicans, i guess". I thought Starseed, as the Aliens call him, as we are told, would be above party politics of a particular country. At least when he lets us know he is a reborn soul from the priestly "True Orions.". Go figure.


(Sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes, it is really not my first languge and i am writing from the hip here.)

30 of 32 people found the following review helpful. A Must read

By Pete

For sceptics to believers.This is a must read. With more evidence than any other case ever, this makes the sceptical run, From witnesses to activity around Stan and being awake during abductions, THIS CANT BE DEBUNKED. Also there are answers that are answered from the first book messages. This is a must read for the human race.



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About the Author

Stan Romanek (Colorado) has been interviewed on Larry King Live, 20/20, Coast to Coast, and other national television and radio programs. He has been invited to speak at UFO conferences across the country. His unique story has appeared in UFO Magazine, MUFON Journal, and other periodicals.


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